I became the Great Old One

Chapter 219 The Blessing of the Gods, the Prelude to Ragnarok (A New Beginning)

In the nine realms supported by the Golden World Tree.

Elves, dwarves, giants, dwarves, monsters, undead, gods, etc. all have different residences.

Most lives live and work in their own worlds. A long time ago, when the nine realms were just opened up, fierce wars broke out between elves and dwarves, giants and gods in order to seize power and resources.

In the end, the Aesir led by Odin won the fierce war.

The Aesir naturally became the ruler of the Asgard domain in the center of the nine realms. In order to consolidate his rule, Odin ordered the giant Svadilvali to build an eternal wall around Asgard.

This huge wall has 459 gates, and the heroes who died in the mortal world will enter the Hall of Valor in Asgard through the gates.

Enjoy eternal glory after death.

After this incident.

Odin also used his right eye as a price to gain the ability to predict the future from the Fountain of Wisdom guarded by the giant Mimir.

After that, the Aesir, who had occupied the most prosperous divine domain in the Nine Realms, also married another powerful divine race called the Vanir and reached an eternal covenant.

The dwarves also presented the gods with the Eternal Spear Gungnir as a gift.

The Eternal Spear Gungnir is a weapon made of branches of the World Tree. It is so symmetrical, natural, and harmonious that it can focus on any target you want to hit.

No matter how bad the thrower's skills are.

So far, the authority and power of the Aesir have gradually reached the highest level of the Nine Realms.

And in Asgard, the paradise where the gods live. There are two places that mean joy and power to both the Aesir and the Vanir.

One of them is the orchard where the goddess of youth Idun picked apples.

The apples in the orchard contain the vitality from the world tree. It is so magical that it can cure all diseases. Even aging can be erased by the power contained in the apple.

The other place is the House of Peace.

There is a palace called Bredarik, which is the residence of Balder, the god of light.

In the House of Peace, there has never been killing, bloodshed, or even deception and lies. When the gods come to this place, they are satisfied.

And Balder, the owner of the House of Peace, is handsome and gentle.

His birth means the eternal glory of the Aesir. All the pure white flowers in the world are named Balder, and all the birds sing the holy name of Balder.

Balder is full of justice and wisdom.

Anything that has been judged by him will not change or be altered.

No unclean things have ever approached his residence.


Su Heng's consciousness crossed the void and descended on the body of Loki, the god of fire.

He was at a prosperous banquet.

The huge palace was covered with shining gold.

The gods of the Aesir and Vanir came and went at the banquet, toasting each other, and every god's face was filled with happiness and joy.

Why did the gods laugh?

This was because Odin's offspring, the glorious god Balder, had come of age.

The birth of Balder meant that the power of the Aesir had reached its peak, symbolizing the eternal glory of the Aesir.

Su Heng slowly put down the wine glass in his hand and looked in the direction of Balder, the god of light, who was in the center of the banquet. Balder was praised as the glory of the gods. He was indeed handsome, and his whole body was filled with holiness and joy. His temperament was bright but not dazzling, giving people a gentle feeling like a spring breeze. Even Su Heng had some good feelings for him at first sight.

In terms of appearance and temperament.

Balder's temperament was somewhat similar to that of the goddess Ergani.

The two of them gave outsiders a very gentle feeling, but the difference was that Balder was born like this and grew up in the love of the gods. Ergani was more open-minded after seeing through people's hearts and understanding wisdom.

It seemed that he noticed Su Heng's gaze.

The young god turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of Su Heng with a respectful smile on his face.

Loki was the sworn brother of the god king Odin. The two had sworn not to hurt each other. Although the fire god Loki was not a member of the Vanir or the Aesir.

But he was very powerful and had contributed a lot to the glory of the Aesir in the past.

Including the construction of the eternal wall around Asgard, obtaining the spear Gungnir from the dwarves, and even going to the Norland world in person to find a way to plot against Su Heng.

These things were all done by Loki.

Loki is the fire god of Asgard. The fire can burn everything, but it can also bring hope and light.

This is a double-edged sword.

Although Loki had played many pranks in the past and brought many unspeakable disasters to the Aesir, as far as the present is concerned, the contributions Loki has made are far greater than the disasters he has brought.

In addition to his sworn brotherhood with Odin, most of the young gods in the entire hall respect Loki.

This can be seen from the arrangement of seats.

The God King Odin undoubtedly sat on the main seat, and next to Odin was Frigga, the goddess in charge of marriage and family. Frigga was also Odin's wife and a respected queen of the gods among the Aesir.

And further down.

On both sides of the long table were Loki, the god of fire, and Thor, the god of thunder.

Thor was a burly man with a messy beard and a huge beer belly. He was drunk and looked unconscious.

It seemed that he was keenly aware of the subtle changes in Loki's temperament and demeanor.

Sitting on the main seat, the majestic one-eyed old man Odin looked at Su Heng. He gently raised the wine glass in his hand and asked with a smile: "My brother, the delicacies and fine wines on this banquet may suit your taste."

"Not bad."

Su Heng nodded and replied indifferently.

This attitude was somewhat different from the usual prank god Loki, but Loki's personality was changeable, and Odin was a little drunk at this time, so he didn't think much about it.

All the gods at the banquet couldn't think of it.

Not long ago, Loki's will and body had been completely taken over by another existence, replaced by a completely different person.

If you think deeply about this matter, it is really scary.

But Su Heng didn't care.

Because of the wrong prophecy, the Aesir in the Golden World Tree had inexplicable malice towards Su Heng. They had tried to assassinate Su Heng twice.

Unfortunately, the difference in strength between the two was too great.

Even if Su Heng stood here and did not move, the gods born from the Golden World Tree could not cause any substantial harm to Su Heng.

Getting angry for ants who did not know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth was really a boring thing for Su Heng.

A long time ago.

Su Heng was still thinking about waiting for the end of his sleep, and then looking for the Aesir gods to retaliate for this matter.

But now, after ending the war with the Pillar God Yog-Sothoth, Su Heng felt tired all over. There was no longer much thought of starting a war again.

Now Su Heng just wanted to take his children away from here.

It is worth mentioning that.

Su Heng noticed that the authority that was once placed in Loki's body had disappeared, and seemed to have been integrated into the trunk of the world tree.

Unfortunately, it takes a long time for the new god to be conceived and born. Not to mention that those authorities are also integrated with Su Heng's flames. The power between the two descenders influences and combines with each other, making the time required for the birth of the new god even longer.

Thousands of years have passed.

But the offspring in the prophecy has not yet been born in this starry sky.

However, relying on the connection in the blood. Su Heng can already sense that those children have gradually been bred in the body of the world tree.

It won't take too long.

Su Heng should be able to see his offspring.

Thinking of this, Su Heng felt that his mood was much better, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although Odin gained the ability to predict after drinking the fountain of wisdom. But this ability is not enough for him to read Loki's thoughts. At this time, he saw a little smile on Loki's face.

Odin just thought that Loki was very satisfied with the wine and atmosphere at the banquet.

"I got these wines from the dwarves with great difficulty." Odin stroked his white beard gently and said with some pride: "These spirit wines can make the drinkers gain knowledge and become smart. Come and taste them."


Hearing Odin's words, Su Heng came back to his senses from his meditation.

He stared at the wine rippling in the silver wine cup. The scarlet wine was like blood, exuding a sweet smell.

Some memories of Loki came to Su Heng's mind. If nothing unexpected happened, these wines were really fermented with blood.

The process of brewing spirit wine by the dwarves was cruel, vicious and bloody.

They brewed this wine with the blood and brain of a person, who was the poet Kavasi with the blood of the gods. Kavasi was very smart and eloquent. People liked to listen to the stories he told and remembered his words. The dwarves were jealous of the poet's talent and handsome appearance, so they took him to the underground cave and killed him cruelly.

They poured the poet's blood mixed with brains into three jars, then added honey and stirred, and the spirit wine was brewed.

"I am already wise enough, and more wisdom can only bring me pain."

Su Heng pushed the wine glass in his hand away and did not drink it.

"This is a pity."

Odin shook his head, and the smile on his face seemed a little stiff. Su Heng's words just now were just casually said, but Odin felt something extra in his heart.

The effect of the Fountain of Wisdom he drank was thousands of times stronger than these spirit wines.

The effect of the Fountain of Wisdom was even enough to allow him to see through time and predict all kinds of things that will happen in the future.

But it was precisely because of this prophetic ability that Odin suffered endless pain. He saw the gods fighting each other for their own selfish desires and killing each other cruelly. He saw the terrible scene of Asgard's destruction, and saw the world tree bathed in the blazing flames, screaming in pain...

If such a future is destined to happen.

So, if I don't have the ability to predict the future, can I enjoy a short period of peace?

Odin asked himself in his heart, but he quickly rejected this idea. He looked at the gods who were enjoying the wine and barbecue in front of him, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

The other gods of Asgard could enjoy themselves.

But as the king of gods, Odin must always be vigilant, fight against the madness and desires in his heart, and be wary of the corrupt lives lurking in the darkness and wanting to subvert the nine realms.


When Odin and Loki finished their brief conversation.

The goddess Frigga, who was sitting next to Odin and was respected by the people, stood up slowly.

The goddess's clear and pleasant voice echoed in the magnificent Breidaric Palace, and the eyes of all gods were attracted by the goddess.

"My child, the shining Badar, is the common glory of the Aesir and the Vanir, and the pearl of the gods. Everyone here is happy for his birth and growth. In order to keep Badar's light in the Asgard domain for a long time, I beg you to bless my child so that nothing in the world can harm him."

In the nine realms created by the world tree.

The oath has a very unique power. As long as the oath is made, it will definitely be kept.

For example, when Odin and Loki became sworn brothers a long time ago, they had sworn that neither of them would hurt each other. Under this premise, even if Odin had the eternal spear Gungnir made of branches of the World Tree, he could not cause any harm to Loki.

Under this premise.

Frigga's request was obviously a bit excessive.

However, the atmosphere at the banquet was too lively, and every god loved the young and handsome Balder from the bottom of his heart.

So, after a period of thinking and discussion, the hall returned to the noise just now. Every god in the House of Peace was willing to offer his blessing to the shining Balder.

In this way, all the gods offered blessings to Balder.

This included Su Heng.

However, Su Heng's blessing obviously had no effect. As a descender, Su Heng could not be bound by the rules of the World Tree.

After receiving the blessing of the gods, no matter fire or flood, iron or any metal, soil, stone or tree, birds in the sky or beasts on the ground, or even poison or disease, Balder could not be harmed.

However, among all things in the world.

Only one inconspicuous little item was forgotten, which was the mistletoe growing on a huge oak tree. It was so small that it was ignored by the Queen of Heaven Frigga and all the gods present.

And this little mistletoe also foreshadowed the arrival of Ragnarok and became a sign of the destruction of the world tree.

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