I Became the God of Light

Chapter 486 The True God of Light and Darkness!

Su Yun's consciousness sank into the vast ocean of rules, and he became a part of the world.

It is precisely because of this that his consciousness fell into haze, unconsciousness, and all sensibility went with it, leaving only rational thinking, and even this part of rational thinking was disappearing...

To describe it vividly, it is transformation!

If He cannot wake up, although he will still be the rules of the world, he will no longer have independent consciousness!

Su Yun never thought that such a situation would happen at the last moment of promotion to the True God, which caused him to be unprepared and just do it!

Especially if it is just a rule, the risk is not high.

As a result, the two rules, which are unprecedented and probably unprecedented, have been promoted together, directly pushing the difficulty to a dangerous situation!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the rational consciousness of the photon system moved and helped him pull out of the state of transformation.

Su Yun suddenly woke up.

It was said that it was too late, but it was so fast. The whole process of transformation seemed to be long, but it was only a moment.

With His awakening, another strange change occurred.

Su Yun felt the timelines and possibilities of the future!

These timelines are filled with various futures for him.

At this moment, these countless possibilities, good or bad, began to converge and turned into one possibility, the only possibility.

The possibility of becoming a true god!

Time begins to close the loop!

The real figures of the past, present, and future existence disappeared and turned into a shadow.

Only Him now is the only real time anchor. At which moment He exists, at which moment He is real!

Su Yun suddenly frowned, feeling incomplete.

You don’t have to wonder for too long. God is clear and He knows where the missing part is.

real world!

Perhaps it is because time in the real world has not ended, causing him to be incomplete.

Of course, even if a part is missing, it will not affect his promotion.

With the completion of the promotion, He is the rule of light and darkness, He is the rule of light and darkness, and the light and darkness in the world become His body!

Su Yun was curious, what was his prayer, and could he control his prayer?

The world is in turmoil, cheering and celebrating the birth of another great being!

Light and darkness intertwined and filled the entire world.

Frequent visions!

"Has he been promoted successfully?" Mother Earth couldn't believe it.

The God of War's eyes showed eagerness to try.

"How long has it been, how long has it been since the true god appeared..." the Lord of the Sky murmured.

The all-seeing one was shocked and angry, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

Ouroboros was stunned and could not accept this situation.

A god was promoted to a true god right under his eyes. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have scorned it.

The result... really happened...

The spirit body and Ming Yan's expressions were uncertain.

Looking at the resurrection and prophecy that are about to disappear, I look at them with great complexity, and my heart is full of envy and unwillingness.

If...if they could...

In addition to them, the other gods on the mainland who saw this scene were shocked in their hearts, feeling that they had witnessed a miracle.

What made them even more stunned was the prayer that followed.

The world is singing and cheering, just like countless people are praising loudly.

“The stars shine brightly because of Him, and all things have light because of Him.”

“He is the Master of billions of lights, the ineffable One who controls the light.”

"He is one and ten thousand, He can do whatever He wants, and He is the One who exists forever. It is infinitely more honorable than Him, and infinitely more noble than Him!"

Just when the gods thought it was over, what was even more shocking was the strange murmur that followed.

"He was born in darkness, He is the Supreme of darkness."

“Wherever darkness is shrouded, His gaze is there. Nothing can be hidden from Him, and no lip or tongue dares to speak His name.”

"Original darkness, the only immortal one!"

“Your will overrides the will of the world.”

“Everything you say and do overrides the rules of the world.”

"You are eternity!"

The darkness is singing, the darkness is whispering, praising this incredible existence.

"Always praise the original darkness!"

"May your will encompass all the stars!"

The strange whispers that followed were even more chilling.

"O foolish creatures who have not seen the truth, come quickly! Come with me to sacrifice your spirit and body, merge with the Lord, and have a glimpse of the eternal truth!"

The sacred and weird praises and murmurs constantly cross and echo in the ears of the gods, overlapping but not confusing. As long as you hear them, you can clearly understand their meaning.

With prayer, the light and darkness in the world begin to gather, and they form the body of a great being!

The supreme being has arrived!

The extremely strong sense of existence always reminds the world that this is a great existence that cannot be understood and interpreted!

Intangible, qualityless, soulless, and spiritless, it is impossible to describe its specificity at a glance. It seems to be light and dark. Light and darkness are intertwined, and chaos is vaguely visible.

Indescribable, indescribable, indescribable.

It's wrong to think about it, it's ridiculous to think about it!

It seems to be the most noble and powerful existence in the infinite diversity!

Holy and evil.

It is an existence that cannot be described by all words!

Almost everyone who saw the existence of this statue had a blank mind, and the weak ones even looked crazy, sinking in the killing and madness.

They can't understand and can't bear the gaze!

Su Yun found that he had no human form at all at this moment, and he looked extremely indescribable in the interweaving of light and darkness.

In fact, this is not His true essence, it can only be said to be part of the rules of His essence.

The moment He became the true God, He became the rule of light and darkness. The rule was Him and He was the rule.

No wonder the true God is immortal...

Even if this body is destroyed, He can be reborn later!

The true gods looked at Him with different expressions.

The true god of light and darkness!

To be honest, they were all a little scared at the moment.

If it were just light or darkness, they were confident that they would not lose to each other, but now that the two top authorities have come together, the strength this brings...

Just after sensing the powerful aura on each other's body, their expressions became serious.

Sure enough, the opponent suddenly became a great divine power, and he was not weak even among the great true gods!

The all-seeing person's silver eyes looked at Su Yun gloomily, "Very good! You are really lucky, you can get promoted like this!"

Su Yun glanced at him indifferently, and then glanced at the Ouroboros of Time.

"It's time to settle the score."

Mysterious and complex voices echoed, and even the words could not be heard clearly without reaching a certain level of strength.

The so-called great sound is nothing more than this.

Before the All-Seeing One could get angry, Ouroboros took the lead and became furious.

“You’ve just been promoted and you’re so arrogant!”

He was already angry at the loss of the authority of light and darkness that was already in his possession, and the fact that the target was promoted under his nose made him even more angry.

It’s still bearable there!

"Let me teach you a lesson!"

Thanks to ‘Actress Duoqiu0’ for the 1,500-coin reward.

Thanks to the leader of ‘Black Cat in the Rain’ for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘160924125724767’ for the 100 coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Qiu Manmen’ for the 100-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Little Little Reader’ for the 100-coin reward.

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