I Became the God of Light

Chapter 23 Teaching primitive people to barbecue

Just thinking about it made him feel a little dizzy.

Unlike primitive people, for some reason, he feels more comfortable flying above the heads of modern people.

After thinking about it, Su Yun sighed.

"Forget it, let's get rid of the tribe's crisis first. Let's think about this."

That ice tribe can be said to be like a stick in his throat, making him dare not return to modern times easily.

I'm afraid that if he goes back this time, due to the time difference, by the time he comes back, the entire tribe will be gone!

At that time, he was about to cry without tears.

Su Yun came back to his senses and took a moment to take a look at the outside world.

"What are they?"

After being confused for a moment, Su Yun learned what happened from the mouths of the old priest and others.

"Does your stomach hurt?" Su Yun frowned and glanced at the child named Xiaohu.

He remembered that this child seemed to have eaten a piece of meat that looked vaguely stale not long ago. Could it be the problem with that piece of meat?

In just a moment, he figured out the key to the problem.

Judging from their words, both adults and children have problems with the frequency of stomachaches.

"The problem should be eating raw meat."

Touching his chin, Su Yun murmured to himself.

Although primitive people had a strong physique, eating too much raw meat would shorten their lifespan, and those parasites were not that easy to deal with.

There are them even in the real world. The more famous ones are roundworms, and most children get them.

Speaking of this, Su Yun still misses the pagoda candy that treated roundworms.

"It seems like we need to teach them to eat cooked meat over fire."

After pondering for a while, he thought in his heart.

"Old priest, the decision is yours!"

Su Yun muttered and immediately focused his consciousness on the thread of faith.

In the blink of an eye, his consciousness followed the thread of faith and transferred to the old priest's body very quickly.

Decisively, he pushed aside the old priest's consciousness.

"I, I, I, what's wrong with me?"

The old priest looked confused and dumbfounded.

"Well, I won't keep this old guy's consciousness this time."

The corners of Su Yun's mouth rose slightly.

In an instant, he squeezed the old man's consciousness deep into the depths.

The old priest's vision went dark and he lost his ability to think.

Returning to this body again, Su Yun still felt uncomfortable, especially the smell in the cave, which was really worse than outside.

Although these primitive people knew not to drag their excrement into the cave, even body odor was enough to suffocate people.

"Let's go out." Su Yun put on the lighter, turned to several people and said quickly.

He quickly took steps and ran towards the outside of the cave.

Kuang and others looked confused, not knowing what the priest was going to do, so they hurriedly chased after him.

Su Yun subconsciously held his breath until he reached the outside of the cave and finally took a breath.

Breathing rapidly, some cold sweat broke out on his body.

"Priest..." Kuang and others chased after him.

Su Yun nodded and continued to move forward.

When he arrived at an open space, he ordered Kuang, "Go get some trees and leaves and bring them back."

Kuang was confused at first, and then his eyes lit up when he thought of something. He nodded quickly, put the little tiger on the ground, and then ran towards the woods.

"Is the priest preparing to start a fire?"

The eyes of the three children all shone brightly, and even Xiaohu, who had a stomachache, couldn't help but look excited.

They had only seen this novel thing called fire once, and they were very curious.

Kuang came back with a pile of branches and leaves.

During this process, some primitive people came around out of curiosity.

After Su Yun took the branch from Kuang's hand, he ordered again, "Go get some meat."

Kuang's face was full of confusion and he opened his mouth to ask something.

"Don't ask, just go!"

Su Yun had a serious face, not to mention that this old face matched with his temperament, it really gave people a sense of majesty, making people unable to resist.

Kuang was very obedient and ran to get something again.

Su Yun squatted on the ground and arranged the branches, took out a lighter and lit the leaves.

Smoke rose, and the flames burned the leaves, and the flames gradually grew.

The fiery red light reflected on the old priest's aging face.

"Is this fire?"

Several children gathered around the fire excitedly. Xiaohu seemed to have almost forgotten the pain.

Thirty or so primitive people gradually formed a circle with bright eyes. They were curious about what the priest was doing.

"Priest, who are you?" Spear squeezed over at this time, scratching his hair and asked.

Su Yun turned to look at him and was surprised after noticing his expression.

"Should I say that I am worthy of being a primitive man? Not long after I took the medicine, this spear's face has turned a little rosy!"

Su Yun didn't answer him. He waited until Kuang ran back with a piece of hairy meat in his hand before he spoke.

"People, God has just sent down a divine revelation!"

After Su Yun finished speaking, he paused and turned around to see the primitive people with their eyes wide open, obviously surprised.

He continued, "God said that the fire He gave us can be used to roast meat and keep us away from stomachaches."

It was too troublesome to explain, so he simply omitted the explanation about bacteria and directly explained the function.



They don’t know why, they don’t understand what barbecue is.

However, their eyes lit up when they heard that stomach pain could be cured. The stomach pain had been tormenting them for a long time.

The fire given by God can be used to cure diseases?

Although they didn't understand much, this alone was enough to make them excited.

Su Yun naturally noticed the confusion in their eyes.

Without saying much, he was going to teach them directly with his actions what barbecue was.

After taking the piece of meat, he took a long branch that had been prepared in advance and penetrated the meat directly.

Amid the astonished expressions on the primitive people's faces, he placed the meat on top of the fire.

The yellow hair on this unknown piece of meat immediately curled up.

A strange smell began to come out, and the hair was directly roasted.

The primitive people looked at the piece of meat in panic. The power of the fire made them feel a little afraid.

Spear sat down next to the priest and scratched his head.

Su Yun ignored them and just turned the pieces of meat in his hands quietly.

As time passed, a special smell slowly wafted out.

The blood of the meat gradually faded away, and it changed color as it was roasted, starting from bright red and slowly becoming lighter.

Some meat oil comes out, and after the flames are grilled, a rich aroma wafts out!

The children who were close to him swallowed subconsciously and looked at the piece of barbecue eagerly.

"This is?"

The primitive people sniffed and smelled the fragrance, salivation came out of their mouths, and their eyes gradually widened.

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