I Became the God of Light

Chapter 580 Cremation

Damn it, is this too open?

Xiang Yang pretended to be confused and asked, "What prop?"

Dong Xue's face was flushed and shy, and she said sheepishly, "I bought it from Taobao. It's a long prop! Don't you agree with me being on top? Of course you are on the bottom."

"What?" Xiang Yang was stunned, not understanding what she was talking about.

After Dong Xue explained excitedly...

Xiang Yang was stunned, his head exploded with a bang.

You are below, and this woman is attacking from above with props?

He is stupid!

It turns out there are no perverts, only more perverted ones!

He likes women, but not this way!

Damn it!

His whole body was about to burst, foaming at the mouth, and then he spiraled into the sky!


Screaming, Xiang Yang was like avoiding a snake and scorpion. He frantically threw away Dong Xue's hand, and then screamed and fled quickly amidst the other party's exclamations.

Faintly, there was an urgent call from behind.

"My dear, where are you going? Come back quickly!"

Xiang Yang was about to collapse and slipped away faster.

On the way, he burst into tears and almost died on the spot.

He discovered that since he had the magic lamp, all kinds of things that destroyed his outlook on life had appeared, which really exploded and refreshed his knowledge!

At the same time, he regretted his wish for a prosperous and beautiful life!

Xiang Yang felt that this was the worst decision he had ever made in his life!

In fact, he has cast a huge shadow on both men and women...

"Master Magic Lamp, can you take back your power? I was wrong..."

he said sadly.

Running to a small alley, he quickly took out the magic lamp and rubbed it a few times, then called for manual service.

"Ding, what is your wish?" the friendly voice of the magic lamp sounded.

"I want a refund!" Xiang Yang gritted his teeth.

"Ding, our lights do not support refund service."

"I don't want the head office anymore, right? Take back this wish!" Xiang Yang wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

"Ding, are you sure?"

"Sure!" Xiang Yang said firmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of golden light enveloped Xiang Yang, his bones began to crack and his long hair quickly disappeared.

A few seconds later, Xiang Yang suddenly felt a familiar feeling coming over him. This was a feeling that belonged to his original body. He cried with joy.

Xiang Yang suddenly understood one thing, a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as his own doghouse!

He had a feeling of great enlightenment.

At this time, the sound of the magic lamp system sounded.

"Ding, we have arrived at our destination. Do you want to go to recover the equipment?"

Xiang Yang was stunned and couldn't help but glance around, and then found a small door not far away.

"What is this place?"

Confused, he took a short detour and then saw the main entrance.

"The crematorium? Where are the containment objects?" Xiang Yang was stunned and flinched unconsciously.

Like most people, he had always avoided places like the hotel and crematorium whenever possible, and had no understanding of them at all.

He had heard a few things about the crematorium, but most of them were chilling.

For example, there was once a news article about selling or processing the refined corpse oil. It was so disgusting that he didn’t even dare to go out to eat!

The sky darkened slightly.

Wang Bo is a worker who burns corpses in a crematorium. He has been doing this kind of work for several years, so logically he should not be afraid anymore.

Treating those corpses is no different than looking at pigs, and there is no fear at all.

However, a strange thing happened two days ago that kept him awake at night, his heart was filled with fear, and he couldn't sleep no matter how hard he went.

That day, when the corpse of an old lady wearing a black and purple shroud was found, something strange happened!

As the body in the body bag was pushed into the cremator, not long after it was heated, he actually heard the faint scream of an old man!

Just like the old man didn't die, he just faked his death and woke up during the cremation...

In that situation, he could only panic and didn't know how to deal with it.

The temperature inside the furnace is already very high. Even if the furnace is shut down, the people inside will most likely not survive. But if it is not shut down, what is the difference between this and killing people?

After only hesitating for a second or two, he decisively prepared to turn off the cremator. But just as he turned it off, the screams inside disappeared again, as if the person was already dead...

To be sure, he tremblingly opened the cremator, and then saw the charred body of the old lady, whose specific appearance had been lost...

He was so frightened that he immediately closed the cremator and continued the cremation as if nothing had happened.

Things went smoothly after that. The old lady was completely burned to ashes, and nothing else happened. However, his heart was filled with guilt and fear, and he always felt that he had become a murderer.

If it was just like this, Wang Bo would live in the shadows for the rest of his life and nothing else would happen. However, after the old lady's body was cremated, horrific things happened frequently in the past two days!

Every time he was on duty, he would faintly hear the screams of the old lady coming from the crematorium!

What frightened him the most was that only he could hear the sound. Other colleagues would not hear anything even if they were standing with him!

This situation made him almost think that he was crazy, until he went to bed at night and another strange thing happened...

When he falls asleep, he will hear the screams of the old lady getting closer and closer in his dream.

Is she getting closer?

What is she going to do?

Wang Bo fell into panic.

What completely made him collapse was last night. After he couldn't bear to sleep that day, the old lady's screams were very close.

Then, he dreamed of a scene in which he was lying in a cremator and was about to be pushed in for cremation!

This feeling was extremely real, so real that it made his hair stand on end, as if he would really be cremated in the cremator soon!

That evening, just as he was about to get off work, he heard the screams again, this time as if they were ringing in his ears.

He is about to collapse and has already made plans to leave his job. Even if he gets a generous salary, he doesn’t want to work anymore!

When Wang Bo was about to escape, he found a young man walking in.

The two looked at each other with big eyes.

Thanks to Master Black Cat in the Rain for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Spring comes back after a thousand miles of winter’ for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Wuyu Qingluo’ for the 100-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Reading Books Just Spend Money’ for the 100-coin reward.

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