I Became the God of Light

Chapter 17 God Warrior!

In addition to this reason, he also thought about keeping this person, maybe he could temporarily confuse the ice god for some time, so that he could have more development and preparation time.

"What are you..." Lie looked at this god in astonishment.

Is He crazy?

Just this small tribe of several hundred people, and even though this god defeated the two of them, his strength is similar to that of the first-level god warriors in the tribe. Is he dreaming?

There is more than one first-level divine warrior in the tribe. Even if the Ice God does not need to take action, this wild god may be eliminated by those warriors!

Thinking of this, he sneered in his heart, looking at Su Yun with some pity in his eyes, feeling that he was delusional.

Lie felt more confident in his heart, and even his words contained a hint of arrogance unconsciously.

"There is more than one first-level divine warrior in the tribe who is stronger than me. Under the leadership of the great Ice God, you have absolutely no chance of winning!"

"God of Light, I advise you, why not surrender to my god? Why escape this inevitable fate?"

He suggested with a smile.

Su Yun looked at this man's expression and almost laughed.

This person still hasn’t recognized the reality?

"It's really noisy!" Su Yun said coldly.

The next second the lightsaber roared softly and flew towards him quickly.

Lie was startled, but he had no time to dodge and could only watch the lightsaber attack.


With a scream, the lightsaber penetrated his other thigh.

Su Yun showed no mercy, and controlled the lightsaber again, striking the man's two hands with the same strike.


Soon, the man's limbs were bleeding, but because the wounds were cooked, the amount of bleeding was reduced a lot, and he would not die from excessive blood loss.

But even so, the man was in severe pain from the three rapid sword blows, and he fainted without being able to hold it back.

After seeing this man lose consciousness, Su Yun not only didn't worry, but actually felt more relaxed.

He deliberately disabled this person's limbs to prevent him from thinking about escaping later. Now even if this person has such thoughts, he will never be able to escape!

Basically he can only lie down.

"Take this man down and take good care of him."

Su Yun turned his head and looked aside, and gave instructions to the leader who was kneeling on the ground.

"Yes, the great God of Light, I will definitely let people take good care of him!"

The leader nodded respectfully.

Su Yun nodded, and after taking another look at the primitive people around him, he moved, his white clothes fluttering, and he quickly flew towards the sacred stone.

On the way, he fell into deep thought.

Speaking of which, this was his first time to kill someone. Unlike the last time, this time he did it himself, but he found that he had no other negative emotions. It felt like crushing an ant.

Is this the difference between gods and mortals?

he thought in confusion.

Without thinking too much, he turned his attention to the information in the man's words.

First level divine warrior?

he thought.

He was not too surprised by the word level one. It was a noun translated in his mind, and there was nothing strange about the word appearing.

However, the information contained in it made him think a lot.

"I wonder what level my strength is?"

"That man said those first-level warriors were better than him, so they should be about the same as me now, right?"

"Even the warriors are so powerful, but what about the Ice God?"

Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

"Am I a first-level god?"

"No, that's not right!"

Just after he thought about it, he denied it again.

His ability to be so strong is entirely due to the superiority of the gods.

"I should be similar to that person now. If the godhead turns completely red, then I will be a first-level god!"

"And this is also the strength that a newly born god will have!"

Returning to the divine stone space, Su Yun murmured to himself,

"Due to the number of believers, I am now equivalent to a premature infant. The advantage of gods allows me to crush mortals of the same level."

Compared with those mortals, the advantages of gods are really great.

Even the power of these so-called divine warriors was simply given by the gods!

"How did that ice god do it?"

Su Yun was curious. Giving power to mortals didn't surprise him. What made him curious was how it was done.

His time to become a god was too short, so short that he had no time to study these things.

While thinking about it, Su Yun suddenly thought of something.

Wait, the old priest’s thread of faith seems a little special?

Could it be?

He quickly transferred his consciousness to the godhead space. Looking at the clear threads of faith of the old priest, he subconsciously touched it with his consciousness.

"Thank you great..."

Suddenly the old priest's prayers continued to be heard.

Su Yun ignored these, and as soon as he came into contact with it, he had an instinctive understanding.

He knows what the function of this thread of faith is!

As long as he lets go of this thread of faith, the old priest can rely on his faith to give birth to extraordinary power in his body!

"This is..." Su Yun was stunned when he felt this, and then became pleasantly surprised.

The old priest looked at the dead and injured tribesmen with a look of compassion on his face.

He was working with his clansmen to see off these dead clansmen.

From time to time, bursts of sobbing could be heard from the primitive people watching around.

"God will bless them!"

The old priest said loudly and piously.

He took the lead and knelt down, followed by the dark primitive people.

Although primitive people did not have the concept of reincarnation, they firmly believed that people would exist in another way after death, but they could not see it.

They also believe that God can see and bless their dead people.

That’s why the old priest said that ‘God’ would bless them and protect them.

This can be said to be a beautiful idea born out of fear of death.

Su Yun listened to the prayer silently and felt silent in his heart.

Speaking of which, when he arrived at the scene, he didn't see a single primitive soul. Even the dead black pillar had no soul. This is a bit strange now that he thinks about it.

During the last blood sacrifice, it was clear that there was a soul.

"Is it because the sacrifice was specially offered to me that I can receive it?"

Su Yun pondered, "Then, where did those disappeared souls go?"

After thinking for a while and not being able to figure it out, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He focused his attention on the old priest again, and then with a thought, he lifted the restriction on the thread of faith belonging to the old priest!

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