The more blood is spilled, the more it will be buried.

You know, there are a lot of journalists and newspapers on the sea, and they are all jackals and hungry sharks who will rush over immediately when they see some bloodstains and think it is news.

And this time it is not a trivial matter. If these people publish it in the newspaper and send it out, especially the birdman, the face of the navy will be completely lost. Moreover, it is estimated that the reward for this group of girls will spread all over the sea by tomorrow morning.

He did not despise this group of girls, so the reward was set quite high. To exaggerate a little, it is unprecedented, and they are all such young and beautiful girls.

Many people on the sea will be curious and curious about them, and the more they know, the sooner the scandal about the navy in the hands of these girls will spread across the sea, making the navy a laughing stock for many people on the sea, especially the pirates.

This is not what he wants to see. The dignity and justice of the navy must not be trampled on.

Action must be taken, and it must be taken immediately.

Whether it is to test whether Lu Yue's void ability is true, it can be immune to all attacks and invalidate it.

Or you can take action against her crew and suppress them.

"I will let Taotu and Chatun take some of the headquarters' vice admirals to try to deal with Lu Yue with swordsmanship to see if it can be invalidated, and then let others test the strength of the other girls."

After thinking about it, Sengoku quickly came up with a countermeasure.

"It's better this way, don't I have to go back?" Garp felt that there was no problem, so he agreed, but he was still a little worried, so he suggested that he should also participate in this action against the Pink Hat Pirates.

"Don't worry, it's just a test. Didn't you say before that we shouldn't push them too hard? If they are pushed too hard, they will attack the navy patrol ships and navy branches. We won't be able to say anything at that time. You should come back first. I will emphasize it again and again with Taotu and the others." Zhan Guo rejected his idea. After all, this time it was just a test. If Lu Yue was irritated, it would be really bad. At least before the navy thoroughly understood Lu Yue's ability to ignore the void attack, don't do too much.

"That's it, but according to the report of several naval soldiers who survived in Grava Town, Lu Yue went there to invite a partner, and it was also a girl. Not only has it succeeded, but it seems to be extraordinary. Zhan Guo, the Phoenix Fruit seems to have appeared. If there are details, I guess you will receive it soon, right?"

Thinking of what the navy soldiers reported before, Garp knew very well that Lu Yue had successfully invited another partner, and the most important thing was that according to the description of those marines, the Phoenix Fruit really appeared.

As for the last question, it was naturally because he had asked the marines to send the information here to the headquarters.

"Got it. Haha, your little East China Sea is really hidden. Now that it's exposed, it's really amazing. A bounty hunter and swordsman girl with extraordinary talent, a scientist girl whose scientific research ability is still unclear but whose strength is extraordinary, a girl whose family has a little money from selling ships and is weak and sickly, is actually a user of the Seraph Fruit, a fruit farmer girl who buys oranges is actually a user of the Ice and Snow Girl Fruit, an excellent sniper girl who has the ability of a mysterious lightning humanoid creature, and now a very famous chef in your East China Sea. The girl is actually a Phoenix Fruit user. "

"And according to some additional information I got, Garp, many of these girls have some connection with the crew members on your grandson's ship."

Sengoku has actually received a lot of information from the marines who suddenly broke in. He couldn't help but sigh after reading it. The East China Sea is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Now that such a group of girls has been exposed, the most important thing is that according to some detailed information collected by the navy, these girls can actually be related to the pirate group formed by Garp's grandson.

"Is there?" Garp, who didn't know much about it, was immediately puzzled and asked immediately.

"Haha, why not? Listen for yourself..." Sengoku immediately talked about some people related to the Straw Hat Pirates and the Pink Hat Pirates, such as Zoro and Kuina are senior and junior brothers and sisters in the same sword gym.

Usopp and Kaya have a childhood sweetheart relationship. Sengoku even suspects that this is the child bride that Jesus Bu found for his son.

Next, there is a pair that Sengoku feels is a pity, that is Nami and Nokigo.

Ming was killed by a female navy in his family. Although it was once, he did not expect such a thing to happen.

The navy actually colluded with the pirates and colluded with each other. Now, the two sisters have all become pirates.

As for Nami, Sengoku did not see any advantages and abilities in intelligence. She looked like an ordinary female navigator, but Nokigo was now the user of the Ice Snow Girl Fruit. He was also jealous of such a powerful fruit user.

As for Sanji and Carmen at the end, they were both chefs of the younger generation of the East China Sea. They had some competitions and were related.

"Hahaha, but in short, the Phoenix Fruit user must be taken seriously. After all, this is a mythical beast devil fruit that is no worse than Kaido's Blue Dragon Fruit."

After listening, Garp smiled awkwardly, because he thought it was his momentary negligence that caused so many young blood talents to flow into the pirates instead of the navy.

But he also quickly said that he valued Carmen, after all, she was the Phoenix Fruit user.

It is not difficult to hear that both Garp and Sengoku believed that these powerful devil fruits were obtained by these girls themselves. They did not think that it was Lu Yue who gave them the devil fruits.

After all, Lu Yue did not have the size of the navy or the world government as they thought. At best, she was just a young girl who formed a small pirate group. How could she come up with so many powerful devil fruits?

"I will immediately issue a bounty for her."

Sengoku understood what he meant, so he immediately said that he should indeed issue a bounty for Carmen, who already had the Phoenix Fruit.

"Sengoku, actually I have something else." Garp was silent for a while, and decided to say it.

"Just say whatever you want to say. When did you become so nagging?" Sengoku said unhappily.

"Sengoku, Lu Yue doesn't attack civilians. To be precise, she destroys civilians who can't bring her any benefits and are weak when sailing on the sea."

"Others like bounty hunters, navy, and pirates are indiscriminate, destroying and robbing wealth."

"And sometimes they will leave the small flag of their pirate group, as if to tell people on the sea that they did it. Don't you think this behavior and style are very similar to that person back then?"

Garp immediately expressed his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Hearing this, Sengoku fell into deep thought, very much like a person in the past. Combining Lu Yue's behavior and style, this wise general suddenly widened his eyes. Yes, it is indeed like, very much like that man back then.

The overlord of the sea back then, Rocks D. Gibeck, who made the whole sea terrified by his name.

"You don't mean to say." When Sengoku said this, even he himself trembled all over, which came from the fear of that man back then.

"That's what I want to say. Lu Yue seems to be the successor of Rocks' will." Garp said after taking a deep breath.

At the same time, he immediately told about the fact that Lu Yue's back when she returned to the pirate ship during the day was very similar to Rocks' back.

"…………, come back first and let's test it first." Sengoku said after a silence. He still didn't believe that such a little girl would behave like Rocks.

The most important thing is that Lu Yue, who still has such an unsolvable void ability, has thoughts and behavior style that are very similar to Rocks. This is too scary.

If Lu Yue has such thoughts and abilities, I don't know how much impact and shadow it will have on the sea.

He now hopes that Garp's guess is wrong, because this sea really can't bear a second Rocks, and it will be even more terrible and unsolvable.

"Let's do it this way first. I just hope my thoughts are wrong." Garp sighed and shook his head at the other end.

Let's leave it at that for now. The conversation between the two navy men ended here.

Zhan Guo immediately gave Carmen a good bounty order. After it was not too late, the two navy men also fell asleep one after another. As for whether they could sleep well, it was unknown.


Time soon came to a new day. The rising sun and the calls of seabirds outside, plus the sound of waves beating, suddenly woke up Lu Yue who had fallen asleep all night.

"Well, a new day has begun."

Lu Yue got up from the bed with a sweet smile, and after a little disguise and washing, she walked out of her bedroom.

She soon smelled the fragrance of rice, and the smell of delicious food spread throughout the whole

On the ship, since she was already familiar with this pirate ship, she quickly came to the restaurant.

Then she saw that Carmen, the chef, was still busy in the kitchen, and on the dining table in the restaurant was a long-cooked breakfast, which was very rich and nutritious.

Lu Yue smiled slightly in her heart. It was right to invite Carmen on board. Her cooking skills were not much worse than Sanji's. What she lacked compared to Sanji was just the love for cooking.

"Captain, you are here, eat first. I have prepared breakfast for every partner, and I have a few dishes here."

Carmen's strength has improved now, and she has the Suzaku Fruit, and she feels much better.

So she had heard Lu Yue's footsteps a long time ago. Now, when she turned around and saw that it was Lu Yue, she smiled and said.

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