I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 6 Changing the blood race, the prelude to farming

The experience of flying with hundreds of bats in the incarnation is extremely special. Each bat is controlled by Li De, but it is completely different from the human form.

The avatar bat belongs to the transformation spell, which only consumes mana during transformation. After transformation, it does not need magic power to maintain, as long as there is physical strength to fly all day and night, it will be fine.

The distant mountains are not far from Green City.

About 500 kilometers away, and after transforming into a bat, Li De's speed was close to 200 kilometers per hour, and he came to the edge of the distant mountain range smoothly two days later.

The Far Mountain Range stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers and is the longest mountain range in the southern part of the Nolan Empire.

The towering mountains separate the Nolan Empire from the farther south—the Orc Empire in the barren wasteland... The two huge countries only have a junction of less than 300 kilometers in the southernmost.

The ancient castle was built deep in the distant mountains, a very secret place.

This is the place where the ancestors of the blood clan searched for more than ten years in the distant mountains before they found it, and the terrain is perfect.

Masses of bats flapped their wings along the mountains, weaving between the air currents and the cold winds.

After two full sundays, the bat colony slowly stopped.

This is a steep mountain with an ancient castle built halfway up the mountain, sandwiched between two mountains with three thousand blades.

The huge castle was built on the edge of the steep mountainside. The city wall is divided into two sections, one of which is the mountain itself, with five hundred blades above the ground.

The second section is a city wall built on the mountainside, more than 30 blades high. This city wall made of anti-magic stone sinking iron stone is immune to damage from spells below the fifth ring.

In front of the castle, there is only a three-hundred-blade-wide road connecting the foot of the mountain, and on both sides of the road are valleys that are hundreds of blades deep.

Deep valley.

As long as there are 500 troops in such a place, it is enough to withstand the attack of tens of thousands of people.

A real natural danger.

The group of bats incarnated by Li De swooped down, and after landing in front of the castle, canceled the spell and turned back into a human body.

Looking at the 30-meter-high city wall in front of me, made of heavy iron and stone, my heart was greatly relieved.

Although the current strength is not worthy of the name of the ancestor of the blood clan, the savings of the ancestor of the blood clan in the past two hundred years is indeed a lot of wealth for Li De.

The city wall above the castle was dark, with no light.

The blood race is the darling of the goddess of the night, and night vision is an instinctive talent, and it is even clearer in the dark than in the daytime.

The dark whistle above is vigilant after detecting movement below.


Don't be nervous, I'm back

Li De's calm voice came far away, and the vampires above were immediately overjoyed when they heard it.


Li De transformed into a bat once again, and flew directly to the city wall with a height of thirty blades.

After Li De showed his figure, the ten blood clans who were on duty in the dark night immediately surrounded him.

Very respectful bowed with one hand on his chest.

Good night, Patriarch

The blood clans of this line are all descended from Li De, and the descendants of human beings are all his descendants.

Vampires are infertile, but they can develop Vampires through first embrace.

Use the blood of the blood in the body to inject it into the human through the fangs, and convert the human into the blood.

This is the first embrace.

And each blood clan can develop a first embrace every year, but after each development, it will be weak for a period of time.

It stands to reason that the original body was transformed into the ancestor of the blood race two hundred years ago, and it is impossible to have a blood descendant in the early 200s after two hundred years of development.

But after Li De checked his memory, he found that things were not so simple.

A hundred years ago, the most glorious period of the blood clan had nearly 3,000 blood clans.

At that time, the ancestor of the blood family was as high as level 14, and he was a senior mage who was about to break through level 15.

But huge numbers represent more than power,

It's a huge supply.

Each vampire needs to eat at least once a month, which means that nearly 3,000 civilians are hunted and killed by vampires near the distant mountains every month.

The terrifying death rate terrified the villages and towns near Green City, and also angered the most powerful force in Green City, above the Archmage, the 20th-level extraordinary mage - Lock Hart.

The three thousand blood clans were surrounded and suppressed by the army of Green City. The original blood clan was breached in another ancient castle in the distant mountain range, and in the end, only more than a hundred people were left to escape.

At that time, the extraordinary mage of Green City, Locke Hart, this powerful being who tamed magic alone slaughtered thousands of blood races.

Fear still lingers in the blood of the blood race.

The ancestor of the blood race was severely injured by the extraordinary mage in that battle, and his level dropped from level 14 to level 5. It took a hundred years to heal the injury.

It was also that battle that made the ancestors of the blood clan know the power of extraordinary mages, so he thought of sneaking into the system of learning magic in Green City.

After reading the memories of the ancestors of the blood clan, Li De felt a little heavy in his heart, and the survival pressure of the blood clan was far greater than he imagined.

Failure to develop will be destroyed, and if you go in the wrong direction, you will also face destruction.

The current survival mode of the blood clan must change, and the rough development like before has no future.

Thinking of this, Li De couldn't help shaking his head.

In the eyes of the people of this world, the blood race, human beings, have irreconcilable contradictions.

The vampires regard human beings as food, and the human beings regard vampires as demons, and when the two meet, only one of them must be alive.

However, are blood races and humans really irreconcilable?

Li Delai was thinking about this question.

The development of the blood clan is completely self-inflicted death, and the endless killing cannot make the blood clan strong.

He came back this time to find a way to solve the problem of the development of the blood clan.

As the ancestor of the blood clan, the blood clan is his root, and the stronger the blood clan, the more confident he is.

If the blood clan is gone, his ancestor of the blood clan will be abolished, and half of his bug-level talents will be useless.

Odis, why are you in such a hurry to inform me?

The blood descendants of the castle all inherited the surname of Li De's Kachar.

The vampire leading in front of him, Otis Kachar, is a tall, handsome, handsome middle-aged man with an excellent temperament.

Because of their talent, the blood race is all handsome and beautiful, and their appearance is even comparable to that of the elves who have reached the upper limit of appearance.

Otis not only has a good temperament, but also UU reading www. uukanshu.com is also extremely powerful. His level has reached level 9. He is a mid-level mage who is about to break through, and his sub-professional warrior is also up to level 4.

In Glory, level 0 is a civilian, level 1 is an apprentice,

Levels 2-4 are ordinary professionals.

Levels 5-9 are intermediate professionals.

Levels 10-14 are senior professionals.

Levels 15-19 are master-level professionals.

Level 20 is extraordinary.

There are six others with the same strength as Otis, and they are all second-generation blood descendants of Li De.

The remaining 200 vampires in the castle are all level 5 or above, which is quite a force.

A level 5 professional is good enough to be the captain of a hundred-man squadron in the military.

Therefore, the number of vampires that Li De rules now seems to be small, but the strength is not bad, at least they have a certain ability to protect themselves.

Patriarch, the humans who preyed on the last time have been lost, we need to prey again

The elegant Otis is more like a nobleman than a nobleman, and it's hard to imagine such a person being a vampire.

The vampire needs blood to survive, and humans are the source of food for the vampire.

The previous blood clan would collectively send out once every six months to go to the surrounding villages and cities to plunder human beings and raise them as food in captivity.

However, once the vampires suck blood, they will not take into account the life and death of humans, so the humans that are plundered are almost all one-offs.

Li De once had an order that every time the blood clan plundered humans, they had to report to him.

Now that the last plundered humans in the castle have been killed by the blood clan, the blood clan who stayed in the ancient castle passed the news to him.

Hearing this, Li De raised his brows.

I made up my mind.

Vampires need to change.

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