I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 518 1 Everything, in order to break the dawn, the war is coming

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In the Scarlet Mage Tower, Li De is looking at the information sent by the intelligence command center at this time. As time goes by, the situation changes more and more, and he must always control the overall situation.

But as he pondered, suddenly, a powerful force enveloped his body.

The power in the body instantly increased several levels.

Ding~ The Boneyard has been upgraded successfully.

Hearing the sound of the system, Li De's face showed a bit of surprise.

Finally upgraded!

The next second, the brush ~ figure disappeared directly in the scarlet mage tower.

Burial place.

Li De floated on the desk, staring at this plane full of death.

Burial Ground (Plane of the Undead)

Level: god level

Other, slightly...

The power of death: 2.09 billion (can consume the power of death to increase the power of the plane)

Plane area: 500,000 blades in diameter (500 kilometers)

Anchored Coordinates - City of Dawn (You can open the door of space within 3000 kilometers in diameter of Dawn City to enter the Boneyard)

After being upgraded from Legendary to God-level, the area of ​​the Bone Burial Ground has soared from 100 kilometers to 500 kilometers. At the same time, the distance to open the gate of space has also increased from 1,500 kilometers to 3,000 kilometers.

Now he can completely return to Dawn City through the Bone Burial Ground in an instant.

After upgrading to the god-level plane, Li De felt that the power attached to him by the Bone Burial Ground had reached its limit.

According to his estimation, ordinary weak divine spirits can only be regarded as scum in front of him, and maybe medium divine powers can overwhelm him.

A plane with a diameter of 500 kilometers, how terrifying the power it contains.

And the power of death, which was not rich before, has reached 2 billion at this time.

This is a great treasure, and he can consume the power of death to increase the power of the Burial Ground, just as he burns the power of faith.

And the power of the Bone Burial Ground is attached to him, in other words, he can consume the power of death to improve his power.

In this way, when facing the enemy, there is an additional layer of protection.

The power of death, the power of faith, the power of fate...

These three forces on his body can greatly increase his strength.

Among them, the power of destiny is the most important, and it is even exaggerated to the point that it can directly invoke the power of the main plane of glory to revive the consciousness of the plane.

It took a long time for Li De to suppress the excitement caused by the surge in his body.

With a wave of his hand, he sealed the Destiny Slate Fragment sent by Huaxia officials, which had been devoured by the power of Destiny, into the depths of the Bone Burial Ground, together with the other 7 Destiny Slate fragments.

30 Shards of Destiny, he now owns 8.

When the Angel League had hundreds of gods at its peak, it only had 8,

This figure is an exaggeration.

If you let outsiders know, I am afraid that he will become a thorn in the eye in an instant, and he will encounter the most terrifying hunting.

Therefore, Li De will not use these Destiny Slate fragments easily until the critical moment.

Outsiders are waiting for the birth of the core of the Slate of Destiny, why is he not like this...

Li De floated in mid-air, overlooking this plane that was so vast that it was almost boundless, with a satisfied smile on his face.

This plane, which he had obtained a long time ago, finally reached a complete body from a broken state.

to restore its former glory.

At this time, the undead and the abyss demon who had been fighting each other in the Burial Ground had disappeared without a trace.

A week ago, he cut off the door of space connecting the Bone Burial Ground with the outside world, and prepared for the battle with all his strength.

All the lives of non-Dawn City in the Burial Ground have been strangled.

The plan to kill pigs by borrowing a knife, which was once decided with great effort, has been carried out for more than a year, and the task has been completed perfectly.

The darkness dominates at this time node,

I have long been in no mood to pay attention to such trivial matters as invading the abyss.

Li De closed his eyes slightly, mentally communicated with the Plane Stone, and then he felt the entire burial place in an instant, and all the existences in it were under his gaze.

After scanning the entire plane, his attention turned to the already cast magic alchemy cannon and god-hunting crossbow.

The figure flashed and appeared in the void on the other side

Looking down, tens of thousands of people are like ants, busy all the time.

Amy, who was in charge of managing the Bone Burial Ground, immediately appeared in front of him after sensing Li De's breath.

Good day, Your Majesty.

How's it going?

Amy was quite excited. The alchemy magic cannon has been debugged dozens of times, and there is no problem. It can be put into battle at any time.

After he finished speaking, he indicated the 25 alchemy magic cannons that had been built on the ground below. The huge gun barrels protruded from the ground, and the dense runes and magic power fluctuations were filled with the unique alchemy flavor of Glory.

The magic circles of the alchemy magic cannon are all buried deep in the ground, with a depth of 50 blades.

The enemy can only attack the muzzle from above, so even if the muzzle is damaged, as long as the alchemy magic circle below is not damaged, it can be replaced and repaired immediately.

Amy got more excited the more she talked.

And all the magic spar has been placed on the magic circle. When operating, you only need to activate the magic circle to attack directly, and there is no need to replace the magic spar in the middle.

Can shoot until the energy of the magic spar is exhausted.

As I told you before, 4 magic circles can be connected together to burst out an attack of level 35 medium divine power.

It's very easy to connect in this way, just need a thought, connect a few key magic nodes, you can connect them together...

With Amy's detailed introduction, Li De had a clearer understanding of these magic alchemy cannons.

It is indeed the top-level alchemy crystallization of ancient goblins, and it has fully exerted alchemy to the extreme.

The alchemy magic cannon that has been built does not even need other people to operate.

As long as Li De uses the power of the plane, a single thought can complete the whole process of activating the magic cannon and launching the magic cannon.

It is also very simple to connect the alchemy magic cannons in series. The barrier materials on several nodes are moved aside, and the magic array can be directly connected in series.

If you want to separate again, you only need to put the material blocking the magic circle back to its original position.

It was his idea.

There is no need to direct the people below to operate it, which is extremely convenient.

This directly put an end to the critical moment of the war, the following situation where no orders were received, or no one came to operate after being killed.

He can control these big killers alone.

This is not the end, Amy continued to indicate an area more than ten kilometers away.

There are densely packed god-hunting crossbows.

These god-hunting crossbows are about 5 blades long, and are fixed in the fortresses built up of boulders.

The fortress is inlaid on the ground, with strong magical fluctuations shining on it.

And these fortresses exposed ferocious shooting holes. In the shooting holes, strong orcs were carrying crossbow arrows with the thickness of adults' calves.

Your Majesty, a total of 35 God-hunting crossbows have been built, and the latest five are made from the body of the devil god you provided...

Among them, the top-level hunting crossbow can burst out the damage of the 40-level main god.

However, due to design drawbacks, the Godhunter Crossbow cannot be completely handed over to you like the Magic Alchemy Cannon.

Must be used in conjunction with soldiers.

These strong orcs are my hand-picked crossbow shooters, and in order to prevent unexpected situations, I have specially developed a new plague for them to use.

After being infected by this plague, they will be immune to magic such as mental shock and hallucination seduction, and their strength will be enhanced to the extreme, and their facial features will be extra sensitive.

Even tireless and hurt, the spirit is always in a high-pitched state, which is very suitable for high-intensity battles.

Li De's eyes lit up.

Why don't you promote such an excellent plague?

There was regret in Amy's eyes.

They have acquired such a powerful ability in exchange for their lives, and after contracting this plague, their lives will be burned, and they will die in about seven days.

With the blood of magic, it can barely extend the lifespan to 10 days.

Li De fell into silence. Although contracting this plague can bring huge benefits, the price to be paid is also cruel.

After a while, his face became extremely solemn, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

Immediately infect the demon legion of the abyss with this plague, and I can already feel the power at the core of the Slate of Destiny breaking out of the fog.

The last war is not far away...

In this battle, no matter how heavy the cost, he must win.

The City of Dawn has long since had no way out.

Either live, or die with the world.

There is no third option.

Li De's serious words kept on giving orders.

Immediately pass my military order to transfer all the troops in the City of Dawn that can participate in the war to the Bone Burial Ground.

Centaur Legion, Orc Legion, Halfling Legion, Giant Legion, Demon Legion, Underground Race Legion...

There are also the cleric legion of the Chapel of Dawn, the caster legion of the Dawn Mage Tower, all the bloodborn of the Holy Light blood family...

In addition, the King's Blade Legion, the Wings of Dawn Legion, and the Marine Legion of the Sea Clan God Department were also transferred.

This time, he will have all the chips.

Not one left.

Furthermore, inform the city hall and inform all the inhabitants of the real situation of this war to all the territories under the jurisdiction of the City of Dawn.

At the same time, residents above level 10 are allowed to apply to participate in the war.

Amy's heart trembled when she heard this, and she took a few deep breaths to suppress the emotional fluctuations in her heart.

Your Majesty, will this cause confusion...

Chaos? No, everyone in Dawn City should know what they're going to face, and what our army has done for them.

Li De's temperament is unquestionable.

He would never allow his troops to fight on the front lines, but the residents were ignorant and even criticized these heroes.

Amy didn't dare to say anything more after hearing this, her eyes became solemn, looking at Li De's eyes with a frenzy of trust from the heart.

Your Majesty, under your leadership, the City of Dawn will surely win!!

To break the dawn! ! !

Li De took a deep look at the first second-generation blood descendant who was subdued by him, and also shouted the slogan that condensed all his beliefs.

Everything, for the breaking of dawn!!




Daybreak will be involved in an unprecedented post-God War in a few days when the Town Hall posts all the information about the Shard of Destiny and the Invasion of the Old Days in all prominent places in the city.

The entire Dawn City was a sensation.

Fear, anger, fear, disbelief... all kinds of negative emotions hang over everyone.

Recker stood under the notice for a long time, and finally turned and left in silence after hearing the narrator read it for the third time.

As one of the first inhabitants of Eric Township to join Dawn City, Reker was reused from the start.

When the population of Dawn City was only 3,000 to 5,000 people, he became the head of the logistics department, and now he controls the logistics department with more than 5,000 employees.

In the City of Dawn, his status is definitely top notch.

Walking on the bluestone-paved street, watching the hurried footsteps, or the faces of fear or anger, the pedestrians discussing the old invasion with each other.

Recker's expression has not changed much, silence is the only melody.

bang bang bang ~

As he was about to cross the road, the alchemy railcar drove past and blocked his footsteps.

Several residents who stopped at the same time recognized him and hurriedly saluted.

Reckel nodded slightly and continued to walk to the logistics department in silence.

Looking at this majestic city so different from a few years ago, there is an inexplicable power fermenting in his heart.

Step by step, the sound of footsteps seemed to be stepping on his heart.

Half an hour later, he came to the door of a shop in the old town, looked up at the plaque above, his eyes were a little hazy.

In a trance, he saw the picture of him hanging the plaque with his own hands a few years ago.

After standing for a long time, he pushed the door and entered.

There were not many people in the house, only a few clerks were watching the store. After seeing Reker's arrival, they hurried forward to salute.

Reckel nodded and ignored a few people, and looked at the store carefully.

He remembered that he personally arranged everything here, and this store was also the first store opened by the logistics department...

Time is really fast, it seems like a lifetime in a blink of an eye.

Without Lord Li De, maybe I would have starved to death on the way to Green City...

Several shop assistants in the house looked at Reker's strange behavior and looked at him with some puzzlement.

Lord Rekel, are you?

Reckel smiled, This may be the last time I come here, I'm really reluctant...

After speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for the questioning clerk to ask.

Just after walking out of the store, two figures with serious faces suddenly walked towards them.

After seeing Reckel, both of them were relieved.

Uncle Patril, where are you going?

As Patril, who also came to Dawn City from Eric Town, has always had a very close relationship with Rekel.

Hearing this, Patril looked at the boy beside him who had grown to the height of his chest, and then his tone was somewhat determined.

Reckel, little Pat will trouble you...

Reckel was startled and turned to look at the stubborn boy.

Uncle Patril, are you?

Patril's eyes were firm, I have read the notice, His Majesty Kachar told us everything.

This time, I will apply to join the Guardian Legion.

The City of Dawn is our home, the city we will defend with our lives, no one can trample it, and no one can dim the glory of Kachar! !

After he finished speaking, he looked at little Patrier beside him with a bit of relief and reluctance.

But little Pat is still young and has a better future.

When he grows up, he needs to continue to guard the City of Dawn...

So, so I hope you can help me take care of little Pat.

Hearing this, the stubborn little Patriel shouted.

No, Father!! I've grown up and I'll be 14 in three days!

I'm not a coward, I'm going to apply for war too!

I'm going to kill those damn old monsters! I want to protect Dawn City! !

Recker looked at the two of them with a long sigh, and finally shook his head slowly.

Uncle Patril, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this.

Patriel was stunned for a moment and wanted to say something, but Rekel waved his hand and grinned.

The City of Dawn is your home, isn't it mine?

This glorious city gives us hope and everything!

This time, I will draw the sword for the city lord of Kachar, defend the glory of the crown, and guard our common home.

After speaking, his eyes were solemn and he said solemnly.

Everything, for the breaking of dawn!!

Patrier only felt a kind of power gushing out in his heart.

For the breaking of dawn!!

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