I Became the God of Light

Chapter 8 Drinking Blood and Rending Hair

Su Yun raised his head and glanced at the dim sky, then without saying anything else, he floated down from the sky and returned to the sacred stone.

Seeing the sacred stone disappearing from its light, the primitive people did not panic this time, but breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure God puts on them is really too great.

After waiting for a while, the primitive people stood up one after another.

The tribal leader walked to the spear and stretched out his hand to pull up the spear.

He patted Qiao's shoulder and sighed, "You guys, Qiao, are so lucky!"

Spear giggled sheepishly.

"Let's go back. You have to be careful these days, lest you die before the divine object is given."

The leader carried him to his residence.

Other primitive people followed, and there was endless discussion.

Returning to the divine stone space, Su Yun curiously peeped at the actions of the primitive people.

The old priest respectfully took down the sacred stone from the altar.

Under the dim sky, not long after, the group of people arrived at a large cave nearby.

Staring at the large, dark hole about four meters wide, Su Yun's mouth twitched.

"They live here? I will live here too in the future?"

He didn't know what to say. Fortunately, he had this space, otherwise...

The wild view luxury villa occupies a large area, is surrounded by tall green plants, and the air is fresh, allowing you to experience the charm of returning to nature. It only costs 99...

After returning to the cave, the old priest breathed a sigh of relief, raised his eyes and glanced at the completely dark sky, feeling a little nervous in his heart unconsciously.

After rubbing the sacred stone in his arms, he relaxed.

"Tonight, the people keeping watch will stay at the entrance of the cave, and everyone else will go inside!"

The leader's face was full of seriousness and he shouted to more than 300 people.

"I know, leader."

Everyone responded in unison.

Ten relatively strong men stood out, and the others walked towards the cave one after another.

"It's so dark, they can still see."

Su Yun was surprised.

Staring at the faint light in the primitive man's eyes, his face was thoughtful.

Ten people walked to the corner of the cave and found ten stone spears tied with straw ropes.

After that, they each found a position at the entrance of the cave, and they moved very skillfully.

The old priest took the sacred stone and slowly walked into the cave.

The inside of the cave is not only wide, but also quite deep. The further you go in, the wider it gets.

It wasn't until they reached a square-like place that everyone stopped.

In the center of the square, there is another altar.

The old priest walked there and respectfully handed the sacred stone up.

The other primitive people walked back to their respective territories.

During this period, due to the large number of people, it also caused some congestion.

Primitive people with unkempt hair and dark bodies were crowded together. Su Yun knew without smelling that the smell in this cave was definitely not much better.

He was a little lucky that he didn't physically travel through time.

The leader walked up to Spear and placed an unknown piece of meat and a small stone bowl in front of him.

He said in a rough and hoarse voice, "Here, eat some. Eat more to survive."

Spear thanked him and reached out to take the piece of meat and the small bowl.

The blood-red piece of meat with brown hair was habitually put to his mouth.

With one bite, some blood foam squeezed out, staining the thick lips red.

After swallowing the hairy piece of meat, Spear picked up the rough stone bowl. The liquid on the bowl glowed slightly red.

Gurgling, his throat moved a few times, and he drank up the liquid inside.

Some red liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth to his chin.

"You should have a good rest." The leader took the stone bowl and told him, and left here.

Su Yun stared blankly at the food of this group of primitive people, feeling a little nauseous.

He thought of something unconsciously.

"It has not been cremated. It eats food from plants and trees, eats the flesh of birds and beasts, drinks their blood, wears its feathers, and has no flax or silk to wear its feathers and skins."

"These people are not angry yet." Su Yun murmured to himself in thought.

He really didn't expect that these primitive people were even more backward than he thought.

"Perhaps I can teach them to drill wood to make fire and improve the progress of their civilization?"

Su Yun made up his mind to give them the method of drilling wood to make fire tomorrow!

The lifestyle of these people really made him look down upon them.

Now that he has decided to be the God of Light of this tribe, these people are already his people, and it is in his interest to help them improve their lives and become stronger.

After thinking about this, he closed his eyes and fell into a false sleep.

Not long after, Su Yun was woken up by a strange sound.

"What sound..."

Su Yun looked at the direction of the sound strangely, and then his voice paused.


A curse word blurted out unconsciously, and he felt that his 24k divine eyes had been indescribably polluted!

"Your god is still here, how dare you..."

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, he quickly closed his eyes, and murmured, "Don't look at anything that's not polite, don't listen to anything that's not polite, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

Reciting various spells in his mouth, he blocked those magical sounds.

The night is rich.

Clouds covered the moon's light, and darkness enveloped the earth.

It has now been more than four hours since we returned to the cave.

The ten vigilant primitive people held back their yawns, forced themselves to stay alert, and stared vigilantly outside the cave entrance.

"Li, do you think that monster will come again tonight?"

Qi, who was muscular and cheeky, asked another person sitting next to him.

"have no idea."

Li shook his head dully.

A young man who heard their conversation laughed.

"I guess it won't dare to come!"

"Oh, why?" Qi asked curiously.

"You're so stupid." The stone stuck out its tongue, hit Qi, and then explained, "Within the range of the sacred stone, most monsters will avoid us, with occasional exceptions, but that was before."

"God has appeared now. That monster will definitely be afraid of God. How could he still dare to come?"

Shitou looked at Qi teasingly, with a look of pride on his face, "It would be okay if it doesn't come. If it comes, let's see how God takes care of it!"

"Oh." Qi Hanhou suddenly realized on his face.

After hearing what they said, the other seven people immediately crowded over with interest and started talking about the topic.


Suddenly there was a strange sound.

"There's a situation!" The first person to react was Li.

Everyone was shocked, clenched the stone spears in their hands, and stared outside the cave entrance.


A small furry beast jumped out from a short distance and appeared in front of the cave entrance.

When everyone saw it, they breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

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