It is not only that is bustling, but also major social platforms, forums, post bars, and D-stations.

Since the secret of the multi-perspective plot was revealed, "Spiritual Epidemic" even had post bars and forums dedicated to analyzing the plot.

You should know that in this era, with film review websites like, there are very few fans who will set up post bars and forums to discuss the plot of a movie. This is undoubtedly a big carnival for suspense drama fans.

This holographic technology is advanced, and the virtual consciousness connection section is overtaking on the curve, but there has been no holographic online game, mainly due to technical conditions. The technology of the director machine can accommodate a certain number of consciousnesses. It is impossible to achieve multiplayer online like games, and there is also the stability of the world structure.

The director's consciousness constructs the world in the director machine, just like a painter using a brush to paint a picture. Although these scenes are realistic, if you want to keep the world stable, you have to keep using data flow. This loss is something that no game company can support. The energy loss of accommodating the interaction of multiple consciousnesses on the line is also something that current holographic technology cannot achieve.

Wei Lan's new approach to the suspense film gave all the audience the feeling of playing a holographic online game of free exploration.

Even if you don't really control the characters in action, the fun of discovering side lines and easter eggs is irresistible to fans who love solving puzzles.

Originally a commercial movie, it completely changed its flavor after the release, becoming a carnival for young people and mystery fans, especially with the restriction of the screening period protection. During the period of the movie's release in theaters, if you want to find more hidden plots of the movie, you can choose to buy tickets and go to the cinema to watch it.

The box office of the movie "Soul Epidemic" in the second week of its release exceeded twice the first week, reaching a terrifying 530 million, directly breaking the single-week box office record of historical thriller horror movies. In addition to the fact that this subject matter itself is not easy to beat traditional commercial films at the box office, it is also the second and even third viewing craze of this movie that broke the box office of similar movies.

Young people don't care whether they are "tricked" into the cinema, they care whether they will find new content that their friends have not discovered this time.

There is no doubt that the new model brought by this movie made Wei Lan appear in an economic report.

The Producers Association happily came to give Wei Lan a contribution award. It was only half a year since the last contribution award for the advertisement placement of "The Queen". This time, the operation of "The Heart" obviously found a new development direction for suspense movies.

When asked whether the awards were too frequent, the president of the Producers Association said that this was the result of a vote by more than 90% of the members of the association. In the interview, he also sincerely stated that many producers in the association wanted to cooperate with Wei Lan on the project and hoped that she would not be so stubborn in choosing investments. He also made some strange remarks about Wei...

Unknowingly, Wei Lan has become a well-deserved "commercial genius" in the film industry. For investors who can see the money numbers, the most dazzling halo of Wei Lan is not the best director, but the textbook box office record again and again.

In a certain movie theater, a college-looking boy was interviewed by a reporter.

The reporter asked: "Hello, I'm a reporter from Economic Weekly. How many times have you watched this movie?"

The boy felt a little uncomfortable in front of the camera and touched the back of his head: "Second time, I'm preparing for the third time now."

"Oh?" The reporter's eyes lit up and asked in confusion: "What prompted you to watch this movie for the third time?"

The boy looked at the camera and suddenly showed a shy smile: "The girl I like really wants to know the hidden plot, but she didn't find it herself, so I wanted to find it out and tell her..."

This short video interview was later edited and posted on D Station after the program was broadcast. The barrage was the same as the reporter who was stuffed with dog food at this time:

'Caught off guard'

'Why can I eat dog food in this interview? I am desperate for this world. '

'Stupid, why don't you ask that girl to watch it together? Men's vanity! '

At this time, watching "The Heart Epidemic" is no longer an ordinary movie, but a trend among young people. Everyone wants to catch up with the trend, otherwise they will appear outdated among their age.

In the video section of the d website, 80% of the video content during this period is about "The Heart Epidemic". In addition to plot analysis, there are also clips of various Ps.

The number one video is "The Great Detective at the Crossroads", which once published a plot analysis and film review on

The title of the video is very eye-catching: Huo Yin has more than two personalities? Exclusive analysis of the Easter egg conjecture of "The Heart".

"Hello, audience friends, welcome to my channel. Without further ado, let's take a look at some key points about the Easter eggs in the movie "Soul"..."

"I have already mentioned in the movie review on that Huo Yin was originally a villain, so I won't go into details here. If you are interested, you can search for my movie review on"

"...Last time I learned from the movie review that the most critical case of Huo Yin, combined with the previous hidden plot line and character dialogue, we can know that Huo Yin was originally a promising scientist, and the multiple personality symptoms had no signs before, and they also broke out suddenly."

"Many friends who have watched the movie twice probably have already taken screenshots of Huo Yin's case." As the blogger spoke, Huo Yin's case in the movie appeared in the video.

"According to the screenshot of the case, Huo Yinjing's analysis report describes one of her personalities as a high-functioning antisocial personality, who is extremely good at hiding herself, has strong anti-reconnaissance skills...etc."

"... What I mean by discovering the big secret is, of course, not the 'dark' love that everyone knows about her from the beginning, but the second personality in the case, which is really the self-contained arsenal that appears in the movie. 'Huo Yin'?"

Speaking of this, an exclamation point appeared in the barrage.

"I have a bold guess. The original Huo Yin, we call her 'main personality', is the normal scientist personality before entering Qingshan Psychiatric Hospital. Hasn't it ever appeared in a movie before, and has always guided her? Is the main line the dangerous second personality described in the case? And the 'weaponry' personality we think of is actually another new personality of Huo Yin?"

There was a lot of exclamation in the barrage: ‘This is a brand new entry point, why didn’t I think of it! ’

‘It’s scary to be too small’

‘The up master’s imagination is also incredible. No, if this is the case, Director Wei’s imagination is also incredible. ’

"Of course, I know that some viewers will also question it. After all, this is a conjecture that has not been revealed in the main plot of the movie. So now, please take a look at some of the evidence I have for this conjecture."

The short film now lists several screenshots from the film, all of which show Huo Yin making some seemingly unconscious regular movements while talking to people.

"Every time Huo Yin tries to persuade others, he will unconsciously use this action. I specifically checked these actions in books and some psychiatrists, and the answer I got is that these actions are most likely a method of psychological hypnosis. ”

"After combining Huo Yin's remarks and his good popularity in the mental hospital, we can basically conclude that Huo Yin is a careerist who likes to use special hypnosis to control others..."

Having said this, the voice of the intersection detective paused and suddenly became louder. It was obvious that he was also excited:

"Then is it possible that Huo Yin can create a personality by hypnotizing herself?"

As soon as he said it, the barrage was shocked.

The intersection detective continued to speak faster: "This is not my whim, but the evidence can be derived from the plot and movie language hints."

The video painting comes to the confrontation scene on the rooftop of a high-rise building in the final scene of the movie.

"Look at this composition, the movie will not set up useless and meaningless scenes. There is one light and one dark, one complete and one broken scene. Analyzing the lens language, it represents the future stance of the two protagonists, one is extreme and the other is bright, and sometimes Regarding the contrast between the intact and broken buildings, film critics previously analyzed that it symbolizes the spiritual world of the two protagonists, because even though Huo Yin’s thoughts are dark, she has her own logical perspective and has a clear path forward. But Yin Tianlei is not the same. He is in a situation where Huo Yin just shattered the world view, which subtly corresponds to the scene..."


‘The contrast between the sky and the buildings is obvious. I haven’t thought deeply about the contrast between the buildings, but when the up owner said it, I thought it was true! ’

Just when the audience who didn't pay much attention to the filming method was sighing at the beauty of it, they heard the intersection detective continue to say: "Is it possible that in addition to representing the mental state of the two protagonists, there is another layer What about metaphors and implications?”

"Huo Yin said during the confrontation that Yin Tianlei's real power is to eliminate other people's abilities. In other words, 'elimination' can be said to be a destruction, which corresponds to a broken building. So Huo Yin's Does a complete building, on the other hand, represent a creation?”

"This scene is very obvious in the Easter egg at the end. Everyone guessed that Tong Le was hiding in the cracks of time and space to avoid the bomb, and Huo Yin found a way to save him. I think Huo Yin can self-hypnotize. The reasoning of creating a new personality is obviously more in line with the settings and hints shown in the current movie. "

The barrage is already filled with: ‘ohhhhh’

"It's easy to explain that Tong Le called Huo Yin before he died. He paid the price of opening his eyes and saw the future with four-dimensional vision for the last time. He saw that he could pass through Huo Yin and 're' in another way, so Tong Le Being able to die generously, the last sound should be a reminder to Huo Yin not to forget to resurrect him, but it is also possible that he saw other future scenes that are more surprising to us. "

"Perhaps everyone will say that from the perspective of human nature, even if Tong Le is resurrected and has previous memories through Huo Yin hypnosis, from a certain perspective, he is no longer the person he is, and few people are willing to accept his replacement."

"But we can look at Tong Le's character. He is a fan of the four-dimensional concept, and Huo Yin is the only one who understands him and supports him. Tong Le is also a mental patient. It is very likely that he cares about the 'four-dimensional concept' Whether the power of vision exists in the world or not, he doesn't care about his own life or death...well...of course it's also possible that he was simply fooled by Huo Yin."

"Finally, we come to the most important point, the conjecture about the last scene of the easter egg. If the above reasoning is true, then the last part will make more sense."

The video shows the final painting of the Easter egg.

"Have you seen it? Ink, huge head. If the huge head is not enough to be associated with it, then the ink hint is very obvious. The only character related to ink in the movie is Jiang Hua. Who is Jiang Hua? The film's design A man who gained extraordinary spirituality in his concentration, drilled a hole in his head, and finally summoned the outside."

"Combined with what Huo Yin said during the confrontation on the rooftop, it is self-evident what this ambitious person wants to do next. She got the painting and wanted to create a personality similar to Jiang Hua. Through this new personality, she can see the painting and gain and understand more of Guan Gu's power..."

"Finally, she will do the same thing and create a spiritual personality to become a real spiritual!"


'Strict logic'

"I have to prick the hearts of the fans of the popular 'Huo Yin' CP on this point. If Huo Yin really has this dangerous idea, then leaving Yin Tianlei, who is known to be a future enemy, alive, is likely to be a 'safety valve' after everything gets out of control."


'□□! CP fans refuse to admit it! '

'This Huo Yin Narcissus fan expressed approval'

'This Huo Tong CP fan gave a thumbs up'

Finally, the video ended with the up master's summary: "I can say that Huo Yin is darker than you think..."

Because this video was so popular, it quickly reached Weibo, where it received more than 10,000 reposts and comments in a short period of time.

Then, a certain panda head that had been hidden since the movie was released suddenly appeared and liked the video Weibo.

In just ten minutes, # Director Wei liked it # and it quickly became a hot search.

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