I Became the God of Light

Chapter 617 The Source of Chaos Core Azathoth

The strange and charming songs slowly floated between heaven and earth, revealing mysterious truths that were as intoxicating as the truth.

Almost everyone was immersed in the song, and even though they didn't understand anything, they understood what was being said.

The song praises several beings, and the last...

Uncontrollably, people thought of the name, and some even read it out.

"Father of the Gods, Azathoth..."

The next second, their minds went blank, a large amount of inexplicable knowledge emerged, and all the mysteries of the universe were revealed in their minds.

In fear and longing, they fell into obsession and madness.

Crazy screams and roars.

"My lord!"

"Azathos, the core of chaos!"


Before the flesh-ball tentacle monster Hatak and the others were polluted, the sentient beings in the ancient immortal world fell into absolute madness because they chanted things they shouldn't!

Even most of the cultivators of the mysterious immortals have sunk into obscurity. Only a small number of the cultivators of the mysterious immortals have relied on their strong will to stay awake in their addiction and not to say that terrifying name.

At this time, roars continued to explode in the sky!

From the perspective of mortal beings, twelve vague figures whose specific appearance could not be clearly seen surrounded the Corrupt Evil God and attacked!

Tentacles, sharp mouths...

Weird sounds, strange whispers, and attacks continue to surround the world.

"You deserve to die, die to death!" Wails and roars echoed loudly.

The Evil God of Corruption was pinned to the ground by twelve guys, and was beaten until he couldn't get up.

He looked aggrieved. These guys didn't use the rules and relied on their weird bodies to beat Him!



His faceless appearance was slapped again by a tentacle full of sharp teeth. As his figure became more illusory, disgusting green mucus stained his face...

"Ah!" He tried to struggle crazily, even using the rules of corruption.

As a result, except for two of the weak gods who were greatly affected and temporarily stopped their attacks, the other guys relied on the strong rules to support them. Even though they felt a little uncomfortable, they continued to beat them as if nothing had happened!

Boom boom!

The earth is cracking, magma is spewing, dust is covering the sky, and the earth, sky, ocean, etc. are polluted, it looks like an apocalyptic scene, just like the song that is still echoing silently...

"When darkness envelopes and the beautiful world is reborn, who will receive the special praise from the gods?"

"When death and silence pervades the world, who can gain hope of eternal life..."

The strange song slowly drifted away.

The mechanical spirits looked horrified. Without the invasion of authority and power, they could still observe the battlefield thanks to the protective measures against pollution.

At this moment, they stared blankly at the scene where the corrupt evil god who had been so overbearing before was pinned to the ground and beaten by a group of evil gods.

"Where is that dark world and why are there so many evil gods?!"

Yager murmured to himself.

Not only did he see those fighting now, but there were also blurry figures watching on the other side of the dark passage, obviously not planning to come over.

If we add those who didn't come, how many evil gods would there be?

While his mind was shaking, he suddenly saw that the illusory spirit body of the corrupt evil god had become very blurry and transparent, and even missing some parts. It was unknown which evil god had eaten it.

From a formal point of view, the evil god of corruption can no longer hold on for long, and may be beaten to death in the next moment!

Just when they thought things would go like this, another mutation occurred...

The ancestor of Nanyan lowered his head in horror, not daring to look at the battlefield at all, because he found that the more he looked at those vague existences, and the more he saw, the heavier the pollution on his body would be!

At this time, a mechanical spirit murmured in his body, "What have I done?"

He summoned an evil god and killed most of the thousands of mechanical spirits. The clone he thought he had was actually not...

It turned out to be a more terrifying evil...

Suddenly, the mechanical spirit, which was filled with regret in its heart, was stunned because it realized that the evil god connected to the sense of connection was not one of the people present, or even the looming guy in the dark passage...

It asked the ancestor of Nanyan who was shrinking his head, "Which evil god did you contact during your ascension?"

In his opinion, Nanyan Ancestor, as the main contact person, should be able to sense more things.

Suddenly, it saw Ancestor Nanyan's eyes widen, his face filled with fear, as if he had thought of something.

Indeed, as it thought, Nanyan Ancestor thought of the vague feeling he had felt when he wanted to ascend.

That vast, chaotic, supreme, ethereal will...

"What's wrong?" Mechanical Spirit asked hurriedly.

After being questioned repeatedly, Nanyan Ancestor said with a look of horror, "That...that feeling..."

His throat twitched, and he expressed his feelings in fear, and then the mechanical spirit fell into a sluggish state.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. Listening to the songs that were still ringing in his ears, a terrifying thought appeared.

"Is there something more terrifying?"

It trembled in its heart and couldn't believe this. It thought in a panic, "No, no! I must be thinking wildly!"

But before it could comfort itself, the changes in the ancient immortal world appeared...

Something they didn't care about...

As the songs echoed, polluted beings around the world shouted and prayed frantically, calling for the Lord in their hearts.

A name kept being mentioned.

"Father of the Gods..."

"The god of blindness and foolishness..."

"Chaos itself..."

"Azathos, the core of the original chaos..."

As all living beings prostrate themselves in prayer, a strange situation occurred. The originally noisy prayers gradually became more orderly, which was very strange!

The prayers gradually became louder and louder!


At some point, weird whispers also joined the prayers...

The prayer echoed and quickly spread throughout the world. The attacks of the outer gods who were about to kill the corrupt evil god paused.

Before long, the prayers echoing around the world turned into praise.

"No consciousness, no desire, chaos and disorder."

"He is blind, He is foolish."

"He cannot recognize his own existence."

"Nothing means anything to Him."

"The universe is a dream."

"Reason must be dragged down."

"Great Azathoth, blind Azathoth."

"Praise its surging form with blindness and ignorance."

"Sacrifice the original core of chaos with reason and knowledge."

"Sleeping unconsciously in a dream."

"Praise be to you! God of blindness and foolishness! Azathoth!"

With the high-pitched screams that followed, the connection was stronger than ever, and a strange scene immediately appeared.

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