177 – World Tree

My name is Eve Fix.

This is an artificial intelligence AI android secretary robot created by the master’s power.

It is also the most perfectly created creature in this world.

Because my mind and soul are not bound by an imperfect body.

‘···Strictly speaking, no.’

However, the previous proposition is just my convenient interpretation, and in fact, I am also bound by my body.

In order to maintain this body intact and not interfere with mental activities, a minimum amount of energy must be injected into it.

However, I do not need to consume energy through food.

I have no problem performing my physical and mental activities simply by accepting the widespread mana of the atmosphere into my body.

Besides, I don’t age.

Even if the body is damaged in an unexpected accident, it can be completely regenerated through a self-recovery program.

It is not unreasonable to say that we are not restricted by the body.


But I try to be imperfect.

My body is perfect and can maintain mental homeostasis for thousands of years, but yet I want to become imperfect.

For me, the absolute good is ‘Edgar Fix’ itself.

‘···I want to become human.’


Humans are imperfect living organisms that must meet all necessary conditions such as oxygen, temperature, and energy for complete physiological activity.

It is also a living organism that must be governed by hormones in order to reproduce, and as a result, must suffer from all kinds of mental stress.

This is my perspective on humans.

For this reason, each human’s individual desires and the resulting personality are nothing more than a result of physiological and reproductive desires.

In the end, everything is driven by physical desires, and those desires affect mental activities, so the human mind cannot be free from the body.

On the other hand, since I am not bound by a weak human body, I can draw ideal conclusions based on physical and statistical observations.

Because all kinds of anxiety factors such as hormonal imbalance, physiological insufficiency, and emotions swayed by desire are excluded, quick and accurate judgments can be made.

‘But it’s not beautiful.’

But such perfection is not beautiful from my point of view.

For me, the most perfect and beautiful thing is ‘Master’, and the human body that forms the spirit of the Master is imperfect but beautiful.

For this reason, I created several programs to constrain my mind.

It is about adding imperfect elements to a perfect body to make it as close to a human as possible.

‘Starting with food…’

So, I began to modify myself little by little so that I could generate energy from food.

Basically, although energy is generated by receiving mana from the atmosphere, an ‘auxiliary energy system’ has been created so that energy can be replenished through food.

That’s how I was able to eat.

By implanting information about the most common ‘taste’ felt by humans into a brain chip, it has become possible to distinguish between tastes.

It is possible to distinguish between ‘delicious’ and ‘unappetizing’ and express them through emotions.

‘We also have to produce excrement.’

Of course, I want to be a perfect human being, so I decided to digest food and produce excrement as much as possible.

The pleasure of excreting excrement through the anus.

In order to realize that physiological pleasure, he stayed up all night building a neural circuit.

As a result, I was able to vaguely understand the pleasure humans feel when excreting excrement.

‘It’s still not enough.’

But this is still not enough.

I have to keep making useless and cumbersome things like this one by one to get closer to being human, so I researched and implemented something other than this, such as spewing out urine and gas.

In particular, the organ that excretes urine was the most important part directly related to human reproductive activities, so great care had to be taken to implement it.

‘It’s difficult… You have to feel pleasure at a different intensity when it’s expelled and when it’s inserted.’

However, since it is the most sensitive area, it was not easy to construct a neural circuit.

In addition, I am really worried about how to deal with the genetic material containing the master’s DNA if it is injected into the body.

It was impossible for even a high-performance artificial intelligence AI like me to create life, so I had no choice but to keep my master’s genetic material in my body.

The ultimate goal of human women, ‘creating life,’ is impossible.

‘···I’m jealous.’

In that sense, I envy Isabella and Enya, who were born with such blessed bodies.

Even after running all the data and simulations, it is an area that I cannot dare to enter, but to those two, it is something that is given to them just by birth.

‘···Let’s hold off on getting pregnant for now.’

However, just because a person cannot get pregnant does not mean that they are not human.

Even if one is infertile, a person can be considered a human if all other factors can be considered human.

‘···Besides, I shouldn’t be human yet.’

Also, I must not become human until I fulfill my master’s wish.

The reason I am useful to my master is because I have a mechanical mind that is not swayed by desire and the flesh, not because I have a human spirit.

‘Just prepare…let’s just prepare.’

So, I am just preparing for the day when my master accepts me as a woman.

Even though the owner looked at me as if I was joking about whether he would accept me as his true wife, saying that was nonsense… Still, I will try.

From noble mtl dot com

I thought that someday, when I become human, my master will accept me.


Two weeks have passed.

In the meantime, I took care of the backlog of work from the war and laid the groundwork for going to the Elven Kingdom.

He exchanged letters with the Elf King through the princess, providing a reason to visit the Elven Kingdom.

“On the surface, the Empire and the Elves have a friendly relationship, but in reality, they are wary of each other. “The elves use the empire as an ally to monitor human trends, and the empire forms friendly relations with the elves to avoid being attacked during conquest activities.”

However, Elena cautioned that she needs to be cautious about visiting the elven kingdom.

In the first place, the Empire and Eldar Kingdom are just using each other for their own needs.

It means that you can attack at any time.

“Well… At least there won’t be a trick. “They called me because they needed me.”

However, as I knew what would happen in the future, there was no need to be wary of the duplicity of the elves.

The reason they readily allowed me to visit was because they were suffering from the ‘ancient gods’ and wanted to find a solution.

In other words, they allowed my visit in order to use me, who is said to be the greatest intelligence among human beings.

“Well, if that’s the case. “Have you thought of all the members who will go with you?”

Of course, the person who will go with me has been decided.

Sciences of the 4th ducal family and several notable prospects.

Charlotte and some of the club kids.

Lastly, Clarisse, a member of the Eldar royal family.

There are about 16 people in total.

“Well… I guess it’s possible with them. “Because class grades are meaningless to them anyway.”

Elites who can prove their skills without being taught by professors.

Most of the people I took belonged to that elite.

Well, I’m a little concerned about Charlotte…But she’s now interested in discovering chemical formulas rather than getting grades at the Academy, so she probably doesn’t really care.

“Okay. Then, submit the dispatch list today, and I’ll go make the payment. “So that we can leave immediately in three days.”

“It’s good because it’s fast.”

As soon as we received permission from the Elf King to visit, we processed the documents in a smooth manner.

After making the payment to the princess and receiving approval, a contingent was formed.

So we formed a contingent and set off for the Elven Kingdom.

It is time to save the Eldar Kingdom, which had faced destruction in every previous episode.


“Wow… This is my first time using this type of technique.”

As he passed through the illusion barrier of the Eldar Kingdom, Lucas looked around him in admiration.

What seemed like a dense forest just moments ago, when the barrier was released by some trigger, the scenery changed and a magnificent panoramic view of the Eldar Kingdom was revealed.

“Human, please enter. But, everything I saw here. It must be kept secret. The way I discovered this place is also a secret. “Promises must be kept.”

However, the expressions on the faces of the elves who opened their kingdom to outsiders looked uncomfortable.

They seem to be repeatedly expressing concern in the poor imperial language.

Every time that happened, Clarice, who was fluent in Elvish, came forward and reassured the elves.

“hahahaha. Hello, human friends. “Nice to meet you.”

However, unlike the guards at the entrance, the Elf King welcomed us warmly.

However, as someone who has gone through many regressions and experienced all kinds of human situations, I knew very well that the smile of the Elf King did not come from simple kindness.

When you desperately want something and the other person is the only way to make it happen.

It could be seen as a business smile only used at such times.

“Have you eaten? We have as many delicacies as the human world. “It must have been difficult to walk so far, so let’s eat first.”

Still, it is quite a rare sight.

How can a picky and proud elf, especially the king of a country, treat humans so kindly?

What on earth do you want me to ask you for by bowing down like that?

Finally, the Elf King showed his true colors after finishing the meal and enjoying tea time.

“Actually, the reason I invited you is because I have something to ask you.”

The Elf King rhymes with a heavy expression.

Soon, he sipped his tea and continued his next words.

“···As is well known in the human world, the World Tree means everything to us elves. The reason we strictly control visits by outsiders and the reason we set up an illusion barrier to hide the entire kingdom is to protect the World Tree from intruders… In fact, it was a big decision on our part to reveal the kingdom to you.”


“But recently, there has been a problem with the World Tree. The World Tree contains the spirits of our ancestors, but in recent months, we have begun to lose contact with some of our ancestors. “No matter how much I call, there is no answer.”


“We started investigating right away. We lost two elders in the process, but we were eventually able to find the cause. “There was some evil will in the World Tree.”

The evil will residing in the World Tree.

Disaster is clear.

The ancient god was transformed into a disaster, and its effects reached the World Tree.

“···But we who mainly practice elemental arts… Have significantly less mental energy than humans. “This is because we form rituals using the mana that is spread throughout nature, while humans form rituals by trapping mana in the brain.”

The Elf King said that and looked into my eyes.

He stiffened his expression and continued his next words.

“Please. Please help us. “Only you can do this.”

The Elf King asks to eliminate the evil will residing within the World Tree.

In fact, his words are no different from telling someone to commit suicide.

As far as I know, the World Tree is a mental concentration of an enormous number of souls, and if a human, not an elf, carelessly connects to it, the spirit will collapse.

“Yes. “Let me help you.”

However, I gladly accepted his request.

I don’t know about other humans, but I can handle the world tree.

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