161 – transfer student at the academy – 9

A soup restaurant located in Sumonia.

Ironically, despite the fantasy worldview, rice soup existed in this world where a domestic game was the original.

“Keuh, soup after drinking? Gregory, I didn’t know you were so well versed in food culture.”

Paimon happily consumes the hot soup brought by the restaurant owner. Paimon, who ate everything up to the floor within a minute, was big. He looked at me and made a noise.

“Ugh… … . I’m sure you’re a bit sober after eating. My head is still dizzy, but… … .”

“How much do you drink so that a demon like you can get that drunk?”

“I don’t remember. I’ve been drinking ever since I heard that you and Rosé returned from Delinia… … . How much did you drink? I can’t remember.”

It sounds like you drank a lot more than you thought. Since we had been drinking since we returned from Delinia, I couldn’t even guess how much alcohol I had.

“… … Was it that good to be able to sign a contract with Rosé?”

“You know how to ask stupid questions, Gregory Jones.”

Paimon, who gulped down the water in the cup, gasped! making a noise and looking at me.

“It’s been less than a year since you signed a contract with Rosé. But see you now How many circles does Rosé have now?”

“… … 5 circles.”

“Yes, 5 circles. Does it make sense that a child who was 1st Circle reached 5th Circle in just one year? Gregory.”

To tell you the truth, it was a really crazy growth rate.

“The time it took for the hero Lars to reach 5 circles is one year. By the way, a young elf less than half a year old is in the 5th circle. You don’t have to tell me what this means, do you?”


She is a summoner with infinite possibilities. It was said that he might be a child with more potential than a hero. Of course, it was a bit ambiguous to say that it was Rosé’s ability.

Because she had the strong support of the Euglia family, the talent of a warrior’s lineage, and the existence of a country.

“That is why I am very much looking forward to it. The war against the disasters of the past, which was barely won by shedding countless blood. I wonder if it will be different this time.”

In the past, they waged war against them without any information about the disaster.

However, now there are young heroes who grow up in the past record and better support, and there are children who have more talent than in the past.

“Although this is my personal opinion, Rosé thinks it might be a new possibility in this era. Even the hero Ras couldn’t handle the two great demons, but that child can handle you and Marvas as well.”


She lucked out and opened her mouth as she filled the empty cup with fresh water.

“If she succeeds in making a contract with the three great demons, I can be sure that the situation in the Pandemonium will be completely different from the past.”

There has never been a time when more than three Prime Demons have contracted with a single Summoner.

Paimon giggled and drank the water from the full glass once more, then stood up and reached out his hand to me.

“The fact that you came means that Rosé is coming soon, right? I’ve had enough alcohol so far… … . Why don’t you go and burn some tobacco? Gregory.”

Paimon with a face that reminded me of a lot.

It’s like she can’t stand it any longer. He exhaled a hot breath and curled up the corners of his mouth.

“Our best friend and summoner. Shouldn’t we wait for Roger von Euglia?”


“Hurray! I’m here. Gregory! Paimon!”


In the middle of burning tobacco in Paimon’s room and talking about the current situation in the demon realm. Rosé with a bright voice and Yukel with a fierce expression entered Paimon’s room together.

“It’s been a while. Roger.”

“Paimonim! I missed you!”

Rosé jumps at Paimon, who is sitting with her arms wide open, and hugs her tightly. Paimon, with a half-given expression as if he had already expected it, completely surrenders himself to Rosé’s embrace.

“It’s still a radical greeting.”

“I missed you that much. Oh, let me introduce you! This is my mate Yukel.”


After hearing Rose’s words, Paimon looks at Yukel standing behind him. At this, Yukel carefully hid behind Rosé’s back, as if he remembered what had happened at the imperial palace, and Paimon looked at Yukel and smiled as if he knew roughly what was going on.

“Looks like the Empire put a hand on it. The word rosé’s mate… … . It must mean that Levinport is involved.”

“and… … . I haven’t explained it yet, but you know everything?!”

“Well, looking at the situation, there is no other answer. There, the child who was the church’s hound. First of all, why don’t you let go of your guard and take a seat? If you came as Rosé’s friend, you would be my guest.”

After listening to Paimon’s words, Yukel slowly came out of Rosé’s back and settled down in a seat in the corner.

As if Rosé hadn’t said where she was going, Yukel looked busy looking around, rolling her eyes here and there.



He just called his name, but he was startled and backed away. I sighed at that pitiful figure, shook my hand and said.

“Be comfortable. As Paimon said earlier, he will not attack you.”

Did you understand the meaning of my words? In the end, Yukel sits down with a more calm appearance than before. Paimon smiled at that figure and opened his mouth while stroking the head of Rosé, who was still hugging him.

“It’s like looking at a wild cat.”

“I heard it was sealed for a long time. The reason why he is weaker than before is also the aftereffects of being sealed for a long time.”

“is it? Well, other than that, there must be no way for that human child to endure this long time. I can understand why a child who was so brilliant in the past went away. by the way… … . Rose, how about letting go?”

“yes? oh! I’m sorry. It’s comfortable when I’m holding Paimon-sama… … .”

“It’s not that I hate being held by you, but… … . It’s a little embarrassing to be in front of Gregory.”

Rosé, who gently released the hug, slowly walks back and sits next to me. Only then did Paimon look at us, tidying up his messy hair from the hug.

“You heard the story. Roger. Did you make it to the 5th circle this time?”

“yes! Now I can make a contract with Paimon!”

“Certainly, as you said, there are still slots left to sign a contract with me. A 5 circle summoner has such a huge slot… … You are such a great kid.”

“lol. It’s embarrassing.”

“You can be proud. You will be the first person in history to make a pact with the three great demons.”

“Because I say something like that, I feel like I’ve become a really great person!”

“Don’t be a great person. Wasn’t it possible to command three great demons at a time? Even if you call yourself the Demon King, no one will say anything.”

“Eh, the Demon King? That, Gregory. It seems the rumors have turned out to be true… … .”

“I mean… … . When I said I wanted to sign a contract with Marvas in the past, I thought I was making an immature joke… … … … In the end, you signed a contract with all of us.”

“hehehe, if you’re with Gregory-sama, Paimon-sama, and Marvas-sama, is it okay to be called the Demon King?”

How can such a good child be the devil? It didn’t seem like a suitable match at all, but the current Rosé had gained the level of power that could cause a great war in the Pandemonium with a single word.

“Rosé, do you know the meaning of signing a contract with yourself?”

“yes. Being able to use the rights and authority of Paimon-sama and borrow Paimon-sama’s power. Right?”

“You know that. As long as you sign a contract with the three great demons at the same time, demons from other camps can pay attention to you from the heavens as well. However, I promise you this much. I, Paimon, the Demon of Ruin, will crush anything that threatens you.”

Paimon, who slowly stood up, slowly walked in front of Rosé and stretched out his hand towards her.

“How is it? Roger. Would you like to make a contract with me?”

Rosé stood up holding her hand without hesitating for a second at Paimon’s question.

“Of course!”

“Good. The contract is done.”

“yes. The contract is done.”

The mana flowing from the hands of the two began to entangle, mix, and merge into one. A sight I saw once when I signed a contract with Marvas in the past. It was a phenomenon that occurred when contracting with a summoner that existed in the same world as the summoner, not a summoner from another dimension.

Yukel’s eyes, which were watching the contract process between the two from behind, begin to grow wider.

“… … Lily.”

Eukel mumbles Lily’s name, perhaps seeing Rose’s contract with Paimon.

The colorful halo of light fades little by little, and Paimon, who had closed his eyes, slowly opens them and looks at me.

“I wish you well in the future. Rosé, Gregory.”

With this, Rosé succeeded in making a contract with another archevil.

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