154 – The Birth of Oliver Cromwell

3 Days later.

Ed, who had met with all the dukes and counts who were members of the academy’s board of directors, told Elena that it was okay to propose the ‘creation of a magical engineering department.’

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We have received a promise of unanimity from all faculty and board members, so if we propose it now, it can easily pass.

“Then, we unanimously decide to establish the Department of Magical Engineering.”

– Bang! Bang! Bang!

And as expected, a week later.

The Department of Magical Engineering was founded, led by Ed.

Ed, who was just a cadet at the academy and entered as a commoner, came to have a huge academy.

“Don’t you guys want to teach?”

However, it was difficult to run the school alone.

So Ed decided to recruit 6 of the club members as professors and the remaining 11 as assistant professors and teaching assistants.

Anyway, they are studying physics and have a hard time with alcohol, so they are hired as mechanical engineering experts.

“Um, guys like us are professors…?”

However, the club members were low-ranking cadets who were jealous of Ed from the beginning.

From the beginning, I was wondering if they, who were such losers and losers, could properly take on such a huge responsibility by becoming professors.

“Of course, I am not a formal professor. I will start as an instructor at first. “If you become a professor, there will definitely be opposition.”


“So you guys also have to prove your abilities. Since this year is September, please make a personal entry of anything by December. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a weapon, industrial facility, precision machinery, or anything else, make it and submit it by the end of December. “Because we plan to open an expo and showcase your technological prowess.”

Club members begin to sweat while listening to Ed.

There are only three months left, but you want to create a personal entry by the end of December?

Is the work high enough to qualify as a part-time instructor?

“Why? “Is it impossible?”

“Oh, no…”

However, there is something Ed always says at times like this.

If it doesn’t work, push yourself until it works.

If you don’t have enough time, sleep less until you have time.

If you work hard, you will do it.

“Ha, you can do it…”

In the end, the club members responded that they would do it with half-crying expressions.

Ed smiled and patted his shoulder once.

“So you’re all being expelled? “You have to focus on your submitted work.”

“Expelled, expelled?”

“Yes. You can’t be an instructor as a cadet anyway. “Just expel me.”

“Uh… That…”

“Why? No?”

“Oh, no!”

All 17 club members decided to expel.

At the same time, the Shibalsaegi club was also disbanded.

This was a natural step since there were no more people to maintain the club.

“Then feel free to develop here. “If you need anything, just tell me.”

Instead, Ed brought all the club members to his territory.

All their personal accommodation and research facilities were provided so that they could work hard.

“Charlotte. If you feel uncomfortable, let me know. “I will help you set up a separate laboratory.”

And in the large laboratory at Ed’s estate, there was none other than Charlotte.

Recently, when Charlotte showed interest in her various medicinal and poisonous plants, she lent Ed her own laboratory so that she could study to her heart’s content.

“No, Gwae, it’s okay. “I was bored doing research on my own… But it worked out well.”

However, Charlotte seemed to welcome people entering her lab.

The reason I came here in the first place was to see Ed often, and aren’t they friends who know Ed well?

Charlotte smiled, calculating that she could find out more about Ed if she got to know them.

“Okay. When we research together, there are times when we can help each other. Good luck then.”

Ed said that and left.

Charlotte was secretly sad that Ed disappeared after briefly showing her face, but she didn’t care.

She just needs to approach her first and increase the time they spend together.

‘Ed said so. ‘Chemistry is truly a scary subject.’

Ed recently encouraged her Charlotte to learn chemistry.

It’s not that she isn’t, but she is gifted with a unique technique called the ‘Natural World Creation Technique’. Charlotte has a lot of chemical talent.

This is because we instinctively understand the composition and properties of materials and their interactions.

‘If I develop my talents… Ed will need me.’

And Charlotte knew well that Ed needed ‘chemistry’.

She shows such interest that she visits the lab several times to check on her achievements.

To get Ed’s attention, you just have to discover a chemical reaction that is either very dangerous or very beneficial.

And that is something that only the Verdian family that can handle the natural world creation technique can do.

Charlotte felt a sense of duty and focused on her research.



The newly established Department of Magical Engineering’s head professor guidance room.

I was sitting in a chair and continuing to suffer.

Although the department has been established, there are still many shortcomings in its operation.

Of course, in order to run a department, a precise goal for the department was needed.

The curriculum must be designed to guide undergraduate students in a certain direction and produce talented individuals who will be beneficial to society.

“As expected, we will have to postpone accepting undergraduate students until next year.”

So, I decided to postpone the announcement until the curriculum was in place.

Since the department was founded, it must have its own philosophy and goals to be able to properly guide students.

In that sense, I decided to start by determining the direction of this department.

If the ‘Enhancement Magician’s Department’ and ‘Magic Magician’s Department’ that exist in the academy are to train strong soldiers, then what is the significance of the existence of my department?

“The continuation of humanity”

It is the very survival of humanity.

Developing science and technology to prevent the invasion of the devil.

That is the goal of my School of Magical Engineering.

“Well… If that happens, it will ultimately lead to technological innovation across all fields.”

However, in order to effectively respond to the devil’s invasion, technological innovation must be achieved across all fields.

It is not enough to simply train strong soldiers.

Of course, supply is more important than anything else to prepare for a long war.

Basically, a soldier can fight properly only if he has sufficient food.

For successful distribution, food production must be increased and infrastructure must be in place to distribute large amounts of food.

This is because large quantities of food cannot be transported using wagons.

“Besides that…”

A temperature control device that can maintain a soldier’s body temperature even in hot summer or extreme cold.

A fortress with iron walls that can effectively defend important bases.

A variety of weapons that can maximize a soldier’s combat power.

There is no place where technology is not involved.

“Is it too much to arm the common people?”

However, there is something more effective than developing military technology and building infrastructure.

It is a ‘general disease’ positive.

In other words, arming the remaining commoners as surplus manpower so that they can fight.

That’s because the number of demons is too large to be fought only by nobles who can control mana.

The reason this world was destroyed in the first place even after numerous regressions was because of the overwhelming difference in numbers.

There is no way since we are overwhelmingly losing in numbers, which can be said to be the basis of power.

“But I won’t tolerate it.”

However, this world is a class system society with clear distinctions between nobles and commoners.

The authoritarianism of the nobles and the ideology of the chosen people seemed too impregnable to carry out my argument.

In the first place, the story of the birth of the empire was based on ‘humanity descending from heaven to rule over the foolish human world.’

In other words, compared to the Dangun myth, the emperor’s family is Hwanin, and various nobles, including the 4th duke’s family, become heavenly humans who served Hwanin.

“It’s not easy. “We must first destroy the authoritarianism of vested interests.”

Nobles who believe that they are the chosen people of heaven and that the rest of the ‘humans on earth’ are unenlightened and foolish people.

What should we do to break that narrative that forms their ideology of being the chosen people?


The answer is simple.

All you have to do is measure the sky accurately and prove that it is an uninhabitable place for humans.

Then, the illusion that they are ‘celestial people who came down from heaven’ will also be shattered.

“Or…You can show it to me in person.”

Well, even if that’s not the case, you can break their pot just by going up to the ‘Karman Line’ where you can experience microgravity and the round Earth.

All you have to do is show what the universe is like.

“I don’t think the backlash would be a joke.”

However, if that happens, the nobles will rise up.

This is because something huge is happening that damages their identity.

More than anything, what I am trying to do is to directly confront the authority of the emperor.

The moment you show the universe, it’s no different from saying, ‘You’re a Hwanin, so you’re a frog.’

“But the Earth still spins.”

However, I couldn’t say it wasn’t true.

Clouds are just water vapor, and there are no humans living on them.

Above all, in order to effectively prevent the devil’s invasion, ordinary people must participate in the war as much as possible, such as handling various firearms and riding on tanks.

If you let it play like the previous episode, it will only repeat the same result.

“Okay. Let’s be villains.”

So I decided to become an enemy of the imperial family and nobility.

Armed with science and reason, he becomes the villain of this era, taking the lead in overthrowing the nobles’ ideology of being the chosen people and authoritarianism.

“But it won’t fix Edgar.”

However, Edgar Fix will remain a coward.

Although he knows everything, he ignores the truth in order to be loved by the imperial family and nobles.

He degenerates into such an ugly person in power and an intellectual.

Only to satisfy his own personal interests.

“On the other hand, Oliver Cromwell…”

On the other hand, my new self, ‘Oliver Cromwell’, will appear as a scientist opposing Edgar Fix.

They call for enlightenment and equality for all people and join the anti-government group ‘Creble Revolutionary Group.’

As for the suit, how about wearing a Kamen Rider-like suit and gifting tanks and mechanical troops to the Cravel Revolutionary Group that overthrew the Kingdom of France?

Wouldn’t the Empire, feeling threatened by the Cravel Revolutionary Group, order Edgar Fix to arm himself with machines?

“Earl Cromwell. From now on, you are my mortal enemy.”

With that thought in mind, I started to plan the curriculum.

We have designed a curriculum that discovers the world’s universal laws and principles through accurate measurements using only reason and mathematics.

By following this curriculum, my undergraduate students will naturally be able to reach ‘Enlightenment.’

This means that they will realize that the existing order is a product of irrational imagination and will move to destroy it.

“But Edgar Fix…”

I will pretend not to know until the end.

I will stand on the side of the imperial family and nobility until the end and protect my dear noble friends, including the children of the 4th dukedom.

Edgar Fix’s role is to help the children of the 4th Duke grow, keep the empire’s system safe, and increase technological capabilities.

It would be enough for Count Cromwell to start a revolution, regain the rights of the common people, and arm them heavily.

Of course, it is his job to control the situation so as not to cause conflict with the empire.

“Okay. Then·····.”

Now we need to make contact with the Cravel Revolutionary Group.

They are currently raising funds through the black market and are planning a coup at an early stage.

We need to check if there is a Devil Cult spy inside.

Because ‘Earl Cromwell’ must take center stage before they are polluted.


So I called Eve, who was disguised as my secretary.

Eve, who was processing documents, looked at me and answered.


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“Kkkkk. “Don’t play around.”

“Yes. Brother.”

“There is something I need to make. “I’m planning on making a new suit.”

“New suit?”

“Yes. Have you ever heard of Kamen Rider?”

Kamen Rider?

Eve tilted her head and searched the data for a moment.

Then he raised the corners of his mouth and answered.

“I don’t get along with my brother. “He looks like a villain.”

“Kkkkk. Then it’s correct. “It’s the suit the villain will wear.”

I said that and stood up.

And then I spoke to Eve, who was looking at me with wide-open eyes.

“Let’s go to the lab. “There’s a lot to do.”

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