I became an old man in my leisure time

Chapter 085: Choice, System Position

Gu Ke nodded: "Indeed. Read"

Bai Suqing: "So, Xiaoman and Xiaoping'er agreed to be your employees, and actually signed it?"

Gu Ke nodded again: "Yes."

Recalling some of Xiaoman's previous performances, Bai Suqing couldn't help but chuckle and shook her head, finally understanding why she and Gu Ke were so close that they were almost wearing the same pants.

With the existence of the employment contract, they can trust each other absolutely, and the speculation between her and Gu Ke is impossible.

"Which one do you want me to choose?" She glanced at him with a smile.

Gu Ke said sternly: "You only need to think about the friendship contract, but you can't force the employment contract to sign it."

At this point, he turned his head and looked at the bedroom in the north: "I have never thought of letting Sister Qin and others become employees, because there are some things they can't let go of."

Bai Suqing's eyes moved slightly: "Do you think I can let it go?"

Gu Ke nodded and shook his head: "Sister Qin and Sister Bai both saved my life. I know she can't let it go, but I don't know what you will do, so I haven't mentioned it."

Bai Suqing understood.

Gu Ke was uncertain and took the initiative to tell her about the contract, which might be misunderstood by her as taking the opportunity to force her.

Only after she took the initiative to ask, it was the time to tell her.

Feeling the two contracts in her consciousness, she curled her lips slightly and chose... the employment contract according to her heart.

A golden light flashed on the contract in her consciousness, and the three words Bai Suqing were prominently on it, and the contract was established.

Gu Ke couldn't help but turn his head, with surprise and joy on his face.

Bai Suqing also looked over with a smile: "Why, have you thought that I dare not sign, or can't sign?"

The contract was signed, Gu Ke had no worries, and told the truth: "I only thought that you couldn't sign."

Bai Suqing couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head, turned and walked towards the warehouse: "Okay, next you should tell me the origin of those things."

Gu Ke: "Of course."

A moment later, the two of them checked the items they exchanged from Xiongjia Village in the warehouse, and talked about the reasons for hiring workers and the New Year experience activities.

Bai Suqing was not angry that the three secretly formed a small group and took the opportunity to go out and have fun.

After all, little girls are the easiest to deceive, and she can't compare with them in this.

But Sister Bai is Sister Bai after all, and she directly booked the next trip.

It's not that she has any concerns about the outside world. Everything she cared about before has been destroyed and ended. It's not an exaggeration to say that the past is like smoke and it will disappear. Otherwise, she can't sign the employment contract.

At this moment, she was simply curious about the projection stall, because she had never experienced projection or set up a roadside stall.

There are many things to do next, but Gu Ke is not in a hurry to start.

He found that when he was doing things now, he was easily addicted to them, just like playing games to brush various data.

When playing games, you have to prepare waist pillows, snacks, happy water, etc., but he has to do all kinds of handicrafts, and the raw materials have to be grown by himself, so of course they have to be arranged.

The two children are not good enough at the moment. Even Xiao Ping'er, who has a calmer personality, will not arrange and allocate various affairs, let alone instruct others to do things.

Sister Bai has become her own person now, so she can do this kind of thing for her.

She has a cold temperament and doesn't like to be with many people, but it's not that she is lazy and doesn't do anything.

Farming, cooking, washing clothes and weaving straw are the things that belong to the three of them. She has always done it.

But she won't take the initiative when it comes to those related to Miss Qin.

Now Gu Ke's things are not much different from hers. After listening to his plan, she started to get busy with the two children.

Gu Ke went into the study, using the enlightenment effect here to sort out his thoughts.

Xiaoman and the others came too quickly just now, and he didn't have time to count the gains from signing in on the first day of the new year.

The basic reward points for signing in today are 10, which will not change for ten thousand years, nothing to say.

Extra reward points are 24, Tianfu Tongbao 2, and the top-grade martial arts Sunflower Sutra.

These are obviously all given by the ghost-faced sunflower monster killed in the early morning.

Gu Ke can also be sure that if you kill strange monsters and monsters, the system will give extra rewards in the sign-in.

But the four Tianfu Tongbao he and Xiaoman used were taken away by the system.

So Gu Ke now has only 13 Tianfu Tongbao, even with the minimum wage of one per month, it is enough to pay one person for a year.

And Gu Ke also signed today, 3×12=36.

Well... What will happen if the employer goes bankrupt at the end of the year is a question worth pondering.

Of course, this year is only the first day, and there is still a whole year to go, so there is no rush to worry.

The biggest surprise and the biggest disappointment came from the martial arts of the Sunflower Manual.

When he first discovered the words "top-grade martial arts", he was shocked and speechless: Finally, the system is going to give me a top-grade martial arts, but why is it "Sunflower"?

Looking closely at this martial arts, there is a sentence in the system description: It is only suitable for women with extremely yin constitution to practice.

Gu Ke felt that he was about to break apart at that time: Women can practice the Sunflower Manual... Well, okay, this is not a manual but a manual. Even if it is a manual, it is not a good thing for him to practice this.

Thinking of this, he suppressed his surprise and read on.

Sure enough, this Sunflower Manual has nothing to do with the Sunflower Manual, but is related to the ghost-faced sunflower monster.

Because its practice can use the ghost-faced sunflower as a resource, accelerate the increase of blood and qi in the body, and maintain the extremely yin attribute, and integrate with the sunflower blood and qi.

Sunflower blood is good at hiding, shaped like a ghost, silent and motionless. When it explodes, it is as sharp as needles and silk threads, very resilient, sharp and dense, and is especially good at breaking through surfaces with a point.

Although this martial art comes from the ghost-faced sunflower monster, its purpose is very high. It is not a crude magic defense, but a transcendence.

If you really practice the sunflower scripture to a small degree, killing the sunflower monster last night is just a piece of cake.

Sitting in the study at this moment, Gu Ke's mind flashed with inspiration, and suddenly he had a feeling: this martial art... how come it seems to be the two extremes of the eldest lady's Fiery Sun Scripture?

The Fiery Sun Scripture is suitable for men with extremely yang constitutions to practice. It is fierce and fierce, domineering and fierce. It is like a blazing fire burning the sky against the enemy, and every move will beat the opponent to ashes.

The Sunflower Scripture is suitable for women with extremely yin constitutions. It is extremely yin and tough, moistening things silently. When facing the enemy, they dodge and move, rarely fight hard, and kill the enemy unconsciously.

Sister Bai has practiced this sunflower scripture. Can she fight the eldest lady? This thought floated through his mind, and he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

These two people are a little incompatible by nature, but they don't bother to play tricks to suppress each other.

After a sparring match a few days ago, it was not easy to get them to fight again.

At this point, he was also very clear about the difference between the Sunflower Scripture and the martial arts he had signed in before.

Although the three doors, Black Evil Palm, Pushing Mountain Palm, and Heavenly Net Hand, were martial arts without grades, there was a (binding) description behind them, so it was the system initiation, and Gu Ke automatically entered and remembered it.

The Sunflower Scripture was a top-grade martial art, but it did not have this (binding) clause, so of course it could be a female martial art that was not suitable for him to practice.

Things like lottery draws are full of randomness. It is not uncommon for a boy to draw a box of women's Band-Aids in his previous life.

If a boy can't use them, he can sell them, or give them all to his girlfriend.

Thinking of this, Gu Ke was no longer disappointed, but instead had an idea: Could it be that the system baby saw all the employees and gave them this female-only martial art?

Would the system baby do this? Well, it's hard to say.

For example, the system limited him to trading the latest harvested purple wheat seeds for the seeds he sold this time.

Although the latest batch of purple wheat is still of inferior quality, it has also been greatly improved, and the yield and edible effect are 30% higher than the earliest.

Although it is planted on ordinary land other than Xiantian, its quality will gradually decline, but the variety is still purple wheat and will not change back to ordinary winter wheat.

The transaction "price" is also limited by the system-as long as the villagers take out ten seeds of various types, they can exchange for a guaranteed one kilogram of purple wheat seeds, and salt, meat, leather, ironware, etc. are not accepted.

Purple wheat will not be harvested until a few months later. Without these things, the villagers of Xiongjia Village will live a tighter life.

Is this called business? It is obvious that he is giving benefits to the villagers.

Only the blood-replenishing pills to save Dad Xiong were purchased with the authority of Tongbao, and he was able to exchange for two kilograms of coarse salt.

The main reason is that the remaining salt at Miss Qin's place is almost gone. If they don't get some salt, they can't hold on for too long.

Two kilograms of coarse salt is probably still within the affordability of Xiaoman's family, but more is probably not possible.

Gu Ke is not a mad capitalist after all. If the system asks him to distribute welfare, then he will do his best.

But nearly 100 households in Xiongjia Village only exchanged more than 300 kilograms of purple wheat in total, which is not as good as the output of the fairy field in one round.

Not only that, when the purple wheat is exchanged, there will be an additional explanation (exclusive to humans) automatically at the back.

These purple wheats are planted and eaten by people, and they have miraculous effects when eaten by other weird monsters, monsters, and animals, just like ordinary wheat, without any special effects.

From killing weird monsters and monsters, you can get soul sources to activate system buildings and fairy fields, explode martial arts, grow food, help practice martial arts, and pass on strange seeds and martial arts to people.

In this one-stop operation, the system has stood nakedly on the side of humans.

Gu Ke agrees with this.

Just saying that the weird monsters and monsters use humans as blood food is destined to be irreconcilable.

Even though he is farming in the valley, he is willing to help the people to the best of his ability, and he can also exchange seeds and materials by the way, so why not.

However, Xiongjia Village is rich in vegetation, and the villagers are very active. They have obtained a lot of seeds and plants, which is enough for everyone to work for a while.

The plan to explore the valley also needs to be slightly modified. There is no need to mobilize a large number of troops. As long as Qin Bai and the others take Gu Ke with them, let him use his perception to scan it once.

After thinking for a while, he had a rough plan in his mind, and Gu Ke used his perception to "look" at the north bedroom.

Next, every laborer in the valley is very valuable. Plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are stronger and willing to work.

Miss Qin doesn't really need them to serve her at any time. It would be a waste if she is idle.

When the perception swept over, she saw Miss Qin's face flushed, sitting on the edge of the couch with anger, humming and muttering something there.

Gu Ke didn't care. It was good that she got up. It happened to be a good time to book four old laborers.

Miss Qin in the north bedroom was a different taste.

She was drunk for the first time in her life. When she woke up, she felt clear-headed and refreshed.

Most of the resentment that had been suppressed for more than a year dissipated, and she felt relaxed from the inside out.

It was not until Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju woke up and began to help her get up and wash that Miss Qin got up and took off her coat before she realized something was wrong in front of her.

She touched through her small clothes, but it turned out that her bellyband had slipped down to her waist and piled up there.

Her face changed slightly, and she immediately remembered that when she was completely drunk last night, Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju seemed to have fallen down first: Who was it? Who sent me back?

The only person who looked normal at the dinner table last night appeared in her mind - Gu Ke.

Gaba! The tender white and delicate palms clenched into fists, making a slight sound of friction between the joints.

Mei Shu seemed to have noticed something and walked closer quickly: "Miss, are you feeling unwell?"

Miss Qin frowned, suddenly remembered something, and looked her up and down, especially her chest and abdomen.

Meishu looked down and made sure there was no stain on her clothes in front of her: "Miss, do you want to change clothes?"

Miss Qin shook her head: "You... wake up, is there anything wrong with your body?"

Meishu suddenly realized and smiled: "We were just talking about this. I was drunk yesterday, and I got up this morning not only without a headache, but also felt a lot lighter in my heart. I think the wine was not ordinary."

I don't want to ask about your heart, but the part outside your heart. Miss Qin's lips moved slightly, and she didn't know how to bring it up for a while.

After a while, she reacted. Looking at Meishu's expression and the other three women's smiles and doing things, there was nothing unusual.

If they woke up and found something wrong with their close-fitting things, they would never be so comfortable.

Miss Qin breathed a sigh of relief after recalling the situation of the clothes.

As a young lady, her robe and small clothes have four layers inside and outside, and the knotting techniques of each layer are different, so it is difficult to restore them to their original state after untying.

In the memory, all the clothes on her body are normal, with no signs of being untied.

Why did the innermost bellyband slide to her waist? Did she not tie it tightly? Miss Qin pondered and felt that this was the only possibility.

Thinking of how drunk she was last night, she was even more scared of herself at this moment. She couldn't help but secretly embarrassed: I shouldn't have drunk so much if I had known.

Of course, if she really talked to Gu Ke openly, she would find that the truth was very simple-it was just that when he grabbed her collar from behind, he touched a knot there.

He had used Tianluo Hand too much recently, and unconsciously used some techniques of moving through objects to loosen the knot.

He brought her back, and she moved after sleeping, so that the bellyband slipped open.

"Sister Ju, is Sister Qin awake?" At this time, Gu Ke's voice came from outside.

Miss Qin woke up with a start, still thinking about what happened just now, and hurriedly said: "No, don't come in."

Gu Ke: ???

Juqin: ??? Shouldn't I be the one to say this?

After a full cup of tea, he was finally welcomed in.

Seeing the girl in red sitting at the stone table, he always felt something was different.

She didn't sit upright like before, her hands and feet made some small movements from time to time, she seemed very nervous, and her face was a little red, like peach blossoms.

Her sight was also wandering, she glanced at him and quickly moved away.

What happened? Gu Ke was surprised in his heart, but he didn't know on his face, and went straight to the point: "Sister Qin, there are some things I want to discuss with you, Sister Mei, you guys come and listen."

Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju were not surprised, and walked behind Miss Qin with a smile, waiting for him to speak.

Gu Ke: "It's like this, I just got a batch of seeds and plants, there are many kinds..."

"What!" Juqin exclaimed softly: "Are you serious?"

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