I Became the God of Light

Chapter 386: Deceiving Dafa

"My lord, I am willing to exchange these for you!" said the goddess of winter.

"Me too!" the Lord of Doom said.

The three thousand level nine faith crystals on the table made the gods stunned, and then they all took a breath, shocked by this huge amount of faith crystals.

Even Su Yun, who was about to refuse directly, subconsciously stopped what he was about to say.

"Three thousand level nine faith crystals?" He was shocked.

This was the first time he had seen such a number of ninth-level faith crystals, and even he couldn't help but feel moved.

"As expected, he is indeed a ninth-level god. They are all fat sheep!"

Subconsciously, he began to think that with so many crystallizations of faith, if he could use blessing techniques to improve his strength...

"When the time comes, even the ninth-level gods will not be my opponent!"

He was extremely certain of this.

Moreover, the most important thing for him about these crystallizations of faith is not to use them as idle trump cards, but to use them to complete a performance he has always wanted.

I couldn’t play the role before because I wasn’t strong enough!

With these crystallizations of faith, I am barely qualified to act!

As long as the performance is successful, won't believers appear like water, splashing?

These crystallizations of faith will no longer be the same by then!

Thinking of this, all these benefits made him want to refuse, so he took it back.


"Really?" Su Yun frowned slightly.

He thought quickly, considering the pros and cons.

While he was thinking here, the three Nightmare Masters felt a thump in their hearts.

"Aren't these enough?"

These crystallizations of faith accounted for almost half of their net worth, and they had to consume them on a daily basis, so it was impossible to accumulate them all the time.

They asked themselves, this amount is enough to buy some news, but looking at the appearance of the hidden crown, is it not enough?

Or maybe it means that I am unwilling to reveal the true God’s secret?

"It turns out that not all the members of the party are good. Even this secretive one is just a stingy guy?"

When they thought of this, they were filled with grief and anger.

Of course, they thought so, but they didn't dare to show it and lowered their heads slightly.

However, the hands that were clenched unconsciously clearly showed their mood at the moment.

For a moment, the scene fell into silence. In addition, the gods did not dare to speak, and the atmosphere in the temple became depressed.

Su Yun didn't pay attention to them, and was thinking about whether to say it or not.


Suddenly, he thought of something and his eyes lit up slightly.

"Before, this nightmare master only said a way to improve his strength, and that was me. I don't have to tell him how to understand authority. I can also use other information to improve my strength instead!"

It’s not that you can’t speak out. At least you have to wait until you have the power to protect yourself before you can speak out the key points of understanding the rules!

As for ways to improve his strength, Su Yun also had a plan in mind.

Su Yun had an idea about authority a long time ago, but he was not strong enough and had no time to verify it.

In addition to the original authority, can a god also have another authority?

Although Su Yun thought about it, it should be possible.

But under what conditions it can be achieved and what the restrictions are, these are not things He can understand now.

In his opinion, these things should only be known by the true gods. Perhaps to them, it is just ordinary news that everyone knows.

Unfortunately, just like the nightmare masters, it would be extremely difficult to obtain this kind of ordinary news before truly reaching that realm.

After all, why would those true gods tell you the news?

Ordinary gods might be like ants to them, right?

"Perhaps, we can give you a direction and leave it to the Nightmare Lords to study on their own?" Su Yun thought to himself.

When it comes to promotion, there is no fear that they will not be careful.

And when the time comes, as long as I pretend to take the test, I can easily get the method?

And after such a long time, I definitely don't have to be afraid of them anymore. The most important thing is that I still have three thousand ninth-level faith crystals.

He is really a little clever guy when he comes up with fake news.

When Su Yun came to his senses, he realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the temple.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly understood.

Just when the gods were trembling, the three nightmare masters felt that they were stingy and unwilling to tell the news, and they were filled with grief and anger.

Suddenly, an indistinguishable voice echoed faintly.

"Since you want to know, I can tell you a little bit."

"But the knowledge of the True God is so precious. All you have to pay is for me to tell you a little. Whether you can succeed or not depends on you."

Su Yun said inscrutably.

"What?" The Nightmare Lord was in disbelief, "Your Majesty, did you agree?"

"Really?" The Lord of Doom was surprised.

"I thought, Your Majesty, you didn't want to..." The goddess of winter stopped hastily.

"Yeah." Su Yun responded lightly and explained casually, "I was just thinking about how much your things are worth."

Listening to the secret words, the three Nightmare Masters, including the other gods, all felt that they had wrongly blamed this secret crown prince, and secretly felt guilty.

"How could this secret His Majesty be a member of the banquet? How could he be such a stingy guy?"

"It's all my fault for thinking wrong... didn't this guy say an equivalent transaction before?"

The more I thought about it, the more the gods thought it was their own villainy.

Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly as he listened to the faint whispers.

No, you are not mistaken, I am just that kind of stingy person!

Su Yun sighed, these gods are really smart, they were able to read all my thoughts in just one go, amazing!

After the gods calmed down, they faced the faintly fiery gazes of the three nightmare masters.

Su Yun pondered for a moment, and then decided to tell the most likely and least difficult content.

He looked at the nightmare master and asked knowingly, "What authority do you have?"

The words echoed, and the gods were refreshed and listened carefully to the deception.

The Nightmare Master was stunned and quickly replied, "Nightmare!"

Su Yun sat on the throne and said enigmatically, "Then do you know what the opposite of your authority is?"

The Nightmare Master frowned and pondered.

Listening to this question, not only the Nightmare Lord fell into deep thought, but other gods also began to think about it.

What does Hidden Crown's words mean, and what is their profound meaning?

The Nightmare Master didn't think for long. It was related to his own authority, and he came up with the answer at once.

"It should be a sweet dream?" he replied hesitantly.

Su Yun nodded appreciatively, "You are right."

"Your Majesty, the power of dreams is related to my improvement of strength?" the nightmare master asked impatiently.

Thanks to ‘Black Cat in the Rain’ for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Name Miao Kanshu Liang’ for the 100-coin reward.

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