The battle was a battle, but it was a battle.

But just as Lu Yue said now, in the morning battle, whenever Akainu used long-range attacks, Lu Yue used the two skills of Energy Light Shield and Gliza Absorption, which can not only be used for defense, but also pure absorption skills.

Just like the void can swallow everything, the same principle.

But it is precisely because too much magma was absorbed in the morning that it now has the ability to control magma.

In the Ultra World, Gliza must obtain the skills and abilities of other creatures by swallowing them.

But her Gliza power does not belong to a real monster, but a template.

It is just like, not really becoming, otherwise Lu Yue will definitely make the standard sound of Gliza and the pace of the devil every time she uses it.

There are also some modifications to the absorption and copying here. Lu Yue absorbed Akainu's magma, so she has the ability to master magma.

Lu Yue still has the original copying and absorption ability of Gliza. She really swallowed a character or creature in the pirate world into her stomach. To be precise, it should be the void digestion space inside her body, slowly digesting it, and then obtaining their abilities and skills.

But there is just one more ability, as long as the absorbed energy is enough, it can also master it.

It's just a new ability brought by the Gliza template, not the original ability, so Lu Yue just copied Akainu's magma ability, and did not copy Akainu's magma fruit development moves.

But this is not a difficult task. For Lu Yue, a young and beautiful girl with a super imagination in her previous life in the 21st century, it is a piece of cake to develop some moves for this.

All in all, Lu Yue has gained a lot in this battle.

Next, she plans to go out and practice domineering, Gliza's ability, and the development of magma ability.

But before that, she had one more thing to do. She took out her Den Den Mushi and immediately dialed the hotline number of the World Economic News Agency. After all, she didn't have Morgans' private number, so she had to do this.

But anyway, the original intention and practicality were the same.

"Hello, this is the World Economic News Agency. How can I help you?" The other end of the phone said.

It was a hot air balloon pulled by birds flying above the clouds in the dark night. Morgans' employees, to be precise, the operator, said very politely on the other end.

This can also be regarded as a kind of professional accomplishment.

"I will send a video recording of what happened this morning. After you watch it, you can do it yourself."

Lu Yue said immediately, and said it with a smile. She said such a simple sentence and hung up the Den Den Mushi.

Very quickly, after her operation, Lu Yue sent the video recording that she had received from Bai Jinlonglong.


On the other side, Lu Yue's mysterious operation confused the operator.

It was not until he received the video that he reacted.

"Tsk, it's probably some small videos with no nutrition." While operating and preparing to watch, he said with some disdain and contempt. It was really this kind of video recording and small reports that had no nutrition and could not bring any income to their newspaper. They had seen too many of them.

But these hotline people always have a mysterious confidence.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore, especially after watching the video further and further, and the time was getting longer and longer.

The expression on the operator's face changed from the initial disdain and contempt to dull and unbelievable, and even became horrified in the end.

After reacting, he immediately panicked and carefully took this very precious video recording and ran to find their president in person.


Morgans, one of the six emperors of the dark underworld of the current pirate world, and the president of the World Economic News Agency. His title is "Big News".

He is a person who has eaten the albatross form of the common bird fruit of the animal system. He can transform into an albatross or an albatross man, and has the ability to communicate with birds and control some ordinary birds. Therefore, he established such a large newspaper and intelligence network.

If such a person has a dream, then his dream is to try to spread all the major events that happened in this sea.

, let everyone know, because in his eyes, such things should not be concealed, but should make everyone feel shocked and let everyone know.

If Morgans was placed in the world of Lu Yue's previous life, or some other worlds, he would definitely be an amazing broadcaster.

And it was such a birdman who soon saw the video recording sent by the previous operator.

After watching it, Morgans smiled and his face was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, big news, this is definitely big news."

"The Navy's chief of staff and the admiral have both been defeated, and there are such terrible devil fruits in the world?"

"The Pink Hat Pirates are definitely the most attractive and powerful pirate group today."

"And the Navy has knelt down and acted like a dog, hahahaha, this sea is about to become lively again because of me."

After saying this, Morgans was extremely excited and immediately wrote this news report that is destined to shake the sea tomorrow.

For this report, he personally attaches great importance to it, and he doesn't even need to rely on his subordinates, he will write this report himself.

Because he wanted to express all the excitement and excitement in his heart, as well as the good ideas he had already thought of, on it.

After a while, he finally finished writing.

He immediately went to the printing room in person and asked his men to print it quickly. At the same time, he said.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

"Everyone, get moving, I want this report to spread all over the world."

"Tomorrow morning, the Revolutionary Army, the Four Emperors, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and even the Navy and the Pink Hat Pirates will see this report."


Time passed quickly, and soon it was the morning of a new day.

But something happened last night that made Morgans stunned. That was that the Navy sent someone to deliver some new bounties to his door yesterday, hoping that he would print them out and spread them across the sea immediately.

But after the Navy left, Morgans was shocked that this was actually the bounty of the Pink Hat Pirates. The bounty should be increased, and the newcomer was rewarded for the first time.

After his mouth twitched, Morgans directly asked his men to print out the bounties and send out the previously printed reports.

Tens of millions of news birds immediately spread the two new news to the sea.

Especially the Pink Hat Pirates, who were given special care, got the newspapers and their bounties earlier than many people.


The eight members of the Pink Hat Pirates, who had just finished breakfast, were enjoying the morning sun and sea breeze.

However, when the news bird passed by, Lu Yue smiled and bought a newspaper and took the bounty herself.

Because after calculating the time, she knew very well that this time, both the newspaper and the bounty were about them.

"In the area of ​​Upside Down Mountain, the Pink Hat Pirates once again beat up the Navy, including the current Admiral Akainu and Chief of Staff Crane"

"Pink Hat Pirates Lu Yue, the ability user of the Animal-type Human-Human Fruit, the Mythical Beast-type Void Demon God Gliza Form Fruit, is immune to any attack"

"Pink Hat Pirates Lu Yue easily beat Admiral Akainu"

"The Navy was defeated, humiliated and knelt down to learn from dogs, shouting that the Navy is a piece of shit" After reading it, Lu Yue had to admit that Morgans really knows how to make a title, but anyway, after reading the following report, she was very satisfied and wrote everything that happened yesterday in the newspaper.

Simple and clear, let everyone know what happened.

She is looking forward to the next changes in the sea, but what makes her more satisfied is their bounty order.

Whether it is Dia's first bounty or the new bounty amount of other partners, including her, which has increased a lot.

First of all, let's talk about the bounty for Dia. Perhaps because of the space ability she showed, the Navy still attaches great importance to it. Of course, it is unknown whether there is a special promotion because the Crane Staff Officer was fooled by Dia before.

"Shipwright, "Space Spirit Fox Dia" bounty is 200 million Bailey."

"Sister Dia is really amazing." Kaya said with a shocked expression.

"The first bounty of 200 million can show the importance of the Navy to you." Kuina said to Dia on one side.

"200 million Bailey bounty, I like it." Dia said with a playful and beautiful smile.

The next bounty is the second bounty for other members of the Pink Hat Pirates.

"Chef, "Phoenix Chef Carmen" bounty is 163 million Bailey."

"Ship doctor, "Angel Kaya" bounty is 156 million Bailey."

"Navigator, "Snow Girl No"

Qi Gao "The bounty is 570 billion Baileys."

After the bounty order of the three women from Donghaiyuan was taken out, everyone was stunned.

"No, how did you surpass us?"

"Yes, yes."

No Qi Gao and Ke Ya said with a dumbfounded expression, as if they were a little unconvinced.

"Maybe it's because Carmen and Diya have dealt with the old woman together." Bai Jinlonglonglong said immediately.

The girls suddenly realized that yes, it can only be because of this reason.

Carmen's outstanding performance added a lot of points for her. On the contrary, No Qi Gao and Ke Ya did not go down to participate in the battle, and their performance was a bit mediocre. The three people who were supposed to be on the same level were naturally overtaken by Carmen.

"Hahahaha, this is really great." Carmen laughed immediately.

The resentment last time was much less, there was no way, after all, she overtook.

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