I Became the God of Light

Chapter 451 Forced Fight

"Staying somewhere is not waiting? For the evil god, staying in the seal may make no difference to him."

"So sure there is no struggle? Who would want to stay in the seal?" Resurrection was a little unconvinced.

Observation said, "Looking at the damage to the seal, most of it was caused by erosion."

"Their concept of time is also different from ours. Maybe He slept?"

"Okay, you're right." After hearing this, Su Xuan observed carefully and had to accept the result.

The words of observation opened her eyes.

In short, she is a sane person who wants to understand this half-crazy evil god...

I thought to myself that I was really crazy.

"As long as this thing is destroyed, the seal can be lifted?" said Upside Down, "Do we have the ability to destroy it?"

The warrior shouted disdainfully, "It's a true god's artifact. Isn't it an artifact? We won't be able to destroy this half-broken thing?"

Observation nodded, "The soldier is right. With our strength, it only takes some time and we can do it without any accidents."

"But I think we need to sort out a few things first."

After saying this, the gods turned their eyes and stared at the familiar black land below the blue light group, which made their expressions serious.

Needless to say, this is definitely not some land, it is definitely the body of a monster!

And this range...

The gods frowned.

The warrior looked at him and asked if he wanted to take action.

The other gods hesitated for a moment and nodded.

If you want to safely destroy the seal, these monsters must be killed!

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched vaguely, thinking to himself, "It's going to be bad!"

He checked his understanding of the rules.

Eighty-six percent!

This is the result of my understanding these days. It will take two or three days to fully understand it...

Su Yun was helpless.

Upon receiving the response, the warrior's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he took action without consulting them.

He held his right hand, and the blood spear that smelled of blood appeared in a flash, and then the red light bloomed, and a strong aura of rules surrounded it.

The next second, a shrill sound broke through the air, and the blood spear passed through a long distance in the blink of an eye and appeared above the black land.


Blood-red light flashed, and a layer of black energy resisted, but unexpectedly blood splashed out, and a huge flesh pit appeared!


Screams rose from the sky.

Boom boom boom!

When the earth shook and the sky shook, all the black land was awakened, and the earth heaved!

Thirteen black three-eyed giants, with red light flashing in their eyes, roared and stood up.

"You warrior!" Resurrection was furious, and the other gods also glared at the warrior.

The soldier scratched his short hair, looking confused and innocent.

"This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes." Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly.

"I have three! The rest will be left to you!" After the soldier finished speaking, he rushed forward happily.

Upside down hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll hold on to two of them."

As he spoke, his figure flashed and stood directly in front of the two three-eyed monsters.

"Oops!" Su Xuan looked bitter.

There are eight left. There are only six of them. How to fight?

"I can only hold one down." After she finished speaking weakly, she immediately flew up to him.

He was so quick that he didn't even listen to the answer, as if he was afraid of hearing something he didn't want to hear.

The old prophet smiled helplessly, "I'll hold off one of you."

He flew up.

There are six left...

The remaining Su Yun, Zhong Yan, Spirit Body, and Observation couldn't help but look at each other.

"Leave two to me." The spirit said suddenly.

With a cold expression on his face, Zhan Yan didn't say anything and just went to find one.

There are three left...

Su Yun and Kan Guan looked at each other in the light, and both felt the other's helpless mood.

What is this?...

They, who had never wanted to take action, were forced to take action, and now one of them is forced to fight two?

Where do they get the confidence to think that one of them can deal with two of them?

Observation sighed, "Alas... I'm not good at fighting, they..."

"Hold the other two secrets first. If that doesn't work, wait for their support."

As he said that, he was a little embarrassed and quickly ducked to confront one.

Looking at the remaining two, Su Yun's mouth twitched, "I don't even fully understand the rules, how about I go up against two?"

Helplessness flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

Seeing that the other guys were facing their opponents and he was the only one left, Su Yun had no choice but to bite the bullet and fly towards the remaining two.

On the way, the leap bracelet in his hand flashed, and his strength was tripled.

Then he took out three hundred and twenty pieces of ninth-level faith crystals from the space ring, and then crushed them into pieces.

At the same time, the little black ball opened, and the power of faith from more than a billion believers in the real world rushed out!

The huge power of faith was instantly transformed into divine power, and then turned into fuel for the blessing technique!

Su Yun's body shone brightly, and in just a blink of an eye, his strength began to skyrocket!

five times...

ten times……

Twenty times...

Coupled with the three times the jump bracelet, the strength increased by twenty-three times in an instant!


Su Yun shook his head, "Now we have made up for the missing rule gap."

Thinking about it, he stopped in front of the three-eyed monster who was about to join other battle groups.

While Su Yun was moving, the other banquet members were actually paying attention to him while fighting.

"You'll be exposed now, right?"

"What is the secret strength?"

Out of curiosity, he and the battlefield he observed attracted the most attention.

After seeing him use a method and his aura inexplicably increased dozens of times, everyone was a little surprised.

What the hell is this, so outrageous?

But after the secret rules aura came out, they were all stunned.

"How is it possible? It's not complete yet?"

Even if the rules in the white light were just a little less complete, they could still distinguish them!

The most mysterious secret among the gods, you haven’t fully understood the rules yet?

This fact made them stunned, and they were almost seriously injured by the three-eyed monster.

You know, even though all the members of the banquet were hiding, when they took action at this moment, every one of them was exposed, and they all understood the rules completely!

There is a secret exception. How can this not make them stupefied?

At the same time, they became suspicious in their hearts, not knowing what was going on.

"Not good!" Su Xuan's face suddenly changed wildly, and he exclaimed, "I haven't fully understood the secret rules yet. How can I fight two monsters now?"

Worry arose in her heart.

The prophecy had been paying attention to the battlefield for several moments. Naturally, he heard her exclamation keenly, and his expression also changed.

In the blink of an eye, each guy's mood became complicated.

"I don't know if the secret can survive..."

I added it, I forgot to delete what I said before...

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