I became famous after I didn't grow tall

32,032 (film not yet finished) (1/2)


The contrast made the audience laugh.

Jing Xiaoxuan, as a mobile game card player, laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her back. She was going to make a Su Yining SSR card after watching the movie.

He Zixuan was surprised: "Academician, you also play mobile games?"

Academician Wang explained casually: "My grandson plays, and he asks me everything."

At this time, the aliens had visited the most cutting-edge laboratory of the Federation of Technology accompanied by the reception group.

Of course, this theoretical laboratory did not involve the application of weapons militarization. Even if it was an "interstellar friend", no one would be stupid enough to reveal their background when the other party's purpose was unclear.

Watching the various cutting-edge technologies that ordinary people heard of mysteriously, the jury kept observing her expression, but the aliens' faces did not change.

The critics who watched the movie couldn't help but think that Su Yining was too suitable for this role.

Su Yining's skin is whiter and her facial features are clearer and more profound in this movie. She is walking with a group of jurors, but people can notice her at a glance and feel that she is a completely different individual.

She has always been mocked by the media as a wooden vase with facial expression control, but in such an environment, it fits the situation to the extreme.

Because as an alien with consciousness projection, she does not need rich expressions, she needs a temperament that is completely different from humans. When she has no expression, the alienation revealed between her eyebrows and eyes will definitely not achieve the same effect if it is replaced by an actress with the appearance and temperament of Li Tongtong.

From this perspective, even if Su Yining just won the Golden Raspberry Actress, it is indeed very clever for Wei Lan to choose her as the heroine.

Suddenly, the aliens in the crowd stopped.

The whole reception group became nervous, and everyone looked nervously at the technology project displayed - 3D printing technology.

The diplomat asked nervously, "Do you have any questions?"

The alien reached out and touched her stomach: "This body organ is sending me demand signals, and the brain is also secreting corresponding hormones."

At the same time, her stomach made a very appropriate "gurgling" sound.

"Hahaha..." The constant creation of jokes kept the audience's attention active. Guo Qian, who originally watched this movie only because of the Teacher's Day discount and the dual factors of "I'm here", was relieved. He felt that this should be a movie about aliens making jokes on Earth due to various environmental and social factors.

However, Canghai Xiao, who is considered a professional film critic, does not think so.

This kind of joke rhythm is more like the usual method of director Wei Lan to boost the audience's emotions. As a director with ideas, a film work, whether from the surface setting, the interspersed rural teacher plot, or the ironic metaphors in it, makes people feel that everything will not be so simple.

The nervous reception group suddenly held back their laughter, and the smile on the diplomat's face spread out: "I'm hungry, and it's time for lunch. Let's go to the State Guesthouse for dinner."

The alien frowned again: "So this is how your individual life absorbs energy."

Seeing this, He Zixuan took the opportunity to ask: "Isn't your energy absorption method this conversion process? As far as I know, carbon-based organisms should have the biological instinct of eating."

"It should have happened, but that should have been a billion years ago..." The alien thought: "After I was born, the genes of our civilization have been optimized to the point where we no longer need the function of eating."

Various delicacies were placed in the banquet hall.

The reception group took some food casually, and their eyes were focused on the alien sitting in the middle seat.

For the first time, the alien's indifferent expression had a vivid reaction.

The alien had always been arrogant, as if looking down at humans from a very high angle, and had no reaction at all when facing the cutting-edge technological products of humans, but when she ate a piece of boiled pork covered with peppers, she was surprised.

She ate a piece, swallowed it, and couldn't help but pick up another piece of tripe and stuffed it into her mouth. Her snow-white cheeks chewed silently, and there was a strange cuteness.

Another contrasting laugh.

Guo Qian: 'Hahaha...'

Canghai laughed: 'Su Yining can actually be photographed with a cute temperament? '

Jing Xiaoxuan: 'Oh oh oh ~ Ning Bao's mother loves you! '

At this moment, the 'Law of Fragrance' seemed to be sublimated into the essence of carbon-based life in the universe.

After eating, the alien looked at the red pepper in disbelief and said: "This is obviously a kind of pain, but I can't stop... The process of you absorbing energy, the hormones secreted by the brain during eating behavior, actually made my consciousness experience a long-lost sense of pleasure."

The earth's product was affirmed by the aliens for the first time. The reception group next to them looked at each other and became excited, revealing a feeling: There is a way!

The audience also had a positive boost in their hearts.

No matter how arrogant and technologically advanced you aliens are, you have to bow down to the artillery and bullets of our foodie enemy country!

With a rhythmic soundtrack, various dishes were served in a flowing stream, and the aliens even tried some white and red wine.

The scene switched to the other side of the village, where the village was also hosting a banquet to entertain the town leaders.

Teacher Li sat next to the leader, smiling all the time, holding a large bowl of turbid white wine in his earthen bowl and toasting the leader.

The leader took a shallow sip, and Teacher Li drank it all in one gulp. After finishing the drink, his face turned red and he couldn't help showing an uncomfortable expression. smile.

The town leader patted his shoulder in surprise and asked if everything was okay, but with a satisfied smile on his lips:

"There are teachers like you in the village who want to make a living. I will definitely apply for education subsidies for you when I return..."

The villagers nearby were excited and happy after hearing this, and the scene was lively and joyful.

The same was true for the reception group. After having a good meal and wine, the atmosphere was harmonious, as if the relationship between the reception group and the aliens had become closer.

Finally, the diplomat could not help but ask the alien:

"What do you think of our technology?"

The alien's face was especially satisfied, but his words were merciless: "It's just started, like a swaddled baby."

When Canghaixiao saw this, he knew it was coming again, comparing it with irony.

The difference is that the familiar trick of eating people with short mouths works in human society, but it obviously does not work in aliens.

"An infant...baby?" The reception team was stunned, why did they turn their backs on each other?

The scientist on the side said eagerly: "But we have already achieved manned lunar exploration, and you have come to us. Why do you think we are just getting started..."

The alien said: "There is a long way to go to get involved in the starry sky and the universe, and the issue of energy dynamics is only one step. You have not even mastered the most basic controllable nuclear fusion. The planet under your feet is your swaddling baby, and you cannot escape from it. protection.”

He Zixuan, who had arrived at the command center, suddenly stood up from his seat and said to Academician Wang next to him: "Academician, I have discovered that the aliens come and go in a straight line. She does not seem to have a sense of probing and diplomacy when dealing with us. Diplomatic means of communication are inefficient. , maybe if we want to know something, we can just ask!”

After hearing this, Academician Wang thought silently for a moment, then showed a firm look and said, "Let's go, give it a try!"

In the reception room, the alien was surrounded by a group of scientists.

Academician Wang was the first to ask: "May I know why you came to Earth?"

"I will come here because when I was conducting life exploration for thousands of years, I discovered that this planet has budding life and civilization. I placed a life detector on the satellite closest to you. When there is life on that planet, I will receive a warning signal."

"Millennium...Have you ever appeared on Earth at that time?" The historian seemed to be thinking of something.

Alien: "The probe has come to Earth."

The historian's jaw trembled with excitement: "Perhaps the prototype of the Legend of Chang'e Flying to the Moon..."

"Then what purpose do you want to see the most cutting-edge technology of our civilization? Is it for communication?" The person who asked this question was an old general whose clothes were covered with medals. He had silver hair and a solemn face.

"No." The alien shook his head: "Your technology is too backward. You can see through it at a glance. The purpose of my coming is to rate your civilization."

"So what is your current evaluation of our civilization?" Academician Wang asked after listening.

Alien sentiment is neither positive nor negative, it's like stating a fact.

"It seems to me now that your civilization is nowhere to be found."

Stifling silence.

Even the audience watching the movie briefly paused in their thoughts.

No one expected that human civilization would be evaluated by aliens.

"Why?" The old general with a majestic temperament asked.

The alien said calmly: "You don't even have the ability to resist attacks."

There was a clear look of anger on the general's face, and he retorted loudly: "We have it!"

"Even if there are earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis... Even if we can't resist these terrible disasters, we can avoid them. Over the past millennium, our ancestors built a Great Wall with their own hands and feet that can now be observed with satellites. Our hydropower stations turn disasters into good fortune, and the electricity they produce can supply the electricity consumption of economic and political center cities for a year..."

With the sonorous voice of the old general recounting the achievements of modern civilization, the soundtrack is not obvious but the atmosphere is uplifting. The audience who watched the movie felt a numbness rising up their spines.

The admiration for the labor of human ancestors and the pride in the progress of human civilization.

Even if the alien shows a funny and cute side, no audience will have a sense of her identity anymore.

The alien shook his head at this moment and explained: "I have no intention of denying your efforts."

She also said seriously: "The birth of any civilization is an absolute miracle in the vast universe."

The old general's expression softened slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Disturbance of my physical laws, cosmic-level disasters, you now only have primitive nuclear fission energy weapons, and detonation weapons are only common weapons in interstellar wars, so don't target this star for attacks..." Alien He pointed to the sky and said: "Even if you change the gravity of the moon, your land will be submerged by the surging ocean on this planet."

"An ordinary gamma-ray burst in the center of the Milky Way is enough to destroy your civilization."

"The creatures on your earth were destroyed once before, before civilization was formed."

The historical researcher trembled: "Were you in the dinosaur era?"

"Yes, they have already begun to have the germs of civilization. Unfortunately, they encountered an enemy once and were all destroyed. Later, you reappeared."

The reception room fell silent for the second time.

Initiative weapons, gamma-ray bursts... combined with a little bit of earth history, the fierce conflict made the audience dizzy, and another perspective of cosmic war unfolded in front of the audience.

Although some parts were even a little difficult to understand, the mysterious and high-end feeling made the audience's adrenaline surge.

I didn't think it before, but now we find that it is reasonable. The universe is so vast and mysterious. If the interstellar war stays at the stage of using guns and cannons, it is really a well-sighted view for humans.

Canghai Xiao was immersed in the imagination of these new concepts, and he didn't care to analyze the director's performance just now.

Finally, Academician Wang asked: "What is the purpose of the rating?"

"A war, a war between carbon-based life and silicon-based life in the Milky Way. We can invade the Milky Way through star frog leaps-a jump method that you can't understand now. We have to block our way."

"Then how are you going to stop us?" Academician Wang seemed to realize something and asked eagerly.

The alien replied: "Use the singularity bomb to destroy the stars in this galaxy, that is, your sun."

"But then the earth will also be destroyed!" Everyone's breathing stagnated.

Destroying the sun basically destroys the entire solar system. This is common sense.

The alien nodded: "Of course."

The old general suddenly stood up from the sofa: "What about us?"

The alien said in a statement: "You have not developed interstellar navigation technology, so of course you can only be destroyed along with the earth."

"Why should I?!" The old general's hand had instinctively pressed on his waist. Even though there was no weapon on his waist, he was angry enough: "Why do you destroy us?"

The perspective was close-up of Su Yining's delicate face, and the innate sense of distance was magnified to the extreme.

Su Yining looked straight over with indifferent eyes, like a child pouring boiling water into an ant nest, cruel and unconscious.

'It's coming, it's coming, it's finally coming...'

Canghai Xiao took a deep breath. Based on his experience, he knew that this time was in the middle of the movie, and it was time for a dramatic turning point.

The audience also felt a sense of impending storm from the atmosphere at that time.

The alien spoke:

"I have not established diplomatic relations with you, nor have I declared war on you."

"I destroy you, what does it have to do with what you think?"

The moment brought a new way of interstellar war, and now a new rule between cosmic civilizations has been cruelly revealed.

The audience watching the movie at that time also felt a chill and suffocation rising from behind.

There are no rules -

I destroy you, what does it have to do with you?

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