Finally, before nightfall, all the guests found suitable accommodation, although two groups, Qiao Jiamu and Wei Sijia, achieved their goals in a strange way...

Dinner was served at the host's house. Wei Lan and the host Zhou had a delicious home-cooked meal. Because Zhou was older, the food was very nutritious and suitable for children like Wei Lan.

During this period, Zhou's eyes couldn't help but stay on Wei Lan.

Usually, even if a child of this age eats with a spoon, he will spill the food because his hands are not flexible enough or he is naughty. However, the Wei Lan in front of him did not have this problem at all.

Everyone in the Wei family eats together. Wei Sijia is imitating Ye Luoxue and putting some vegetables in Wei Lan's bowl from time to time.

Wei Lan chewed the spoon, and the soft white cheeks bounced like a little hamster, making people unable to take their eyes away.

The camera also recorded this scene honestly.

‘Householder: Fragrant...ah, I am today’s meal. ’

‘It’s so cute, I can eat two more bowls of Lanbao! ’

‘Yeah, it’s like touching her head. ’

The screen clip shows the scene of three guests having a meal, which is also warm and interesting. The children all ate happily, giving the TV audience a sense of healing.

As night falls, the scene has changed to the next day.

Host Zhu Hao once again appeared in front of all the audience, walking on the road of the town.

Zhu Hao said with a smile on camera: "It's 9:30 now. All the guests should have gotten up. I'll go look for them one by one."

Zhu Hao gathered the three guests in the order of the route, and finally they arrived at Wei Lan's Zhou home.

Under the surprised gazes of Wei Sijia and Wei Lan, Zhu Hao found Zhou and said with a smile: "Director Zhou, I'll trouble you today."

‘What’s going on? ’

Not only the audience was confused, but several of the guests, especially Ren Xiu and Wei Lan, who had moved into this house, had expressions of disbelief on their faces: "Didn't someone tell me that this is not the residence arranged for the show?"

Han Qianwei beside her also nodded and testified.

Qiao Jiamu scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard this: "Well... I don't live in the place arranged by the show crew either."

Zhu Hao smiled and said: "There are more ways than one. Qiao Jiamu met a fan. When Wei Sijia came here, she happened to meet Zhou at home."

Ren Xiu slapped his forehead and made a regretful expression: "If I had known I should have gone too, I wouldn't have had to search for so long!"

Ren Zhi, who was next to him, quickly supported: "Brother can sing for me!"

After laughing for a while, Zhu Hao picked up the rhythm and said, "Let's go. Today is my first stop and a long way around, so that's why I come here the most."

"Director Zhou?" Wei Sijia looked confused. She didn't expect that the landlord who kindly took her in was related to the program.

Zhu Hao answered this question for everyone: "My activity today is to go to the tea garden to pick tea by myself, and then go to the tea factory to experience the ancient tea making process. Zhou is the owner of the largest Mingde Tea Garden here, and he is also the tea maker. The director of the factory.

After the program team obtained the project permission and approval documents and came to such a place to shoot, they would naturally cooperate with the government's role in promoting local publicity, and Lin'an Town is most famous for its tea and fisheries.

Tea picking and making are good outdoor parent-child activity options.

The morning sun was not particularly hot, so the group of guests entered the Mingde Tea Garden.

At this time, the tea garden is given a distant view. The emerald green tea trees are neatly arranged on the hillside. The sunshine is shining and the thick greenery is paved, which is refreshing.

This scene is very comfortable for the audience, but for the celebrity guests, it is not as comfortable as being separated from the screen. The sun is a bit strong, especially the two female celebrities, Han Qianwei and Wei Sijia, have already put on sun-dressing clothes and sun protection hats.

When Qiao Jiam saw the two armed girls, he complained speechlessly: "Wow, are you two going to be so exaggerated?"

Ren Xiu next to him burst into laughter.

Han Qianwei, the host of the variety show, immediately replied: "If you don't protect yourself from the sun, 80% of your skin care is useless. If you don't protect yourself from the sun, you will know when I die at the age of thirty."

"That's right." Wei Sijia nodded in agreement.

Qi placed the 'exquisite girl duo' on her head.

On the other hand, the children did not have so many scruples. Except for Wei Lan, the other three children all liked the outdoors and started running around and having fun as soon as they entered the tea garden.

"Qiao Jianan, don't mess around!"

"Zhizhi, be careful of bugs."

"Ling Feng, don't go too far."

When her elder brothers and sisters were greeting her younger siblings, Wei Sijia looked at Wei Lan who was quietly beside her and signaled with her eyes: Do you want to go for a run?

Wei Lan raised his head and looked at her, also using his eyes to fully express the sentence: Are you kidding me?

After finishing, I straightened my hat to prevent it from being worn crookedly.

This move was captured by the camera, and a line appeared above Wei Lan's head: "Sun protection should start from childhood."

She happened to be standing with Wei Sijia and Han Qianwei again, and suddenly, the original 'exquisite girl duo' turned into a 'threesome'.

‘Exquisite girl Wei Lan’

‘I’m sorry, I’ll just put on sunscreen today’

The three guests next to her looked at Wei Sijia with envy. Which brother or sister wouldn't like a cute and sensible brother and sister who doesn't have to worry?

Wei Sijia: I am the only person in the world who is worried about Wei Lan’s identity being suspected.

After the small interlude, it was time to make it official. The tea farmer gave some instructions to the guests and children, and people began to move freely.

The main force in picking tea is naturally the adults, and the children mainly help with bamboo baskets. Of course, there are also those who are curious and try it, but the effect is not ideal.

Picking tea is just an experience process, which ended in half an hour. The two boys on Qiao Jiamu's side picked the most tea, but the appearance was the worst. The other three groups of guests were about the same. Wei Lan and Wei Sijia were mediocre and not eye-catching.

Then they went to the tea factory cafeteria to have lunch, and then it was almost time for tea making in the afternoon.

The tea factory is of course mechanized, but because the celebrity guests are here to experience it, a wok is specially prepared for each guest. Under the guidance of professionals, all the tea picked today is made into green tea.

Children who have never seen this scene must be surprised, and many viewers who don't know the tea making process also have relish.

Finally, it's time to accept the results.

The green tea products made by the guests are actually similar. With the guidance of professional teachers and the same batch of tea, the taste will not be much different, but because they participated in it personally, everyone feels different and wants to try it.

The tea factory has a lounge for tasting tea. Zhou is a person with a lot of fun in life. This lounge is decorated in an antique style.

Pour hot water into the white porcelain cup containing green tea, and the heat with the fragrance floats up.

In the expectant eyes of the guests, the color of the tea turned into a light and clear yellow.

The three children tasted it expectantly, but their expressions froze there, and they refused to drink the second sip.

Qiao Jianan frowned and said, "It's bitter and not good."

Ren Zhi also asked her brother, "Why does it taste the same as the tea we drink at home? I thought it would be sweet."

This made the adults present laugh and cry. Han Lingfeng, who was speechless, drank a sip and stopped drinking. The guests felt that the fruits of their labor were very fragrant.

'Where is Lanlan? '

'Why didn't the camera give me Lanbao? She was easy to recognize when she was making tea just now! '

At this time, the camera seemed to have discovered that Wei Lan was missing, turned around to look for her, and soon found her at another tea table.

She was sitting on the tatami tea table, opposite Zhou, who had silver hair, and they were drinking tea from white porcelain cups.

Wei Lan held a white porcelain cup in her small hands, drank a sip of tea, then closed her eyes, savored it leisurely, and sighed comfortably in the most silent way.

This action would be fine if an adult did it, for example, it would be normal for Zhou, who was old and elegant, to do it, but when Wei Lan, a child, did it, the effect was instantly explosive.

The barrage was already full of "???" and at this time, a classical guqin sound was added in time. The composition of the picture evenly placed the shadows of the big and small, old and young sitting on the left and right sides, and added a big "Zen" word on the tea table in the middle.

"Master, I have realized the truth of the tea ceremony"

"World Famous Paintings - Tea Tasting""

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