I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter five hundred and twentieth seventh battle to madness

The Old Ones ruled the Chaos Void before the creation of the Multiplane of Glory.

A terrifying dark ruler.

Li De could even sense that the domineering and unparalleled old ruler was not his real body at this time, but only came down with the help of the body of the old evil god.

The other party is only using part of the power of his soul to control this divine body... Above the sky, the cold eyes overlooking the heavens have not disappeared.

But this is the case, the power displayed by the old rulers also exceeded the limit of outsiders' imagination.

With one punch, the Glory's top combat power, the Lord of the Nine Prisons, was defeated and swallowed dozens of gods in one breath. Who can match this power? ?

Li De turned his head to look at the ancestor of the undead with a cold tone.

Send the shard of Destiny Tablet to the Bone Burial Ground, and I'll stop it!

The words fell, and the breath on his body was like a majestic and majestic mountain, enough to suppress half of the starry sky.

The blood-colored eyes stared straight at the old ruler with barbs all over his body, and he rushed forward without fear.

Anyone can step back.

he can not.

The power of destiny is not only an incomparably powerful force, but also the last hope that countless people look forward to.

Behind him stood tens of millions of the dawn-breakers.


Accompanied by an angry shout.

Under the astonished and unbelievable gazes of the gods, Li De slaughtered towards the Old Ones.

Inexplicably sad.

It seems to be a fire-fighting moth to die.

Is this guy an idiot?

The battle with the Lord of the Nine Prisons just now was not evenly matched. Now, even the Lord of the Nine Prisons was cut off by that terrifying existence, and now he has to rush to his death?

Those selfish and narrow-minded gods who wanted to escape had difficulty understanding Li De's actions, and only felt that they saw a lunatic.

In the blink of an eye, Li De had already slain in front of the old ruler.

This terrifying being with a height of five blades, like a distant monster exudes an extremely decadent aura, and just approaching it made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Even the inner danger perception flashes dozens of warnings, threats, extreme dangers every second! !

will die! !

Li De roared and forcibly suppressed his inner emotions. A dazzling chaotic light erupted from his body, the stars swayed, and the heavens dimmed.

Blatantly bombarded the old evil god.


The eyes of the old ruler, who had no emotion at all, narrowed slightly.

He also punched Li De's right hand in the same manner as the Lord of Nine Prisons.

The power of decay lingers on the fist, the space is annihilated at this moment, and time seems to stand still...

After the physical strength reaches the extreme, all the divine arts seem a bit bleak. Returning to the original, on the contrary, the divine body has become the best carrier of strength.

The rotten and dark old ruler collided with Li De, whose chaotic light was shining brightly.


The dull sound was like hitting the ground with a heavy hammer.

At this moment, Li De only felt as if he had smashed into a mountain with ten thousand blades, but the other party didn't move at all.

In the next instant, the power of the old ruler erupted like a smashing star that could not be resisted or resisted.


There was a sharp pain eroding into the bones from Li De's hand.

After blessing the power of the plane, the arm is still directly broken!

Step into the footsteps of the Lord of the Nine Prisons.

But the injury didn't last long.

After a low roar, Li Detong's chaotic light became a little more radiant.

The golden blood boiled, those wounds healed quickly under the powerful talent, and the broken arm returned to normal in the blink of an eye.


At the moment when Li De recovered from his injuries, murderous intent awe-inspiringly bullied him.

The upper crack is nine days, and the lower town is nine secluded.

The body exuding endless chaotic light rolled down directly towards the old ruler.

If the right arm is broken, then the left arm will punch!


The two collided again.

Kacha~ The arm actually broke again!

Li De's robes fluttered, seemingly unaware of the severe pain on his body, and still launched endless attacks on the opponent.

The fist sees blood, and after every collision, the arm will show the bones

The immortal body became the key to Li De's hard to beat the old ruler.

After he was upgraded to level 43, this talent received two evolutions and became a real undead body.

At this moment, as long as the power in Li De's body is not exhausted, he is an immortal existence.

Even the most severe trauma can recover in the blink of an eye.

But the difference between the two is indeed visible to the naked eye.

The Slate of Destiny, which has only gathered 9 fragments, has not released even one-tenth of its power. The power of destiny carried by Li De is far from the level of fear of the old ruler.

But no matter how big the gap is, Li De will not step back.

Like a madman, he launched one attack after another against the unshakable Old Ones.

He was hit with blood, and his body was shattered countless times.

The surrounding gods were shocked when they saw this scene.

No one could imagine that Li De was so tenacious and terrifying.

The old ruler even burst his heart several times and his chest burst, but he still did not flinch.

This, is this the person who can carry the power of destiny? Too tenacious!

Unbelievable, really unbelievable, the heart was beaten like nothing else!

The Old Ones are too powerful, but that vampire is even scarier...

At this time, the Dark Lord, who was holding four fragments of the Slate of Destiny, finally stepped into the burial ground.

At the moment of entering the Bone Burial Ground, a huge suction force came.

The Destiny Slate fragments in the hands of the Dark Lord disappeared directly.

The next second, on the altar of bones.

The illusory Slate of Destiny constructed from endless energy was immediately filled up.

Piece after piece.

The original number of Fate Stones inlaid with nine pieces was immediately increased to 13 pieces.

More than a third of the area has shards.

There are 17 pieces left behind.

At this moment, looking at Li De, who did not give in and was knocked out again and again by him and returned to normal, the cold and ruthless eyes of the old ruler began to show anger.

A humble ant dares to provoke him! !


The rotten aura on his body instantly soared.

The surrounding gods only felt an indescribable terrifying divine might in their hearts suppressing them, and all of them stepped back with pale faces.

Invincible! !

There is only one thought in mind.

However, Li De, who was facing the pressure, went against the sky, instead of retreating, he advanced, with endless chaotic rays of light protecting his body, and the whole sky was shaking with his movements.

He felt it, he felt the will of the world watching over him.

The increase in the fragments of the Slate of Destiny imposed his connection to the multi-planetary of glory, while also gaining more power!

At this moment, he is honored.

After the aura skyrocketed, the cold pupils of the old ruler burst out with infinite murderous intent, and took the initiative to kill Li De.


The moment the two sides approached, the sharp spear-like tail behind the old ruler pierced Li De's heart like lightning before he could react.

Then he jumped up directly, waving his claws sharper than a dagger, vowing to kill him on the spot.

But Li De's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't make a sound of pain. He grabbed the tail with both hands and tore it violently.


Blood splattered.

The old dominator's tail broke directly, and then Li De was unforgiving, and directly shook the opponent again.

But this time, he no longer relies on his own power, but directly consumes a lot of power of destiny to activate the two evolved divine arts.

High-level magic, Shadow Blade, consumes the power of destiny, and the attack can ignore any level of defense and cause true damage.

Advanced divine art: Crimson power, after consuming the power of destiny, the scarlet power can be ignited to invade the opponent's body, causing the blood of the enemy to boil and burst. The more the scarlet power invades, the higher the damage caused. All attributes of the enemy corroded by the scarlet power will be greatly reduced. When the blood boils, it will cause full true damage to all levels of life.

Two temporarily upgraded high-level divine arts erupted.

The crimson power surged out from his body, and Li De collided with the furious old ruler.




Like a thunderous drum of war in mid-air.

The dull collision sound was enough to make the Lord God tremble.

The gods watching in the distance could only see a blurry shadow erupting, but could not see what was going on inside.

The energy escaping from the battle between the two sides became more and more terrifying, the world seemed to be collapsing, and the original rules of the plane began to distort wildly at this moment.

The gods can only go back and forth.

In the end, even the central battlefield no longer dared to approach, just the energy of two people fighting can strangle the main god!

The 13 shards of the Slate of Destiny boosted Li De infinite power. At this time, his level has been raised to level 44, and he is climbing towards another node, level 45.

The power he can call on the main plane of glory is also more and more terrifying.

All the stars and rivers are floating and sinking under his feet, and the rules of origin are clearly visible in front of his eyes.

And after the old ruler collided hundreds of times with Li De, who became more and more brave in Vietnam, he became more and more angry.

Although this body was only made up temporarily, it didn't even have one-tenth of his own strength.

But how could he exist to be blocked by a vampire for so long!

At the moment, the anger in the heart is high, and the power of decay breaks through the Jiuzhongtian.

One punch after another, he fought against Li De, who had activated two advanced divine arts.

Although Li De's strength has increased again, he can only maintain an undefeated battle against the old ruler. This terrifying existence who once fought against the God of Creation is completely incomparable to the Lord of the Nine Prisons.

This is the king who once ruled the Chaos Void! The darkest decay.

Blood splattered from his mouth, and Li De's body was hit hard again and again.

The arm was broken and the body of the god shattered, but with the help of the immortal body, a high-level magic technique that has evolved to the extreme and can be restored by dripping blood.

He returned to his peak state again and again, brazenly blocking this invincible existence that suppressed the Lord of Nine Prisons with one punch.

The two hit the sky and the earth darkened, the galaxy turned upside down, and the surrounding rules for building the world were completely annihilated.

The central battlefield has become a chaotic void, returning to the state where the world was never created.

It collided again, and a mutation occurred on the battlefield.

Under the anger of the old ruler, endless rays of light erupted from his body, directly covering the range of thousands of knives around him.

Then in the next instant, Li De only felt that the stars were shifting, and he appeared in a dead silence.

There is no trace of Risir and the Boneyard.

The old ruler directly transferred Li De to the Broken Plane, trying to cut off his connection with the multi-dimensional plane of glory.

But the Slate of Destiny is worthy of being an artifact of creation. Even if he has left the main plane of glory, Li De's power is still endless and has not been affected in the slightest.

The old ruler noticed this scene and roared and wanted to repeat the old trick, completely transferred Li De into the chaotic void, and killed him with his real body.

The power of this body is too weak, and its true body is still cracking the rules of multiple planes, and it will not be able to come for a while.

But after Li De noticed it, how could he still be fooled? The infinite chaotic light erupted, directly shattering the void, and making the plans of the old rulers come to nothing.

After seeing that the plan didn't work, the old masters stopped trying, and rushed straight with endless murderous intent in anger.

The two sides collided again.

The crimson power on Li De is raging like a flame, and every attack can shatter the void.

This abandoned plane is lined with mountains and boulders everywhere.

But he was like a giant covering the sky, the mountains collapsed and the earth crumbled wherever he passed.

The old rulers were even more violent, and the explosive power even made the entire plane tremble, as if the plane might collapse at any time.


Shortly after the battle broke out, the Old Ones seized an opportunity to smash Li De directly into the ground from a high altitude.

Like a meteor falling, Li De was directly smashed into the earth's crust, and the old ruler didn't give him time to react at all, and shattered the earth and chased him away.

The two then fought in the magma deep in the earth, collided in the rock in the core, and everything was more exaggerated and frightening than the myths and legends in the mouth of the bard.

In the end, the plane of ruins could no longer withstand the terrifying fluctuations of the battle between the two, and collapsed directly.

The power of the collapse of the plane is so terrifying, even if the main god comes, he will flee in embarrassment.

But Li De and the Old Ones seemed to turn a blind eye to this and didn't give in at all.

The two fought fiercely in the impact of the destruction of the plane, and even hit the surrounding boulders into powder, and the void was torn into chaos.

Destroy the plane, tear the rules, this is the real battle of gods...


When the two sides were fighting frantically, the battlefield in the main plane's burial ground also became white-hot.

Slate of Destiny!

The target of those demons is only the Slate of Destiny!

They don't care about the destruction of the world, they want to carry the ultimate power of this world and become the only master of glory!

So after Li De and the old ruler disappeared, the demon masters were excited to the extreme.

After hundreds of demon masters entered the Bone Burial Ground, the first step was to open the door of space and summon an army of demons to come.

Then, under the command of the demon master, the army of demons had an unprecedented collision with the army of dawn.

Centaur Legion, Disorder Legion, Orc Legion, Giant Legion, Bloodline Legion...

Tens of millions of dawn troops guarded the most central Slate of Destiny in a circular formation.

To break the dawn.

This belief is as firm as iron, and no one can defeat them.

The collision between tens of millions of troops is a scene that can only be seen on church frescoes.

The sound of fighting and shouting almost overturned the sky, and everyone was crazy in blood.

Blood splattered, stumps everywhere.

Looking up, the entire battlefield seemed to be smeared with blood over and over again.

Although the devil is crazy, but because it is too chaotic and unorganized, the army of dawn can resist, but the army of devils who attack the burial ground is the biggest worry.

Under the command of the Lord of Nine Prisons, the eight devil lords directly broke into the burial ground and sent the army of devils in.

These devils with strict military discipline and strong armor are definitely a nightmare that all troops do not want to encounter!

Above the average level of 10, the elite level is 15, the power of the demon army is terrifying.

The Disordered Legion will immediately overwhelm, and everyone will fight to the death!

Also, send a message to the Air Corps for help! I need a goblin bomb!

Anthony, who was covered in blood, led the demon army that Amy had transformed with the plague and once again defeated the attack of the demon army.

The Southern District is guarded by the Disordered Legion. He has an army of millions of demons in his hands, and it has been strengthened by the plague, and its combat effectiveness is extraordinary.

But in the confrontation with the devil, these powerful demon army fell as if reaping wheat, and the casualties were extremely heavy.

Although the Devil's army also suffered countless casualties, his goal was not to kill the enemy, but to guard the Slate of Destiny.

If the fighting is too intense and the number of casualties in the army is too heavy, how long can he hold on?

Now he has to deal with it, he needs an alchemy bomb!

If the army of demons is so hard to shake, I am afraid that the army of millions of demons will soon be exhausted.

The battlefield here is absolutely the craziest flesh-and-blood mill.


The herald blew his horn at once.

After a while, the horns at the rear sounded like drums and sounded continuously.

After a few minutes


The sky darkened.

I saw thousands of magic bats wearing bullet-loaded armor flying into the sky, and then began to drop bombs at the army of devils on the ground.


The goblin bomb with the pointed ear ring roared and smashed directly into the camp of the devil army.


The fire was soaring into the sky, and the hot air wave that could tear everything apart erupted.

The army of demons fell down like wheat.

The effect of the bomb washing the ground is very significant, and it directly empties a large area of ​​the earth.

The Devil Commander was furious when he saw this scene.

After a while, thousands of demons with flying wings flew straight from the ground and killed towards the sky.

Because of the existence of a large number of crossbow arrows, the devil army can only be a target to attack from the sky, but at this moment they can no longer control so much, and they must disturb the formation of these magic bats.

The ammo-laden magic bats are bound to be escorted by air cavalry.

After dozens of improvements, the air crossbow on the back of the magic word knight has long been different from what it used to be.

Both the accuracy and the power have been qualitatively improved. The soldiers riding behind the magic bat saw the devil take off, and immediately controlled the repeating crossbow to shoot accurately.

brush brush~

The crossbow arrow with the thickness of the wrist is extremely accurate, and the demon below is directly shot in the air like a target sent to the door.

Thousands of demons were killed before they saw a human figure.

The bombing continued.

The flames rose again.

The Devil's Legion, who was still invincible just now, suffered the most tragic blow.

Anthony watched this scene indifferently from the watchtower made of a pile of corpses. After the magic bat bombed away, he immediately drew out the fearless holy sword in his hand.

held high.

Roaring angrily.

For Dawn! Charge!!

After speaking, the sword energy lingered on his body, and then he stepped forward, rushed down from the top of the corpse mountain, and launched another round of attacks against the devil army.

This is just the tip of the battlefield.

The Centaur Legion was under the most offensive pressure at the moment, because they were facing the space gap torn open by the Lord of the Nine Prisons, and were at the head of the demon army's attack.

But fortunately, the Centaur Legion is very well equipped and its combat effectiveness is not weak.

The centaur armored warriors were all wearing heavy armor, and the centaur archers behind them were lining up, and with the help of the Dawncaster Legion, they just resisted the waves of attacks from the demon army like a tidal wave.

The longbow carried by the centaur archer has been improved dozens of times, and within 500 blades, even a heavy shield can be shot through.

Every time the bowstring bounces, there will be a rain of arrows covering the sky, and the charging demons will be shot half before they make contact with the centaur armored warriors in front.


After another round of confrontation, the centaur king Guydo Black Wind, seeing that the number of the demon army had dropped to an acceptable level, suddenly let the soldiers sound the horn.

Then the archers stopped shooting, and the centaur armored warriors in front began to charge the dense demon army with sharp spears.

The Legion of Spellcasters has already blessed these heavy warriors with various buffs.

The scene of the heavy-armed warriors whose strength and speed have been greatly improved can only be described as devastating.

And there is no supernatural power in the Burial Ground.

There is simply no single force to stop these heavily armored centaurs.



The earth is shaking, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com is like a tsunami rushing toward you.

Many people in the demon army showed some horror in their eyes, but in such an environment, it was impossible to escape.

The moment the demon on the front collided with the centaur who had already raised its speed, it was directly knocked out like a mustard and then smashed by iron hooves.

The sharp spear in the centaur's hand pierced the demons like a gourd after the high-speed charge.

With the violent charge of the Iron Legion, any obstacles that dare to block ahead will be smashed.


Blood splattered, and fragments of stumps flew.

When the centaur army charged, and then looked again, there was only blood on the ground.

The war gradually entered madness.

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