I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter VIII The Sustainability Strategy of Blood Clan Part 1

Are these true?

Fake, not a single real information.

But this group of vampires who have been staying in the castle doesn't know, not even if they doubt it.

Because this is the words of their most respected ancestor.

In fact, because Li De became a nobleman of Green City and a member of the Mage Association, he often brought back some news about Green City.

So when Li De told the news that Green City had discovered the vampire, there was no doubt.

When he heard that the extraordinary mage Lock Hart in Green City also noticed the blood clan, the blood clan below was immediately frightened.

What kind of existence is the Transcendent Mage? There is only this Transcendent Mage in the entire area ruled by Green City, in the distant mountains and mountains with tens of millions of people.

Moreover, Lock Hart personally participated in the siege of the blood clan a hundred years ago, and his power made the blood clan personally taste the taste of fear.

Li De's eyes didn't fluctuate too much, and he looked at the somewhat frightened blood clan below, and his heart relaxed slightly.

Finally, this group of otaku who were blocked from news was frightened.

He wants to carry out drastic reforms on the blood clan now, and the best way is to unite all clansmen.

The blood family is his root, and Li De can't give up.

If the order is forcibly issued, even if the blood clan will honestly execute it due to his identity, it is hard to say how efficient it is.

Even a small number of people who are slacking off can greatly discount his plans.

Simply creating an external crisis like this can instantly mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.

This is the same as when some countries fought foreign wars in order to cope with domestic economic crises during World War II.

Transform internal conflicts into external conflicts.

In a life-or-death emergency, no matter how unreasonable the reform is, there is a basis for it.

And the most important thing is that the blood family has suffered a lot in the hands of extraordinary mages, and the fear of extraordinary mages is still deep in their blood.

After waiting until the following vampires were talking about it, Li De slowly opened his mouth and said.

I didn't manage you before because I wanted to test your wisdom and see if you could find the right reason without my management.

But I am disappointed in you.

After speaking, the first seven second-generation blood descendants all lowered their heads, a little annoyed in their eyes.

They didn't find out that Green City was going to besiege them in such a serious crisis. It was an unforgivable fault.

In order to cope with the great crisis and the growth of the blood clan, we must carry out reforms


The vampires below looked at each other.

Lucy asked curiously, Father, how are we going to reform?

Li De glanced around the crowd and increased the volume.

Our Holy Family has to embark on a sustainable development path.

After so much foreshadowing, Li De finally spoke his inner words.

Your Majesty, what is sustainable development?

What does it mean?


Hearing this strange statement, a group of vampires were a little stunned. The goddess of the night was on top, and it was the first time they heard this word.

What do we do with the humans we caught before?

Otis' calm voice sounded.

Patriarch, the plundered humans will be kept in captivity in caves. The clansmen need to eat once a month, and the dead humans will be thrown off the cliff.

The meaning of Otis is obvious, these people are the food of the blood race, and every time they eat, they will kill one.

Li De shook his head, it was too rough, no wonder the blood race was so hated by the human world.

At the same time, he also mentioned his heart. Even if the blood race didn't have the crisis he just mentioned, it would definitely not be good if it went on like this.

Especially after the player arrives,

The group of mess-loving sand sculptures will definitely treat the blood clan as an experience baby to clean up.

Wrong, this is wrong, we have been wrong all along


How could it be wrong?

Wrong, why wrong? Humans are just our food

Lucy's delicate face was full of doubts.

Did Dad get some information that we didn't have access to? She thought that, fortunately, with the presence of the father, the blood family escaped another crisis.

Li De looked directly into each other's eyes.

The magic power on the body is running, and a powerful momentum rises, said solemnly.

It's true that humans are our food, but you must know that if we keep enough humans in captivity, don't kill them, or even provide protection, they can continue to provide us with food.

Just as humans raise hens to lay eggs, so can we.

And human ingenuity is not possessed by many races.

They can be ruled by us and create more wealth for us, instead of being kept in captivity in caves just to be food.”

It seems a little weird and out of the ordinary in the context of this world.

Human beings have always been regarded as food by the blood clan, and the status of human beings in the eyes of the blood clan is the same as that of human beings looking at chickens, ducks and geese.

Now they are required to protect and even rule over these foods.

This obviously made Lucy and the other blood clans hit a little harder.

Li De was slightly relieved to see the blood clan who did not directly refute, this world is not the earth that claims to be equal.

Here the nobles can easily control the life and death of the commoners. People have classes and are extremely unequal.

What's more, the blood race is a superior race with excellent talent and a high level of force. If you want them to accept human beings, it is not something that can be changed with a word or two. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Humans are the mainstream of this world, there is no doubt about that.

No matter how strong the blood clan is, it is impossible to beat any country, and even the strength of a city can wipe out most of the blood clan in the world.

In Li De's vision, if the blood clan wants to grow and develop, it must build a city with a large number of humans.

The role of the vampires in the city is that of guardians.

The blood race cannot survive without human beings. Human beings can draw blood to the blood race as food every once in a while while ensuring their health.

In this way, there is no external danger for human beings, the blood race has a fixed source of food, and there are humans as a labor force to continuously create wealth for him.

This idea is a bit idealized, but it has to be said that the possibility of realization is great.

First of all, Li De is the ancestor of the blood clan, and the blood clan's loyalty to him is constant and die-hard. Don't worry about someone hindering him. Even if some blood clans don't understand, they are at most lazy.

The blood clan has a point of support here.

The second is the background of this world, this is a magical world, the gods are watching his believers in the kingdom of God, and the evil gods are staring at the abyss.

Contradictions of various races, contradictions of various countries fill the world.

Ordinary civilians are like chickens in this world and can only be slaughtered.

Wars are happening all the time.

And one can provide civilians asylum, and can protect their lives and property, and pay only a blood without harming the body.

The refugees who have been ravaged by wars and various monsters on the border will definitely agree without any scruples.

And finally...

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