139. Rikrakka Mur (2)

Around the time when the battle between Rikrakka Mur and Alon began.

“Thank you so much, Saint!”

“It’s not because of me, but all thanks to Sironia’s grace.”

Another monster wave was repelled at the border wall.

“Yes…! Thanks to Sironia’s grace, there were almost no casualties!”

“That’s a relief.”

Yuman replied as he looked down below the wall.

A few days ago, the wall had been smashed and hastily repaired, and now soldiers were clearing away the monster corpses beneath it, while the wall still hadn’t been properly restored.

“When are the wizards supposed to arrive?”

“They said they were coming urgently, but it seems it will take some time.”

“That’s worrisome.”

Yuman’s face darkened.

‘It’s not a big problem for now, but…’

Right after the expedition left to capture Rikrakka Mur, Yuman had repelled two monster waves so far, relatively successfully.

However, the reason he still felt anxious was because of the still-broken wall.

‘If the wall had been there, there might have been no casualties at all…’

Even though Yuman had joined the allied forces, casualties continued to occur.

No matter how many times they repaired it, the monsters would miraculously smash through the wall again.

No matter how skilled Yuman was, he couldn’t save soldiers who died instantly.

‘…The wizards need to arrive as soon as possible.’

Of course, the casualties were few.

Even managing to repel them with this level of damage was a great achievement.

However, to Yuman, ‘how few the casualties were’ didn’t matter.

What mattered was the lives of the people themselves.

The existence of casualties weighed heavily on his mind.

Because he was a saint.


He lowered his gaze and carefully looked at the bodies of the soldiers among the monster corpses.

The state of the bodies was gruesome, but he did not avert his eyes from the dead and calmly paid his respects.

After the rough cleanup was done.

Yuman, who was discussing with Kiryana’s aide on how to fend off the next monster wave, said,

“……Is someone in the north?”

“Ah, it’s an unreliable rumor, but.”

He heard a somewhat strange story.

“……So, when the soldiers went out on border patrol, they saw something resembling a person in the north, is that what you’re saying?”

“Yes, well- it’s just a rumor among the soldiers, you don’t need to worry about it. I just mentioned it because it came to mind.”

“……If it’s not too much trouble, could you tell me more about it?”

Yuman’s face grew serious.

The aide, who had brought it up lightly to change the atmosphere, was puzzled but continued.

A moment later.

“……So, there’s a rumor that someone with white hair was seen in the canyon area in the north?”

“Yes, but as you know, there shouldn’t be anyone in the border area. Both our side and the empire control it. It was reported to Lady Kiryana, but everyone dismissed it as nonsense.”


“However, after Cardinal Utia arrived recently-“

The aide paused to catch his breath and continued.

“The ones who saw the figure at that time said it looked similar to Cardinal Utia…… that’s what it is.”


“Haha, now that I say it, it sounds like a ridiculous rumor. It doesn’t make sense for the Cardinal to be there.”

The aide, who added that the soldiers saw it from a great distance, making it unreliable, scratched his head with an embarrassed expression.

But Yuman, who heard the story,


thought deeply and looked towards the north, where a fierce battle was likely taking place.


A massive crystal fell and pierced through Rikrakhamur’s body, exploding, and under the blue moon, ice flowers bloomed.


Rikrakhamur began to rampage, letting out a chilling scream.

With a single sweep of its tail, the surrounding trees were swept away, and the thorny tentacle worms that flowed out from its sharp mouth scattered wildly in all directions.

The ground shook as if an earthquake had struck the entire continent, just from twisting its body this way and that.

Amidst the monstrous roars, the red eyes of Rikrakka Mur rose.

Red eyes that had lost all reason.

Along with it, black slime began to burst out from the end of its massive, whale-like streamlined body.

The same slime that Alon had previously discovered at the castle gate, which devoured all magic.

The power allowed only to the abomination Rikrakka Mur, which rendered all the magicians’ strength futile, was melting, no, erasing the giant ice crystal that Alon had created in an instant.

The crystal that had pierced through Rikrakka Mur’s body was disappearing.

Alon’s magic, crafted by combining the application of magnetic manifestation and spells, vanished due to the unreasonable laws of the world granted to the abomination.

Like a mirage.

Even amidst that irrationality, Alon prepared the next spell.

Having known Rikrakka Mur from the beginning, Alon had sufficiently predicted its actions and still had confidence in his victory.

Alon checked his magic power.

He had only implemented the spell for about two seconds to save as much as possible, but already, only about half of his magic power remained.

It was enough to implement small-scale spells several times.

But for a spell that could deliver an effective blow to Rikrakka Mur, it was far too little.

Nevertheless, it didn’t matter.

He had already wounded Rikrakka Mur, and just the fact that it was rampaging in the swampy area where the ground was visible meant that Alon’s plan was already falling into place.

“Union of Shadows.”

As Alon muttered softly, the little black creature that had been in his chest pocket until a moment ago jumped out, creating red eyes all over its body.

Along with it, the tail that flowed through Alon’s hand quickly seeped into the ground.

He raised his hand and used another spell to deploy a shield.

Soon, the spirit tree shot towards the shield deployed in Alon’s hand.

With a bang, Alon’s body soared into the air.

Having escaped the range of the black slime, Alon looked straight ahead.

There, the red eyes of Rikrakka Mur, twice as large as the golden dragon Lainisius, were staring at Alon with a chilling, eerie gaze.

A momentary doubt crossed his mind, but his hand instinctively formed a seal.

“Refraction, Repulsion, Blue Light.”

Soon, the words burst from his mouth.

The speed of the words’ deployment was noticeably faster than before.

And then.

“The diffraction line.”

Like flicking a marble.

Alon shot out the blue light formed on his finger.

Not at Rikrakmur.

The creature rampaged madly, already heading towards the cracked ground.


The lightning that left Alon’s hand struck the ground.

A small-scale magic that could be said to be insufficient to damage Rikrakmur’s body.

However, that small force pierced through the already cracked and unstable swamp floor.


With that small impact, the ground began to collapse.


Rikrakmur’s massive body started to be dragged into the abyss.


Kiriana stared blankly in one direction.

She wasn’t the only one.

Knights and soldiers, everyone was looking at one place.

Where Marquis Palatio stood.

His black coat fluttered like a shadow, his left hand wrapped in grayish-white magic, floating in the air, a sight no one could take their eyes off.

Under the brilliantly shining Marquis Palatio.

All the knights and soldiers were terrified just by looking at him.

…Even Kiriana felt awe beyond fear as Rikrakmur fell between the collapsing ground.


An enormous noise that seemed to tear everyone’s eardrums echoed.

The vibration was so strong that the soldiers and knights couldn’t maintain their stance and fell, but they still couldn’t take their eyes off that place.

Rikrakmur being dragged into the abyss with no bottom in sight.

And in contrast, the figure of Marquis Palatio, evoking a distant reverence.

At that moment, everyone stared blankly at one person.


The outskirts of the swamp.

In the dense forest, where no one had paid much attention.

Yutia was admiring the appearance of Marquis Palatio as if in a trance.

Behind her.

Crunch- Crunch!!!!

With the sound of bones being crushed, a death cry echoed.

As the noise interrupted her admiration and she quietly turned her gaze, there were monsters.

A goblin, its entire skeleton completely shattered, embedded in the ground like a paper doll.

An orc, its skin torn off.

A gnoll, its entire body twisted in all directions.

An owlbear, having pierced its own neck with both arms.

The corpses, as if ground down, were lined up cruelly.




Also no.

An enormous number of corpses, enough to form a massive boundary around the outskirts of the swamp.

They stood behind Yutia.

And then.


Even amidst all this, the one making noise was.

A troll, wrapped in black tentacles, yet not dead due to its absurd regenerative power.

A troll far larger than any other creature.

It was looking at Yutia with eyes full of instinctive fear, not the violent ferocity it usually had.

She gently brought her index finger to her lips.

“Oh dear, you must be quiet. You mustn’t cause a disturbance, right?”

Smiling at the ferocious troll as if soothing a child, Yutia.

Slowly approached it.

Her red eyes shone in the blue moonlight.

“Now, don’t look at me, look over there,”

Crunch- Crunch-Crunch!!!

With that, the tentacle wrapped around the troll forcibly twisted its neck to face the Marquis.


The troll let out a painful scream.



The tentacle soon grabbed its jaw and cut off the protruding tongue.

Struggling in excruciating pain, the troll was once again turned towards the Marquis Palatio by the tentacle.

Huff- Huff-

Breathing fearfully, it rolled its eyes to look at Yutia.

In that cruel scene, she still drew a smile on her lips.

“Offer your reverence and faith as well.”


“The reverence and faith needed by Him.”


“To my one and only god.”

She commanded.

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