"Finally, we're here. It's been three days, and I'm still not used to life at sea. It's a good time to go to land to relax." Ke Ya said happily. She really couldn't stand it. She still needed time to adapt to the life at sea in the past few days. But now that she has seen Rogge Town, she naturally wants to go up and have a good time. "If we hadn't experienced fighting for the past three days, maybe we would have come here earlier." Carmen also said. You know, she came here almost a month ago and participated in a cooking competition. She had been here more or less before that. So she knew very well that if it weren't for the delay caused by the battle, they might have come here earlier. After hearing this, Lu Yue thought about it and realized that it was the same. You know, it seems that it took only one day for the Straw Hat Pirates to arrive in Rogue Town from Cocosia Village.

In terms of distance, it is actually about the same from Guevara Town to Rogue Town.

If it weren't for the purpose of eliminating those garbage, they would have come a long time ago, but it was not without gain. After all, who let these idiots send money together? They have accumulated a lot of wealth on the ship now, with a total value of at least 300 million Baileys of group expenses on their ship.

As long as everyone tells Kuina, they can directly take money from the storage room.

At present, only Lu Yue and Kuina are the most idle on this ship. After all, they are a captain, a vice-captain and a swordsman, and they are not regular professionals. They just need to do what they like. So as a vice-captain, Kuina is currently serving as the chief financial officer.

"Okay, let's dock the ship over there, we'll go down, everyone is free to move around, we won't have lunch on the ship this time, everyone can solve it in the town, but everyone must return to the ship at one o'clock in the evening."

Lu Yue immediately stood up and said, the companions nodded, everyone drove the pirate ship over immediately, and then stopped at a small port, everyone got off the ship, no one needed to guard.

After all, although they have a great scientist here, those robots can not only clean the ship, but also patrol and guard the pirate ship.

You know, these robots still have some defensive and offensive weapon systems, which can be activated at any time to deal with offensive enemies.

Many places on their ship have been replaced with high-tech fingerprint locks or pupil locks.

Even their belongings are placed in the super safe specially built by Bai Jinlonglong.

In short, they can leave the pirate ship with confidence, and the pirate ship is now very safe.

"I'm going to buy some sword-fighting tools and special wooden dummy. I'm leaving first."

"The materials on the ship are almost used up. I'm going to buy some materials so that I can continue my scientific research."

"In the past few days, the kitchen utensils on the ship are not very complete, and I want to buy some other seasonings and ingredients."

"I'm going to buy the next map and directional pointer. This is Rogue Town. There should be similar shops. I'm going to go first."

"I'm going to buy some medical books, and then some herbs, medical supplies and so on."

"I don't have many bullets with me. There should be a blacksmith here. I'm going to find someone to make a batch."

The six partners said one after another. Everyone had received the money a long time ago, and Kuina had already registered, including himself.

Soon, they walked out of the pirate ship one after another and walked into the town.

"Then I'd better go to the execution platform first." Looking at her companions who had already left, Lu Yue still planned to go to the execution platform, although it had been destroyed. Roger, the former Pirate King, was one of the two top strong men who defeated her cheap grandfather. The other one was naturally Garp.

He was executed here that year. As for the reason, it was not because he was really captured by the navy, but because he surrendered.

After all, how could the waste navy have such ability? They were just a group of liars who did bad things under the guise of justice, but these liars really had some strength.

But to be honest, she was a time traveler after all. Although she inherited the memory of her previous life, she did not have much hatred. After all, Rocks arranged her wife very well, and her predecessor's generation had lived well. It was just fate, natural disasters and the power of nature that made Rocks' bloodline descendants become like this.

In other words, she inherited the body of her predecessor, but she did not inherit much hatred. After all, this sea is this

In this way, the strong prey on the weak, only the winner can decide everything, and the loser can only leave.

Rocks was defeated by his arrogance, which led to his defeat by Garp and Roger, and the betrayal of the crew. Of course, the main reason is that Rocks really doesn't know how to manage people.

But after all, there is still such a cheap bloodline, she will still do something to make up for the previous family.

And now, Lu Yue plans to go to the execution platform to take a look, the place where the former Pirate King was killed more than 20 years ago.

But suddenly the system, which had not been seen for a long time, jumped out of her mind again and read it.

"It is detected that the host has arrived at an important city in the One Piece world. The following tasks will be assigned to the host."

"Please stay next to the execution platform where the One Piece was once executed for five minutes. You will be rewarded with a random infinite gem and a summoning card."

"Please personally defeat the Navy's candidate admirals Taotu and Chatun with a crushing attitude, and give the Navy a painful lesson. You will be rewarded with two Jianwen Haki awakening cards and two Armament Haki awakening cards."

Seeing the tasks that have appeared in her mind, Lu Yue was immediately happy. After all, the rewards for both tasks this time are good.

Not to mention that she has a new partner, and she has discussed it with Kuina and the others. At the same time, she also believes that the new partner can accept that the two of them will temporarily live in a double room together.

These four domineering awakening cards can also help the partners improve their strength again.

Of course, the most important thing is that this time the reward actually includes infinite gems from the Marvel world, which is a great artifact!

It is just random. After all, there are six Infinity Stones, each of which contains powerful magical abilities and powers. Lu Yue is just curious about which one she will get.

But no matter which one it is, she likes it, but it's a pity that she can't take all of them.

Hehe, thinking of this, Lu Yue suddenly laughed a little cheekily. Fortunately, there was no one around her, otherwise a beautiful girl like her would probably stun a lot of people with a smile.

Lu Yue thought a little narcissistically, but she had to admit that after possessing the power of the Gliza template, Lu Yue was indeed very beautiful and charming, and there was a little more cuteness from it.

Then she stopped laughing soon. To be precise, the expression on her face instantly turned into a sneer and disdain.

Because she found that it was not difficult to see from the content of the mission that there must be a navy in Rogue Town now, and this time it came from the headquarters of the navy. The only two alternate admirals of the navy were Taotu and Chatun. Haha, the navy really valued her a little.

In that case, just come on, as the mission said, she will teach the navy a painful lesson.


But in fact, Taotu and Chatun had already arrived in Rogue Town a day ago, bringing with them the elite marines of the Navy Headquarters.

And the two are now in the Navy Branch of Rogue Town, which originally belonged to Smoker's office.

Of course, the smell of smoke in here has naturally been cleaned up long ago, otherwise Chatun and Taotu can't stand it.

These two people, a beautiful woman and a great swordsman, plus a slightly wretched uncle, are now bored while drinking tea and playing chess.

To kill some boring time, while waiting for the arrival of the Pink Hat Pirates.

They are waiting here, because they believe that the other party will definitely want to enter the Grand Line, and if they want to enter the Grand Line, they must pass through Rogue Town from the East China Sea.

This place is regarded as a holy place by countless pirates, where the Pirate King Roger was born and died.

Especially, whether it was the execution platform that was still there before or the one that had been destroyed beyond recognition, it was a place where pirates worshipped.

"General, I won, hahaha."

"Humph, this thing can't beat you."

"That... Jiyuan, can you..."

"No need to talk about that."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be so ruthless so quickly?"

But soon, it was obvious that Chaton won the game of chess, which made him very happy, after all, he won over the goddess.

Taotu could only pout unconvinced and turned his face away. Chaton took the opportunity to confess his love. I don't know how many words, but at this time, it has exceeded 50 times at least.

Chaton has long admired Taotu for a long time, and he really wants to win this flower of the navy.

But the problem is that Taotu has no interest in him at all, mainly because Chaton looks too hard to describe, and does not fit the image in her mind at all. After all, he is a handsome guy.

So now Taotu refused without even thinking about it, not giving Chatun a chance to say the next word.

Chatun suddenly became anxious and wanted to say something,

But suddenly a marine soldier pushed the door open and walked in.

And immediately said anxiously.

"Report to the two vice admirals, the Pink Hat Pirates have arrived, and as you guessed, they have separated. The main target this time, the captain of the Pink Hat Pirates, the Pink Hat Girl Lu Yue, is heading to the execution platform."

Hearing this, their target this time, the Pink Hat Pirates finally arrived, Taotu and Chatun suddenly became serious, after all, they had to do business.

They should work.

At the same time, from the previous words of this marine soldier, it is not difficult to hear that they had long guessed that Lu Yue and the others would separate and act alone.

Lu Yue would definitely come to the execution platform, after all, the other party must replenish supplies, and they believed that the other party's crew were all professionals, or some special professional ability people. After sailing on the sea for so long, they would definitely go to replenish supplies as soon as they came here.

And Lu Yue, as the captain, would definitely come to the execution platform.

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