"Can you have an immortal weapon on you?"

"Or a lot of fairy stones?"

"Or other precious treasures?"

In silence, Lin Daoran spoke, asking these things as soon as he came up.

There is no way!

Given the current situation, there must be something in exchange!

Gu Zixuan originally wanted to take revenge and made a deal with Shentong and himself, but then after receiving the ancient god's inheritance, he exchanged his life with Lin Daoran.

Zhou Xinghai wanted the Immortal Stone to break through half a step of Yin Deficiency, so it took him a hundred years to exchange it with him.

Deng Wushuang returned the original copy of Tianxing Sword Jue, and in order to repay the debt, he became a debt collector like Gu Zixuan, and the time... was a lifetime.

More importantly, Deng Wushuang is a strong man who has glimpsed the realm of nirvana!

Therefore, after becoming a debt collector, he became one of his own. Lin Daoran spent a lot of money to give him the ancient god's inheritance to help him restore his cultivation.

All transactions at Hunyuan Pawnshop require a price!

"I didn't?" the woman said softly with a sad expression.

Lin Daoran frowned slightly and continued to ask: "You don't have it now...it doesn't matter, but there is no way to get these?"

Lin Daoran wanted to give the other party a chance. As long as the other party could find a way to get the corresponding exchange items, he could sign the contract first.

But the woman still looked downcast, with a touch of self-deprecation, and said lightly: "We are being hunted by the family now, it would be great if we can save our lives! Where can we get the chance to get these..."


Lin Daoran sighed inwardly.

After thinking for a while, he said helplessly: "If you don't have these things, the only way now is to exchange your longevity."

"In exchange for my longevity?"

"How to exchange?"

The woman seemed to see hope, with a hesitant look on her face.

"You now have fifteen hundred years of life. I can help you withdraw your life and transfer it to your husband and children. However, since you have no items to pay to our pawn shop, our pawn shop needs to collect Part of your longevity is used as a handling fee."

"I wonder if you are willing?"

After pondering for a while, Lin Daoran slowly explained.

When the woman heard this, she looked overjoyed. In her opinion, if she was hunted down by the strong men of the family, she might not be able to survive long.

Therefore, longevity is meaningless to me.

If you can save your husband and children with this, everything will be worth it.

"I do!" The woman made her choice without hesitation and continued: "After deducting the handling fee due to your pawnshop, I am willing to share all my life span with my husband and children... Please be sure Help me!"

Hearing this, Lin Daoran fell silent as he looked at the woman in front of him.

At this moment, he seemed to know.

What does it mean to risk your life for love!

Give yourself up for love.

Suddenly, he felt more admiration for the woman in front of him.


"Actually, I want to help you too!"

"But there is really no way. The pawn shop has its own regulations. All I can do is to give all of your longevity to your husband and children to the greatest extent possible, while charging the minimum handling fee."

"You now have fifteen hundred years to live."

"What I can promise you is that the pawnshop can help and only charges three hundred years of life as a handling fee. As for the remaining twelve hundred years of life, it's up to you how to allocate it!"

After thinking about it for a long time, although he wanted to take out the woman's life and divide it between two people, Lin Daoran decided to only charge the fee for helping one person, which only required three hundred years of life.

Let him help in any way he can!

But after the woman heard this, she did not object or raise an opinion. Instead, she said decisively: "In addition to the three hundred years of life required by the pawnshop, please give all the remaining twelve hundred years of life to my husband and children. Six hundred years for one person!”

Hearing what the woman said, Lin Daoran raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "You should know what such a decision means. If you give away all your life span... you will die!"

"I do!"

"Now that he is seriously injured and his Dao foundation has been destroyed, I am afraid that he will become a mortal without cultivation before long."

"At that time, not only will I be unable to help my husband and children, but I will also become a burden to them. My husband will be implicated in order to protect me, and I will be unable to escape the pursuit. Everyone will die."

"So, I am willing to trade my own lifespan for the lives of both of them!"

"As long as they survive!"

"I don't regret dying!"

The woman smiled.

The smile is so miserable.

It was as if death was nothing to her!

Lin Daoran originally opened his mouth and wanted to persuade the woman, but after investigating, he found that it was indeed the case. The woman was seriously injured and had not been treated in time. Now the Daoji has been broken and she is half a cripple. Even recuperation will not help.

In the end, Lin Daoran said no more.

Everything is subject to the woman's wishes.

"Please sign this contract!"

Lin Daoran's face was expressionless, his mood was a little uncomfortable because of the woman, and his voice was a little low.

The woman did not hesitate, quickly signed the contract and handed it to Lin Daoran.

After putting away the contract, Lin Daoran came to the woman and asked her to close her eyes. Then he raised his palm and gently grabbed the top of the woman's head.

Suddenly, the entire pawn shop was filled with the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

The woman's face was filled with pain, as if her soul was about to be torn apart. With the help of this rule power, the mysterious life span in her body turned into wisps of milky white mist visible to the naked eye, and was drawn out by Lin Daoran.

When the last wisp of milky white mist was drawn out, the woman who was still struggling in pain... suddenly became motionless.

She was completely dead.

Just like that... she died completely!!

Looking at the woman's cold body and the ball of white mist in his palm, Lin Daoran looked melancholy.

"Xiu Xiu, this woman has good character. She sacrificed herself to save her husband and children. Now she is dead, so let's put her body away!"

With admiration for the woman and respect for the dead, Lin Daoran asked Xiu Xiu to bury the woman's body and retain her final dignity.

Xiu Xiu nodded, feeling very heavy, and then pinched a spell.

Suddenly, she was wrapped in the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

The body disappeared!

The woman's body was stored by Xiuxiu in a special space in the Hunyuan Pawnshop, which can be guaranteed not to decay.

After doing all this, Lin Daoran breathed a sigh of relief.

Suppressing the sadness in his heart, Lin Daoran separated a part of the white mist and used it for the interest of the Hunyuan Pawnshop.

He collected the remaining white mist and prepared to go to the place where the woman's husband and child were, merge into the other party's body, and complete the contract.

"Xiuxiu, you go and take Gu Zixuan, Zhou Xinghai, and Deng Wushuang with you!"

"Let's go to fulfill the contract now!"

Perhaps considering that the woman's husband and child may be being attacked by the strong men of Wanyu Tower and the Nine-Life Cat Demon Clan.

Or, Lin Daoran was moved by the woman's spirit of sacrificing herself for her family.

Lin Daoran decided to bring his own debt collector.

If the other party's husband and child are in danger during the process of integrating the life span, he can help to resist it if he can, just resist it!

Then, a burst of light flashed.

Gu Zixuan, Zhou Xinghai and Deng Wushuang came to Hunyuan Pawn Shop.

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