015. The Appointment Ceremony (3)

Night passed, and morning came.

Having fallen asleep in the cumbersome ceremonial attire, my condition wasn’t great from the start of the day.

I stared blankly at the ceiling, recalling the events of the previous day.

And so I thought,

‘…I’ve done everything I could.’

This is the end of my involvement.

I warned the Crown Prince about what he would regret.

The words spoken in the process were also those that the future Crown Prince had said himself.

But just because the future version of that person realized something, does it mean the past version will understand it the same way?

Is that something to be taken for granted?

In the end, humans are beings who change and are completed through experience.

The future Crown Prince, who saw many things through his time in the prison, is certainly different from the arrogant Crown Prince of now.

He may not understand my words.

If he proceeds as he originally thought, I can only tell him to do so.

I would have to help Aria personally.

Anyway, those things weren’t important to me at the moment.

There was something more urgent.

“…Emma, where is my sister?”

“Oh, yes! Miss, she was coughing early in the morning and is now attending to her official duties!”

“Did she seem to be in a bad mood or anything?”

“Yes? Did the lady say so?”

Emma tilted her head.

Hmm, I asked something unnecessary.

My sister would never show her emotions to a subordinate.


A sigh escaped.

I still feel guilty for not paying attention to my sister at the banquet the previous night.

It was the first banquet we attended together in both my past and present lives, but we only rode the carriage together and then moved separately.

Of course, she must have enjoyed herself well enough.

But… she must have seen me causing such a ruckus, and the stares from others must have been quite piercing.

“…First, prepare something to wash with and a change of clothes.”

I should apologize.

I thought and quickly got ready.

I could meet my sister at the lunch table.

“Young master, did you sleep well last night? I was worried because you didn’t come in until late.”

My sister said so.

There was no shadow on her outward expression.

Should I consider that a relief?

“I had a brief chat with His Highness the Crown Prince.”

“Did you drink?”



For the first time, an expression appeared on my sister’s face.

It was one of confusion.

‘Is it really that surprising that I don’t drink…?’

…No, perhaps it is surprising?

Thinking back to myself at that time, maybe it is understandable.

The fact that my perception is this miserable must be because I lack virtue.

Anyway, I cleared my mind of unnecessary thoughts.

I took a moment to steady my breath.

And then, carefully, I spoke to my sister.

“I apologize for the other day.”

“What are you referring to?”

“I did not act like a Pharos. I moved emotionally and showed an ugly side. I am ashamed.”

I couldn’t bring myself to promise that I wouldn’t do it again.

Of course, I would try to restrain myself… but given my nature, it might happen again.

However, I wanted to convey that I had the will to restrain myself.

And also that I was reflecting on this matter…

“You say strange things.”


“You did not act like a Pharos, you say. Young master. How can you say such a thing?”

My sister asked gently.

“Do you regret the choice you made yesterday?”

I answered.

Even with a guilty heart, I did so.


I do not regret Aria’s matter.

Knowing all futures, it was a disgrace for the most ideal choice.

But I had no way to explain such certainty, so I ended my words with a short answer.

Then my sister replied.

“Isn’t that enough? If you need my opinion… Yes, I was proud of you, Young Lord. And I am ashamed of myself.”


“Even though I said I believed in you, Young Lord, somewhere deep inside, I worried that you, who had delved into politics, might be driven by a lust for power. That you might focus solely on participating in factional competition or building relationships with other nobles. Such thoughts crossed my mind.”

Those words pricked me somewhere.

If it were the me before the regression, I would have surely acted that way.

“But, Young Lord, you did not. You knew what was most important.”

At that moment, my sister looked at me with a faint smile.

“Pharos is a family that serves the royal family. Not the Crown Prince, but Orteare. That is the duty of Pharos, who becomes a teacher despite being a vassal. Hence, I say this.”

And she added at the end,

“The sight of you stepping forward for the Third Princess was more Pharos-like than anyone.”

The words my sister said to me the day before came to mind.

As Pharos, as a mentor, I hope you made a proud choice.

Such thoughts come to mind.

This person really doesn’t change.

A person who consistently believes in me.

Perhaps, even if I had done something wrong, my sister would have encouraged me rather than being disappointed.

Because she is that kind of person, I want to do better myself.

A corner of my heart warms.

It makes me smile.

What should I say?

After much deliberation, I finally said those words.

“…Thank you.”

I bowed my head.

My sister spoke.

“What is there to thank me for? Please eat first. You need to be full to have strength.”

“Yes, you too, sister.”

I took a bite of bread.

The sunlight pouring through the window is quite warm.

It was a peaceful, good day.

* * *

For a few days, I rested comfortably.

The only thing I consistently did during that time was exercise.

As for the results… they were quite impressive.

After all, isn’t this a body that knows how to handle mana?

By systematically pounding my body with that as well, muscles quickly formed.

Since my body was originally just bones and fat, the change was even more pronounced.

In terms of level, I’m now at the end of the beginner stage.

With just a little more effort, I could reach the entry level of an expert’s body.

It was on such a day that I went to the imperial palace for the next lesson.

Today, I came out a bit early.

I also intended to meet Aria while visiting the palace.

There was no need to go all the way to Aria’s separate palace.


As soon as I entered the palace, Aria came running, as if she knew I was coming today.

Not with a “dodododo” sound, but with a “todododot!” sound, she ran that fast.

Her face was full of excitement.

Her complexion even turned red.

She looked like she was about to headbutt me, so I reached out my hand to block her head.



“Is there something good happening?”

Aria smiled bashfully, her head held in place.

“Our allies have arrived! Aria has so much to talk about with Pharos!”

Ah, so she was happy to see me.

I felt a renewed sense of camaraderie.

As I sat on the flower bed by the side of the road, Aria chattered away.

“After the banquet, the villains retreated! And Alik started smiling more brightly! And…”

It was an update on recent events.

Quite plausible information. Listening to her, I could roughly see what was happening.


My involvement must have had an impact.

The crude actions I took against that pig-like fellow had driven away the petty ones and attracted the attention of the more dangerous ones.

Whatever the case, it’s good news that those who would reach out to this little one have disappeared.

Even the dangerous ones can’t directly touch me.

It’s not something to worry about, so I felt relieved.

At that moment…

“So, Pharos.”

“Why are you hesitating like that, again?”


Aria laughed awkwardly.

Then she took a deep breath, opened her eyes wide, and said,

“Aria commends Pharos for his hard work! From today, Pharos is the Captain of the Cotton Candy Kingdom’s Royal Guard, Cotton Candy!”

Ba-bam! Should I make the sound with my mouth?

As she spoke solemnly with her hands on her hips, that thought briefly crossed my mind.

Then I replied.


“What?! Why?!”

“I don’t like sweet things.”

Aria clung to me, almost in tears.

“Oh, no! The Captain of the Cotton Candy Royal Guard isn’t sweet! So, um…! Yes! The Captain of the Cotton Candy Royal Guard tastes like cucumber!”

“What is that horrible hybrid?”

“Oh, you don’t like cucumbers? Then pickles…!”

“I said I don’t like sweet things, not that I like vegetables.”

“Then, then steak! You like steak, don’t you?”

“Why would I eat that as cotton candy when I can eat real steak?”


It was quite amusing to see her seriously contemplating and getting frustrated.

I was watching her like that.

“There you are.”

The Crown Prince appeared.

He must have come after hearing the news of my entrance to the palace.

“Ah, Your Highness.”

The Crown Prince did not answer.

His gaze was fixed on Aria.

In that moment, Aria was startled and then became silent.

Then, she slowly stood up and muttered softly.

“Greetings to His Highness, my brother…”

Even then, the Crown Prince did not answer.

A moment of silence.

Then, belatedly, the Crown Prince spoke.

“From now on, I must receive lessons from Pharos. Will you come with me?”

Still, his tone could not be called kind.

But, the Crown Prince made the first offer.

Then Aria looked at me.

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Do as you wish.”

Aria’s eyes grew large.

They seemed to sparkle.

Aria hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Her cheeks were flushed.

* * *

Callios watched Aria’s back as she headed towards the Dawn Palace.

Aria walked ahead among the knights, glancing around her surroundings.

Then Aria looked at Yuren, who was beside her.

Brightly, a smile bloomed on Aria’s face.

Seeing him, her lips moved.

“For the first time.”

“What do you mean?”

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“Seeing that child smile like that.”

As Yuren’s gaze pierced him, Kallios smiled bitterly.

“I’ve never seen it before. I never questioned it.”

For the past few days, he had lost sleep in contemplation.

Looking back, both the previous case and this one, the topics Yuren raised seemed to often disturb his sleep.

But it was a beneficial contemplation.

Kallios could finally admit it.

“As you said, ignoring that child was a choice for my own sake. Yes, if I wanted to help, I could have helped. At the very least, I could have treated him kindly. I couldn’t do that. To me, that child was neither my sister nor my people.”

Revealing his own shortcomings was shameful.

But, only after doing so, Kallios could feel a sense of liberation.

It could be seen as a kind of confession.

“You said it. That I only see what is convenient for me. You’re right. I tried to see what was convenient, and now I know it.”

Kallios looked at Yuren.

“Thank you. You have taught me again.”

It was something that could not be expressed with mere words of gratitude.

He had shown the way, and that had furthered Callios’s growth as a monarch.

In other words, Callios now completely trusted Yuren.

He had no doubt that there was a reason behind his words and actions.

Yuren replied indifferently.

“There is no correct answer. The choice was yours, Your Highness.”

“Such humility.”

Callios chuckled.

As they walked, they found themselves at the training ground of the Dawn Palace.

It was time for lessons.

Aria blinked.

A small, delicate child.

A child who would wither away in loneliness if he turned his back on her.

Thinking of that future made his heart ache.

Guilt surged within him.

He couldn’t do much for her at the moment.

But he knew what he had to do as her brother.

Callios knelt down and opened his arms.

“Come here, won’t you?”

To hold her warmly.


It had to be done first.

Aria’s eyes grew as big as saucers.

The hesitation was created by her own room.

So she had to wait, and Kallios did so.

Eventually, Aria walked slowly.

Kallios felt a tingling sensation in his chest.

‘I will not let you go.’

If she could smile so brightly, I would protect that smile as I protect my people.

It was at that moment.

Tok, Aria came into his arms.

Not Kallios’s, but Yuren’s leg.


Kallios’s smile froze.

His gaze turned to Yuren, and then to Aria, who was hiding behind Yuren’s leg, looking at him.

“That, um…”

Yuren’s voice hit his ears.

“…Can it be done in a day or two? Stay strong.”

It was strange.

Why did it feel like he had lost something, even though he never had that child?


“Your Highness, the princess, would you please step aside as it’s time for your lesson?”

“Yes! Understood!”

Thud, thud, thud, Aria moved away.

Kallios remained frozen like a statue until then.

Kneeling, arms spread wide.


ⓒ papapa.


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