I Became the God of Light

Chapter 547 Abnormal Containment Bureau

The other two people were also very worried. Every containment was a huge danger, because they didn't know whether they would encounter terrible and unsolvable containment objects!

If we really encounter him, we will definitely die!

But even if it was so dangerous, the three of them had no intention of giving up. They had strong faith in their hearts.

If even the members of the Abnormality Containment Bureau lose their confidence, then this suffocating and hopeless world will really be hopeless!

Even though they are only D-class personnel, they still remember the declaration of the organization.

"We contain, we control, we protect!"

They are the protectors of the world hidden in the shadows, and will never let any abnormal containment objects or abnormal individuals interfere with the lives of normal humans!

Those damn abnormal containment objects should all be contained and controlled!

For this, even if it costs your life!

The three of them looked at each other, gritted their teeth and rushed towards the place marked with danger.

As the three of them rushed towards a place called Fulong Mountain, Xiang Yang had already swayed into the air of the main tomb chamber with the help of a nylon rope sling.

Looking down at the tomb six or seven meters below, Xiang Yang's face turned green.

I saw an extremely wide tomb with more than 100 square meters, covered with black floor tiles, and a flowing silver river.

Mercury flows in the tomb, so magnificent!

They are exquisitely designed, flowing all the time as if they have a source, and the silver light is shining.

In addition to some luminous pearls, there are also black lamps hanging around the black walls, and very strangely, they are actually burning at the moment!

Especially the faint green flame is even more frightening.

As the lamp oil burned, a strange fragrance spread throughout the tomb.

Protected by the mercury in the middle, is a dark golden coffin that looks graceful and luxurious!

However, in the circle surrounded by the mercury pool, there was no place to stand except where the coffin was. It became very impossible to open the coffin.

Xiang Yang had never seen such a horrifying scene before. As soon as his hands were loosened, if it weren't for the locks, he would probably fall directly.

Xiang Yang was shocked and quickly grabbed the rope again.

Taking a deep breath, he felt lucky, "This gas mask is awesome!"

If he didn't wear this thing, he would probably be poisoned by mercury and die!

"It's strange. Isn't it said that mercury makes plants abnormal? Why is there nothing abnormal on the mountain?"

Xiang Yang once accidentally saw that there was a lot of mercury in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, which caused abnormalities in the plants on the mountain.

I don’t know if there is too little mercury here, or if the sealing is done well?

After glancing at the black floor, Xiang Yang hesitated and finally stepped on it.

At the same time, he glanced around with frightened eyes, for fear of touching some mechanism.

Fortunately, there was no movement for a while, which made him feel at ease.

"What should I do now with the magic lamp? I can't get through it!"

Looking at the mercury pool surrounding the coffin, his face turned green.

The golden magic lamp he was holding suddenly flew out, golden light flashed, and then under his stunned eyes, mercury swished, and then a line of water appeared and poured into the mouth of the lamp.

In the blink of an eye, the entire pool of mercury was sucked dry by the magic lamp!


Xiang Yang cursed in admiration.

Looking at the dry pond, he walked towards the dark golden coffin with confidence.

After climbing up to the coffin with a trembling body, he suddenly felt a little scared when he looked at the thick coffin.

"Getting rich by raising a coffin?"

After swallowing, he took out a long knife like an autumn moon. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and cut towards the seam of the coffin lid.

Then, a scene that shocked him appeared. Just like cutting a piece of tofu, the coffin lid was cut in easily.

Looking at the long knife in his hand, Xiang Yang shuddered subconsciously, "If this was an accident, I would be dead, right?"

What level of sword is this?

too exaggerated!

Any nails that might have been cut in half were probably cut in half!

After cutting the entire coffin lid, he suddenly got scared again.

"Would you like to light a candle?"

When he came to the southeast corner, he lit a white candle, and a red fire appeared, with the power to warm people's hearts.

"This candle is so stable!" Xiang Yang muttered.

At this time, he suddenly saw a few lines of small words on the white candle.

"The latest windproof candle is a must-have for home travel, murder and arson."

The lowest end also has four big characters, ‘Made in China’!

Xiang Yang looked shocked, "Damn it, Master Magic Lamp is so awesome, he even knows about windproof candles!"

"This wave is stable!"

He nodded confidently.

With this candle, even if that unscientific thing blows out your throat, it's useless, it's as stable as a mountain!

Feeling relieved, Xiang Yang turned his head and walked towards the dark golden coffin again.

While Xiangyang hesitated for a long time about the coffin lid, Su Yun looked at the coffin in a good mood.

Inside this coffin, there is an original thing!

Xiang Yang gritted his teeth and exerted his strength towards the coffin lid. With a click, the closed coffin lid was pushed open by a corner.

The foul smell rushed out!

Fortunately, Xiangyang brought a special gas mask, otherwise he would have fainted from the poison.

A black boot with gold patterns was exposed.

Thanks to Master ‘Black Cat in the Rain’ for the 1,000-coin reward!

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