I Became the God of Light

Chapter 433 Experiment

Dean was tied to the metal bed. After seeing that he couldn't get out, fear flashed in his eyes.

"What do you want to do?"

He was angry and frightened.

Joel looked at him with pity, holding a syringe in his hand, which contained one-tenth of the pale golden blood.

He walked to Dean's side and stabbed his thick arm skillfully with the syringe in his hand.

Under the gazes of Marek and others around him, blood was slowly pushed in.

Dean screamed in fright, and this look of experiment scared him even more to the point of collapse.

"What did you inject me with? What's that golden thing?"

However, what was waiting for him was not the answers from the people around him, but the vigilant eyes, as if he was something terrifying.

There were even a few men in black with guns in their hands, pointing straight at him!

Dean looked stunned. Before he could figure out what was going on, he felt a strong burning sensation starting from his right arm, which made him have no intention of paying attention to anything else.

Soon, within a second or two, the burning sensation turned into severe pain, as if something was digging into his flesh.


The shrill howl resounded throughout the testing ground, making everyone watching feel their hearts skip a beat.

Is it that painful?

This reaction confused them.

Then, Joel and others saw a strange scene. The prisoner's body began to turn red, like a cooked shrimp!

What happened next made their hearts tremble even more.

After Dean's body turned red, blood oozed from all parts of his body. The bleeding stopped and he turned into a bloody man!

The howling sound became more intense, very much like a pregnant woman giving birth naturally.

After a few seconds, the screams gradually weakened and should have subsided.


Joel, Marek and others were delighted.

The joy of success filled them, and they had foreseen that there would be extraordinary people in the organization in the future!

They are even thinking about whether they should be the next person to inject blood.

"No, let's do the experiment again."

The success rate of this kind of thing is hard to say. They don't dare to risk their lives to be the guinea pig, lest the power doesn't come and the person will die.

Watching Dean gradually calm down, the atmosphere in the laboratory was filled with joy.

"Let's take a look at the effect on him first, and then wait until specific data is collected..."

Marek's eyes flashed with coldness, and he made a cruel decision in his heart.

Just when he was thinking this and others were looking happy, something happened suddenly!


Dean let out an unprecedented scream.

Everyone was shocked, and the four people holding the guns tightened their guns, ready to shoot if anything went wrong.


There was a violent explosion, and blood and minced meat splashed all over the sky. The entire laboratory became extremely bloody, like a slaughterhouse.

Dean's whole body disappeared on the experimental table with the explosion.

Blood and minced meat splashed onto the faces and bodies of everyone who was unsuspecting, slowly sliding down their stunned faces, and the smell of blood filled the air.

Everyone who was happy a moment ago did not expect this scene to happen, and the scene became quiet.

A few seconds later...

The researchers were devastated.


Screams, accompanied by vomiting sounds, began to appear in the laboratory.

Both Joel and Marek bent over and vomited out all the food they had eaten today. In the end, even acidic water began to gush out.

The entire laboratory was instantly filled with a sour smell and was in a terrible mess.

It took nearly ten minutes for the collapsed people to calm down a little.

Marek lost his mind and muttered, "Failed?"

"What happened?" he turned to Joel and asked.

The white-haired old man Joel was wiping his face and cleaning the scraps of meat all over his body.

"I'm going to take a shower."

Joel had goosebumps all over his body.

Marek nodded.

More than two hours later, after carefully cleaning their bodies, Joel and others stood in the slightly cleaned laboratory.

The crowd was gathering together, and everyone was staring at George.

George stood next to a high-tech microscope, his eyes focused on the piece of meat under the microscope.

"How about it?"

Marek, who had been waiting for a while, couldn't help but ask.

He really couldn't understand why something like that happened and a living person disappeared like that?

After some experiments, Joel, who had already observed some results, his face changed, full of surprise.

A few minutes later, he moved his eyes away from the microscope, looked at Marek and others, and said, "The blood that was injected into the prisoner's body was not absorbed and fused by the prisoner's blood. They were actually distinct."

"What do you mean?" Marek asked with a frown.

"It means that if we find a way, we can even separate the blood from the tissue!" Joel said.

When Marek heard this, he looked shocked and asked doubtfully, "How could it explode?"

"Maybe the energy contained in the blood was too great and the prisoner couldn't bear it."

Joel said solemnly, "I doubt that this blood can really be absorbed by humans?"

"Can it be diluted? Is there any way?" Marek asked.

Joel thought for a moment and then said, "Experiment."

Next, Joel began a series of cruel experiments, and the final conclusion shocked everyone.

No matter how diluted it is, the energy contained in the blood cells is still too great, and it can even replenish the energy lost artificially as time goes by!

And for some unknown reason, the blood will never be absorbed and fused, and will only temporarily exist in the host body, which is equivalent to a parasitic method.

This situation is like that blood that is superior. It is not the same thing as human blood at all. No matter how small the amount is, let alone absorbing it, it is considered good if it is not affected. The gap between the two is too big.

As for why it is said to be temporarily lodged in the host body, it is of course because everyone who was injected died!

The only difference is whether the death is tragic or not, and whether a whole body can be left behind.

Even afterwards, they can separate and extract the blood...

This series of failed research directly plunged the researchers into despair, and at the same time, they also felt fear in their hearts.

Only then did they remember, would this attempt to infringe on God's domain send them to hell?

In the blink of an eye, there are more believers in the world.

The experiment continues...

In the silent night.

Thousands of meters high in the sky, a layer of white cotton sea of ​​clouds covers here and spreads to the end of the line of sight. The scene is spectacular.

At this time, there was a being walking slowly on the clouds.

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