I Became the God of Light

Chapter 33 Divine Magic (4k)

The Yanhuang people suppressed their panic and shook their heads in unison.

Ye and others became shocked and angry.

They simply didn't believe that three people would disappear here out of thin air, and these people didn't know anything about it.

"These people must be lying!"

Another first-level warrior Xiong, with a ferocious face, shouted directly, "Call your priests and leaders, or I will kill you!"

Just at this time, a group of people poured out of the cave. They all stood next to Li, holding stone spear weapons in their hands.

More than a hundred Yanhuang people watched them warily.

"You don't think you can win just by counting the number of people, do you?" Xiong said with a sneer on his face.

Ye Haha laughed, "Haha, these are savages with little knowledge. It's normal for them not to know."

Zhan shook his head, with a cruel smile on his face.

When Li and others heard this, their hearts immediately went cold. They suddenly remembered that the two people they met before who could use ice, were they also such people...

"Forget it, stop asking them, beat these people to death and interrogate them one by one!"

Zhan made a suggestion as if no one else was around, not caring that the people of this small tribe were still here.

"I come!"

The bear strode forward, with a body as tall as a bear and a fierce aura.

"This guy..." Ye and Zhan looked at each other helplessly and smiled.

"Let you savages see the difference between you and me, haha..."

While laughing, a rich white-blue aura appeared around him.

He opened his mouth and shouted loudly, "Divinity! Ice Crystal Technique!"

A freezing cold wind blew from his body and swept around. Anyone who felt this cold air felt as if they had arrived in the dead of winter.

Before anyone could be surprised, sharp blue ice crystals the size of half a fingernail formed in the sky above his head in an instant, and there were hundreds of them!

"This is it!" Li and other tribesmen looked at this scene in surprise.

"Suffer death!" Xiong smiled ferociously and was about to activate his magic.

Zhan, who was standing aside, suddenly frowned and said, "Xiong, be gentle and don't kill them. God will be unhappy if you do this!"

Xiong made a subconscious move. Although the Yanhuang people didn't know the reason, they still breathed a sigh of relief, but then they became frightened and angry.

"These savages are important items. They can be taken back as slaves. It would be a pity if they died."

He smiled harmlessly, but the meaning behind his words was extremely vicious.

"Hahaha... That's right, take them back as slaves afterwards!"

Xiong Heye and the others behind him all laughed, looking at the Yanhuang people with malicious eyes.

In their tribe, slaves were not treated as human beings at all, but as the private property of their masters. Apart from helping their masters with dirty work, they were often hungry.

When the owner is in a bad mood, he can be beaten at will, and even used as a tool to vent his anger.

Although Li and the others didn't understand what a slave did, they could still detect the malice in the other person's eyes, and it was obviously not a good ending.

Xiong Yi smiled and was about to launch a magical attack.

"Wait!" Another rapid shout interrupted him.

"Huh?" Xiong frowned in displeasure. What bastard dared to interrupt him.

Everyone looked towards the location of the cave.

"It's the priest!"

The old priest panted and ran out first, followed by some tribesmen.

"I am the priest of the tribe, stop it first, I have something to say!"

The old priest calmed his breathing a little and spoke hurriedly.

The ice crystals around this bear-like burly man showed that he was frightened. Now he could only think of ways to delay and try his best to complete God's mission.

As long as God appears then, these guys will definitely not be God’s opponents!

He thought so in his heart, but on the surface, he still tried hard to maintain the smile on his face.

"Is this?" Su Yun, who took advantage of this period of time to put his consciousness into the old priest's body, frowned slightly and observed the ice crystals.

"Oh, you are the priest of the tribe?"

Zhan looked surprised and quickly called the bear.

Xiong had no choice but to withdraw his magic, and finally glared at the old man fiercely.

Seeing that the danger was gone, the old priest wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt a little more relaxed.

Zhan sneered and said, "Since you're here, it's just the right time for you to answer me."

"What?" The old priest was slightly confused.

Zhan repeated the question.

The old priest was shocked and shook his head hastily, naturally saying that he didn't know.

"You..." Seeing how stubborn the priest of this tribe was, he almost laughed out of anger.

Stopping the other two who were about to explode, he continued to sneer, "Then let me continue to ask you, where did the fire in your tribe come from?"

"This..." The old priest paused, a little surprised how this man knew the name of the god-given thing, but when he thought that the other party also had a god, he suddenly realized that the other party must also have a divine weapon.

"What?" Seeing the hesitation on the priest's face, Zhan thought he didn't want to say anything, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Don't tell me, you don't know?"

He raised his right hand and pointed to a fire outside the cave.

He gestured to the bear with his eyes.

The bear understood, smiled ferociously, and white-blue gas came out of his body again.

"Wait, I said!"

When the old priest saw this, he didn't dare to hide it. The most important thing now was to ensure the safety of the clansmen and try to delay as much time as possible.

And in his opinion, these people also have gods, so they wouldn't care about their things, right?

With this thought.

His face was full of reverence, and he began to speak slowly, "This fire is the divine fire we used the divine weapon to generate!"


Zhan and others' eyes widened, wondering if there was something wrong with their ears.

Could it be a divine object? These people said it was a divine object?

But how can a divine object give birth to fire?

Zhan ordered with a look of disbelief, "Take it out and show it to us!"

The old priest was a little confused. He didn't know what was going on with these people. They didn't seem to know about the artifact?

He hesitated.

"Show it to them." An indifferent voice sounded from his heart.

The old priest was startled, knowing that God was talking to him, and immediately threw away his last worries.

He took out a piece of brown animal skin from his body, and then carefully opened it, revealing the 'artifact green lighter' from inside!

"This is the artifact of our tribe!"

The old priest said proudly.

"This thing..."

The people of the Ice Tribe looked surprised. This was the first time they had seen such a delicate and transparent thing. At first glance, it was not ordinary.

"Is it really an artifact?"

All of a sudden, they believed half of the statement about the artifact.

Not to mention anything else, just the appearance of this object is indeed worthy of being called a divine weapon.

However, even though I believe a little, I still have to speak with facts, otherwise who knows whether this thing is just an appearance but has no effect at all.

"Show me." Zhan raised his chin and refused.

This tone of speech directly made the Yanhuang people a little angry, but when the old priest shook his head, they had no choice but to endure it.

The old priest asked the tribesmen to build a new pile of firewood, squatted down close to it, picked up the green lighter and pressed his thumb against the dead leaves.


With a soft sound, a small pillar of fire rose from the top of the green lighter, and the dead leaves quickly burned.

"It's really fire!"

Zhan and others were stunned. They saw with their own eyes that the little thing really burst into flames!

No, it’s an artifact!

At this moment, they were extremely sure, and at the same time they firmly believed in this statement in their hearts.

This little thing is definitely an artifact, otherwise how can we explain that this thing can emit fire?!

"Old man, hurry up and give us this artifact!"

The bear's eyes were red and he shouted greedily.

The others were similar, all greedy.

An artifact that can generate fire!

With this artifact, they will no longer be afraid of the fire going out and getting into trouble. They can light the fire at any time. How can they not be happy and greedy?

The old priest who stood up looked shocked, and then became extremely frightened and angry.

"You bastards are actually coveting our tribe's artifact. Don't you also have fire?"

The people of the Yanhuang tribe were indignant. In their opinion, these people obviously had gods in the tribe and knew about fire, so they must be divine objects given by gods. Why were they so greedy and came to rob them?

"We have sky fire, but we don't have magical weapons like yours."

Zhan sneered, "You don't know its value at all. It would be a waste for a small tribe like yours. Only our tribe is worthy of this artifact!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Yanhuang was shocked.

Without the artifact, how do these people know about fire?

Could it be...

"Did you get the fire from the tree when it rained?"

The old priest had lived a long time and naturally had more experience. In addition, these people also recalled some things when they said this, and they quickly understood where the flames of these people came from.

Some of the Yanhuang people were also stunned, and those who didn't understand understood it one after another under the explanations of others.

They suddenly understood the fact that the Evil God Tribe did not have such an artifact at all!

Only then did they suddenly realize that they were special.

In other words, their god is special!

That evil god is simply not comparable to the great God of Light. He doesn’t even have this kind of artifact. How can he compare to the God of Light who casually gives out this kind of artifact?

Recalling the great god's words of education before, they all felt as if they had been given blood, their faces glowing red, and their faces were full of pride. They looked at these foreigners with a bit of contempt in their eyes.

Su Yun chuckled softly inside the old priest's body and murmured with murderous intent, "Almost..."

This change made the Ice Tribe and others a little confused.

"You won't pay, right?"

Xiong didn't wait for the old guy to come over for a long time, and suddenly became impatient, "Then don't blame us for being rude!"

The old priest noticed that these people were about to take action again. His eyelids twitched and he secretly sighed something bad. He hurriedly shouted, "This artifact is a gift from God to me. If you take it, God will not let you go." of!"

With no other choice, he had to move God out, hoping to make these people have some scruples, and even if that didn't work, he could continue to delay it for a while.


As soon as these words came out, Xiong and others fell into surprise and doubt again.

"Does your tribe have a god?" Xiong asked loudly and suspiciously.

They didn't believe it, but after thinking about this artifact, they believed it in their hearts, because only God can come up with such a magical thing!

The three of them confirmed the news. Not only were they not afraid, but they were eager to give it a try.

Their long-term self-confidence prevented them from thinking that they would lose, and since they had never fought against a god before, this was the perfect time to try it with the wild god of this tribe!

"So what if there is a god? With a small tribe like yours, that god is probably not that powerful. If there is one, he is just a wild god!"

Xiong laughed and said arrogantly something that made the Yanhuang people extremely angry.

"You guy!" Li clenched the stone spear in his hand, trembling with anger.

Xiong felt very happy, "I'll deal with you first, and when your god comes out, I'll catch them all in one fell swoop!"

"You're right, hahaha..."

Ye Hezhan and the eight people behind him had extremely contemptuous eyes, and they all laughed arrogantly, not caring about the people of this tribe at all.

They have three first-level warriors here. Even if the god comes, he will definitely not be able to do anything to them!

The three of them were about to take action while laughing ferociously.

The old priest did not expect that these people, who originally wanted to rely on God to delay the situation for more time, would be so arrogant and did not take God into consideration at all. His face turned red with anger.

"It's over..."

Seeing that he could no longer delay, he became a little desperate.

Just when he was considering whether he should hand over the artifact first.

A voice came that surprised him.

Thanks to ‘Headless Turtle’ for the 200 starting coin reward~

Thanks to ‘Kong Ming kongming’ for the reward of 700 reading points, thank you~

My recommendation made the cut, haha... On Sunday, we promoted a new book, and they were killed by us. Thank you for your support, allowing me to defeat them~ Let’s keep working hard~

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