Unexpectedly, at this time, the magic lamp system replied, "A friendly reminder from the magic lamp, the stronger the equipment, the more dangerous it is."

Xiang Yang's face froze, and he gave up searching for the equipment mentioned by the magic lamp for the time being.

Although he didn't know what the equipment mentioned by the magic lamp was and what the danger was, he knew that it was probably not something that an ordinary person like him could deal with.

As a very timid person, he thought it would be better to talk about it next time.

He quickly turned his attention to the remaining two free wishes.

"I want to become a god!"

"Ding, you are not..."

"I want to have the super power of immortality..."


After lowering it again and again, Xiangyang's smile has disappeared.

Since the outrageous wish cannot be fulfilled, then change it.

Thinking of several wishes listed by the magic lamp system, one of them is to get promoted and make a fortune.

Thinking that he had listed all the broken lamps, he should be able to do anything, so he weakly tried, "I want to be promoted and make a fortune!"

Although he is not an official, his job is also a kind of official. If he can fire his boss and become the boss himself...

Xiangyang's face was rosy and his breathing was rapid.

As for getting rich, it's more straightforward. If the magic lamp gives you money...

His eyes were full of excitement, and he had already imagined becoming a billionaire!

"The magic lantern navigation is on. Starting from the current location, the total distance is 17.8 kilometers."

"The magic lamp map has selected a route for you. Go straight ahead for two hundred and twenty meters, then turn and enter the straight road."

Xiang Yang frowned and muttered to himself, "What does this broken lamp mean? Why do you have to go so far?"

Suddenly something occurred to him and his eyes lit up.

"Do you have money to pick it up for me?"

"Dad Magic Lamp, I love you, and I will never forget you when I grow up!"

he said excitedly.

Without saying a word, he immediately took several sacks ready to pick up money, and then walked out of the bachelor's apartment.

After taking the elevator downstairs, he immediately ran towards his beloved little electric donkey.

On the way, I met a middle-aged aunt in the community.

Xiang Yang glanced at the other party's fat body and majestic tonnage, a faint smile appeared in his eyes, and secretly muttered, "So fat!"

The two were just three meters away when the sound from the magic lamp suddenly sounded.

"Ding, the magic lamp map reminds you that there are huge obstacles on the road ahead, please be careful to avoid them."

Xiang Yang and the community aunt looked at each other, and the scene suddenly became very quiet.

"Um... do you believe me when I say my phone is navigating?"

Xiang Yang took out his cell phone in a panic, pointed at it, and explained calmly.

"Do you think I believe it?" The fat aunt looked at him with an expressionless face and ruthless eyes.

"Ah!" Xiang Yang panicked and ran away.

"Boy, stop here!"

Bang bang bang!

There was a sound of feet hitting the floor behind her, and the fat aunt started to chase Xiang Yang with a ferocious look on her face.

"Auntie, I really didn't lie!"

"Go away! Who did you call aunt!"

There was a mixture of panic and roars.

When Xiangyang escaped from the obese aunt with his strong skills, and took the opportunity to ride on his beloved little electric donkey, and drove away like the wind, he felt relieved in his heart.

Auntie's angry roar could be heard faintly from behind.

"Don't let me see you again, or you'll be finished, you # \u0026∧≯±..."

Hearing the curses coming from behind him, Xiang Yang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, still feeling frightened.

"The magic lamp is really yours!" He gritted his teeth.

If it weren't for the wish that made him throw the rat into a trap, he would have been so angry that he would have stepped on the magic lamp a few times.

After calming down for a while, Xiangyang regained his anticipation and excitement.

"It's okay, as long as we can get money, everything else is trivial!"

"Now that I have money, it will be time for me to turn around!"

With an expression of anticipation, he flew towards his destination.

After driving for more than two hours, and seeing that he was almost approaching his destination, he got off the eDonkey, locked the car and looked at the surroundings, his heart skipping a beat.

After driving for an hour before, he felt something was wrong. It seemed like he was getting more and more remote?

And now he is extremely sure that it is really not his illusion!

Looking up, there are huge trees all around, so desolate!

"Magic Lamp, why did you bring me here?"

Before the magic lamp could answer, Xiang Yang's eyes lit up. The more remote the place, the more likely it is to hide money.

"I blamed you wrongly, Magic Lamp. You are so awesome, huh!"

Just then, the sound of the magic lamp sounded.

"Ding, go straight ahead for 550 meters, we are close to the destination."

Xiangyang was full of excitement, carrying the sack, and sprinted towards the mountain.

"Ding, go right ahead..."

Thirty minutes later, Xiangyang panted heavily and stopped in a wasteland covered with knee-high green weeds.

"Ding, you have reached your destination."

Xiang Yang was overjoyed at first, looking at the empty environment with nothing but weeds and trees, his expression gradually solidified.

"Magic lamp, where is the money you promised? Where is it?"

"Ding, the destination has been reached, below you."

Xiangyang looked at the weed-covered ground and stepped on it subconsciously.

He had doubts in his eyes and uneasiness in his heart.

"Haha..." He forced a laugh and said, "Stop playing with the magic lamp and tell me where the money is!"

He shook the sack in his hand, motioned for the magic lamp to stop, and said it quickly so that he could also hold the money.

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