◈ Strategy – Species 4

Tang Tang! Gunshots were always ringing in the streets. Even after the battle of mine is over, the security of the streets is still at a low level. As a result, the Red Hawk mercenaries are busy working as vigilantes.

Individuals are weak compared to the Awakened, but with the latest weapons and teamwork, they had the same strength as any other guild. He was not able to block the demons from entering the city center with a single force.

Thanks to such support, the Imperial Knights Templar, the Holy Knights, and other Awoken and even members of the Meteor Academy were able to divert personnel to other tasks.

He removed the shattered debris with superhuman powers and killed the demons still hiding as soon as he found them. Although there was still a shortage of personnel, the shortage was filled with an energy of one hundred per day.

Of course, problems and conflicts often arose because different powers were cooperating. For this reason, he played the role of mediator and commander at the same time as the meteor academy, which had nothing to do with the tower.

The princess drank coffee with the sound of gunshots ringing outside. Of course, it wasn’t a cafe, it was the student council room.

Jin Ga-yul, the student body president, was sitting in his seat, but he felt very uncomfortable. On the sofa in front of him, the princess, Yuria Castell, and former student president and candidacy of Saint Astiel Gran were sitting together.

Of course, it wasn’t a friendly atmosphere, so I felt a little bit upset even if I was still.

In the past, it was only busy with work, but the student council room itself was a comfortable space, but now the work place is tired.

‘Why are you resting here…!’

There must be many empty rooms where the princess can rest comfortably, but I don’t know why she’s here. If it was an old Astiel, he would have asked that out loud, but he couldn’t.


Jin Ga-yul sighed inwardly and glanced at Astiel. Astiel was now nodding with his arms crossed. He couldn’t rest for days, and as he went to treat the wounded, his dark circles darkened again, just like he did when he was a student.

‘You said you came from fighting on the front lines of the tower.’

Originally, he came down to the temple for rest, but since he came to support right away, he must have accumulated a lot of mental fatigue. Seeing her like that, she herself could not rest.

After cooling his head for a moment, Jin Ga-yul began to check the reports piled up on the desk again.

Desaruuk, the king of demons, was sealed safely. However, the streets where the safe zone disappeared were still dangerous. The remnant of Mine, which has lost its center of gravity, has lost control and is running wilder.

“student president.”

widely. Then the princess who put down the teacup opened her mouth. I flinched at the sound and was startled by Jingayul.

“Oh, yes. What’s going on?”

“Didn’t you say that the hero also belongs to the student council? I haven’t seen you in the last few days.”

“…he, what should he say?”

Currently, Seo Ji-han did not show his face for several days without mentioning the union. She said she wasn’t hurt, but it made it sound like she was doing something else.

“It should be like kkakdugi.”

“Hey, kkakdugi? what is that?”

“I am a member with only the name on it. Well, we know her situation well, and it’s very crowded these days, right? It seemed like he was doing something else.”

“Oh, are you always here because of Seo Ji-han?”

Jin Ga-ryul asked with a smile. Then, if you find Seo Ji-han, she might leave the student council room.

However, his expectations were quickly shattered. Yuria blinked her eyes as if she was saying something.

“I’m just here because I’m bored.”

“There is no one around my age. The only people nearby are older men, and Beatrice is an instructor, so I can’t even tell her to beat me because she’s busy.”

At that answer, Jin Ga-yul was at a loss for words. He was a very serious person when I first saw him, but after a few days he becomes very brazen. Apparently, this is what it looked like.

Yuria said with a smile.

“Of course, I want to stop taking a break, but the story has not progressed. Have you heard of the Black Hawk?”

“···yes. I heard that the condition for cooperation is the restart of the Black Hawk.”

“CEO Seo-yeon Ryu is busy with various things right now. She also leads the Red Hawk mercenaries on behalf of her older sister, and at the same time tries to move the Black Hawk again. No, our imperial family is obediently cooperating with Yoosung Academy.”

Yuria started chatting with the rapid-fire cannon as if waiting. It looks like she’s itching her mouth so far she hasn’t said anything.

In the end, Jin Ga-yul had no choice but to respond mechanically to Yuria’s story while holding the report.


Perhaps it was noisy at that time, and Astiel woke up shaking. And he immediately turned his head to see where this place was. When I realized that I was in the student council room, I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well. He slept comfortably.”

As the princess spoke, Astiel raised her head with a sullen expression. Embarrassingly, his lips were moist as he slept with saliva. Astiel answered, hastily wiped his mouth.

“Unlike anyone else, I keep moving on the field.”

“It would be. So, you must be tired enough to sleep while snoring.”

As the atmosphere between the two representatives became strange, Jin Ga-ryul intervened.

“Can we rest for a while?”

“Oh, for now. Because if I die from overwork, the efficiency will decrease even more. It’s a lot louder outside than that.”

Astiel frowned at the sound of gunfire outside. Hearing loud noises regularly made it even more annoying now that I was still tired.

“Come to think of it, Saint Candidate.”

“How are you protecting Desaruuk now?”

In response to Yuria’s question, Astiel recalled the current situation near Desaruuk.

“The Holy Knights of the Temple are protecting it. Let no one touch the seal.”

“Isn’t it dangerous to be in the middle of the city? There are many buildings around.”

“I can’t help it. It’s impossible to move it to the temple.”

Astiel sighed in confusion.

“The size is compressed only when the sealing is done properly, but I said that I failed once on the way. Fortunately, only Desaruk’s consciousness is alive and the seal itself is in a permanent form.”

As if for some reason, Yuria frowned.

“What if someone attacks? It seems that not only the Demons, but other forces that are still hiding may try to usurp them.”

“First of all, the temple said they would send more support, so I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. Even if you allow access, no one will be able to access Desaruuk as long as you seal it.”

Astiel said with a confident expression.

“The Paladins in our temple are quite strong.”

“Block it with a shield!”

At the leader’s cry, the paladins in the front row pounded their shields into the ground. Then, he created a divine power to form a shield of light toward the front.

But to no avail. The shield could not be broken, but the front row was pushed away by the strong force from the front.

Paladins in the back row rushed, but when another physical shock hit the armor, the knights could not resist and flew away. Koo! A heavy sound echoed from the armor hitting the floor.

The Holy Knights, guarding the seal of Desaruuk, were suddenly in danger. There were only two opponents, and he was using a strange power that he did not know whether it was magic or personality. In addition, the face could not be recognized at all if it had used artifacts.

If they are not demons, it means that they are a third force that is moving towards Desaruk. After the crisis has been overcome, a new crisis has arisen.

“…this makes me feel a little guilty.”

One of the two people walking towards the Holy Knights murmured in a noisy voice. The rest who heard the voice answered in a tone of surprise.

“what. Aren’t you the type that doesn’t care about such things?”

“Everyone is reluctant to touch a priest. Wouldn’t it be quite a big deal if we even found out about this?”

“But it can’t be helped. Since he is quite a hero, if he tries to steal the characteristics of a demon, there is no way he will see it with a good eye.”

“I’m happy that I just passed through hell.”

It was Seo Ji-han and Ahat who attacked the Holy Knights.

It was, of course, the magic of the wind attribute that pushed the Paladins away. However, it manifested by controlling the magic so that the Holy Knights could not distinguish it.

Usually, continuous use is a characteristic of wind magic, but to give a shock, it only appeared for a moment and pushed it away.

There were many types of magic that gave such a physical shock, so it was impossible to estimate a school or anything like this. Seo Ji-han also pushed the Holy Knights away only with the basic magic [Ignition].

Blessed armor does not receive heat conduction, but Seo-Han currently has the special ability to amplify magical powers activated.

There was a situation where the armor wouldn’t heat up as the magic privileges were also layered on top of it, but rather it was about to melt.

“Protect the nuns!”

This attack was fatal if it reached the nuns, so the Paladins protected the nuns who were most in the back row. But, of course, Seo-Han and Ahat had no intention of attacking the nun.

Thanks to him, he easily approached Desaruuk in front of him. Desa Luke, sealed by the light, remained on his knees. He’s been a few days, but he’s still conscious and he’s staring this way.

He seems to know who Seo Ji-han is. Or, he could have seen his identity from the future because he had a foresight dream again.

‘I’m glad I can’t talk at all.’

If Desaruuk’s mouth had not been sealed, he would have immediately shouted and told who Seo Ji-han was. As Serge Han reached out his hand to grab Desa Luke, he heard the paladin’s cry from behind.

“ha ha ha! Did you come here looking for a seal?”

“That is the seal that the hero himself made. Bullies like you don’t even nod when they touch it!”

Hearing this, Seo Ji-han paused for a moment. Ahat next to him said in a voice mixed with laughter.

“How do you feel?”

“…awesome. It’s awkward.”

Seo Ji-han was lucky that his face was not revealed and grabbed Desaruuk. Whoa! At the same time, the light flashed and tried to defeat the approaching intruder, but the contact was the person who sealed it, Seo Ji-han. Seal also realized that, and the light intensity gradually decreased.


As the seal allows access, a startled voice is heard from behind. The Paladins moved again in an unexpected situation, and Ahat turned to stop them.

Seo Ji-han made eye contact with Desaruuk, who was looking at him.

‘Personality Transformation’.

I don’t know exactly what kind of perks this is. I just hope it will be a plus.

[Do you want to use ‘Personality Transformation’ on ‘Desaruuk’?]

As Seo Ji-han nodded, a strong light enough to swallow the seal burst out.

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