I Became The Villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter 437: Deserted Village

Su Jingshen rubbed his eyes, and found that it was still an ordinary chair.

He decided to turn his head away and pay no attention to the room.

The whole village is empty, but it is full of the breath of people who once lived.

The withered roots of unknown plants were entwined on the tattered fence.

Behind some houses, there are horse sheds or chicken coops made of thatch and wooden piles.

Rusty farm implements leaned against the walls, and some hoes still had dirt on them.

It's just that the soil has dried up, and the little flowers growing on it have withered.

There are still some divided fields not far away, but the crops in the fields have been replaced by weeds at this time.

After walking around, everyone found nothing.

"Strange, the ghost aura in this deserted village is obviously very strong, why haven't you found any ghosts?"

Ye Qingfeng frowned and thought carefully.

When I looked up, I saw the earthen house with a broken wall in front of me again.

The roof is still dilapidated, and the house is still full of dusty beds and jars of invisible material.

Even the weeds piled up in front of the door are exactly the same.

They turned back!

Su Jingshen glanced behind him, not far away was the withered bush they had passed through earlier.

After that, it's the cave under the waterfall.

"Master," Wang Yu said, "could this be a ghost formation?"

Wang Yu is the elder brother of Shuiyue Villa and the apprentice of the owner Ye Qingfeng.

Ye Qingfeng nodded.


Ye Qingfeng was thinking, and by the way, gave Su Jingshen a popular science about the formation of the ghost clan.

The so-called formation of ghosts is called "ghost formation", which refers to a certain field created by powerful ghosts using ghost energy.

In this field, there will be some special rules formulated by ghosts.

For example, humans in the formation can only circle around one place.

Even the rule that "human beings will suddenly die suddenly when they walk somewhere" can be formulated.

But it must be within the ability of ghosts.

Once that rule is beyond the ability of ghosts, it will naturally not be realized.

Those who can cast ghost formations are generally very powerful ghosts.

Of course, many weak ghosts can also perform ghost formations together.

However, among the ghosts, there are very few situations where a consensus can be reached.

But to break the ghost array, there are two methods.

One of the easiest ways is to eliminate those who set up the formation.

Multiple ghosts may be required to cast the formation, but there is only one formation builder.

Once the formation builder is eliminated, the formation will naturally be broken.

Another way to break the ghost formation is to destroy the eyes of the formation.

When the eyes of the formation are destroyed, the rules of the ghost formation are also destroyed.

Therefore, those who set up the formation often guard the eye of the formation to prevent it from being destroyed.

Su Jingshen understood that as long as he found the eye of the formation, he would find a way to get rid of the ghost formation.

"Then let's go find the eyes."

Ye Qingfeng nodded, turned around and said to the disciples of Shuiyue Villa:

"Everyone, be careful, the eyes of the formation may be hidden anywhere."

The eyes of the ghost formation are often replaced by some object.

There must be a very strong ghost energy gathered on that object.

Su Jingshen subconsciously thought of the grand master's chair from before.

Soon, he dismissed the idea again.

First, the atmosphere in that room was strange.

There is indeed a dangerous smell in the house, but it is definitely not a ghost.

And Ye Qingfeng also said that the things in the house and the ghosts come from the same place, but they are not ghosts.

In fact, in the dossier of Shuiyue Villa, there were related records of similar existence.

This kind of thing is called "weird".

There is very little information on the strange, and there is no sect organization dedicated to them.

Because the strange appearance is always out of order, and there is no purpose.

The logic of their behavior is incomprehensible to humans.

Sometimes, weirdness doesn't harm humans, and even helps them.

And most of the time, the creeps just sit around somewhere, doing their own thing.

It is recorded in the file that once there was a strange one that wanted to sacrifice half of the people of Beihai City to summon a certain great existence.

In the end, the strange beast was besieged by the eight sects including Shuiyue Mountain Villa, a total of thousands of people, and finally defeated it.

One can imagine how strong the strange power is.

The weirdness in the room of the grand teacher's chair may not have reached this level, but it must be more powerful than Su Jingshen.

If ghosts can catch this level of weirdness, why don't they just push the Five Elements Gate?

So the weirdness is definitely not the eye of the array.

The eyes must be somewhere else.

Su Jingshen and the others walked around the village again, but still found nothing.

But when passing the big room in the center of the village, Su Jingshen found that the chair and the vase behind it were missing.

At this time, the room was empty, and the floor was covered with dust.

In the corner, there are spider webs.

Even the paint on the red door has been rubbed off a lot, but it can still be vaguely seen that the door was originally red.

Weird gone?

But it's normal.

This kind of thing doesn't follow the routine.

Su Jingshen asked the system in his mind:

"System, do you have any detailed settings about the weirdness?"

"Host, the author didn't mention the existence of weirdness, it wasn't even mentioned in the outline."

"Not written?"

"Yes, although this is a novel world, it is also an independent world in itself."

"Even if the author didn't write it, the world will automatically complete some settings."

So it completes such an outrageous thing as weird?

But at least one thing is certain.

The spooky and the ghostly come from the same time and space.

Everyone returned to the earthen house with half of the wall broken.

Wang Yu suggested:

"How about we work in groups and investigate each room one by one?"


Su Jingshen immediately vetoed it.

"It's dangerous to separate, let's start investigating one by one from this room."

Su Jingshen had watched many horror movies in his previous life.

He knows very well that in this case, acting in groups is equivalent to committing suicide.

Especially when the strength of the team is uneven.

If they are divided into groups, there is a high probability that something will happen to the groups with the weakest combat power.

As long as they act together, there is no need to worry about such things.

It just might take a little longer.

Su Jingshen took the lead towards the earthen house with half of the wall broken.

They hadn't entered the house to observe carefully before, but just took a rough look from the outside.

Because generally as long as there is ghost energy, it can be found even if it is far away.

But that ghostly aura was deliberately hidden by something.

Then you have to watch closely.

In that earthen house, Su Jingshen saw the pot at a glance.

The dusty jar, I don't know what it is used for.

"There is no ghost here, go to the next room!"

This earthen house is very small, Su Jingshen can see it directly.

Everyone continued to walk towards the second earthen house.

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