I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Fanwai - the origin of the system, the legend of the city of dawn

Although a month has passed since the world-destroying war, the wounds of the world cannot be healed in a short time.

There are still traces left by the monsters of the past.

Forests become deserts, mountains become flats, rivers become sources of plague... Everything is filled with the ruined scene after the destruction of the world.

Although the great lord of glory, the god of dawn, used the supreme power to drive away the remaining power of the old days.

But it will take a long time for Rongguang to restore its original ecology.

In this cataclysm, the biggest change in terrain is the ancient forest in the central area of ​​the main plane of glory, which has become a place of nothingness covered with yellow sand.

The dazzling elves accompanied by the disappearance of their habitats, coupled with the deprivation of their divine powers by the elves, have completely disappeared from the crowd.

No longer the glory of the past.

And the core of the main plane of glory is no longer the central area of ​​the mainland after the forbidden natural disaster.

Green City, located in the southern region of the main plane, has become a new focus.

Because this place is blessed by the glorious new ruler - the great Ilo.

Crimson Mage Tower, Mysterious Tavern.

This tavern, which is located on a mysterious street and is directly governed by the Scarlet Mage Tower, was revealed after it was revealed that Ilo was the owner of the Scarlet Mage Tower, Reid Kachar.

It immediately became the most popular gathering place for all adventurers and players.

When night falls, this place becomes the busiest place.

You were not there at the time, I saw it with my own eyes! When Iluo waved his hand, the power of the gods was deprived!

Goddess above, I swear to you! That was the craziest scene I've ever seen in my life!

An adventurer with a face full of flesh said in an exaggerated tone after he took a glass of rum and drank it.

The gods fell from the sky, and they don't even have extraordinary power! If I went up at that time, I would definitely defeat a god!

A young man at the wine table was full of admiration.

It turns out that the power of the gods was deprived by the crown of Yiluo!

I said why the Crown of Ilo ordered the demolition of the church of the gods...

Brother Alton, what happened to those demon masters later? It's not just the gods that have been deprived of their power, right? !

These words made the surrounding crowd turn their attention to the adventurer with a face full of flesh.

Jiu Zhuang cowardly, rarely became the focus of everyone's attention, and was immediately proud of himself, and immediately amplified his voice a bit.

Of course those demons are not much better! They have been deprived of their power!

Not even the demons, all the evil gods were dispelled by the crown of Yiluo.

Didn't you listen to the pastors of Dawn Church? From now on, there will be no gods in this world!

Some in the crowd grumbled.

Why are there no gods? Can't you be conferred gods in the future?

The adventurer with a face full of flesh said proudly, Of course not, my neighbor is the pastor of the Church of Dawn.

He told me that the contribution of gods to glory is minimal, and it is because of the existence of gods that there is so much oppression in the world.

Therefore, His Majesty Yiluo does not allow anyone in this world to become a god!

And do you know where those old monsters came from?

This remark immediately aroused the curiosity of the surrounding, and hurriedly urged.

Tell me, how did you get here?

Isn't it from the Chaos Void as the Church of Dawn said?

Don't stop... hurry up!!

When he had enough appetite, the adventurer said proudly.

I tell you, the monsters of the past caused by the gods appeared!

This made the surrounding crowd in an uproar.

No way?

The gods are traitors??

How is it possible, I saw with my own eyes that a god was killed in battle!

The adventurer shuddered and said disdainfully, You guys know the shit, every time a person becomes a god, a part of the source power of glory will be extracted.

The more gods appear, the weaker the source of glory will be.

Those old monsters were when the power of the source of glory was very weak,

The glory of the invasion.

However, although the gods have drawn the source power of glory, when facing the enemy, they are like lambs and cannot play their due role at all!

So, you should know the reason for all this...

These words made the expressions of some believers who believed in gods in the crowd complicated, and they wanted to refute something, but they became silent again when they thought of His Majesty Ilo's attitude towards the gods.

It turns out that the gods they believe in are the bane of this world-destroying natural disaster... This is too hard for them to accept.

Watching the atmosphere suddenly drop.

The adventurer with a face full of flesh was suddenly a little unhappy, and he finally became the center of attention of the crowd.

He hurriedly coughed a few times, waited for the crowd to focus on him again, and spoke again.

Do you know the legend of the City of Dawn?

This remark immediately aroused the interest of the surrounding people.

The City of Dawn is the city that was moved by the Crown of Ilo, right?

A month ago, a city suddenly appeared in the original location of Lisl City. It was moved from the sky by His Majesty Ilo with his supreme divine power, but it seems that it is not open to the outside world...

It is said that there are countless races such as humans, orcs, dwarves, centaurs, etc. in that city, and they can live together harmoniously... It's amazing.

That city is more than that, all the buildings in the legend are shocking, there are magic rail cars, the eternal water that never ends, and the door of space that can be seen everywhere!!


The surrounding crowd erupted with great enthusiasm, and they all told what they had learned about the City of Dawn.

Especially those residents who had a detailed understanding of the City of Dawn, their words were full of amazement.

That is simply a city of miracles!

After the crowd was hotly discussing, the adventurer with a face full of flesh did not hear the information he had learned being spoken, and suddenly felt that he could do it again.

Ton ton ton~ After another large glass of rum entered his stomach, he said proudly.

What do you know, the City of Dawn was established years ago.

It was originally built in the depths of the distant mountains and did not communicate with outsiders.

When one of my distant relatives was fleeing, he was fortunate to be brought back to the city by the subordinates of the Crown of Ilo!

I swear, Dawn City is the greatest city in the world!

There are no nobles, no oppression! Respect and adequate food for all as long as they work!

Warm housing will be distributed for free, taxes are low, prices are stable, and there are countless delicacies!

More importantly, they have never been invaded by foreign enemies and are extremely safe.

After speaking, he looked at the eager crowd around him and said with satisfaction.

As for those miraculous alchemy equipment, they were all completed under the guidance of the great Elohim under the guidance of the goblins!

Then why did Dawn City suddenly appear in Lisl City? the young man beside him asked curiously.

You're asking the right person. The full-faced adventurer looked at everyone's eyes, and it was the first time he had pretended to be in front of so many people, it was so cool.

After the Far Mountain Mountain Range was drawn out by His Majesty Yiluo and smelted into a city of gods to guard the chaotic void, the City of Dawn, which originally existed in the Far Mountain Mountain Range, lost its habitat.

How can mortals live above the sky?

So the City of Dawn was moved to the original location of Lisl City by the crown of Ilo...

It turned out that there are such secrets inside, and everyone suddenly realized.

The City of Dawn is now not allowing outsiders to enter, how do you know?

There were questions right now.

Oh, my neighbor is the pastor of Dawn Church, my distant relative, and he came from Dawn City!

Also, I just established a relationship with his daughter, who is now my father-in-law...

Hearing this, everyone unanimously expressed contempt.

It's hard to eat soft rice. This is, this guy with a face full of flesh, even someone can look at it.

With similar news slowly fermenting.

Gradually, the legends about the city of God became more and more extensive and exaggerated.

In the end, it turned into a city of dawn above the sky, which contained infinite treasures and mighty power.

Under the crown of the great ruler of glory Ilo, in the Sky God City, there are artifacts that become gods. As long as you can obtain artifacts, you can become gods and gain eternal life.

And these legends have also become the stories of the troubadours.

It was fine at first, but as the long years passed, one hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years, five hundred years...

Generations are born, grow up, grow old, and die.

There are fewer and fewer lives who have experienced the War of the Old Ones, and the legends about the City of Dawn have gradually become mythical stories in the mouths of bards.

Even after a thousand years, whether there have been gods in this world has become people's doubts.

In the sky, the city called Dawning Divine City is regarded as a myth and legend.

There are no gods in this world anymore, and no one can climb the sky to find the legendary city.




Li De refined the 100,000-mile mountain range into a city of gods, and after the eternal smashing of the sky, he completely stabilized the power under his control.

He has now become a true master of glory.

A single thought can turn the world upside down.

Looking at the glorious picture of countless lives still looking up at the sky, they waved their hands slightly to disperse the reflections in the sky.

The wound on his body that was pierced by the Old Ones slowly healed as before.

The immortal body has evolved into a real immortal body, and when the power is exhausted, he will never die.

However, although the great enemy of the Old Ones has been resolved, there are still many problems that need to be resolved by him.

The other planes of glory have been destroyed, and only the main plane is left at this moment.

Demons, undead, devils, and other evil beings have nowhere to go.

The same goes for other messy races. How to deal with such a situation?

Li De was lost in thought.

If you re-open up other planes to place these beings, you will step back into the old path before glory.

The more planes, the greater the source power consumed, and it is very likely that there will be loopholes in his defense system centered on the city of God.

If these evil beings are not placed properly, I am afraid that the main plane will not be at peace for a moment.

After thinking for a long time, Li De turned his eyes to the underground world.

There are hundreds of underground worlds in the whole glory, some are connected, some are independent.

Some are no less than Glory, a human kingdom, and some are only a dozen kilometers long and wide.

Although demons and undead are evil, when he reaches the level of a god of creation, his eyes are no longer limited to this.

Would the world be a better place if these evil beings were destroyed?

the answer is negative.

Whether or not demons and undead exist, the world will never become full of truth, goodness and beauty.

The wars waged by various races for their desires will occur when there are demons, and when there are no demons, it will never decrease.

If so, why destroy them?

Moreover, if there is no evil in this world, then who can understand goodness and light?

After he made up his mind, his mind moved.

In an instant, the life of the main plane of glory only felt the earth shake violently, as if the plane was about to collapse.

In the depths of the earth, under the influence of the power of creation, those large and small underground worlds began to merge with each other, and even if they were separated by countless distances, they would be connected in an instant.

This scene is like a fairy tale.


This is where the power of the God of Creation is the most domineering and incomprehensible.

As long as he wants, he can create anything in this world, including life.

The shaking of the earth lasted for more than a dozen breaths before it slowly returned to calm.

After those people who thought that the glory was going to be destroyed, they patted their chests with sweat on their faces.

Full of fear.

Turning to the ground, four vast spaces appeared in the depths of the vast and boundless earth.

Moreover, the four underground worlds are no longer independent, and are connected to each other by a long and narrow passage.

Li De looked at this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

With a wave of his hand, infinite power erupted.

In the next instant, the demons, undead, and devils of the main plane immediately appeared in the underground world.

These evil beings were imprisoned by him.

The rest of the underground world was left to the original underground world by him.

As for whether demons will climb out of the ground to invade the surface in the future, that is a question that should be considered by life living on the surface in the future.

After dealing with the demons and undead on the main plane, Li De raised his head to look at the endless chaos.

It seems that at this moment, the eyes see through the heavens.

After a while, some kind of power fluctuation was noticed.

The light in Li De's eyes skyrocketed, he stretched out his hand and waved, click.

The space in front of him shattered directly, and in the next second, the whole person disappeared in place.



Magic City.

Li De stood in the clouds overlooking the modern metropolis full of traffic below, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

This is his home.

I didn't expect the final full level to come back.

Taking two deep breaths, suppressing the excitement in my heart, I began to feel it carefully.

This is an unfamiliar multidimensional plane.

Earth is not a derived plane of glory, but a new, multi-dimensional plane that is still in its growth stage.

What's even more rare is that this world has no master. This is a multi-dimensional plane born of self.

Then, what's going on with this game of glory?

Li De's expression was a little excited.

When he was in control of the power of glory, he realized that the earth did not belong to glory. At that time, he was quite puzzled, but he did not expect that the earth was a multi-dimensional plane, and this plane did not have a master.

Closing his eyes slightly, his mental power dissipated like a storm.

After a few breaths, he scanned the entire globe.

Soon, an area with strange fluctuations caught his attention.


Li De looked at the backbone of this world.

So familiar soul fluctuations... God of Creation, not dead?

The next second, Lauren instantly disappeared in mid-air and appeared on a snow-covered peak in the Himalayas.

It's down here.

Li De's eyes penetrated the snow-covered peaks and looked into the depths of the earth.

After a while, his expression was a little weird.

I saw a huge head standing quietly at a depth of thousands of meters, and its diameter range was thousands of meters wide.

The skull has been turned into a fossil over time.

But what is surprising is that in the depths of the fossil skull there is a space with a diameter of 100 meters wide, and a nihilistic figure constructed of blue light is floating in the center.

The familiar soul fluctuations came from the other side.

Li De's eyes narrowed.

The next second appeared directly in front of the phantom.

God of Creation?

After hearing the sound, the phantom with closed eyes waved like water waves, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling the power coming from Li De, the virtual shadow showed a slight smile.

The new master of glory, you are finally here.

Li De was a little surprised.

Are you still alive?

He couldn't feel the breath of the other party's life, but this phantom didn't look like he was dead, and the other party's emotional fluctuations could not be faked.

The ghost nodded and shook his head again.

You don't have to worry, I have already died for countless epochs, and the reason why I exist now is entirely supported by the source power of this new multi-dimensional plane.

And now my only remaining soul power is about to disappear... Soon, I will be completely nothing.

After Li De sensed it carefully, he confirmed that the other party did not lie.

Why don't you return to glory?

Phantom shook his head, I can't leave the source power of this new plane, not even for a moment.

In my slumber, I sensed the awakening of the old power of glory...

Li De was thoughtful.

So you made the game Glory to help glory?

That's right, I use my source power to bless the souls of humans in this world and give them the ability to continuously resurrect.

As long as the earth is not destroyed, and this new multi-dimensional plane is not captured by the old days, then the glory will have a steady stream of reinforcements...

Li De finally understood the reason why Rongguang was born.

A creator god who can still use a certain amount of power, it is really not difficult to create a so-called game.

Why can I travel alone?

The virtual shadow looked at Li De for a long time, This is not my arrangement, you can use your soul to enter the glory, it is purely your fit with the glory.

There are so many people on earth, only you are different.

Perhaps this is fate.

Li De laughed dumbly.

Do you still have any last wishes that I need to help you fulfill?

The shadow slowly shook his head.

I am already dead and living in this state is an insult to me.

Glory is my greatest masterpiece, and my only intention is that the glory can survive forever intact.

In the future, I hope you can protect the glory and protect the new multi-dimensional plane of the earth.

There are still countless powerful beings in the chaotic void, and each time will be your challenge, and you will not lack opponents.

After the words fell, the virtual shadow closed his eyes with an extremely satisfied gesture.

I've lived long enough...it's time to get some sleep.

The master of glory, the future, will be handed over to you.

After speaking, the blue phantom slowly faded, and finally disappeared completely into nothing...

Seeing the life that once dominated countless years vanish before his eyes, Li De was inexplicably lost.

After a while, his eyes gradually returned to clarity, like a promise to the God of Creation, and his tone was firm.

Whether it is glory or the earth, their future will be sheltered by me.

At this moment, the earth has a new master.

His eyes glanced around, and after not finding anything left by the God of Creation, he stepped out and disappeared in place.

next second.

Crimson Moon.

Li De stood at the door of the company and looked up at the big logo with a smile on his face.

Exactly, at this moment, the sun is spreading out from the dark clouds and sprinkled on him, elegant and eye-catching.

Inside the company, a mature woman wearing a red professional dress is stepping out.

After seeing Li De's figure, the familiar lady showed a sincere smile.

Mr. Li, welcome home.

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