I became the creditor of all the big guys in the world

Chapter 85 Immortal Tomb and Invitation

"Collector from Hunyuan Pawn Shop?" Hao Shang hesitated.

He originally wanted to chat with Lin Daoran for a few words, but when he suddenly heard the words Hunyuan Pawnshop, his expression changed slightly, his brows furrowed slightly, and he seemed to be deep in thought, and said: "But in ancient times, as long as you can pay the price, the so-called , everything in the world can be traded, that Hunyuan Pawnshop? "

"That's right!" Lin Daoran was surprised. He didn't expect that the other party knew about Hunyuan Pawnshop. It seemed that the inheritance of the Sky Demon Clan was very long.

Hearing the other party's admission, Hao Shang was slightly shocked, and he immediately dared not look down on Lin Daoran, and said with a smile: "Brother, I once recorded some things about Hunyuan Pawnshop in a volume of ancient secrets in the family library. Our ancestors once had transactions with your Hunyuan Pawn Shop, but the specifics were not mentioned in detail!"

"But it's just right. I didn't expect that hundreds of thousands of years have passed. It's fate to meet you people from Hunyuan Pawnshop here today!"

"It just so happens that I have something to do and I want to find someone to help me. Since brother, you are from Hunyuan Pawn Shop, you should be able to make a deal with me and help me, right?"

With that said, Hao Shangxin took out a jade tube and handed it to Lin Daoran.

Later, Lin Daoran saw an altar in the jade tube. There was a crystal coffin placed on the altar, and the coffin was tied with a golden mysterious rope, which seemed to be sealing something.

This altar is very large, and the surrounding floors and pillars are all made of fairy stones.

In front of the altar, there is a fountain. The water in the fountain is all fairy spring, exuding a strong fairy spirit. In the pool of the fountain, there are several lotus-like plants planted, which exude divine light and are very As usual, it looks like a precious elixir at first glance.

"Where is this?" Lin Daoran withdrew his consciousness and asked Hao Shangxin solemnly, with a vague guess in his heart.

Hao Shangxin hesitated for a moment, as if he was afraid of being heard. He waved his sleeves and arranged a formation around the place to isolate the place from the outside. Then he used his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice and told Lin Daoran, "This is a The secret place hidden in the ancient immortal world was accidentally discovered by a strong man of our clan when the ancient immortal world was opened. It seems to be a world of its own, intact, and contains the complete rules of the ancient immortal world! "

"Everything in this jade tube was recorded by him back then, but for some reason, he didn't come this time. The clan wanted me to come and explore it."

"However, this place should have been the cemetery of a certain Immortal King or a higher-level Immortal in ancient times!"

"There are countless ancient restrictions and immortal protection around us!"

"Very dangerous!"

"Therefore, to be on the safe side, I have always wanted to find someone to go with me, but I haven't met anyone suitable. But after meeting you, brother, I feel that we are particularly compatible, so I want you to come with me..."

"I wonder what you think?"

Hao Shangxin looked at Lin Daoran expectantly.

However, Lin Daoran felt a little like a dream about this sudden invitation.

He and Hao Shang were not familiar with each other.

From Lin Daoran's point of view, all the things Hao Shangxin said about compatibility were all bullshit.

This ancient immortal tomb is incredible, very heaven-defying, and it is very old. The crystal coffin is very extraordinary. There may be a legacy left by a certain powerful person in the immortal world. If you can get it, let alone ascend to the immortal world, even if you become a person in the future, Immortal King and Immortal Lord are both possible.

Such a good thing, the other party actually took it out and shared it with him for the first time when they met.

Lin Daoran felt that there must be some unimaginable crisis inside.

Otherwise, Hao Shangxin would have been possessed by himself long ago.

Do you still need him?

Perhaps, according to what the other party said, there are ancient restrictions and some immortal magic in that immortal tomb, but can just the two of them be able to enter?

Lin Daoran felt that this Hao Shang was unreliable!

But I am a businessman from Hunyuan Pawn Shop. I don’t care if he is reliable or not, why don’t I just give him the money first?

Pretending to be silent, Lin Daoran said calmly: "Brother, the fairy tomb discovered by your family seems to be a great opportunity, but you should know that it is very dangerous to get the things inside. So, you want me to help you, isn't it? No, but our Hunyuan Pawn Shop has its own rules, so it depends on what price you want to pay!"

"Brother, what do you mean?" Seeing that the other party did not reject him, Hao Shang was moved in his heart and wanted to know what Lin Daoran wanted.

After all, in his opinion, Hunyuan Pawnshop was also famous in ancient times, and his ancestors had transactions with them. How can he still survive after so many years? This pawnshop is definitely not simple, and the inheritance is definitely not inferior to the Tianyao Clan. , I want to be with Lin Daoran more and more.

He had learned from the family's ancient books that if he wanted help from Hunyuan Pawnshop, he would indeed have to pay a price.

He wanted to know Lin Daoran's conditions.

In silence, Lin Daoran spoke: "My conditions are very simple. Let me help you. First, you must pay me some compensation. It can be fairy stones, treasures, or fairy weapons. No matter whether the thing is successful or not, it will not be returned!"

"Secondly, if I help you enter the Immortal Tomb and obtain treasures, I will distribute the contents in proportion."

Under such conditions, for Lin Daoran, he would only make money, not lose money, and there would be no harm at all.

After all, this fairy tomb is very old, full of dangers, and difficult to deal with.

Don't make the price higher.

What if you lose your wife and lose your troops?

After hearing these conditions, Hao Shang felt a little unhappy. After all, he wanted benefits before he even started. He couldn't help but curse Lin Daoran in his heart, "an old fox."

Suddenly, I felt a little unsure!

After thinking for a long time, although Hao Shangxin felt unhappy, he still kept a smile and said: "Brother, I didn't bring any valuables with me when I came in this time. Otherwise, you can wait for me for a while and I'll try my luck. , try to find some treasures, how about I contact you then?"

"No problem!" Lin Daoran nodded.

But Lin Daoran knew that what Hao Shangxin said was all nonsense, and he was just trying to get away with nothing.

How could a powerful man from the Celestial Demon Clan not bring some treasures with him to defend himself when he came here? No one would believe him even if he told him.

He just couldn't hold on to his empty gloves now, so he didn't say anything. He deliberately found an excuse to leave and see if he could find other suitable people.

If found, there would be no need to continue pleading with Lin Daoran.

If you can't find it, you will find a way to get some treasures when the time comes, and do it according to Lin Daoran's request.

Then, Hao Shangxin gave Lin Daoran a special contact jade charm.

In this way, the two of them can communicate at any time anywhere in the ancient fairyland.

Looking at Hao Shangxin's leaving figure, Lin Daoran's smile faded, and his expression became gloomy. However, he felt that everyone in the ancient immortal world was very smart, and no one would do it for a vain immortal tomb for no reason. , and went to help Hao Shangxin.

That Immortal Tomb is a trap... What should I do?

So Lin Daoran concluded that Hao Shangxin must still come back to find him.

So after Hao Shangxin left, Lin Daoran also flew in the void. It took about two days to find a broken fairy peak again, landed on it, and then opened a simple one in a hidden place. In the cave, a formation was set up and hidden.

Afterwards, after finishing everything and ensuring safety, he took out the mysterious bronze artifact obtained from the purple coffin.

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