I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 76: Longing Raiker, I want it~

Points system?

What is the points system?

Many people were full of doubts.

Li De didn't let the crowd be puzzled for long, and immediately began to explain.

In the future, City of Dawn will use a points system to measure your contribution to City of Dawn.

The land belongs to the City of Dawn forever, but it can be allocated to you for farming. In the first three years, you need to pay 30% of the harvest as tax.

Land will be allocated tomorrow morning.

After three years, as long as your points reach 10 points, you will only need to pay 20% as tax.

Points reach 20 points, only need to pay 10% as tax.

The crowd is excited, just need to pay 30% of the income as tax? And after three years, can points be paid less?

The goddess is above, this is simply a gift from heaven.

In the villages and towns outside, even if they have their own land, the annual tax paid to the nobles has reached 40%, and even more than half... Because the nobles control the power and can provide them with shelter.

And this winter, I will build schools and mage towers in Dawn City.

The civilians who are the first to get 10 points can send their children to school to learn knowledge and magic.”

Li De does not give too much discussion to the crowd and throws blockbuster bombs one after another.

In three years, strive to earn points. After three years, if you have 20 points, you will be able to apply to become an official resident of Green City.

If the commoners who do not get 20 points after three years, will move out of Dawn City and live in villages outside the city.

Li De's words brought a strong impact to the crowd below.

The land distribution will be carried out tomorrow, which makes everyone feel at ease, and the construction of the mage tower and the study began in the city of dawn in winter, which is even more unexpected.

But what worries them is that if they can't get 20 points within three years, they will be forced to leave the city of Dawn and move to live outside the city.

Whether new or first to come.

The City of Dawn, which has been operated by the blood clan for more than 100 years, is more delicate than Green City. There is no doubt about the aesthetics of the blood clan, and the city is very beautiful.

For the commoners who have been living in the village, this big city is a lot better than their shabby towns and villages.

No one wants to leave the lively, spacious and clean city and return to the deserted and remote villages.

Just as the crowd was discussing, Li De continued without the slightest pause.

Points will be your most important asset in Dawn City.

As long as you can get 100 points, regardless of age, regardless of gender, regardless of birth

You will be knighted by me of Green City, and I will bestow upon you noble status.

The crowd, who were still a little nervous in their hearts, swallowed subconsciously when they heard this, and their hearts accelerated uncontrollably.

As long as you get 100 points, you can be granted the status of a noble.

The goddess is above, this is a gift from God, praise the goddess, praise the holy light blood!

Le Ke'er below listened with a dry mouth, and almost at this moment, an idea arose uncontrollably.

Noble, I want to become a noble! !

In this world where nobles control absolute power, it is almost impossible for commoners to become nobles. Classes are solidified to be harder than mountains, and the ascending channel has long been blocked by nobles who control power.

In the Nolan Empire, only hundreds of people may be granted new noble status every year, most of which are due to military exploits, and the Master Mage accounts for 70% of the number.

That's why mages are so popular, as it's the only known path to the ruling class for civilians other than fighting for their lives.

But now, there is one who holds a large tract of land,

The distinguished city lord publicly declared that as long as they can get enough points and make enough contributions to the city, no matter their status, no matter their gender, no matter their age, they will be given aristocratic status.

This is simply a happy event.

And if you get aristocratic status, you will be able to send your children to the Mage Tower School for free. No matter whether your children have mage talent or not, the Mage Tower of Dawn City will make your children a superior mage master. Of course, the premise is that you can obtain 100 points

How to get points?

It's very simple, the allocated fields only need to pay taxes on time every year, and you can get 1 point every year, and we will open up more channels to earn points in the future.

Li De finally paused, staring at the crowd below. The point system can be said to be the foundation of the future development of Dawn City. No one but him knows how powerful this system is.

It takes 20 points to become an official resident of Dawn City?

In addition to getting 1 point for paying taxes every year, how can I get points? I don't want to leave the city.

Getting 100 points will give you aristocratic status. With the goddess above, do we have a chance to become a noble aristocrat?

Lord of the security team, do you know what's going on with the points? Apart from the farming tax, how can I get the points?

The crowd is like boiling water, roaring and discussing.

It was the depth charge thrown by Li De that was too powerful.

Not to mention the land, everyone was prepared, but the sudden appearance of the points system really gave them too many surprises and surprises.

By accumulating 100 points, you can get aristocratic status. The goddess is an aristocrat, a noble aristocrat! !

He didn't even dare to dream that he could become a noble one day. They are just a group of farmers who deal with the land. How noble is the noble master!

But now there is a chance in front of them. Although it is not clear how difficult it is to get 100 points, there is always hope, isn't it? !

In fact, Li De greatly undermined the weight of aristocratic status in the eyes of the commoners. As a well-deserved ruling class, the nobles have such power that they can execute commoners at will without being punished by the law, and commoners who offend the nobles will be punished the most severely.

The nobility is the ruling class that controls the fate of the inferior, and possesses absolute power and power.

Becoming a noble is almost the ultimate aspiration of all commoners.

Most of this group of people are residents of border villages and small towns.

Giving them hope to become nobles undoubtedly directly opened up their ascension channel and gave them strong hope.

If the land is the fundamental lifeblood, then becoming a mage and becoming a noble is undoubtedly the light they see and the delicious cake that attracts them forward.

Even Leiker, a level 7 warrior who used to be a mercenary in Nolan City, the capital of the Nolan Empire, could not resist this temptation.

Although his reason told him that it would be difficult to get points for this new thing.

But he was not afraid, the land bound his heart, and when the nobility theory ran out, it bound his soul directly.

He, Rekel, must become a noble of the City of Dawn.

Praise the great Holy Light blood clan, praise the city lord of Kachar!

Li De looked at the crowd of people who were roaring and discussing with a calm face, and a slap in the face to give a sweet date was the best way to go down.

With sweet dates, the next step is to slap.

Thinking of the wild wolf gang who made trouble tonight and the blasphemers who had just been suppressed, his eyes turned cold.

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