190 – Darkness revealed

“Enya may be looking into your memories.”

Before Enya’s consciousness returned.

Ed said that while looking at Isabella.

Isabella smiled wryly and nodded her head.

“Then you will know everything. “My pathetic appearance.”


Isabella smiles bitterly as she says somewhat self-deprecating words.

Ed said, holding her hand.

“It’s okay. Because that is the process of returning to the original relationship. “Naturally, friends share each other’s ugly and pathetic sides.”

Ed said that and asked if everything was perfect in her memories.

Isabella remembered the image of Ed picking up the suit and putting it on, before the suit had an automatic fitting function.

But to Isabella, Ed’s appearance like that was just cute.

“I just… I like it because it has humanity. “It’s cute… I pray.”

Isabella’s ears turn bright red because she still doesn’t know how to say unfamiliar words well.

Ed answered with a grin.

“Enya will be the same. But no one knows each other like you do.”

Although their relationship was twisted as Isabella came to terms with her family’s fate. Isabella and Enya know each other better than anyone else.

Isabella nodded her head.

She resolved that from now on she would be honest with the person who stayed by her side, and she thought about how she should live from now on.

But then.

“When we get back, let’s handle the release first.”

At the next words, Isabella’s pupils dilated greatly.

She looked back at Ed and said.

“The Archduke of Hell in the North…?”



Isabella’s expression hardened.

Her Lilith is one of the great dukes of hell who placed a curse on her family, and is not a monster among monsters that cannot be killed even if several sword masters rush at her.

She was worried that Ed might be overdoing her because of him.

“It’s okay. I said this after weighing all the possibilities. “Lilith is currently sealed, and I have the weapon to kill him.”

Recently, Ed pretended to be a god of hell and fully charged the Crucible.

That level of hellish energy can cause fatal injuries to Lilith.

Of course, the moment Lilith dies, her mental control will be released and monsters from the North will pour out in large numbers…

‘You can just form a union.’

This can be prevented if several countries join forces to form an air defense zone.

Ed has the United Kingdom of Dwarves and the Kingdom of Clendor, and as for Earl Cromwell, there is a republic ruled by the Cravel Revolutionary Group.

Also, as Count Fix, who was favored by the emperor, he had the power to mobilize a lot of manpower.

“Isabella, there’s no need to make that face. Since there is a dangerous element called Lilith within the empire’s territory, it must be eliminated. “There is no chance once the devil’s invasion begins in earnest.”

Although she is sealed, Lilith can send monsters south at any time according to her whim.

Ed decided to get rid of her at this point.

Now was the right time, before the devil’s invasion began in earnest.


While he was talking about his will to conquer the North.

Enya touched his head and began to open his eyes.

After looking back on all of Ed and Isabella’s memories, she is coming to her senses.

“Before that, let’s take care of what’s right in front of us first.”

Putting aside the story about the northern conquest for a moment, Ed looked around at the conscious cadets, including Enya.

It seemed that there were hardly any cadets who had not yet regained consciousness.

Everyone was looking at them, waiting for the next command.

“It seems like everything has become ‘resonant.’ Let’s go.”

So Ed decided to handle the given task first.

This is to remove the memories of evil hidden in the grand consciousness system of the World Tree.


‘Resonance consciousness’

This ritual is a ritual that increases bonding by sharing each other’s memories.

By performing this ritual, people who share memories form a deep bond, which allows them to withstand the pressure of memories floating around the world tree.

In other words, it can be seen as protecting external memories through mutual bonding.


Equipped with a shield of memory, Ed and his group floated throughout the world tree.

In order to eradicate the evil that resides somewhere in the world tree, I went through a huge consciousness system.

But in the meantime─.

“Wait! “Stop for a moment!”

Suddenly, Clarisse stopped everyone and pointed ahead.

Where her finger was pointing, a huge light was shining.

“It’s my mother’s memory…!”

Mother’s memories?

That was tantamount to saying that the soul of Clarice’s half-mad mother was here.

This is because the soul is nothing other than a mental concentration made up of memories and emotions.

“···What happened? “Your mother is definitely alive.”

However, that was a contradiction.

A body without a soul is bound to die, but isn’t Clarice’s mother alive?

So Ed decided to stop exploring for a while and look into the memories of Clarice’s mother here.

Somehow I felt like there might be a clue in this memory.

〔Human? How did you get here?〕

The first memory began when Clarice’s mother discovered Clarice’s father, ‘Count Benen’.

At the time, Count Benen was traveling the world, and as soon as he arrived at the Elven Forest, he was attacked by a monster and was mortally wounded.

Clarisse’s mother couldn’t bear to leave Count Bennen behind, so she decided to send her back after treating her.

〔hehehehe. You are a fun person.〕

However, as Clarice’s mother began to look after Count Benen, the two quickly became closer.

Clarisse’s mother, En Rir, who had lived trapped in the forest all her life, longed for the outside world, and because of that, she developed a great attraction to Count Benen, who had traveled the world.

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〔Will His Majesty the King allow us?〕

〔I’ll try to explain it well. Don’t worry, Oppa is weak to me.〕

However, it was strictly forbidden to bring outsiders into the Elven palace where the World Tree was located.

No matter how much the two love each other, they cannot form a formal relationship without the consent of Gideon, Enrir’s older brother and the Elven King.

〔No. No way.〕

As expected, the elf king Gideon was absolutely against the meeting between the two.

She said she could not stand to see her beloved sister end up with a human being, and did everything she could to drive out Count Benen.

〔I have a child.〕

However, at that point, Clarice was already in Enrir’s stomach.

King Gideon had no choice but to accept Clarice’s father, Count Benen.

〔Clarice! How many times have I told you not to go outside the barrier!〕

〔Huh… Nothing happened when I left〕

〔hahahaha. Don’t say too much. Because I was watching everything.〕

Afterwards, Count Benen and Princess Enrir seemed happy.

Although he was ostracized by the elves at first, he was able to become one of their members through the efforts of Count Bennen, and the two formed a stable family with Clarisse as their child.

〔Enrir. Let’s go say hello to our ancestors.〕

Then one day it happened.

King Gideon drags Enrir to the place where the World Tree is located to say hello to his ancestors.

It was a long-standing tradition of the elves to access the World Tree and look into the souls and memories of their ancestors, so Enrir followed King Gideon without much thought.

But it was the moment I connected to the World Tree.

〔Who the hell are you?〕

The soul that came out of King Gideon’s body was not his.

A soul whose appearance I had never seen before escaped from King Gideon’s body.

〔hehehehe. There’s no need for you to know. All you have to do is provide my wife with that wonderful body.〕

However, the unfamiliar form of the soul said so and began to put pressure on Enrir’s soul.

The goal is to destroy her ego by letting her memories flow.


And the history of that memory was incredibly vast.

The history passed down from generation to generation goes back to the very first moment when the Elven kingdom was established.

〔1St King Elevorn!〕

Enrir, who was overwhelmed by such a vast history of memories, was able to know that the person trying to destroy his ego was the first king, ‘Elevorn.’

He has been living by destroying the souls of his descendants and replacing them with new bodies.

〔It holds up quite well. As expected, this is the wood I have been coveting for a long time. But it could be a perfect fit for my wife.〕

And another being who repeated the history of denial along with him was Eleborn’s only wife, ‘Nilia’.

And Nilia had been eyeing the body of Clarisse’s mother, Enrir, for a long time.


However, Enrir had extraordinary spiritual abilities from a young age.

Even though the memories of Eleborn, who had shared the history of the elves, were distracting her own memories, she was blocking her memories from being neutralized with her impregnable mental power.


In the end, Enrir even ran away.

Eleborn, who thought she would easily destroy her ego, was taken aback by her unexpected situation and hurriedly chased after Enrir’s soul.

〔Damn it!〕

However, at that point, Enrir’s soul had already halfway returned.

After countless times, Eleborn sealed the rest of her soul in the World Tree to prevent it from returning, and then hastily returned to her own body.

“You crazy b*tch!”

However, Enrir was able to move her body even though only half of her soul was in the body.

She ran straight to where Count Benen and Clarisse were and told them what she had experienced.

The soul inhabiting the body. In other words, her memories were consumed and handed over to Count Benen.


“···Do, run away…. Run away… run away…”

“This, this… What the hell is this…”

“Run away… Run away… Run away…”

Having consumed her soul (her memories), Enrir became a shell of her, with only fragments of her memories remaining.

The person you love has turned into a doll in an instant.


However, Count Bennen had no time to mourn the death of his wife.

Because she knows that if she does not escape now, her daughter and herself will be killed by Eleborn, who has taken over King Gideon’s body.

“Clarice! Wake up! Hurry!”

Count Benen immediately woke up his daughter and left the elf kingdom.

As a seasoned explorer, he was able to safely escape the forest while hiding his body using all his knowledge.


And Clarisse, who looked at all these memories, was shedding tears.

It was only after seeing all these memories that she realized why her father did not allow her to go to the elf kingdom and why he tried to stop her even by insulting her mother.

“It’s quite a human theme.”

But then.

A huge spirit appeared in front of everyone with a meaningful line.


The dark side of all these evils has revealed itself just at the right time.

“Honestly, it’s amazing. “I thought half of the people would collapse and disappear, but I never thought everyone would be safe.”

Elevorn is looking around at Ed and his group with an expression of admiration.

Ed said, glaring at him.

“It was you. “The evil will that destroyed the Eldar Kingdom.”

The Eldar Kingdom is known to have been destroyed by an ancient god who was corrupted by the devil.

However, as soon as Ed saw the spirit of Elevorn that appeared here, he could sense that he was the culprit that destroyed the Eldar Kingdom.

This is because his soul shows traces of the devil that were never there before.

“Just as I heard, he’s a guy with a quick mind. Yes, the kingdom I established will be reborn by ‘them.'”

“···I came into contact with the Archduke of Hell. Do you think they will grant your wish?”

“Of course. This world will soon be ruled by them. And the Eldar kingdom I founded will be reborn as the most prosperous kingdom under his protection. “We will be able to enjoy eternal life in that brilliant kingdom without having to go through the World Tree.”

Elevorn goes beyond destroying the souls of his descendants and taking over their bodies, and now wants to sacrifice the entire kingdom and turn all kingdom residents into demons.

He burst out laughing and shouted.

“So you guys die here! “For my accomplishments in killing you, I will become their favorite absolute monarch!”

Elevorn shouted like that and unleashed the memories he had accumulated over the years.

His memories with the World Tree are like a sea accumulated over thousands of years, and the lives of the cadets, which lasted only 18 years, were like a few drops of water being swallowed up by the sea.

In other words, the cadets’ egos are diluted and collapse in his memories.

“Khahahaha! There is no use in resisting! This body is the Eldar Kingdom itself, which grew together with the World Tree! “A mere insignificant human cannot withstand my memories!”

As he said, Elevorn is living proof of thousands of years of history.

An ordinary person has no choice but to be swept away by his overwhelming memories and his ego collapses.

“So cute”

But he chose the wrong opponent.

Of course, Ed’s ‘main body’ is a mythical being, a Celestial Man, and one of the ancient figures who led the civilization of humans.

In addition, he is a deceased person who experienced this world by repeating a total of nearly 1,000 regressions, which, when converted into time, is a distant time that easily exceeds tens of thousands of years.

Frightening Ed with something like ‘thousands of years’ is no different from a cat trying to show off in front of a lion.

“I’ll only show you my f*cking memories.”

So Ed left the cadet, who had fainted after being swept away by Elevorn’s memories, and shot his own memories at him.

Eleborn’s pupils were greatly enlarged.

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