I Became the God of Light

Chapter 437 Cloud Tribe

Su Yun discovered that the silkworms who couldn't eat were slowly absorbing the energy of the mulberry leaves beneath them.

There was a little surprise on his face.

Is it because they absorbed energy that those silkworms didn't die?

This was the only reason, and he didn't see any other abnormalities in these silkworms.

After being surprised, he didn't take it too seriously. It was just a moth. Just live as long as you can. Maybe you could produce a few more batches of eggs.

Thinking of this, he mentally glanced at some yellow silkworm eggs in the frame, and some newly hatched silkworms that were as black as ants and looked very small. They were crawling densely in the frame.

After seeing the silkworms, Su Yun focused his consciousness into his body, found the old priest's thread of faith, and began to transmit knowledge.

In the cave, the old priest was happily playing with the moth, finding it very interesting. The knowledge that suddenly appeared in his mind made him startled.

is God!

Knowing that it was God imparting knowledge belonging to God, he quickly stopped what he was doing and waited devoutly.

Soon, after no new content appeared, he began to check the memories in his mind, and then he was stunned.

The knowledge of processing silkworm cocoons and making looms and weaving clothes out of wood appeared in his mind.

In addition to these, there is something called a computer, but even if this thing has a memory, he can only vaguely understand it, and he does not understand what it is at all.

"God's knowledge is complicated!" he sighed.

After thinking about it, he walked to the cocoons where the moths had fallen off, and looked at the small holes at the tops of those cocoons, with a look of regret on his face.

He thought these things were useful before, but according to the knowledge handed down from God, these cocoons could hardly be used to weave clothes because the threads had been broken.

The real method of dealing with it is also found in the knowledge handed down from God.

When the silkworm cocoon is still intact, boil it directly in boiling water. When the thread comes out, pull it up and put it on a small wooden stick. In this way, the silkworm cocoon can be pulled out and peeled off.

The old priest began to follow the oracle's instructions to summon the tribesmen to make textile machines and pass on computer knowledge.

He was very embarrassed about the obscure knowledge. Fortunately, God said that as long as the tribesmen had a rough understanding of it, it would be fine, which made him relieved.

While the old priest was dealing with things, Su Yun was thinking in the divine stone space.

"It's safer to attack both ends at the same time."

In order to prevent this failure, he planned to continue studying computer knowledge. If theology didn't work, he would have to rely on himself.

He got lost in research.

In this situation, time passes very quickly, and a day passes in a blink of an eye.

The old priest has spread the knowledge of light brain, but what disappoints him is that none of the clan members have any accidents, they are all in a daze.

He thought someone would appear who could understand the knowledge handed down from God.

At the same time, he also made a textile loom and placed it outside the cave. He was familiar with it with his tribe.

The bronze-skinned leader with beards looked at the priest and asked doubtfully, "What is this?"

"The secret, you will understand when the day comes." The old priest stretched out his hand and stroked the loom with a smile.

He decided to give the tribe a surprise directly after the clothes were made.

The leader glared at the old priest, feeling that this guy was getting more and more pushy, which made people feel unhappy.

Isn’t it because God prefers him and likes to impart knowledge to him...

He felt sour in his heart.

Time passed again, and soon another few days passed.

In the past few days, this batch of silkworms had turned into cocoons. After the original moths were used as seeds, the old priest soaked nearly a thousand cocoons in boiling water, and then asked the attentive tribesmen to draw them out with wooden sticks. From silk.

Although the process is tedious, it is still very interesting for boring people.

Sticks wrapped with silk were placed one after another in the cave.

Then the old priest arranged for a few women to follow him into the house.

The leader looked at the priest who blocked him outside the cave and muttered, "Isn't this old guy doing some shameful things inside?"

After complaining, he could only wait quietly with the other tribesmen, waiting for the so-called surprise.

Many tribesmen dispersed and resumed their usual lives.

But they lived quietly, which other tribes did not.

As the reputation of the Yanhuang tribe spreads wider and wider, its influence is now very great, which has attracted many foreign tribal envoys.

Among them, there are also those who have seen the development of the Yanhuang tribe and feel that they can take advantage of it.

Another six days passed.

A few kilometers away from the Yanhuang tribe, by a large river, amidst the sound of rushing water, some footsteps could be heard on the gravel on the shore.

Judging from the footsteps, it was made by three people.

"Asuka, is that tribe really what you said?"

The speaker was a man in his thirties, with a calm and dignified appearance.

He is Qingyun, the leader of the Seventh Level Cloud Tribe, and the person he is questioning is a young man in his twenties with a baby face that looks very tender.

"I'm not lying. There are indeed very few things in that seventh-level tribe. We can definitely make a lot of money!"

Asuka nodded.

As the messenger of the seventh-level Yun tribe, he was originally sent by his own god that time to say hello to the Yanhuang tribe in a friendly manner. Who knew that he would find something after entering the tribe.

That tribe is missing a lot of things!

For example, staple food and clothes, he had never seen it in the Yanhuang tribe last time. He was a little unbelievable at the time. Would a seventh-level tribe have no staple food and still wear animal skins?

How did they develop and how did they not starve to death?

After he felt it was profitable, he went back to the tribe and told the story. Other tribesmen also had the same idea as him. They couldn't believe it and were ready to make a lot of money.

"As long as we trade Mai and our staple food this time, we will definitely make a lot of money."

"If we don't take advantage of the time, this benefit will definitely be taken away by other tribes!"

Little did he know that the Yanhuang tribe had lost its staple food to Feiniao some time ago, and his face looked anxious.

"Haha... I hope what you said is true!" Leader Qingyun laughed.

Another person who had been listening next to the two people heard this and spoke, "Chief, is the god of the Yanhuang tribe really that strong? Are they really a seventh-level tribe?"

Li had to wonder if this was a so-called rumor. It was simply false. Otherwise, how could he explain that the three-level tribes had things that the Yanhuang tribe did not?

Asuka's eyes widened when he heard this. This was what he had always wanted to ask.

Qingyun hesitated for a moment and said, "There should be no lies. This is what Yun Shen said himself!"

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