Passing by stars of different sizes, Su Yun found that the star realm was several times larger than the solar system when he came to the final limit of the star realm.

What was in front of him was a twisted space barrier, much like the twisted space-time around a black hole.

This thing blocks the attacks of external factors, and also prevents the creatures inside from getting out.

But this is for ordinary creatures and gods. For a true god like him, this is not an obstacle.

The invisible body continued to move forward, and then Su Yun seemed to have the ability to penetrate the wall, ignoring the twisted barrier and quickly heading towards the outside world.

Just after crossing the barrier, Su Yun felt that the surroundings were dead silent.

It was dark, there was no sound around, everything was filled with dead silence!

Su Yun discovered that this place was very similar to the outside of the real universe.

Of course, there is something that does not exist outside the real universe.

Air and water-like things with indescribable colors and indescribable colors flowed in the empty realm.

The thing seemed colorless, and seemed to be light but not light, and dark but not dark.

Su Yun discovered that this thing could change into any color according to his thoughts.

He thought that chaos might be gray-black, so it turned into this color during his observation.

In short, it looks similar to his body. This thing is always in a chaotic and uncertain form, and no one can really define it.

Indescribable, indescribable.

Su Yun's head hurt from looking at it, and he finally understood why other people had such expressions when they looked at him. It was simply challenging the limits of rational creatures.

In order to prevent his head from hurting, Su Yun directly defined this thing as gray and black.

Soon, the surrounding gas flow turned into gray when viewed up close, and dark and deep when viewed from a distance, like the color of a bottomless abyss, full of a depressing feeling.

Anyone with a fear of the deep or claustrophobia would probably have a heart attack if they came here.

He glanced at where the alien world was.

Since leaving the twisted space barrier, the other world has been hidden, as if it has changed from existence to nothing, and has truly disappeared!

And as he observed and discovered, another strange world emerged.

In short, it is a transition between existence and non-existence, which is full of strange feeling.

This state is very similar to the outside of the real universe.

Perhaps, the world is created out of nothing, something is born out of nothing?

Su Yun selectively ignored this painful thing and focused on the outside world.

There was a movement in his heart, and he quickly changed from the state of invisible rules.

He appeared an indescribable body that looked like light but not light, seemed like darkness but not dark, and seemed like chaos but not chaos.

Swimming in the gas, Su Yun suddenly felt comfortable for a while, as if he had returned home. His chaotic physique gave him a sense of intimacy around him.

It's like being able to blend in with the surrounding environment.

Su Yun even discovered that he could absorb the chaotic energy around him at will and replenish it into his own chaotic body!

Not to mention anything else, fighting in this place will increase your combat power by at least a few percent, and your recovery will probably be extremely fast, making you innately invincible.

It is estimated that except for the Supreme God, it is almost impossible for other beings to defeat him in chaos!

Su Yun's heart moved, and his indescribable body quickly deformed, turning into a vague, human-like but not human-like form.

In the deathly quiet chaos, he slowly rose and fell.

The faintly glowing body swims in the chaos of air and water, which looks very much like the creation scene in the Bible.

Su Yun was still very new to chaos, so he decided to take a stroll around this place to see what was there.

After drifting for who knows how long, Su Yun felt bored.

"In addition to chaotic airflow, there is still chaotic airflow."

The same things made him shake his head.

Just when he felt bored and was thinking about letting go of restrictions and starting to advance, something emerged as he observed.

Time and space are distorted, and a dark thing like a black hole floats in the chaos.

"another world?"


Su Yun came to this dark and twisted thing, then turned into an invisible state and passed through the space barrier.

His eyes lit up, and under the sunlight, the extremely bright world came into his eyes.

When he arrived here, Su Yun noticed something unusual.

"In this world, there is actually a kind of gas floating everywhere?"

A gas full of life and mysterious power!

"Wait, this feeling..."

"Is the gas contaminated?"

Su Yun noticed that the vitality of the gas actually contained strange power.

It's like a drop of black ink dripping from a bowl of clear water!

And that weird power gave Su Yun a familiar sense of déjà vu.

"The evil god's pollution?"

Su Yun was a little surprised, and then with a glance, he could see the world at a glance.

Among the green mountains and green waters, smoke rises from time to time.

This is a feudal world similar to ancient times, where people lived in mud or wooden houses.

In addition to ordinary people, there are also mysterious powers...


Su Yun became even more surprised.

This is actually a world of cultivating immortals?

It turns out that gas is spiritual energy!

Many powerful and weak immortal cultivators in the world were swept by him, but none of them could find that they were being observed and were still doing their own thing.

As the observation deepened, Su Yun finally shook his head.

This world of cultivating immortals is somewhat different from his idea. Xiuxian is cultivating immortals, but it is very deformed and evil.

"Is it weird..."

Due to the pollution of spiritual energy, the immortal cultivators in this world have become grotesque one by one. The stronger they become, the more they look like monsters.

Although when they reach advanced realms, they will return to their original nature and appear like normal people, this still cannot change their nature as monsters.

The release of the power within the body will not only pollute the environment, but also implicate innocent mortals.

Although he was cultivating Wei Immortal, Su Yun still did not find anyone among these people who could be called a true immortal.

Glancing at the distorted world consciousness, or the way of heaven, Su Yun felt bored.

The next second, just like when he came, he left quietly. Even the so-called Heavenly Dao did not notice that an inexplicable existence had arrived.

Back outside the world, Su Yun transformed from the invisible again, and then left this place.

However, his arrival finally brought some changes to the world.

And it had a huge impact.

When he left, the unspeakable strange power in his body slightly affected that world.

Just like a giant wouldn't pay attention to the ants under his feet, Su Yun also didn't pay attention to the little bit of power he had left.

However, this little power will have a great impact on that world, and changes are gradually taking place.

I do not know how long it has been.

Su Yun came to a new realm and decided to start promotion.

Thanks to Master ‘Black Cat in the Rain’ for the 1,500 coin reward.

Thanks to ‘The Difference Between Day and Night’ for the 100-coin reward.

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