I Became the God of Light

Chapter 453 Gamma Ray Explosion!

The gods were confused and didn't know what it meant to be secretive. What would happen after a few days?

They only thought that there might be something secret, but as for understanding the rules, they never thought about it.

Because how could there be a god who could quickly comprehend the rules in a short period of time?

This goes against common sense!

There is still a long way to go before the secret rules are complete, and it is absolutely impossible to complete them in a few days!

Therefore, they never thought about this at all.

Su Yun didn't say much, just asked them to wait.

The soldiers could only wait quietly with doubts.

In this dim space, except for the sea blue energy group and the lingering black mist, everything was filled with silence.

In this lifeless environment, the perception of time seemed to be confused, and three days passed quickly.

Su Yun, who was sitting on a throne made of divine power, quietly closing his eyes, suddenly sensed something and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Divine stone space.

Su Yun's body quickly turned his attention to his body and looked solemnly at the godhead.

Just now, through his unremitting efforts and a lot of hard work, he finally understood the rules completely!

At the same moment, he noticed something strange about his godhead.

Looking at the pure white and holy radiant godhead with ninety facets, a feeling emerged from his heart, which made him a little surprised.

Just like the feeling when advancing, as long as you let go, the godhead can complete unknown changes.

After pondering for a moment, he let go of the restrictions.

In an instant, the divine personality changed!


The pure white godhead let out a soft cry.

What surprised Su Yun was that what happened next was different from what happened before.

A miraculous fluctuation emerged from within the godhead. It was a regular fluctuation!

The rules fluctuated more and more intensely, and finally an invisible fire of distorted rules appeared, burning the godhead surgingly.

In an instant, the godhead was calcined into a pool of pure white liquid, and then quickly shaped.

As the shape formed, a bright white godhead with ninety-nine facets exuded vast regular fluctuations and floated quietly in the godhead space.

Su Yungang had just finished being surprised. Just when he thought everything was over, something unexpected happened again.

"Buzz buzz..."

In a burst of soft chirping, the aura of rules on the godhead became more and more intense, and it gradually became illusory and transparent. A ray of bright white light bloomed on it, and then the light swelled!


Su Yun's expression changed and he realized something was wrong.

He keenly felt that not only the white light rose, but also the godhead itself, or it could be said that the godhead turned into that white light!

Before he could take any measures, the divine white light emerged from the divine space and merged with his divine body. The white light filled every corner of the body!

At that moment, a strange feeling came over him, and Su Yun was in a daze. He felt as if he had turned into light and merged with the light.

It's like... entering the space between heaven and earth and turning into the eternal light...

Su Yun was shocked, and at the last moment, he broke away from that feeling.

Not only has the time not come yet, but when he is promoted and becomes one with the world, that is, under the influence of heaven and man, a strong sense of crisis comes over him.

It seems that as long as he advances, he will face an unprecedented crisis and escape from death!

Su Yun's expression changed, and he immediately figured it out.

"It's the true God!"

His heart was heavy, and even the joy of transformation had disappeared.

At this moment when he has completed his transformation and is full of power, the guy who can still have a strong sense of crisis for him, and give him the feeling of a narrow escape from death, has no other possibility than a true god!

"I am now about 120 times stronger than the normal ninth level state. I have no power to resist in this state..."

Su Yun was silent.

That feeling directly reminded him of how far the gap between him and the true God was!

"Fortunately, there is still a way to go."

If it weren't for the evil god's path, he didn't know what he would do in the end. Maybe he would take a risk and break through?

However, it’s hard to predict whether he will live or die by then...

At least destroying the evil god's seal can attract attention, and other party members will share the risk. Just like fishing in a net, there will always be a few who escape. He believes in his luck!

After thinking about all this, Su Yun felt the changes in himself.

Radiance fills every corner of the divine body, as if the body is made of light.

Turning his attention to the body, he found that the godhead and characters had disappeared, and the godhead space had also disappeared without a trace!

Of course, it's wrong to say that. The godhead space is really gone, but the godhead and characters are integrated with him.

Su Yun felt that he was the incarnation of the rules of light at this moment!

This feeling was extremely strong, and he knew that his guess was correct!


"Only the last step is left!" Su Yun murmured.

After the transformation, he naturally knew how to become a true god.

It's easy to say, as long as you complete the final act of entering the world, you can be promoted to a true god!

There are no other bottlenecks or requirements, it’s extremely simple!

However, it is such a simple action, but it is extremely difficult to do...

The world doesn't get in the way, other gods do!

Su Yun sighed secretly, and then thought of something, "I wonder if I can be promoted in the real world?"

With a glimmer of hope, he opened the little black ball, and the glowing divine body entered the real world.

As soon as he returns home to his bedroom, he eagerly lets go of his limitations and attempts to merge with the universe.

In an instant, he felt that his divine body was about to spread out and turn into endless light!

But at the last moment, something crucial was missing and the act was terminated!

"Sure enough..." Su Yun shook his head in disappointment.

The difference between the real world and another world...

Su Yun sighed, opened the little black ball again, and returned to the other world from the bedroom.

Returning to the divine stone space, he turned his attention to the clone.

After the transformation of his body was completed, some of Su Yun's emotions and actions attracted the attention of other gods.

Old Prophecy's face was full of confusion and he asked, "Hidden Secret, what's wrong with you?"

They also looked over at Resurrection.

"It's nothing." Su Yun shook his head and explained casually, "It's just that the rules are complete."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand, and a white light bloomed from his hand.

The gods were stunned for a moment and thought they heard wrongly. When they felt the aura of rules entwined in the white light, their expressions changed.

In an instant, the eyes of the gods who were watching quietly widened suddenly, as if they had seen something incredible.

"Hey, is it complete?!" The soldier was stunned.

"How is that possible!" Su Xuan looked stunned.

Several exclamations were heard, and the gods looked shocked.

"Secret, have you fully understood the rules?!" The prophet's face was stiff.

Although the facts were before him, he still wanted to confirm.

Su Yun nodded.

The gods took a breath and felt that their thinking was a little confused.

The original secret rules are still some way from being complete in their perception. It will take at least several decades to comprehend, but now they are complete?

How many days has it been?

If they were modern humans, this would be absolutely crazy!

"How did you do it?" Resurrection asked with a glare.

Was it their illusion before?

"What do you mean by the days you mentioned earlier?" Observe the trembling of his face.

The gods thought that Hidden Secret had indeed said to wait a few days a few days ago. They thought it was something else, but it turned out to be this!

Facing the strange looks in the eyes of the gods, Su Yun smiled and said nothing and did not choose to answer.

When he didn't answer, they could only make up their own minds.

Some thought that the secret was worthy of being secret, and it was indeed very mysterious. Others thought that it was abnormal, and some thought that some method had been used to hide the aura of the rules before.

In short, there are all kinds of thoughts, but no matter what kind of thoughts, the emotions in the hearts of the gods are not calm, and the eyes looking at the secret are full of strangeness.

After a while, the soldier's eyes suddenly lit up and he laughed and said, "Haha, isn't your strength stronger now? How about a fight with me?"

As he spoke, he looked at Su Yun with eyes full of excitement and desire, as if he had seen some prey of equal strength and was eager for a hearty battle!

Before Su Yun could say anything, Su Yun said happily, "I agree, I also want to see your hidden power!"

The prophecy also showed interest in their eyes, and they all thought this proposal was a good one.

Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly refused, "No."

After the words fell, regretful sighs sounded. The gods were very disappointed and felt that they had missed a good show.

The battle between powerful warriors and mysterious secrets is very interesting no matter how you think about it.

But since they refused secretly, it was hard for them to force it.

The soldier looked disappointed.

Seeing this, the prophecy calmed down the atmosphere and said, "Have you fully understood the secret rules? Are you going to act according to the plan?"

"This time it involves the true god. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of falling. Is everyone ready?"

When he said this, the atmosphere suddenly became silent, and anxiety filled the hearts of the gods.

What a God!

Thinking of facing the true God, they felt suffocated.

The stronger they are and the more they know, the more insignificant they will feel!

"No, I have to wait!" Resurrection gritted his teeth.

The gods looked over.

Resurrection rolled up her hair and explained, "I didn't expect the operation to go so smoothly. There are still some arrangements that haven't been made. I want to unlock the seal when I'm ready."

"Time?" The spirit body suddenly asked.

Resurrection hesitated for a while and said, "I need a few years."

The spirit frowned and was about to say something.

But before he could say anything, another being also spoke.

"I also have some preparations that I haven't made yet." Pandora's said hesitantly.

The spirit's brows furrowed even more.

The prophecy seemed to see that the spirit body was a little impatient, and said, "Since there are still preparations for resurrection and inversion, let's wait."

"We were all prepared to wait until we understood the rules in secret, but now that we have such a short time, it doesn't matter if we wait."

After a pause, he added, "None of us is completely sure when facing the true God, so it is a good thing to be more prepared."

Having said so much, the spirit body could only endure it even if it was a little impatient.

Su Yun pondered for a while, then thought that he really had to make some preparations, and chose to agree.

The gods made a plan, and the clones were guarding here to prevent any accidents, while the main body made preparations.

Divine stone space.

Su Yun opened his eyes, and a mysterious and complex light flashed through his eyes.

"Facing the true god, my current strength is not enough."

He frowned in thought.

While thinking, he suddenly thought of the photon system and directly used it to analyze and calculate.

All the information in the memory began to be sorted one by one under the calculation of the speed of light of the photon system.

After a few minutes, the photon system calculated something.

From the information we know, the probability of defeating the true God is zero, but the probability of escaping is!

Su Yun's eyes lit up.

At the same time, several plans that can increase the escape rate were also listed by Photon System.

A cold voice echoed.

"Plan 1, dark authority."

"Dark authority." Su Yun muttered.

This is indeed a way to enhance strength. In the final calculation, a slight probability was even calculated...

The probability of authority mutation!

When light and darkness meet, a new authority may be born, a more powerful and mysterious authority!

Although the probability of this is very low, even if it is small, it is possible!

"In the face of the true God, any method to increase strength cannot be ignored!"

Su Yun had already made up his mind and immediately made arrangements to obtain the dark power!

Moreover, the photon system's calculated information also lists possible ways to obtain the power of darkness.


Play as the God of Darkness!

In the system's possible calculations, a very large number of alien beings need to agree and act in a manner consistent with authority!

"Is it a performance from another world?" Su Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, feeling it was very interesting.

In addition to the dark power plan, there are other plans to increase strength.

"Gamma ray burst!"

This is the most offensive magic calculated by the system from the current information!

The wavelength of gamma rays is less than 0.001 nanometers. Because this wavelength is very short and the frequency is high, it has very large energy.

In the real world of nuclear weapons, if a small neutron bomb has a killing range of two kilometers, then a gamma ray bomb of the same equivalent has a killing range of 100 kilometers!

And these are just gamma rays created by humans. Gamma ray bursts are cosmic phenomena, the strongest bursts in the known universe!

It is theorized to be produced by the collapse and explosion of a giant star when it runs out of fuel, or the merger of two nearby dense stars, a black hole or a neutron star.

As for its power, gamma ray bursts can be as short as a thousandth of a second or as long as several hours, releasing huge amounts of energy in a short period of time.

If compared with the sun, the energy it releases in a few minutes is equivalent to the sum of trillions of years of sunlight, and the energy of a single photon it emits is usually hundreds of thousands of times that of typical sunlight!

To put it bluntly, a gamma ray burst is a horrific natural disaster in the real world and the universe, and the energy it emits is unparalleled!

It can even sweep through the Milky Way and turn it into a silver stream!

When it comes to the essence of gamma ray bursts, they are actually photons!

"With my authority, I should be able to do it!" Su Yun muttered.

Two chapters in one

Thanks to the elder ‘Black Cat in the Rain’ for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘It’s so hard to change your name’ for the 500-coin reward.

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