7. Misunderstanding (2)

In fact, Alon had somewhat anticipated this problem.

The House of Count Palatio appears in the game merely as fertilizer for the protagonist’s growth, but in the Kingdom of Asteria, its name carries significant weight.

Of course, that status did not mean it was held in high honor.

Even if it was once regarded as a highly prestigious family within the kingdom for about three generations, the current House of Count Palatio was renowned as the foremost rogue noble in the East.

To elaborate a bit more, it was known as the ‘noble that becomes extremely troublesome if provoked.’


However, if there was something Alon overlooked despite knowing the problem.

“This wine has a very unique taste.”

“Oh, that… yes…”

“I quite like wine, and this one has a rather unique aroma. I’d like to take a few bottles home.”

“I’ll tell my father and bring some for you…!”


It was that the rogue nature of the House of Count Palatio was beyond his imagination.


Alon, shrinking like a cowering mouse, watched the young lady hurriedly bow her head and run off, with a hollow expression.

“Look at that. He threatened Lady Malantino to forcefully get the specialty wine-“

“Did he?”

“Look at the way he talks, it’s just like when the eldest son of Palatio threatened last time…! It’s a specialty product that’s only produced in limited quantities…!”

As he pondered what the problem was, he heard a small voice and thought with a hollow expression.

‘Leo. That rogue b*stard…’

With a devastated heart, he looked at the place where the young ladies had been chattering until a moment ago, and they quickly bowed their heads and disappeared somewhere, as if avoiding eye contact.

Alon couldn’t understand this situation at all.

‘No… wasn’t it just one of the rogue families in the East…?’

Of course, he could guess that bad rumors had spread about him, and he could fully understand that the nobles avoided him to some extent, but he didn’t expect it to be this bad.

More precisely, he didn’t know that the House of Count Palatio was so notorious among the nobles.

…It would be correct to say that he didn’t know he would be treated like this just for being mistaken as having overthrown all the rogues of that family.

‘Is socializing out of the question now?’

As Alon let out a small sigh.


At the sound of a voice, he turned his head, and there stood a girl in a black dress with an enchanting smile.

Among the young ladies at this ball, she was undoubtedly the most striking beauty.

Alon returned the girl’s greeting with a nod.

“Hello, Lady Zenonia.”

“Oh my, do you know me?”

“Of course.”

From Alon’s perspective, it was impossible not to know her.

After all, the girl before him was the eldest daughter of Count Zenonia, who, like the Count of Palatio, flaunted her notoriety in the western region.

In six years, she would no longer be the eldest daughter of Count Zenonia but Count Zenonia herself, and she was also one of the three major conspirators in the Kingdom of Asteria that the protagonist would later deal with.

“You are quite famous in many ways.”

“Famous, you say. Is that so?”


In short, she was someone he would rather not get involved with.

Seeing a subtle emotion flicker in Lady Zenonia’s eyes, Alon continued.

“Because you are so beautiful.”

The aristocratic society was fundamentally very complex.

Even within Asteria, there were more than a few factions, and among those factions, the royalists and the nobles were engaged in fierce political battles.

It wasn’t just a verbal political fight.

Since actual interests were at stake, politics became one of the most important elements for the nobles.

Of course, Alon didn’t come to the ball to engage in politics.

Though half-broken, Alon’s goal was still to live peacefully, and he knew very well that the words “peace” and “politics” could never coexist.

However, the reason he still tried to socialize to some extent was that having a minimal network was helpful for noble life.

‘Except for this person.’

Alon looked at Lady Zenonia.

Unlike the Count of Palatio, who did not engage in politics to act without losing anything, the Count of Zenonia’s family, who were also treated as ruffians in the west, actually used the political situation to their advantage.

In other words, they were a bit smarter than the Count of Palatio… more like corporate thugs.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

“It’s the truth.”

As a result, one might think that if Alon wasn’t going to engage in politics, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to build a friendship with Lady Zenonia, but that was a misconception.

People gather with their kind.

Politicians gather around those who engage in politics.

Gangsters tend to gather around other gangsters.

In such a situation, what if one were to build a friendship with Lady Zenonia?

If he were to dabble in illegal businesses like the ruffians of the deceased Palatio, it would be an excellent connection. But if not, it would be irreversible.

In the worst case, there was a high probability that he would become a pawn of Lady Zenonia.

Contrary to the reputation of having an organization with a Swordmaster, Alon was just an ordinary noble with nothing.

“I’d like to talk a bit more, how about you?”

“I feel the same, but unfortunately, I think I must leave for today.”

“……Is that so?”

Lady Zenonia’s eyes narrowed momentarily, exuding the unique aura of a predator.

An expression that revealed nothing of her thoughts.

But for a moment.


Lady Zenonia’s eyes widened slightly as if surprised by something, then she nodded with a smile as if she understood.

“As the rumors say.”


“Nothing. I look forward to seeing you again.”

With those words, she brushed past him.


Alon looked back at Lady Zenonia with a puzzled expression.

Marlantino’s specialty wine.

Penia’s citrus tea.

Bilanda’s crafted metal.

One premium horse from Paldion.

These were the spoils Alon obtained after deciding to socialize a few more times after Lady Zenonia left, instead of building friendships.

‘Friendship is out of the question.’

Alon chuckled absurdly at the spoils he gained instead of friendships.

‘If I had known it would be like this, I wouldn’t have bothered studying noble hobbies.’

Recalling the wine studies he thought would be good for socializing, Alon smacked his lips and turned to do what he originally intended.

“Wait a moment.”


Another voice called out to Alon.


When he turned his head, what caught his eye this time was a woman dressed in a splendid red dress, adorned with various decorations.

It seemed that she had paid great attention to her appearance, down to the finest details, but contrary to such meticulousness, her face showed no particular emotion.

“Yes. Hello.”

Facing her, who seemed to be wearing clothes that didn’t suit her, he greeted her, and she immediately asked a question.

“If you have a moment, may we talk?”

At that question, Alon looked at her with a renewed expression.

In this ball, there had only been one person who had initiated a conversation with Alon.

‘Is she someone from Zenonia?’

In a fleeting moment, he recalled the list of conspirators in the Kingdom of Asteria, and soon he nodded.

“Let’s do that.”

He didn’t know her intentions, but she wasn’t on the list of conspirators in his mind, and above all, it was a rare conversation initiated by the other side.

The two, who decided to have a light conversation, went out to the terrace.

Immediately after.

“May I ask for your name, miss?”

“I apologize for the late introduction. I am Loria, the third daughter of the Duke of Altia.”

“Ah… the Altia family.”


Alon couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

The Altia family was a notorious family in the northern part of Asteria.

It was also where the Duke of Altia, one of the three major conspirators like Lady Zenonia, appeared.

‘Well, it makes sense that someone who approaches me wouldn’t be ordinary. I should have asked for her name first…’

Alon thought, recalling his situation, which he could recognize at once just by attending the ball once.

‘But why don’t I remember her?’

Alon looked at Loria’s face.

Her splendidly adorned appearance further enhanced her already extraordinary beauty.

‘With a face like this, there’s no way I wouldn’t know her.’

In Psychedelia, the Altia family was the only one where all members of the family were conspirators.

In other words, if she was a lady of the Altia family, Alon, who had played the game repeatedly, should at least remember her name even if he couldn’t remember her face.

Therefore, Alon, who was contemplating, said.

“……May I ask you directly?”

“What is it?”

“Please lend me your strength.”


“I am going to be assassinated soon.”

As soon as he heard that story, he realized one truth.

‘……There are a total of four members of the Altia family I saw in the game: the Duke of Altia, two older sisters, and one younger brother. In other words, the fact that Loria is the third daughter means……’

That in the future, six years from now, Loria would already be dead.

“Sister…… No, they will soon try to kill me.”

As soon as he realized the truth, Loria’s words began, and they went like this.

She was the daughter of the only concubine the Duke loved more than his wife, and she had been able to live until now thanks to the Duke’s affection. However, the current Duke of Altia was in a very critical condition and could die any day now.

In other words, the moment the Duke dies, Loria’s life would also end.

“But why are you asking me for help?”

“Because with the power you possess, it should be possible.”

For the first time, anxiety appeared on her expressionless face.

“I refuse.”

However, even as he looked at her face, Alon had no choice but to refuse her request.

“……Of course, I’m not asking for free. If you help me, I will give you half of the Altia family’s-“

“I’m sorry.”

Loria spoke with an urgent expression.

However, Alon’s answer remained the same.

Of course, that didn’t mean he didn’t feel any sympathy for Loria.

If he had the power, her request would have been something he could consider, even if not positively.

But unfortunately, Alon had no power.

Most of the rumors surrounding Alon were false.

He was neither the assassin who killed Leo of the Palatio family nor did he possess the strength of a sword master who could push back Avalon.


“I will take my leave now.”


Alon turned his body.

In the moment he turned, he saw despair lingering in Loria’s eyes, who kept silent.

But that didn’t mean Alon gained strength he didn’t have.

He was busy enough just trying to take care of himself.

So, as he continued to walk towards the ballroom, he eventually clicked his tongue and looked back at Loria.

“Good things will happen.”

A blessing he uttered to ease his somewhat heavy heart.

Loria did not respond.

Alon, not expecting an answer, turned his body again.

“……It would be nice if we could meet again.”

However, the lingering emotions of a modern man, not yet completely gone, made his heart ache, so he mumbled to himself while staring blankly at the crescent moon-shaped chandelier, as if to console himself.

And then.

“It seems best to report this part to the Red Moon.”

The rooftop of the ballroom where the chandelier hung.

As Zaan (Purple Eye), who had been hovering around Alon to block any information about the Avalon incident under Yutia’s orders, turned to speak.

“There’s no need for that. She’s not part of the target. Even if we do nothing, Radan will handle it.”

“……I see, she’s the only one among Altia’s children who isn’t part of Radan’s ‘target’.”

“Yes, instead, we should focus on other matters.”

As Green Eye muttered while shifting his gaze elsewhere, Deus also turned his gaze to another direction.

What he saw was a black-clad figure quietly tailing Alon.

“……A tail.”

Deus silently gathered his magic to deal with the black-clad figure but soon hesitated.

Because Yutia’s words, to never act rashly without his orders, came to mind.


“Let’s watch for now.”

Deus and Rine decided to quietly observe the black-clad figure following Alon.

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