165 – First Lecture

Imperial Imperial Academy.

This is an ultra-elite military training institution where only the most talented people from around the world can enroll.

As a result, all the components, including the road leading to the main gate, the campus, the fountain, the garden, the towering spires, and the statues of various great figures, were in a beautiful state appropriate for it.

It is a space filled with such elegance that you will be amazed just by stepping into it.

“Professor Elena, the Grand Wizard… She’s even more beautiful than I heard.”

“Professor Gracia was no joke with the Force either. As expected, the Sword Master of the Empire…”

“I was surprised by Professor Sanders. “I expect you to be so knowledgeable in the application of magic.”

However, the reason why the Imperial Academy was famous was not only because of its beautiful appearance.

The fame of the professors who lead the cadets.

Because each one of them is a world-renowned celebrity, all of the cadets here came here with big hearts.

Because you can see your idol, which you have dreamed of, right in front of your eyes.

“Ah─. Shake. “Isn’t it 6 o’clock yet?”

“But it’s a good thing you came quickly. “You can take a seat in the front so you can see it up close.”

“Ha-ha. Hu-ha. I want to see it soon.”

And in this context, the most popular professor that all cadets had in common was ‘Edgar Fix.’

That’s because there are more than one or two factors that make Ed popular.

Even if we just look at recent events, it was like that.

Edgar Fix went up to the border of the universe and presented a new paradigm for ‘celestial people.’

This was one of the great events that changed the thinking of all nobles and commoners around the world.

It gave nobles the honor of being ‘descendants of the stars’ rather than ‘descendants of the sky’, and gave hope to commoners that ‘anyone can become a descendant of the stars.’

Also, rumors about the suit he wears.

There is a rumor that Clendor wanted Ed, but Ed alone defeated them all.

Numerous anecdotes of what he accomplished while he was an academy cadet.

His inventions had a great impact on the empire.

There is even a joke that the most beautiful woman in the empire is Edgar Fix.

He had no choice but to have expectations.

That’s why so many cadets’ eyes are shining in this very large lecture hall that can accommodate hundreds of people.

– Jump up.

At that time, the door that only officials could enter opened and everyone’s attention was focused.

And soon, a man in a suit appeared, and everyone chased after him as if they were fascinated.

Indeed, she was such a perfect beauty that I thought it was not for nothing that the saying ‘The most beautiful woman in the empire is Edgar Fix’ was used.


With everyone’s attention focused, the sound of shoe heels echoed in the quiet classroom.

The statue, which makes you wonder if it is indeed a person, moves towards the podium.


Ed, standing on a podium filled with bright lights, looked around at the people in the classroom.

About half of the people were looking at them with sparkling eyes, and the other half were looking at them with fascinated eyes.

The number of eyeballs alone was hundreds.


In the meantime, Enya’s face full of blush came into view.

The sight of her blushing even to her ears was so cute that she couldn’t help but laugh.

But that alone was enough to excite the female cadets in the classroom.

Just a small smile makes her heart flutter, as if time has stopped.

“Nice to meet you.”

However, Ed soon cleared her throat and began lecturing.

As always, we start with her self-introduction.

“Edgar Fix.”

Edgar Fix.

Ed’s introduction was as concise as this.

Nice to meet you, this is Edgar Fix.

That’s the end of it.

However, that alone was enough to convey meaning.

The value of that name was proven simply by the fact that the classrooms that could accommodate hundreds of cadets were filled.

“Humans are weak.”

And Ed opened the lecture with an unexpected statement.

In front of the best human talent, she started her lecture by saying, ‘Humans are weak.’

The foreheads of several energetic new cadets twitched.

“By nature, humans are weak. All-body vision, bone density, muscle stiffness, nerve reaction speed, and physical composition. All of those factors lag behind many other monsters. “Each human being can never defeat a monster with their natural body.”

Ed explains human weakness based on the innate physical conditions humans are born with.

There was no room for disagreement on this.

Because you cannot defeat a monster with pure physical specifications without the use of ‘mana’ and ‘skills’.

“But currently, humans have reigned as the most powerful race on Earth. What’s the secret? “The female cadet in front of me?”

Ed said that and asked a question to the female cadet right in front of him.

Isabella replied, ‘No, high intelligence?’ With her ears blushing with embarrassment on her face.

Ed smiled and nodded his head.

“It is a high intelligence, I agree. The average human intelligence surpasses that of most monsters. But that alone is not enough. Dwarves and elves are just as good as humans, no. “Elves actually far exceed the average intelligence of humans.”

The shoulders of several dwarves and elves trembled at Ed’s words.

Ed took a step forward and continued.

“Then what is the secret? If anything comes to mind, please raise your hand and speak freely.”

At Ed’s words, she started raising her hands here and there.

Ed pointed out the cadets who seemed most confident and asked them to answer.

A variety of answers were given, including group nature, bipedalism, smooth communication skills, discovery of magic and mana, salvation of the celestial people, etc.

“Endless desire and cunning”

In the meantime, an elf made a quite hostile remark.

Desire and cunning were cited as the reasons why humans can reign as the strongest race.

However, Ed nodded his head while still maintaining a smile.

“I admit that too. Humans are greedy and cunning. But if that alone can determine the strongest race, shouldn’t goblins, who are even worse than us, reign as the strongest race? Why were they driven out by the elves and lost most of their forest habitat?”

From noble mtl dot com

An elf who lost the war with humans and was pushed into the forest.

Ed responded by comparing the elf’s revenge to the relationship between goblins and elves.


As a result, the female elf cadet became mute.

Just as humans drove elves into the forest, elves also drove goblins into the forest of death.

As the speechless female elf cadet sat down, Ed continued.

“I haven’t found the answer I want yet, but all of your answers are correct. “There are many complex reasons why humans reign as the world’s most powerful species.”

Ed said and snapped his fingers.

A picture came on on the large screen behind Ed.

It was a screen with firewood on fire.

“But if I had to choose one factor among the many factors, I would choose ‘the ability to use tools.’ “Humans have evolved into ‘animals that know how to use tools.'”

An animal that knows how to use tools.

Ed gave several reasons for his claims.

Two arms moving freely and precise finger movements.

The ability to accurately throw projectiles that no monster can dare touch.

Ability to process and use tools to suit their purpose, etc.

I convinced the students in the classroom.

“And one of the greatest tools ever invented by humans is ‘fire.'”


Ed explained that the invention of fire allowed humanity, which was little more than a primitive tribe, to grow rapidly.

That’s because ‘cooking’ became possible and the amount of food available to eat increased significantly, making it possible to efficiently supply large amounts of calories burned to the brain.

Ed described this as an ‘energy revolution.’

The logic is that humans, who were not good at eating raw food, were able to efficiently supply energy by eating cooked raw food, so the remaining calories were supplied to the brain and the brain evolved to grow larger.

“In this way, monkeys boasting the best fuel efficiency became humans who walk upright. “They evolved into highly intelligent monkeys, or humans, with a brain capacity of 1,400 cc.”

Ed claims that humans became humans only with the invention of fire.

The cadets listened to Ed’s lecture with interest.

From their perspective, this is the first time they have heard of this theory of evolution.

Ed continued his explanation.

“It’s not just that. The invention of fire made humans safer. Monsters with an instinctive fear of fire are no longer allowed to invade human settlements. In addition, fire made it possible not only to cook but also to process ingredients, so it was useful in making tools such as ‘earthenware’. In other words, the invention of full-scale tools began.”

With the invention of ‘cooking’, humans grew their brain capacity and began making various tools by actively utilizing their increased brain capacity.

Ed explained that this is how the ‘labor revolution’ began to occur.

Work efficiency has increased with the help of various tools.

“That is how mankind entered the agricultural age. Accordingly, surplus production soon became property, and property led to war. They started plundering other tribes’ property. Depending on the climate, there is no choice but to be divided between tribes with abundant harvests and tribes with poor harvests.”

Humanity gradually began to take on a modern form with the invention of fire.

Ed explained that classes were created as a result of war, and classes soon gave birth to civilization.

It has transformed from the horizontal culture of a matrilineal society to the vertical culture of a patrilineal society.

“At a time when civilization is slowly becoming established, a revolution occurs once again. “The heavenly people have descended to earth.”

The descent of the heavenly people.

Ed described the Celestial Man as ‘a savior to save mankind from the devil.’

In preparation for the invasion of the devil, ‘mana usage methods and techniques’ were spread, and through this, the speed of civilization’s development was greatly accelerated.

“That is how we humans came to live in the era of mana and magic. By developing the tool called ‘skill’ to the extreme, we were able to have the advanced civilization and power we have today.”

The era of mana and magic.

Ed called this a great revolution comparable to the ‘invention of fire.’

The ‘use of mana’ has truly become a gift that elevates each human’s abilities to the limit.

Thanks to this, mankind was able to actively expand its territory.

Humanity, armed with magic and mana, can now stand against monsters born with powerful bodies, making a full-scale war of conquest possible.

“And to this day, we humans live in the era of mana and magic. “We have lived like that for nearly a thousand years.”

Ed took a moment to catch his breath and looked around at everyone.

All the students were engrossed in his lecture and his eyes were sparkling.

The concentration is so great that you can almost hear the sound of breathing.

However, Ed said something unexpected the next moment.

It raises questions about the current era.

“But is that really a good thing?”

Current humanity enjoys the benefits of mana and magic.

All the students looked dumbfounded at Ed’s question.

After all, aren’t mana and magic a gift from the ‘Celestial People’?

“I don’t think so.”

However, Ed said it was not just a gift.

All the students looked at Ed with puzzled faces.

Some students even showed signs of discomfort by adjusting their posture and sitting down.

In the meantime, Ed’s explanation continued.

“Because the gift of the celestial people took away the ‘lack’ that we should have felt. Because of the discovery of mana and magic, we no longer felt the need to develop tools.”

Ed said that and explained the relationship between ‘lack’ and ‘desire’.

In other words, in order for humans to grow, ‘desire’ to long for something is essential, and what causes such desire is ‘lack’.

“We humans have lost interest in natural science due to the invention of magic. In the past, heat generated by friction was used to ignite a fire. A material that is easy to burn. It used to require an understanding of proper oxygen supply, but now all you have to do is use the technique. “There is no need to examine certain phenomena.”


The cadets stare at Ed’s face with shocked faces.

Ed called this ‘technical omnipotence.’

This is a shocking claim that the worship of mana and magic bestowed by the celestial people has actually caused humanity to degenerate.

“B, but… Isn’t it blasphemy? “The magic trick is a gift from the heavenly people…”

At that time, a cadet disagreed with Ed’s remarks.

It was argued that it was blasphemy to disparage the gift given by the heavenly people by calling it ‘magical omnipotence.’

However, Ed said with a grin.

“No. “It’s not blasphemy.”


“Mana and magic are not something special given by the heavenly people. It existed in this world even before they came. At a time when we humans were not aware of mana, many monsters were already using mana and using it by engraving spells into their bodies. If the student claims, are monsters also using divine power?”

“·····Ah. Well, that’s…”

“In the end, magic and mana are just tools. The Celestial People simply gave us the most appropriate tool to protect humanity.”

The male cadet nodded with a dumbfounded expression at Ed’s perfect rebuttal.

Soon Ed continued his lecture.

After criticizing the current era that has become entrenched due to magic, he said the following.

“But now, a new wind is blowing. The celestial people responded to my will, and my spirit of inquiry and thinking skills are changing this world. But I still feel lacking and desire to evolve further. “Even as I stand here, I still feel thirsty.”

The atmosphere was heightened.

The cadets looked at Ed with sparkling eyes.

Although Ed has such tremendous status and abilities, he still feels lacking.

I felt ashamed of myself for feeling satisfied with just entering the academy.

“Because of this, I will continue to explore. “I will find out the principles and laws of this world and use them to benefit this world.”

The cadets nodded.

Just hearing Ed’s aspirations made my heart warm.

Ed continued.

“In that sense, I will constantly make you feel lacking. I hope you will face high-risk monsters from all over the world and feel your own shortcomings. “

After saying that, Ed snapped his fingers.

The screen in front moved to the next screen.

The screen was full of various weapons and equipment.

“Then you will find out naturally. “What equipment do you need and how to use it?”

The cadets nodded.

As expected from the title of the course, ‘Proper Use of Magic Engineering Equipment for Each Battle’, Ed was actively encouraging the use of tools.

He shows confidence in the weapons developed by himself and his students and promises to improve the cadets’ combat capabilities.

“Finally, as a cadet at the Imperial Academy, constantly aspire to be the best. I will also constantly strive to give you the best equipment. Thank you.”

Just like that, Ed finished his OT.

Though it was just an outline of the class, thunderous applause erupted.

As expected, as one of the greatest intellectuals of this era and a ‘descendant of the stars,’ Ed’s lecture was a masterpiece.

The cadets engraved Ed’s words of constant desire in their hearts and gave endless applause.

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