108 – One day before return

“Then, let’s go to the next step.”

After finishing working on the wearable robot blueprint with Fix, Ed immediately started the next step.

A standardized system called the so-called ‘fix standard’ was created to produce parts that meet the standard.

Unified standards are essential in mechanical engineering.

-Kang! Kang! Kang!

While the blacksmiths were making parts, Ed began building equipment to mass-produce basic parts such as bolts and nuts.

It was impossible for hundreds of blacksmiths to all make parts of a certain level, so it was necessary to produce them by machine.

“Because I’ve already made it.”

However, Ed had already created such a machine.

Edgar, who was tired of making suit parts by hand every time, created equipment to enable mass production.


So Ed, together with Fix, began building equipment capable of mass production.

Because I made it a while ago, I was able to quickly build the facility by using level 3 hand skills along with fixes.

The blacksmiths looked at Ed’s crazy movements with blank expressions.

“Gather together for a moment.”

Now all that remains is to educate them.

Ed gathered blacksmiths and engineers and taught them how to use the equipment.

The necessary process for making parts was explained, and the role of the equipment in the process was explained in detail and what work the worker had to do.

“Then I will show you a demonstration.”

After finishing the theoretical explanation, Ed began to show practical demonstrations.

It shows in person what the workers assigned to each process should do.

“The first is the ‘receiving raw materials’ stage. After inspecting the raw materials needed to make the bolt for any abnormalities, add the materials and you are done. “You can use this machine for inspection.”

Ed said that and held up the machine to show it.

The machine was made using an emerald mana stone and a magic trick, and it was a machine that analyzed the ingredients and informed them whether the raw materials were appropriate.

Soon, when the machine clicked and the letter ‘O’ appeared, Edgar looked around at the engineers and said,

“If there is no problem, the O sign appears. Then you can put it into the equipment right away. Conversely, if the raw material is defective─”


“A section with an X like this will appear. If you have a defective product like this, you should take it out rather than leaving it in the facility. Do you understand?”

It wasn’t difficult.

Simply checking whether it is normal or abnormal.

When everyone nodded, Ed pointed to the equipment and said.

“When raw materials are input into the facility, the facility melts the raw materials using a procedure installed inside. Then, the melted raw materials move along the pipe, undergo a gradual cooling process, and are molded into a bolt shape before being discharged out of the rail.”

As soon as Ed finished speaking, a bolt-shaped part was ejected.

The ejected parts poured onto the rail and began to move along the moving rail, when Ed stood at the end of the rail and opened his mouth.

“And one more worker is assigned here. “It’s to make sure there are no defects.”

Ed said this and struck out the part that appeared to be defective.

A defective bolt fell into a wooden box that had been prepared in advance.

“Like this, the process here is also simple. “You collect defective parts in a box, and when it is full, you hand it to the worker after receiving the raw materials.”

So Ed moved on to the next process.

The next process was to make grooves in the still long and smooth bolt.

“The worker assigned here must position the bolt so that it enters the facility in the correct shape. “If you don’t position it accurately, the groove will be defective.”

Ed explained it that way and demonstrated it again.

A smooth bolt was inserted between the disks that rotated rapidly on both sides.

Then, the bolt passed through the disc on both sides due to the force of the rail, and in the process, a groove began to be carved into the bolt on the sharp hexagonal blade of the disc.

A spiral groove was created.

“After that…”

So Ed explained each process.

After presenting the raw material receipt – forging – screw processing – heat treatment process one by one, the workers assigned to each process were told what to do.

“Did everyone understand?”


After Ed finished training on Bolt’s mass production equipment, he immediately started manufacturing other equipment.

This is because basic parts include not only bolts but also numerous basic parts.

A huge number of parts go into a wearable robot.

We had to create a system that could mass produce all those parts.

“If it weren’t for the magic, I wouldn’t have been able to dream.”

However, all of this was possible because of the magic.

By combining the magical engineering developed in this world with his own knowledge and manual skills, equipment is created at an unbelievable speed.

More than anything, the reason Ed was able to build equipment so effortlessly was thanks to an incredible skill called ‘engineering thinking.’

You can immediately think of engineering knowledge suitable for a certain purpose, so there is no need to worry or hesitate.

It’s like when you decide to produce a movie, the composition, directing, movement, breathing, mise-en-scène, etc. Are all done at once! It was no different from what came to mind.

In short, it gives you a natural talent in engineering.

“It’s ridiculous… He’s a genius among geniuses.”

And the people who keenly realized Ed’s genius were none other than the club members.

The more you know about engineering, the more you realize how crazy and ridiculous things Ed was able to create.

“It’s almost awe-inspiring.”

Recently, members of the Shibalsaegi club are gaining knowledge through practical study rather than theoretical study.

The practical study they did was to create an ‘early car model.’

Before putting in the work on the wearable robot, we will solve the tasks given by Ed to get a feel for the actual situation.

“The real Lord Fix is amazing.”

So the 17 club members started building cars based on the knowledge they learned from Ed.

Ed prepared all the basic parts and blueprints, so it was possible to make it as long as each part was assembled properly.

“How can this happen…?”

And the club members were amazed in the purest sense of the word during this process.

Because they have studied various epidemiology fields, the epidemiological know-how that is only visible to their eyes is visible everywhere.

“This ridiculous efficiency…”

This efficiency allows a car to roll much faster than a horse-drawn carriage just by stepping on the pedal.

The club members were in awe of Ed, who designed this structure.

The original reason for learning mechanics is to achieve maximum results by investing less energy, and in that sense, the car that Ed gave as an assignment was a very innovative design.

If you put in the right fuel, you can achieve incredibly fast speeds just by using the kinetic energy of pedaling and releasing.

“Then the gauntlet is…”

This is true for early car models, so what kind of mechanical knowledge was contained in the gauntlet?

It was a faraway state even to imagine.

I already knew that Ed was a great person, but the more I learned about him, the more I was in awe of him.

“We were really… Foolish.”

Suddenly, their past of looking down on Ed came to mind.

He’s showing off with his temper when he’s a commoner.

I disparaged Ed, calling him a kid who can’t do anything without a gauntlet.


I was embarrassed.

Ed’s gauntlet is an item that contains a level of knowledge that we cannot even dare to dream of.

I can’t believe you’re dismissing it as just a trick.

What makes Ed truly a monster is that he has the brains to create such things at any time.

Now that he had created a new dynamic called ‘mana dynamics,’ it gave me shivers just to imagine how much more terrifying things he would create.

The more they learned about technology, the more they felt the power of science and technology.

“Let us… Be loyal.”

“Uh. “We just need to serve Ed.”

The club members have been obsessed with aristocratic prejudices.

From noble mtl dot com

These people who were awakened to learning like this realized how scary Ed was and swore to give him true loyalty.

It is clear that one day he will be reborn as the strongest figure in the empire.

“Is there still one day left?”

While the club members were gaining enlightenment.

Ed was one day away from returning to the academy.

However, he had taken rough steps to ensure that the territory could be returned even without him, so there was nothing to worry about.

More than anything, I was mentally reassured that Fix and Adela decided to stay here.

‘Wise woman.’

Ed suddenly thought of Adela.

I’ve played through countless episodes of her and have never been involved with her.

Maybe that’s why she was always surprising.

Although he has a lot of power and power, he does not have the arrogance typical of nobles. He had the mindset to learn at any time as long as he was better than himself.

More than anything, when we talked, we surprisingly had many things in common.

‘I’m curious about my husband…’

Adela said her own life changed thanks to her husband.

If he had not met her husband, he would have become as arrogant and petty as any other nobleman.

As she spoke about her husband with sparkling eyes, it was clear how much she followed and loved her husband.

“Maybe this is an event too…”

As she was more deeply connected to Adela than I thought, I thought that she might be an NPC who could help Adela grow as well.

Isn’t ‘El Pandor Runeterra’, which Ed plays, a relationship-oriented game where you interact with various NPCs and grow them?

In short, it can be seen as a pretty hardcore Miyeonsi, but isn’t it a national rule to have at least one MILF character in a Miyeonsi game?

Of course, Elena is the representative MILF, but she is only 28 years old… And above all, Adela is 38 years old and has the beauty of someone in her 20s…

“Ah, what are you thinking?”

Ed touched his forehead and sighed.

For a moment, my thoughts wandered in the wrong direction.

In a world where real lives are at risk due to a demonic invasion, I can’t believe I’m imagining something strange like this.

In the first place, it was only the academy part that gave this game its unexplored nature.

After the academy part is over and you enter the mid to late part of the game, the desperate part begins where the heroine is corrupted by the devil or dies by the devil.

Why did the game company create and release a game like this?

Why did you retry this game so many times?

“Anyway, for now…”

After rebuilding the territory, the priority is to build a dreadnought battleship.

If you investigate the sea wall that has never been explored before, you may be able to obtain clues about clearing the game.

With those thoughts in mind, Ed prepared to leave.

Now it is time to return to the academy.


6 Days ago.

Ileiya shouted after seeing Leon Clendor off safely in the capital.

This is to vent out the enormous stress that has accumulated over the years.

What a hardship it was to please that damn guy.


What is more infuriating than anything else is that this is reality.

No matter how much he disparages the Empire’s ships.

No matter how much a country boasts about its technological prowess and talent, there is nothing to refute.

Because the Kingdom of Clendor won a decisive victory in the last war.

Furthermore, the strongest nation at sea is clearly the Kingdom of Clendor.

Because the empire needs the navigation skills of the Kingdom of Clendor and the world’s strongest battleship.

I couldn’t help but smile as I let go of my anger.

After suffering like that for three days, I sent him to the capital.

How much arrogance there is in the capital…

“I’m going to the academy.”

And his destination is the Imperial Academy.

The intention was clear to spy on the place where the empire’s strongest talent was gathered.

The justification is to test the sailors who will be taken on the expedition.

“It’s a naval battle…”

And Leon Clendor said he would measure naval combat power.

In other words, we will see how well the academy cadets who followed us on the field trip can cope when faced with a situation where they have no choice but to fight sea monsters.

“It will definitely be an embarrassment.”

And this was nothing short of showing off Klendor’s naval combat power.

That’s because the Kingdom of Clendor has fought against sea monsters countless times.

If it were a confrontation at sea, even the Imperial Academy cadets would have no choice but to be pushed back.


And the cadets sacrificed by Klendor included his own daughter.

Because he has not broken his stubbornness in the art of martial arts, his skills are deteriorating day by day.

In a naval battle where victory cannot be guaranteed even if one uses one’s true skills, it was obvious that one would be greatly embarrassed if one tried to fight him with a swordsmanship.

When my thoughts reached that point, I felt my stomach turn.


Ileiya sighed heavily and looked at the path Leon had left.

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