I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 531: The God of Creation - The Figure on the Other Side of the River of Destiny

A gigantic headless corpse with tens of thousands of knives pressed across the chaotic void stood up at this moment and faced him.

Seeing this shocking scene, Li De felt chills down his spine.

Unspeakable shock flooded my heart.

The gaze of the other party that had no head but almost turned into reality made him feel a lot of pressure.

Who is this? ? !

Why is it so terrifying? !

Is he dead or alive? ?

Who cut off his head? ?

Just when Li De was in shock, the headless body suddenly burst into a burst of chaotic light, and then a majestic speech sounded in his mind.

The person who bears the fate, when you received this message, I had already been dead for millions of years.

The power of the old days was not completely removed by me, and I know that after countless years in the future, those rotten old existences will surely be revived.

If you can attract my attention, it must be Philomis who chose you, and at the same time, the Stone of Destiny also recognized you.

Philomis is Kaslina's name a long time ago.

Li De's eyes became very dignified.

With a bit of probing.

Are you the God of Creation?

Hearing this title, the divine body that was pressed across the endless void froze, as if the word touched some of his taboos.

Then the light that bloomed on the body skyrocketed ten thousand times.

Bright and dazzling, illuminating the heavens and the world.

In the endless rays of light, a phantom that exudes glorious divine power slowly condenses in front of the headless body.

The long river of fate also appeared at the moment when the phantom appeared.

At this moment, Li De also stepped into the river of destiny in a trance, standing on this bank, looking at the opposite side.

Through the river of fate,

He seems to have seen the origin of time that lasts forever, and saw a figure suppressed on the river of fate.

That stalwart figure that made Xinghe dim, was holding a long sword in his right hand—the Sword of Creation that had appeared in countless church murals.

In front of him was a slate emitting a chaotic light.

The phantom's face was shrouded in a faint light, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

Even everything about him is extremely illusory, making people seem to be in a dream and cannot be sure that the other party really exists.


The illusory figure suddenly opened his eyes when Li De stared at him.

Those are a pair of eyes that are enough to annihilate the galaxy, and the sun and the moon circulate in it.

Unspeakable mysteries abound.

Fluttering, an incomparably illusory voice came from the other side of the fateful river.

The other side of the river of destiny...

I sense your calling in the future.

Although I cannot detect what will happen in the future, your presence at this time may be related to what I am doing now.

After the unreal figure said, he directly stretched out his hand and waved, and a bloody head appeared in front of him.

The grim face is terrifying.

But what caught Li De's attention even more was that the head exuded an indescribable aura of decay, exactly the same as the old ruler who had just been torn apart by him...

Li De's heart instantly surged into a huge wave.

The phantom didn't sell anything, and the next sentence revealed the mystery.

The Old One has just been killed by me, but his rotten power is too powerful, and it has penetrated into this chaos.

It takes a long time to clear it, otherwise there will be disasters in the future.

But I'm running out of time, the enemy from the deepest part of Chaos is coming.

Maybe this battle, I will not be able to come back.

I sense the danger ahead, but this battle will be inevitable.

After speaking, the tone paused.

The existence from the future, you don't need to worry too much, if I fail to return to glory, that chaotic life will definitely not survive.

This is not the main, what you have to face now should only be the Old Ones.

Through the long river of fate, I perceive the power of fate in you...

Perhaps at this moment the old ruler has been resurrected.

Li De was shocked and immediately raised his spirits.

He wanted to open his mouth to say something, but he found himself unable to open his mouth with all his strength.

The long river of fate blocked everything, and he couldn't talk over time.

In the end, he could only give up talking to the other party and quietly listen to the words that came back from endless years ago.

I will concentrate the power of the multiple planes of glory and keep it in the Slate of Destiny.

At the same time, it will also seal part of the power of the old rulers.

As you bear the power of glory, you will gain insight into the weaknesses of the Old Ones.

I really hope that I can see what the world will look like in the future...

When the last sentence with a bit of regret fell.


The phantom disintegrated directly, and the long river of fate was instantly hidden.

When Li De looked at it again, he found that the headless body that stood up was once again lying in the eternal and silent chaotic void.

As if nothing had happened just now.

Just when Li De thought it was all over this time, the flesh and blood of the headless body suddenly rolled and shattered like glass.

After those flesh and blood fragments were scattered in the void, they suddenly turned into pure energy and rushed towards the heart.

After a few breaths.

The divine body as tall as tens of thousands of blades disappeared without a trace, and a fist-sized stone appeared in the heart.

Plane Stone.

Feeling the breath from above, Li De's heart jumped.

That is the foundation of the multiple planes of glory, the stone of planes! !

The God of Creation actually smelted the plane stone into his body, and used the remaining divine body to guard the most precious treasure of glory.

The next moment when this thought arose, Li De only felt that the Slate of Destiny came across time and space and appeared directly in his heart.

Then a message flooded into his mind.

The Slate of Destiny is the key that carries the power of the multiple planes of glory, and the plane stone is the most original power of the multiple planes of glory, which can be understood as a lock.

What the Fate Tablet opens is the power in the lock of the Plane Stone.

Obtaining the Fate Tablet can give you incomparably powerful power, but it is only a gift from the Fate Tablet. If you lose the Fate Tablet, you will have nothing.

If you get the Stone of Destiny and then control the Plane Stone, then you can truly control the glory, integrate the power of multiple planes into your body, and become eternal.

The Tablet of Destiny will also become a tool in his own hands, not a giver of power.

The information made Li De's heart ebb and flow.

No one would have imagined that at such a critical moment, he would see the God of Creation before endless years.

Even more unimaginable, the God of Creation already knew that the old ruler would be resurrected, and he even arranged a backhand to deal with it.

Li De felt a bit of admiration from the bottom of his heart at this moment.

A great existence that can create a multi-dimensional plane cannot be inferred by common sense.

Taking a few deep breaths, he regained his senses. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Now, it's time to call back those lost fragments.

Sensing the terrifying rotten power on the periphery of the multiple planes, and those planes that are collapsing rapidly, Li De's eyes gradually sharpened.

Ruler of the old days, countless years ago, the God of Creation could kill you, and so could I!

Mind a move.

The infinite power of destiny burst out and shrouded the entire multidimensional plane.

At the same time, the plane stone in the heart also exudes vast power at this moment. The fragments scattered on the multiple planes began to shine brightly.

Bottomless Abyss, Stormy Sea, Lost Plane, Underworld...

Pieces of the undiscovered Slate of Destiny flew up one after another, spanning time and space, and were instantly embedded on the Slate of Destiny.

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