I Became the God of Light

Chapter 13 Who are you?


Lie frowned, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on his arm, "Don't kill her, ask her questions!"

Heizhu heard this and had no choice but to loosen his palm a little regretfully.

"Cough cough cough..."

Rei coughed desperately.

"Let me ask you a question." Lie waited until the woman recovered a little and then asked coldly, "Do you recognize Black Stone?"

"I don't know!" Li shook her head subconsciously in fear.

"You dare to lie?" Heizhu grinned ferociously.

Li shook her head hurriedly.

Lie frowned. He saw that the woman must be really unclear, so he changed his explanation and said, "Have any foreigners come to your tribe recently?"

After saying that, he stared at the woman closely.

Li was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then her expression suddenly changed as she thought of something. After seeing these two people, she had some kind of guess in her mind.

"No!" She shook her head in panic.

She pretended to be calm on the surface, but the panic in her eyes betrayed her.

As soon as Lie saw the woman's expression, he knew she was lying, and at the same time his heart sank.

"What happened to Blackstone?"

Judging from the look of this woman, there must be foreigners coming to her tribe, but now this woman is lying and looking panicked. It is obvious that Blackstone's situation is not good.

Heizhu could tell without him opening his mouth, and he immediately threw the woman to the ground.

"Looking for death! How dare you lie to us?"

He kicked Li hard in the stomach.


Li held her stomach and rolled.

Lie didn't stop this time.

There was no mercy in Heizhu's expression, and he sneered and said, "If you don't want to suffer, you'd better explain the matter to me, otherwise you will suffer!"

Li's forehead was covered with cold sweat, but she still stubbornly shut up and shook her head.

Heizhu was furious when he saw this, and stepped forward to kick him a few more times.

Rei screamed.

After a few blows, fearing that the woman would die, Lie pulled him back and looked at the woman with cold eyes. "Take this woman, let's go directly to their tribe and ask. There are so many people who will tell."

"Yes." Heizhu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

He smiled ferociously, bent down and grabbed Li's neck again, and took her up.

"Then let's go. I want to see where this broken tribe got the confidence to offend our Ice Tribe!"

Heizhu dragged Li and strode towards the tribe gathering place he had observed before.

Lie followed.

The two walked for a while and quickly arrived near the cave.

"It is indeed a lowly tribe." Heizhu looked at the cave with an expression full of disdain.

"who are you!"

A tribesman discovered the three of them.


"What are you going to do to Rei?"

Three primitive people immediately gathered around and questioned him.

This black bear-like man actually treated Li like that. The two of them looked like foreigners.

The visitor is not good!

This idea emerged in the minds of the three of them.

"Let go of Li!"

A young primitive man among the three saw Li's suppressed red face and immediately rushed forward angrily, wanting to knock down this bastard.

Lie frowned and kicked the man who rushed over.

"Ah~" The young primitive man screamed and was kicked out.

He fell to the ground, groaning and writhing in pain.

"Call the leader of your tribe, or I will kill this woman!"

Heizhu said viciously.


The other two people had shocked and angry eyes, but when they saw that this man was difficult to deal with and had threatening words in his mouth, one of them had no choice but to run in and call for help.

After a while, the tribal leader and more than thirty young and strong primitive people who had been greeted surrounded him and formed a confrontation with the three people.

"Who are you and what do you want to do!"

The leader shouted with an angry expression.

"What are you doing? Ha!" Heizhu sneered, "You have to ask yourselves what you are doing. Did you kill one of our Ice Tribe people?"

He asked outright, trying to deceive them.

Unexpectedly, when he said this, all the tribesmen on the opposite side were stunned, showing expressions of understanding.

"Heishi was really killed by you?!"

Lie's eyes were very cold.

A look of violence flashed across Heizhu's face.

Except for the leader, the other tribesmen all showed a more or less guilty conscience.

The leader knew that he would not be kind again. He took a deep breath and said, "You let Li go first, and I can tell you about that person's situation."

Lie pondered for a moment and turned to look at Heizhu.

Heizhu understood and threw the woman from his hand away.

It was just a woman, neither of them cared. There were many hostages here.

Li screamed and was thrown away, rolling several times on the ground. Other tribesmen quickly stepped forward to help her up.

Seeing Rei's miserable condition, they all turned to glare at the two.

"You can say it now." Lie's eyes were calm with a trace of murderous intent.

The leader was very straightforward, knowing that there was no room for relaxation, so he spoke out directly.

"He spied on our tribe without permission and has been sacrificed to the gods by us!"

He did not think that he had done anything wrong. The man had bad intentions at first glance, so it was an honor for him to be sacrificed to God.

So even if he was questioned by these two people, he didn't show any guilt.

"What did you say?" Heizhu immediately roared angrily, "You are looking for death!"

He roared angrily and charged directly towards the leader.

"Chief, be careful!"

Seeing him like this, others would naturally stop him.

"A few reptiles." Heizhu chuckled.

"Let you savages see the power of God!"

As he spoke, with a low drink, a white-blue gas suddenly rose from his body.

Looking at the stone spears that were thrust towards him, he snorted disdainfully.

Heizhu raised his fist, and a layer of ice suddenly covered his body and fist.

Three stone spears were blocked by ice.

The three of them looked in disbelief.

But there was no time for them to think about it, Heizhu's fist hit the three of them.

Bang bang bang~


The three of them screamed and flew back after being beaten by the black pillar.


The leader and other tribesmen were stunned and fell into shock.

"What is this?"

There were exclamations of surprise.

Heizhu saw the gazes of these savages without any surprise, with pride and contempt on his face.

"I know you savages have no idea what this is."

"Just like this, you dare to go against our Ice Tribe? You are really looking for death!"

He laughed loudly and mockingly.

The faces of the leader and others became ugly, and some of them even looked at Heizhu with fear in their eyes.

Lie suddenly spoke up and asked coldly, "You said you sacrificed the black stone to God before?"

Hei Zhu's proud face froze slightly, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Do they have gods?

No, that's not right!

He felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, Lie was heard to speak in the next second.

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