I Became the God of Light

Chapter 4 The physical body gradually becomes deified?

Chapter 4 The physical body gradually becomes deified

Looking at the 'godhead' that was half stained red, he fell into thinking.

"Does this color represent the level of the godhead? If so, how to improve it?"

"Is it faith?"

Su Yun guessed that only when the crimson color occupied all parts of the godhead would he become a fully developed god and would not feel uncomfortable even showing up.

And faith is the most likely way to improve his strength. After all, the divine power in the body is transformed by the power of faith transmitted by those threads.

If the number of believers increases, he believes that his strength will be improved!

Su Yun experienced the feeling of flying for a while, and then floated to the physical body with a little regret.

His divine body slowly submerged into his physical body, the white light disappeared little by little, and the whole room returned to normal.

Su Yun opened his eyes and moved his body, and then he noticed something strange.

"Has your body changed a bit?"

This time, he was aware of things that he had not felt before.

He felt an inexplicable change in his body, as if he was affected by the divine body and gradually changed.

A gentle energy was transmitted from the divine body to every cell in his body, just like he was being supplemented with tonics without side effects at all times.

Su Yun had a feeling that his body was slowly being assimilated by the divine power of the divine body, becoming more and more inhuman, and even gradually changing towards the appearance of the divine body!

Thinking of this, he hurried to the bathroom, walked to the mirror and looked at the reflected figure.

The young man in the mirror has black hair that is neither long nor short, and his appearance is clean, fresh and attractive, and will not attract people to look back on the road.

The abbreviation is an ordinary and ordinary face.

"The skin has become whiter and a little more handsome?"

Su Yun looked around his face, and suddenly found that his originally yellowish complexion had turned slightly whiter, and even his face shape seemed to have changed somewhat.

He knew that this was definitely not an illusion, it was divine power that worked.

He is getting better and better looking!

The face, skin color, and every part of the body will slowly transform into the perfect form of the divine body.

"Compared to this, Asian magic is simply weak!" Su Yun couldn't help but complain.

Although he hasn't seen the appearance of his divine body yet, he knows that it is definitely at the level of pervert.

It's the type that makes people unable to take their eyes away from it, causes traffic accidents when walking on the road, makes people stop in shock, and then gather around to take pictures and swallow their saliva, and kills men, women, old and young!

Thinking of this, Su Yun's scalp became numb and his eyes became a little panicked.

If one day he really becomes like that, he will stop thinking about being obscene and developing.

Not to mention being followed as soon as he leaves home, there might be some lunatic who wants to get him forever and rush into his house to die with him!

This may sound incredible, but it happens to everyone in the world, and the possibility is really high.

Even celebrities in the real world have similar experiences, let alone an instant star like him, whose appearance is simply impossible to be born naturally.

"Fortunately, this kind of change shouldn't be completed in a short time. We can only find a way at that time."

Su Yun scratched his hair and said with some annoyance.

"But the biggest change at this stage is probably the temperament, right?"

Temperament sounds a little complicated, but it does exist.

Even if an ordinary person and a nobleman wear the same clothes, their spirits will look different.

Su Yun found that his temperament had completely changed. Even if his appearance had not changed much, his overall impression had also changed.

He stared blankly at the transparent mirror.

Even if the person in the mirror is in a daze, his eyes are indifferent and aloof, with a sense of holiness and mystery.

Overall, he is somewhat similar to a priest, but more noble than them by more than one level.

Maybe the temperament of the Holy Son that the world imagines is similar to what he has now, right?

No, that's not right. The Son's temperament should be gentle and approachable, but now he has a superior and indifferent feeling. He doesn't feel like a human being, but like the only god who can do whatever he wants.

Su Yun shook his head and didn't think much about it. The most important thing now was to figure out what was going on with him, such as the little black ball.

He noticed that the little black ball still existed in his godhead space.

Returning to the room and sitting on the bed again, Su Yun's consciousness fell into the divine space.

Looking at the little black ball, he fell into deep thought.

"The secret of my time travel is probably caused by this little black ball. Where did this thing come from?"

Su Yun couldn't figure it out after thinking for a while, so he could only put aside the problem temporarily.

"Since this thing can take me back, it can also take me there, right?"

He looked at the little black ball hesitantly, and after thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth.

"Try it!"

Controlling his consciousness, Su Yun carefully moved to the little black ball.

The first moment of contact.

The black ball has mutated!

A small vortex appeared, and everything around it was quickly pulled by the sudden black vortex.

But compared to last time, Su Yun felt a faint connection with the black ball this time. He seemed to be able to control the little black ball.

With a thought, he ordered, "Stop!"

The things that had been pulled were spit out, the space returned to normal, and the little black ball returned to the size of a thumb and floated quietly.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun's lips curled up slightly, and he was in a good mood.

Although this thing was very mysterious, at least he could control it now, which made him feel a little relieved.

"I don't know what happened to those primitive people. I just want to go over and take a look."

Thinking about the primitive people who worshiped him as their faith, he suddenly felt that the terrible appearance of those people was a little cute now that he thought about it.

Opening his eyes, Su Yun picked up his phone and checked the time.


A total of more than three hours had passed between the time he went to bed and the time he traveled through time and came back.

I don’t know if there is any difference in time between the two sides, but we will only know this after we travel back in time next time.

Marking the time and lying down, his mind moved and he touched the little black ball with his consciousness.

The black vortex gradually expanded, and when it was about to swallow up Su Yun's divine body, a feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

As long as he wants, he can bring his physical body with him!

After thinking for a moment, he temporarily gave up the idea.

There are really many unknown factors, and I might do this in the future, but now it is not suitable for the physical body to go directly.

The black vortex swallowed up the divine body, and then quickly shrunk and disappeared.

Silence fell into the room again, and the only sound left was the young man's steady breathing.

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