168. A Midsummer Night’s Patrol


After the events of that day, the relationship between Han Yu-wol and Yoo Ha-yeon entered a cold war.

I keep my mouth shut while eating. When they meet, they avoid each other and pretend they don’t know each other.

Apparently, they had no intention of reconciling.

‘It would be natural for the fight to be long.’

Even more so because it is related to parents.

I looked at Yoo Ha-yeon, who was walking next to me.

White summer clothes. However, the place where the skin was exposed was all covered with bandages.

A thought ran through my mind, maybe it was hotter than anyone else.

“What, what are you looking at?!”

“no. nothing.”

… I’ll have to pretend I didn’t hear any noise last night.

It’s puberty. Things like that happen, too.

While avoiding the gaze of Yoo Ha-yeon, who seemed to be stabbed alone. It was on the way to the back road.

The sound of students whispering could be heard all around.

“Why is Yoo Ha-yeon like that, more than that? How did he get hurt?”

“Was there anyone in our academy who would make Yoo Ha-yeon like that… ”

A bandaged girl in midsummer.

Whether Ha-yeon Yoo’s appearance caught the students’ attention, a whisper about her was heard from nearby.

After a fight with a villain or a fight with the president last night, strange rumors were heard, and the students began to guess the cause of the wounds.

“Celebrities are tired… ! Blackbird is also famous… !”

“… Those are annoying Why are you so interested in other people’s work?”

Yoo Ha-yeon frowned and started walking, expressing ‘I’m angry’.

The voices of the students whispering to Yoo Ha-yeon gradually faded.

“Isn’t this the real power of the academy? What did you do while I was away?”

“… Just to improve my skills, I went to some of my seniors.”

“I went to see a certain upperclassman.”

“To be honest, how much was scouted by a famous company?”

I can see why other students do that.

Ha-yeon Yoo, who committed the worst, but made it impossible to even squeak with her skills.

It seemed that an unwritten rule had arisen among the students that they should not touch it.

But, sometimes, how to go beyond curiosity. I could hear the male student’s conversation in a small voice in my ear.

“Yeah, but. What if Yoo Ha-yeon is hurt? What kind of person should the other person be?”

“It must be a very strong person, or an opponent that Ha-yeon Yoo cannot counterattack.”

“Wait, an opponent you can’t counter-attack… ?”

… Well, why are you looking at me?

Hiding among the students, the boys glanced at me like a mouse hiding in a mouse hole.

They thought I couldn’t hear them, so they started whispering among themselves.

“Isn’t there only one person that Yoo Ha-yeon can’t fight back against is Han Si-joon?”

“That, is it?! Dating violence you’ve only heard of..!”

What are you crazy people?

A woman who sticks her teeth in the neck as an excuse for a date, a woman who suppresses her by force if she does not like it, a woman who bullies me with various trolls.

I am the one who could be said to be a victim of dating violence. What do you mean?

“That’s not crazy, who believes that?”

“Hey, that bandage was hit by Han Si-jun! D, dating violence..!!”

“… ”

I believe in that.

Is it because of the villain’s fate? The students began to talk, and the consensus was that the reason Yoo Ha-yeon was seriously injured was ‘Han Si-jun hit him’.

‘does not make sense… ‘

This is collective intelligence… ?

Why did this happen?

“Hey, you idiots! What the hell, I got hit by Han Si-jun!! Am I right for the weak Han Si-jun?”

“Well, then. Whom did you fight with!?”

“… ”

Yoo Ha-yeon?

Why aren’t you talking?

Was it because I couldn’t tell the truth that I fought Han Yu-wol? Ha-yeon Yoo said while avoiding the eyes of the crowd of students.

“… I don’t know, I don’t even remember who I fought with.”

“No, I can’t speak… ! This is definitely Sijun Han..!”

X foot.

The conclusion is strange.

The students seemed to have decided that Yoo Ha-yeon was injured because it was my fault. No matter how much I try to explain, this damn fate won’t work.

In the end, all I could do was be consistent in silence.

“Sijun was a villain… ”

“It’s sad that even you are like that, Hana..”


Leaving behind Yoo Ha-yeon, who shouts to people, ‘Han Si-jun didn’t do that!’ I decided to go back up the trail again.

What I heard from Yoo Ha-yeon, who returned to class after a while, was ‘It was too much’.

In the end, I was left with the Academy’s dating gangster.

X foot.


After class, there was a call from the student council president, so I headed to the student office.

Together with Hana Ban and Seolha Lee, members of the Villain Research Club.

For reference, Ha-yeon Yoo was excluded.

“why! Why can’t I!”

“… You’re hurt.”

“It’s a little scratched! I can go too!”

“no! Blackbird is there!”

Academy patrol missions.

Yoo Ha-yeon was injured, so she was not called. All she has to do now is keep the house and treat her injuries.

“No, go back. Treat yourself at home.”

“Hey, hey..!!”

So Yoo Ha-yeon looked at Lee Seol-ha and Van Hana, and then disappeared toward the dormitory.

After we watched Yoo Ha-yeon go back, we went into the student room.

“We are here, Chairman.”

“Um, did you and Seol Ha come with Hana juniors?”

“Me too.”

“What is a dating gangster? Are you here to sleep?”

“… ”

Did the rumor spread to the student council?

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Jin Ye-sol poked her face through the papers.

“It’s a joke. Han Si-jun junior.”

“… Yes.”

“It’s a real joke. A junior can’t do that to a childhood friend.”

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Jin Ye-sol dragged the chair and came forward. The black leather chair felt like I was watching the boss of a criminal organization.

“I’m a senior in my grade, I’m the head of a club, and I’m also the president of the academy students, right? So, there is something I want you guys to do today.”

“Are you patrolling the academy?”

“… Junior. What if I take the weight and take away my words?”

“Iknow, right?”

I stopped talking to Jin Ye-sol, who seemed to be very narcissistic, and quickly heard about the patrol mission.

It was just a waste of time if I dared to put on weight, so I deliberately cut off her words.

“So, today the juniors will patrol the academy with active heroes. How are you looking forward to it?”

“Wow..! hero! Shi-Jun is a hero!”

“… ”

Seolha Lee and I kept our mouths shut. However, Hana’s pink eyes were shining brightly, apparently excited to meet the hero.

‘An opponent of the Black Dawn. you can do well… ?’

I was worried to myself as I watched Hana pull my collar with an excited look.


The cooperative patrol with active heroes was decided as a team of four, including me, Seolha Lee, Banhana, and active heroes.

In a two-person team, if one person is taken hostage, there is no answer.

If one person falls by surprise when proceeding as a team of three, there is no answer to fighting with two people.

After much trial and error, the patrol was decided in the form of a group of four.

“While patrolling the academy at night, my colleagues suffered a lot. Some are trying to cross the river of death.”

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Jiyeon-woo, a human world tree, an active S-class hero.

With light green hair, round glasses, and a delicate impression as the name suggests.

It was a pity that our team’s S-class hero was not a woman, but he was walking in front of me, giving the students undisclosed information.

“Among the Black Dawn, she is probably the only one who attacks at night like this, as far as I know.”

“Oh, that girl. I know.”


A villain who has no unique abilities, but is optimized for assassination through steady training and strengthening the body through magic.

Clearly, this ambitious night attack must have been the work of Andale.

“The Black Dawn Assassin. I know..”

“..Han Yu-wol. There is only the blood witch.”

“… yes?”

Is it Han Yu-wol?

He’d be lying in my dorm bed right now?

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Ji-Woo Ji, an S-class hero called the Human World Tree.

Maybe it was called that because it had a plant brain.

It was a moment when his qualities were questioned.

“I’m coming up as an S-class hero. I’ve dealt with the Black Dawn countless times. This case is unconditional. Han Yu-wol is that woman’s work.”

“… Why do you think so?”

I can’t understand

Even half of them helped out as if they didn’t understand.

“why! why are you white? Plants are stupid?!”

“You are an idiot for an S-class hero. Why don’t you use the word vegetative rather than that? It’s not wrong, but it sounds weird… ”

“Sim-Jun! That guy is stupid! This case is not Dail Unn…! It’s Andail!”


Han Yu-wol is automatically eliminated.

The remaining ones are Angela, Chun-sam Kim, Da-il An, and Pil-doo Hwang.

Except for the two non-combat agents, Hwang Pil-doo only knows Jin-jin.

What is automatically left is knowing. she was the only one

“In my opinion, it’s unconditional Andail… ‘

“Are you sure? That the Blood Witch didn’t.”

Can you be sure Seolha Lee asked.

I nodded my head and answered.

Han Yu-wol didn’t do it. Because I believed unconditionally.

“Hmm, I didn’t come here for nothing among many S-Class. I’m sorry that you can’t trust me as an S-class hero. students?”

“I don’t think the Han Yu-wol I know would have done it.”

“That’s right, are you… Si-Jun Han? I kissed Han Yu-wol, the villain of Black Dawn. Are you friendly with the villain? Shielding too.”

“I don’t have a friend, but there is a corner that I believe in… ”

“okay? So, do you think so when you see this?”

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Ji-Woo looked around, and at the same time, put his hand in his clothes pocket.

In preparation for the attack, he took his cell phone out of his hand.

“At the time of the first attack, I thought it was Andalil, too. However, the bodies of the victims who kept appearing were different. The testimony was the same.”

While on patrol.

Someone appeared from the dark. White hair and red eyes. After defeating us with his overwhelming physical abilities, he bit the neck with his teeth.

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Jiyeon-woo went into the gallery and showed us the phone screen.

Among the photos of the plants they were growing and the scenery of nature, there were photos of the victims.

“… This.”

“The first attack was Andail. However, it has been replaced. Han Yu-wol.”

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Jiyeon-woo’s confident words.

However, my gaze was captured in the photograph.

Teeth marks and sharp scratches on the victim’s neck.

Anyone can see this.

‘Han Yu-wol… ?’

Han Yu-wol in the dormitory.

It was just like her fighting style.

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