I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 523 The Ultimate Battle (12)


Accompanied by a terrifying roar.

Those old evil gods who came to cover the sky and the earth led countless old monsters to launch an attack on the city of Lisl.

This is the horn of the end, the catastrophe of the plane.


The earth is shaking and the sky is howling.

The dark clouds formed by the condensed power of the old days are now eroding from a distance.

Looking up at the sky, the dazzling brilliance of the sun goddess is being swallowed up by the dark clouds, as if the darkness has overwhelmed the light.

The player, as the first obstacle to the advance of the old monsters, had a very miserable end. He was instantly drowned by the old monsters, and he couldn't even jump up and down.

Fortunately, none of the main players here are all casual players, all of whom are soy saucers.

Fuck your uncle!!

See you guys in eight hours.


After being contaminated with the blood of the player, the old monster became more and more violent, and began to kill everything towards the beam of light in a destructive manner.

Wherever he went, everything was destroyed.

The player legion retreats ten kilometers back, and then sticks to the position!

The Huaxia commander in charge of commanding the 20 million 10,000-strong army issued the order in time. Through special means, in less than 20 seconds, all the officers of the 10,000-strong army immediately received the order, and then issued it layer by layer.

In less than a minute, the huge army of players quickly evacuated back.

Before getting Li De's order, they must maintain enough strength.

The main purpose of this player army is to assist Li De to snatch the core of the Slate of Destiny, not to enter the battlefield when it is not necessary.

The main target of the old evil god is the beam of light, and he is not very concerned about the scattered players. Only those old monsters will kill the player's camp.

However, after the old evil gods did not hold the line,

These old monsters did not cause much damage under the endless means of players.

Players whose mainstream level has reached level 14 or even level 15 are no longer the lambs they were before.

Dealing with old monsters of similar levels, there is no cowardice at all.

Moreover, killing the old monsters at this time can get ten times more experience than before, which also makes players excited.

The Legion of Spellcasters Prepares Spells!

Archer ready to shoot!

The soldier presses forward and defends the position!!

The third brigade in front retreated a hundred blades, and the fourth brigade stepped forward to meet!

The commanders of the player's main army are all transferred from the army, and they are very good at commanding operations. Coupled with the targeted training of the official, there is no confusion in the command at this time, and it is orderly.

Various commands also let players experience the thrill of fighting with a large army for the first time. It turns out that killing monsters and upgrading is so cool.

Players have not attracted much attention from top-level existences because they do not have top-level combat power. On the huge battlefield, although the number is large, it is inconspicuous.

The real core of the stage is the city of Lisle, around the pillar of light.

After killing the player camp, the old evil god with hundreds of octopus bodies and muddy bodies killed before the beam of light.

They will devour the last resistance of Glory and destroy their last hope.

In addition to the old monsters on the ground who only had chaotic and murderous thoughts in their minds, there were also a large number of terrifying evil gods who possess wisdom and control the priesthood, such as the God of Plague, hidden in the dark clouds in the sky.

The situation changed in an instant.

The original scene where the devil, the undead, the devil and the angel alliance confronted each other immediately became the old camp vs the glorious Quartet camp.

Although the Quartet forces usually dislike each other and wish to kill them quickly, but at this critical moment, they did not rashly attack each other. The old camp is the enemy of all glorious lives.

No matter what hatred we had in the past, today, these old monsters who want to destroy glory are our common enemies!!

The sun goddess looked at the old evil god who was getting closer, and the sacred words resounded in the sky.

No matter who gets the core of the Slate of Destiny, it cannot fall into the hands of the old monsters!!

After he finished speaking, he turned around and faced the old evil god behind him, his eyes were cold.

Gods of light, guard the pillar of light.

This time, we fight for glory!

Many gods panted nervously, staring at those terrifying old monsters.

The other three camps saw that the beam of light could not dissipate in a short period of time, and all looked at the old camp.

Asmodeus, the lord of the nine layers of hell, had cold eyes, flashing a frightening light.

Ready to fight!

Until the core of the Slate of Destiny is born, those old monsters must not be allowed to get close to the beam of light...

The old power on them will pollute the beam of light, and there must be no problem with the core of the Slate of Destiny.

As you instructed, Master.

The ancestor of the undead opposite him also turned his head at this moment, watching the old evil spirits attack, and the fire of the soul flickered faintly.

Extremely disgusted.

Don't let those disgusting monsters come near here...

The fifteen undead monarchs behind him immediately turned to meet the enemy.

Countless high-level undead around also began to turn around, staring indifferently at those old monsters with empty and dead eyes, and mechanically charged towards each other.

Undead, never know what fear is.

The chaotic demons do not have a unified command, but because they came first and occupied the widest area, they faced the greatest pressure to face the attacks of the old monsters.

It is impossible to avoid it unless they are willing to give up the privileged position they have occupied.

Those demon masters are not kind and easy to provoke existences. When they were angry, they immediately issued an order to attack the monsters of the past.

The three evil forces attacked at the same time.


In the Angel League, the God of War took out a curved horn from his waist and blew it violently.

Everyone in the surrounding dozens of kilometers only felt their blood boil and their morale skyrocketed after the horn sounded.

Even demons and devils are surging with blood in the sound of the horn.

Advanced Divine Art - Morale boils.

The four forces joined forces and launched an attack on the monsters of the past that attacked like a flood.

A two-horned demon roared and killed a rotting boar.

The claws were as sharp as blades, and one sideways dodged the bite of the wild boar's half-rotten mouth, and directly pierced the opponent's heart with a puff.

But the Corrupted Boar was as if nothing had happened.

The two-horned demon hugged the two-horned demon directly with both hands, and opened his mouth to start biting.


The terrifying pain made the two-horned demon almost go mad, and in a rage in his heart, he opened his huge mouth and tore at the neck of the corrupted boar, retaliating.

Kacha~ The double-horned demon attack under the outbreak was even sharper, directly biting the opponent's neck.

The wild boar finally lost the strength to resist, his head tilted, and he fell directly.

But before the two-horned demon could get excited, several corrupted boars rushed up and tore it into stumps.

Compared with the wild fighting style of the devil, the lethality of the devil to the old monsters is the strongest.

These evil beings armed with sharp weapons exercise iron discipline.

The spearman is in the front, the sword and shield player cooperates, and the archer is in the back, and the caster next to him assists.

Every tens of thousands of demons can form a very complete formation.

When the monsters of the old days rush into the formation, they must first be baptized by the rain of arrows, and when they reach the front of the formation, the spearmen will attack boldly, piercing the barrels of these old monsters like a string of gourds.

But soon, the devil commander found that the simple heart-piercing old monster still maintained sufficient combat power, and the head was the weakness, and immediately changed the attack target.

Immediately, the lethality increased sharply.

Crops of old monsters fell in front of the devil's army, like reaping wheat.

The strongest characteristic of the old monsters is that they do not know pain, they are not afraid of death, and there are endless numbers.

In a short period of time, the armies of all parties can fight against the monsters of the past, but under the almost inexhaustible attack of the other side, even the most powerful soldiers are exhausted.

This is where the old monsters are the most difficult to deal with.

The undead, however, remain calm about this characteristic of the monsters of yesteryear.

Because they are almost the same as the old monsters, they are also unaware of pain, not afraid of death, and rely on human sea tactics to fight.

Therefore, on the entire battlefield, the confrontation between the undead and the old monsters was the most intense.

Tens of thousands of bone dragons swept across the sky, breathing dragon breath towards the old monster below.

The Headless Horseman, the Horror Knight, rode their skeleton horses and charged across the land.

The Skeleton Mage continuously releases undead buffs to the surrounding skeleton warriors, while various negative curses are applied to the monsters of the past.

The old monsters did not show weakness in the face of this set of attacks. The flying monsters that were so rotten that they could not see the original race directly surrounded the bone dragon and forcibly prevented them from attacking.

The smaller versions of the meatball monsters are like mountains, and they can withstand the charge of the horror knight head-on.

The monsters of the past, immune to various poisons and most negative states, ignored the curse of the Skeleton Mage and collided with the undead in the most direct manner.

Plasma burst, skeletons shattered.

The battlefield of the undead has become a veritable meat grinder.

Both sides have a lot of fighting power buried here at all times.

The two sides, who do not know fear and pain, just mechanically attack each other.

The scene was surprisingly strange, only the explosion of magic and the sound of puffing after the weapon pierced the body, no screaming in pain, no violent roaring.

As if a group of puppets were colliding.

Although the battlefield below is tragic and tragic, what really determines the direction of the battlefield is the battle of the gods above the sky.

This time is a more tragic war than when the Angel League fell.

The core of Destiny Slate was in the beam of light behind them, and everyone had no way out.

Either live or die.

There is no failure to speak of.

I say, light shines on the world.

The sun goddess wearing golden armor raised the golden long sword in her palm, and the sacred words in her mouth were holy and worshipped.

In the sky, a scorching ball of light appeared out of thin air as the divine words fell.

High Magic - Summon the Sun

Within a range of hundreds of kilometers around, the oppressive black clouds were dispelled by the light, and the dazzling brilliance was dazzling and dazzling.

The gods of the light system who felt the phantom of the sun had greatly increased their power and their morale was high.

The lives of the other three evil camps were miraculously not suppressed by the sun's rays.

It seems that at this moment, the two sides have been living in harmony.

The old camp, who had just stopped and waited for the arrival of the old evil god behind, was provoked when the sun phantom appeared.

This world that should not exist will surely be destroyed by us!

Nothingness and silence are the ultimate destination.

Ancient words of decay resounded in the sky.

The final battle of the gods, after the words fell, began.


The earth trembled, and the gods moved in unison.

The old monster with the body of an octopus started to attack first. The body with a thousand blades was like a mountain, and every time it lashed the ground with its tentacles, the space would burst.

Hundreds of octopus evil gods waved tentacles covered with eyeballs, and the sky seemed to be covered by a giant net, covering all the gods.

The sun goddess shouted angrily and slaughtered with a golden long sword.

The sword glow erupted with a hundred-blade phantom, directly slashing at the tentacles of the octopus that smashed.


The tentacles with dozens of blades were directly broken, and the black blood splattered and flew.

The golden energy attached to the long sword directly purifies the severed tentacles, and the most terrifying restoring power of the octopus evil god cannot take effect at all.


The octopus god let out a howl of pain,

Unforgiving, the sun goddess body suddenly disappeared in place, appearing in front of the head of the first octopus evil god.

For the sun!

With an angry shout, endless hot energy burst out from his body, and then fell like a meteor, smashing on the octopus evil god.


This level 36 octopus evil god burst directly, and the body of Qianrengao was burned to ashes at this moment.

On the other side, the God of War held a half-shattered shield in his left hand, and a broken spear in his right hand, and charged straight towards the old camp without fear.


An evil god with a body as tall as a hundred blades, like a pool of mud, aimed at the god of war.

The silt body rolled for a while, condensing more than a dozen twisted tentacles with dozens of blades, trying to directly grab the God of War.

The body of the Sludge Evil God is a mass of silt made of flesh and blood, and most physical attacks have no effect on it.

Seeing this, the god of war showed a bit of a smirk on his face, and he held the broken spearhead without fear.

Directly and violently slammed into the other party's muddy body.

Realizing that the other party dared to come to die, the Sludge Evil God instantly retracted those tentacles, and then tried his best to mobilize the old power to corrupt the other party.

devour, assimilate.

As long as it is wrapped in its divine body, even rocks will become part of it... an extremely terrifying talent.

But after a while, a razor-sharp white energy pierced out of the body of the god of the mud.

The huge body with hundreds of blades exploded directly, and the silty body that was almost immune to physical attacks was useless at this moment, and it exploded and died.

The god of war laughed wildly and rushed to the next old evil god.

The attack of the main god level is particularly fierce, but the ordinary gods are not so powerful.

Whether it is the Sludge Evil God's body that is almost immune to physical attacks, or the Octopus Evil God who has the ability to recover from terror and can quickly recover from a broken body, they have caused great trouble to ordinary gods.

Less than ten minutes after the battle, the gods of light have lost more than a dozen weak gods...

When it comes to the battle between the gods, the wildest is the devil.

Demons above level 31 dominate the single-body strength is very exaggerated, even higher than the existence of the same level in other camps.

Facing the old evil gods who were almost undead, they were not afraid at all, but instead aroused their ferocity, and they directly killed each other regardless.

Flesh open group.

This fierce state shares most of the pressure for several other factions.

Because the number of devil lords in the hell camp is only eight, the movement caused by it is not big, but it is just preventing the old evil god from seizing the territory in front of the beam of light, and it is not as crazy as other camps.

The Lord of the Nine Prisons, Asmodeus, did not take action either, but simply released a few divine arts for the devil camp. From this simple action, Asmodeus's terror could be clearly perceived.

After a few simple magic tricks, the combat effectiveness of the eight devil lords increased by at least 50%, and they strongly sniped the old evil god who wanted to kill the beam of light.

The devil's army on the ground is also soaring, killing the old monsters to retreat.

The ancestor of the undead riding on the back of the level 39 bone dragon did not even release the undead spell.

The thin body was inconspicuous in the melee of the gods, the dim fire of the soul swayed slowly, and the empty eye sockets kept looking at the beam of light.

However, the fifteen undead monarchs behind him are extremely fierce.

The power of the main god is terrifying. Every time the undead is used, the bodies of the octopus evil gods with super recovery ability will decay in large areas, as if they have been swallowed up with vitality.

Fifteen undead monarchs stopped the offensive momentum of the old evil gods with an absolutely domineering attitude.

But the undead monarchs seemed to have some scruples, and did not exert all their strength, but just repelled the old evil spirits and prevented them from approaching the beam of light.

The violent and frenzied battle between the gods has exaggerated the impact on the army below

The power dissipated by each divine art is like an eighteenth-level storm blowing across the earth, and most of the lives below level 15 are directly annihilated.

The corpses covered the ground, and in the end the parties could only stand on top of the corpses to fight.

The blood had already flowed into a river, and the dry earth could not swallow the overflowing blood even in a short period of time. When digging into the depths of the earth, you could see that the soil was blood red.

But no one retreated no matter how fierce the battle was.

The situation gradually went into a frenzy.

Looking down from the sky, the battlefield is divided into two levels. The outer periphery is the killing and collision between ordinary troops, and the scene is extremely tragic.

And the center is the battle between the gods, the scene is as exaggerated as a meteorite falling.

Heaven and earth are breaking apart, and space is turned into chaos under the bombardment of infinite power.

A void.

No one can describe the horror of the scene, and even the level on the battlefield is lower than extraordinary, and there is no qualification to look at it.

A true battle of the gods.

The ultimate battle.

Even if they are separated by a hundred miles, they can clearly sense that vast and majestic divine power.

Like towering mountains, towering between heaven and earth.

When the situation turned white-hot, the old evil gods who had been hiding in the dark clouds, those terrifying beings who controlled the priesthood and possessed wisdom.

entered the war.

The magic of the old days roared out.

The power of decay devours the earth, and the sky bursts with the dark power of death.

Hundreds of old evil gods directly attacked the gods of glory with a domineering attitude.

Use the wildest way to support the octopus evil god and the mud evil god who can only rely on the divine body and cannot use divine magic.

The fierce battle of gods between the two sides is now more like cold water dripping into boiling oil.

It exploded countless times more than before.

The battle situation intensified, and the space around the city of Lisl was blurred, and the violent spatial turbulence even prevented the gods of medium power from passing through the space.

The cracks that have always existed in the sky are now being bombarded by the force beyond the limit of the world, and gradually shattered, becoming a more infiltrating gate of the old space.

The endless power of the old days poured into the main plane, and even from those gaps, it was possible to go directly to the chaotic void, the birthplace of the old camp.

The influx of a large number of old days power greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the old days camp.

The scene gradually got out of control.

The gods below the 35th-level medium power have become cannon fodder on this terrifying battlefield of the gods.

Even if these top-level beings that are admired on weekdays have all kinds of terrifying means of life-saving, at this time, one will fall every one or two minutes.

The twilight of the gods, the heaven and the earth are whining.

The earth shattered under the vast divine power, and the flat ground collapsed like a paper shell being trampled on.

The situation gradually collapsed to an unacceptable level.

But in such a situation, Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Prisons, and the ancestor of the undead still did not do anything, and their eyes were fixed on the pillar of light.

At a certain point, the two seemed to notice something, and the originally thin breath began to swept up like a storm.

God is like a prison.


Suddenly, a crisp sound resounded in the surrounding sky for hundreds of miles, and the beam of light that reached the sky was like a broken glass, bursting open inch by inch.

Brush~ An incomparably bright light shines on the world, even if it is thousands of miles apart, you can feel the light flashing at this moment. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The terrifying energy shock wave was like an eighteenth-level storm, rushing towards the surroundings in a destructive attitude.

The door of space opened by the three evil factions was directly torn apart, and the armies of various races were directly torn apart like withered grass in the energy shock wave.

The corpses of tens of millions of troops have paved the land with a picture of unspeakable blood.

But the gods close to the city of Lisl did not have the slightest idea of ​​retreating, but one by one, their eyes widened and they looked at the place where the beam of light was broken.

I saw a crystal altar floating above the sky.

At the top of the altar, an unpretentious stone was exuding a breath that made everyone's heart beat faster.

The core of the Slate of Destiny was born.

The air suddenly dignified at this moment.

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