114 – Grand Duke Aka – 114

A splendid fire show and drinking party were taking place there.

“Wah ha ha ha! wet it! Get wet!”

“yes! Well done!”

“Drink, drink, eat and die!”

It is an early morning landscape, so an unbelievable sight is unfolding in front of your eyes.

From a warlock spouting alcohol and putting on a fire show, to a warlock doing acrobatics and a warlock doing a tap dance on a table.

And even the image of Paimon laughing loudly at the black magicians.

“… It’s great from early morning.”

“huh? what? this is someone Isn’t that Gregory!”

Paimon, who had been laughing as if he had heard my voice, turned his head to look at me and shouted.

Then, dozens of eyes flock to me.

“Imperial Hero!”

“The devil who defeated the fallen angel!”

“The horror of Sumonia!”


“… … What the hell did you tell them, Paimon?”

“hmm? I only spoke the truth Not a single lie was said. Isn’t it? My children!”

“That’s right!”

“Paimon-sama always looks at the truth!”

“We will believe even if Paimon-nim looks at the sun and says it is the moon!”

It was literally like a fanatic.

“How much did you drink?”

“Not much. I started drinking it last night… … huh? Gregory. Is the sunlight shining behind your back?”

Paimon looked at my back and tilted his head in a strange way.

“Isn’t that natural? It is already morning outside.”

As I said that, I slipped away and let the sunlight fully enter the store.

“Aww! sunlight! scared!”

“My child! My Eyes!”


No, it’s not some kind of vampire. Why are you pecking like this?

Then suddenly, I remembered what the teacher Damin said in the past.

“They’re not children of darkness, I don’t know what you’re doing.”

“of the dark”


“It’s a nickname that suits us!”

No matter how much he drank or what he said, he accepted it with a smile.

He sighs at the sight and sees Paimon bursting into laughter as he looks at the still dancing guy.

“I came here because I had a place to go with you today, but today must be difficult.”

“huh? where to go?”

When Paimon said that he had a place to go, he turned his eyes and looked at me.

“The store. talked about before.”

“shop? ahh i remembered I’m sure it’s a rare store that can only be visited by introduction. Hmmm… … . Certainly, you played for a long time.”

match! Paimon, who clapped his hands and focused attention on the surroundings. At the same time, the tavern, which had been noisy, was enveloped in silence in an instant.

“Let’s just play until here this time. Because something happened.”

Saying that, Paimon silently stood up and used his magic with a single gesture to drive out the spirit of alcohol in his body.

“Hmm, fine. Shall we go?”

Paimon looks up at me. It was hard to believe that he had been drinking all day.

“I will.”

We leave the bar side by side.

“Gregory. Shopping alone with you is something I would never have imagined in the past.”

“That must mean the world has changed.”

“is it? Certainly, a lot has changed since then. Isn’t old man Marvas teaching humans? Why don’t you try fighting with an angel?”

Even if he thought about it, it seemed like it was really nonsense, and Paimon let out a chuckle.

“Maybe it’s not as bad as I thought.”

The chess shop ‘Gaul’s Shop’ was located not too far from Paimon’s tavern ‘Flies and Goats’, so we arrived faster than expected.

“uh… … . Is this really the right place for you?”

Paimon asked in a curious tone after looking at the appearance of ‘Ghaul’s Merchant of All Things’.

“Yes, this is right.”

“uh… … . Isn’t it a lot more shabby than I thought?”

“Your tavern doesn’t look fancy, either.”

“That, that’s it, but… … .”

“You can think of it like that here too.”

After saying that, I stepped forward and opened the store door.

“yes… … . Welcome. All things of Gaul… … Mr. Gregory?!”

“chess. Long time no see.”

Chess, who had been sitting in a daze behind the counter, face down, sees my face and jumps up from her seat.

I could still see accumulated dust and cobwebs all over the store, as if it was still bothering me to move.

“Oh, Gregory! I heard that you recently went to the Empire! Are you back?!”

“Yes, I came back yesterday. Did any new items come in?”

“yes! It’s full of new products as I haven’t been here for a long time! Would you like to look at the catalog?”


Upon hearing the answer, Chess said ‘Yes!’ He replied, taking out a catalog from under the seat where he was sitting and coming towards it.

“huh? uh huh What, are you seeing someone for the first time?”

“… … Did you see that now?”

How ignorant are you?

“What about this beautiful woman… … ?”

“They say he’s a merchant, but he seems to have eyes to see.”

Whoop whoop. Paimon, smiling, intercepts the catalog Chess was about to hand to me and unfolds it.

“Let’s see… … . What the hell was Gregory so confident about selling… … ji… … ? wait a minute? really? really?”

Paimon looks at the catalog in disbelief.

“You sell these things? These things that are hard to find even if you search the entire continent?”

Chess looks at me with a triumphant expression, as if he is satisfied with the shocked Paimon.

“Huhu, you have eyes to see, perhaps because you were introduced to Gregory-sama. But, that woman… … ?”

“Ah, this is Paimon, who is playing the demon king in the demon realm. He’s the owner of a tavern in Sumonia.”

“Ahh… … . The store manager… … yes? Who?!”

“The Demon King. He’s the guy who’s in charge of the ninth rank in the Pandemonium.”

“Sir, rank 9? This, this is the network of the Grand Duke of the Demon Realm!”

“This, this is Gregory’s regular store!”

Two guys talking loudly on both sides. I was on the verge of losing my mind, so I sighed and walked towards the entrance leading down.

“Stop talking and go downstairs. I will see and choose for myself.”

“Ah, yes! that… … Are you Paimon? I’ll take you inside!”

“Are you somewhere other than here? I look forward to it.”

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Guided by chess, we head inward. So, we climbed into the elevator and headed down.

belt ring. The elevator stopped with a sound.

“Okay, we’ve arrived!”

Still white scenery. Certainly, it was to the point where I could feel that the shelves were filled with better quality products than the last time I came.

“Oh, it seems that the magic that blocks the energy from inside is installed. This is why you can’t feel anything outside.”

Still looking intrigued, Paimon heads towards the inside of the shelves.

“Hoo… … . That’s funny. Can I look around some more?”

“Anyway! Gregory-sama, please look around comfortably!”

After that, it was a simple shopping time.

Away from Paimon, they examined each other’s selections, but continued to hear admiration from beyond the shelves.

how to say Maybe it’s because it’s the shop I introduced, but whenever I see that kind of reaction, I feel better without knowing it.

I chose 3 items. Paimon came with both hands full of items, but the corner of Chess’s mouth was already raised as he looked at it.

“Paimon. Are you okay? The prices of the goods here are considerable.”

“huh? Ah, there might be a little bleeding, but it doesn’t matter. Rather, if you can get something like this for this price, it’s a good deal.”

“Cancer! Cancer! As expected, he has eyes to see, probably because he is the ninth-ranked great demon! How would you like to calculate?”

“With the Prism Jewel. Doesn’t it matter?”

“Ph, Prism Jewel! yes! yes! A great welcome!”

Two happy people.

I thought it was a good idea to introduce this place to Paimon.

“Gregory. I am also in debt to you. Can you tell me about such a nice place? thanks.”

Paimon, who hit the purchased item in his subspace, smiles as he leaves the store.

It seemed that he liked the things inside.

“I’m glad you said that. Are you going back right away?”

“Yeah, apparently this time I bought some things to give as gifts to my children because I saw them. I want to show it to my children right now.”

‘Nightmare. If only he hadn’t eaten chocolate… … !’ Paimon clenched his fist.

As expected, it seemed that he didn’t buy all of those things for himself.

“You, are you going back to the academy right away?”

“Perhaps. It’s lunchtime soon, so Rosé will be waiting for me.”

“Whoa, did you say make-up classes from today? Even after making a contract with that old man, Marvas, that child can’t rest.”

Inside the flying boat returning from the Empire.

Rosé, who had finally reached the 4th circle, was able to officially sign a contract with Marvas.

However, that didn’t change anything. In the first place, our life radius was so different.

Well, I don’t know if Rosé reaches the 5th circle and if it reaches the 6th circle.

“Didn’t I insist on signing a contract with you?”

“What if Rosé’s slot is still not enough? Well, I’ll do it someday if I get a chance. It’s more comfortable for me to make a contract with a talented summoner than to be in the human world while being restricted.”


Even Marvas and I aren’t enough, so Rose, the Demon Lord Hunter, is aiming for Paimon as well.

In terms of games, it could be seen as a high-cost concept that builds a demon lord deck.

“Then let me go back. I’d like you to send my regards to Rosé. Gregory.”

Paimon smiled and turned around and waved his hand gently.

I watched her leave in moderation, and then I also moved towards the academy.

And, as soon as I arrived at the academy, the words I heard from Rosé seemed to foretell that the daily life would be difficult in the future.

“Gregory! Rank Match! Let’s have a rank match!!!”

ah… … ,

let’s rest

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