I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 512 Earth space is broken, old monsters appear

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The Dawn Gods have the goddess of destiny in charge? ! ! After the Master of Darkness heard Li De's words, the fire of the soul shook for a while.

But he immediately reacted and asked questions with doubts.

Dawn Lord God, there is no goddess of fate in glory, you don't need to use this to deceive me!!

The birth of the Slate of Destiny was created by the God of Creation to replace the Goddess of Destiny.

Others may not know these secrets, but after being dead for so long, what do they not know?

Li De looked directly at the master of darkness with a solemn tone.

Deception? No, Lord of Darkness, if you hadn't become the undead monarch, you wouldn't be eligible to know this news.

Do you know who was originally guarding the Slate of Destiny?

The Dark Lord hesitated immediately.

The Slate of Destiny was stolen by the old evil gods.

But this news, all undead monarchs do not know...

He immediately raised a bit of spirit and asked slowly.

Dawn Lord God, what do you mean, the Goddess of Destiny was really born on the main plane of glory?

The previous Slate of Destiny was in the hands of the Goddess of Destiny? But why do we never perceive the existence of destiny?

After the voice fell, the empty eye sockets stared at Li De.

Because his next sentence will directly determine the direction of the future glory situation.

Li De exceeded the expectations of the master of darkness, and directly shook his head in denial.

No, glory never gave birth to a goddess of destiny.

Dawn Lord God, I can't understand what you said, then why do you say that the Dawn God Department has the Goddess of Destiny in charge...

The Lord of Darkness was a little confused by Li De. Since the Goddess of Destiny was not born, where would the Goddess of Destiny come from? ?

Li De smiled slightly.

Glory never gave birth to a goddess of destiny, so wouldn't other multiple planes be born?

This sentence made the fire of the dark master's soul explode, as if gasoline was poured into the fire.

The mighty divine might surged out, and the surrounding space seemed to be condensed at this moment.

Other multi-dimensional planes?!!

That ethereal and empty tone rarely brought a bit of excitement.

Dawn Lord God, do you have connections with other multi-dimensional planes?

Li De smiled, neither denying nor confirming, and continued the topic just now.

The goddess of fate who joined the Dawning God system is the glory of following the god of creation.

She even participated in creation herself!

After the creation of the world was completed, the God of Creation entrusted her with the responsibility of guarding the Slate of Destiny.

It was not until the Stone of Destiny was stolen by the old evil god that she reappeared in the world.

Dawning God has such a character in charge. In your opinion, it is half a point worse than the undead?

The Dark Lord fell silent.

If what Li De said is true, then even if there are fifteen monarchs in the plane of the dead, there is nothing to show off...

The goddess of destiny, that is a higher level existence than life and death, and does not need any other superfluous words, just this god name is enough to represent everything.

After pondering for a long time, he slowly said, I need to confirm whether the information you said is true...

This is related to the future situation, and he can't let Li De agree to it without a word.

Li De nodded.

That being the case, we will come again tomorrow at noon to discuss the alliance, and hope that the other fourteen monarchs will be there.

And the goddess of fate of the dawn god system will also appear on time.

The matter of forming an alliance with the undead is too important. It is far from being decided in two simple sentences. Everyone has their own plans, and it may be so easy to change themselves.

And this plan was just a temporary idea, and he hadn't communicated with Kaslina yet.

When it comes to this, the two have their own thoughts, so there is nothing to talk about.

After Li De and the master of darkness determined the specific time, they dispelled the magic mirror.

Sensing the disappearance of the breath of the dark master, the mermaid master god who had been silent all the time said with a bit of curiosity at this time.

Lord Kachar, is His Highness Philomis really willing to cooperate with the undead?

Philomis was Kaslina's previous name, and the Sea Clan always called her that.

In the eyes of the main mermaid god, Kaslina is the ancestor of the sea clan, and she has the power to control fate, so her status is so noble.

It's too disgraceful to be allied with the undead.

Li De was dumbfounded when he heard this, because you don't know how much pain Kaslina has to bear every day.

The whole world, hundreds of millions of lives are cursing her, how can that kind of torture be described in simple words?

If you are her, let alone ally with the undead, even with the boars, as long as you can relieve the pain, you will be happy...

The undead are a force that can change the situation, and the advantages of forming an alliance with these beings outweigh the disadvantages.

Moreover, the conditions he proposed are absolutely in line with the interests of the City of Dawn. He has a full seven pieces of Destiny Slate in his hand, and he owns a quarter of it. He does not believe that the undead have more control than him...

Your Majesty Virginia, please go back to the City of Dawn to inform Her Royal Highness Philomis of today's news, and she will naturally make a decision.

You can also send back the divine body of the hell lord.

The Mermaid Lord God heard the words and nodded slowly, and didn't ask any more questions.

The Hai people are a neutral race, and she doesn't care who Li De cooperates with, as long as it's good for the overall situation.




Li De, who was planning to form an alliance with the undead, did not know that the earth had been turned upside down at this time.

Because the gap in the sky has expanded again, the old energy is almost condensed into water mist!

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the American Federation of the Earth, the Great Eagle Empire, the Neon Country, the Northern Hairy Bear and Huaxia. There are space cracks in the territory of these five countries!

And through the space rift, the ancient monsters in glory can directly invade the earth...

The moment the news came out, it directly detonated public opinion, and the whole world was in an uproar.

Previously, the crack in the sky brought extremely exaggerated pressure to the entire human society. Now, this pressure has directly risen to the extreme.

That is the monster of the past that will destroy everything! ! Seeing in the glory can still return the mentality of the game, but now they have appeared at the door of the house! ! Who can calm down? ?

All of a sudden, various countries immediately began to mobilize urgently. The army took over the city and public security, and took control of the station to control the media. The wind changed.

Fortunately, the spatial rift that appeared in Huaxia was not in a crowded place, but in a sparsely populated prairie.

In the Mengnei Grassland, next to a small village with no name on map navigation, on the lush grass, within a kilometer in diameter, the space is rippling like water waves.

Looking down from a distance, you can clearly see that there is another world with scorched earth in this space.

In that world, countless whitish, swollen, decaying and distorted monsters wandered around, and where they passed, the vitality subsided, leaving only a void and dead silence...

Some of these monsters are particularly sensitive to space. After sensing an aura they have never felt before, they ripped open the fragile space like tearing open a newspaper, and appeared on the earth outrageously.

The appearance of those old monsters is distorted, there is no standard shape, the only thing that is the same is the power of decay and chaos.

After they appeared in this lush grassy area, the surrounding grass immediately turned yellow.

Plants start to dry and brown quickly...

It was a group of herdsmen who first discovered that the monsters of the past appeared in the territory of China. Their cattle and sheep were frightened by the monsters of the past and fled wildly.

In order to find out the culprit, several people went to check it out.

As a result, the old monsters that numbered in the hundreds of thousands were seen in the hills in the distance.

The scene was extremely horrific.

And after those monsters gathered to a certain number, they have begun to spread around.

The herdsmen were so frightened that they promptly reported it to the authorities.

This news immediately attracted the attention of the officials.

Within a few minutes, the satellites in the sky immediately confirmed the authenticity of the news.

When satellite images captured the disgusting old monsters, there was an immediate uproar.

The red alert was raised.

At this time, several towns and villages have been attacked by monsters of the past. Because of the development of the Internet, in just ten minutes, the entire China and even the whole world knew that there were spatial gaps in the Huaxia grassland.

The army stationed near the grassland is now dispatching at the fastest speed, and helicopters and drones immediately take off to the accident site.

At the same time, the official passed the news to everyone through the media that within 100 kilometers of the area where the old monster appeared, everyone should retreat and evacuate.

Although the whole incident broke out suddenly, under the official and orderly response, there was not much confusion.

The third hour of the monster of the past.

Tens of thousands of troops rushed to the battlefield.

At the same time, all the people in the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of kilometers began to evacuate.

The official media did not keep this matter secret, but instead started live broadcasts through drones for the first time.

And this is also the first time humans have intuitively seen these terrifying old monsters around them.

The official live broadcast caused a huge sensation in a short period of time.

Many people are surprised by this. Why should the news be made public? Wouldn't it be better to block it and deal with it in secret? Wouldn't this cause panic or even social unrest?

But in the afternoon and evening, after the army entered the position and opened fire, most people knew why Huaxia dared to broadcast live.

Countless shells fell from the sky like rain.

The footage shot by the drone broadcast live at an altitude of several thousand meters is full of fireworks.

After the cannonball with a long flame tail whizzed in the air, it smashed to the ground, and then a huge flame rose in an instant. Those old monsters were directly torn apart by the shock wave or burned to death by the high temperature.

Bomb washing, this is the real bomb washing, which is countless times more arrogant than the alchemy bomb in Dawn City.

Because Huaxia experienced the pain of insufficient firepower at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, artillery has always been the first priority to develop.

After a lapse of decades, this time Huaxia's muzzle was aimed at the old monsters that invaded the earth, and finally showed the results of the development of violent soldiers under the fear of insufficient firepower.

In the core area where the old monsters descended, the fireworks did not stop for half an hour...

Countless netizens saw this kind of scene for the first time, and their hearts were also excited. It turned out that the army guarding them was already so strong.

The confidence of Huaxia's official dare to live broadcast is so strong that it is boundless.

And those old monsters that were scattered around at the beginning did not survive for long, and were quickly found and killed by the army's carpet search.

Most of these old monsters were level 10 and even a lot of them were level 15, with physical fitness far exceeding that of ordinary humans.

However, all this is a bubble under the attack of modern thermal weapons.

These monsters who only know killing, in the face of a single weapon that is more terrifying than the Barrett sniper rifle, is the life of a headshot.

If the monsters of the old days had intelligence, it might have a big impact on the army, but fortunately, the monsters of the old days only know how to kill and destroy.

When a country's interior is intact, the power that can be used is absolutely heaven-defying.

The space gap that appeared in Huaxia was controlled in a very short period of time.

According to some statistics, it took no more than 6 hours for those old monsters to spread from the appearance to the control of the situation, and the casualties were only the residents of the surrounding villages when they first spread, about a hundred people...

In the face of such a world-destroying disaster, it is already a miracle that only this number of people can sacrifice.

In contrast, several other countries with spatial gaps are not so good.

The space gap of the American Federation is directly near New York. This federal country that makes good use of Hollywood to export its own values ​​to the world and ends with the American Federation saving the world every time has really got the task of saving the world at this moment... .

There are more than fifty or sixty two or three hundred blade-long spatial gaps scattered around New York, from which the monsters of the old days poured out like a tide.

Among them, the extraordinary level 15 old monsters even appeared extraordinary.

Once transcendence is reached, it is no longer an ordinary life.

Even heavy artillery bombardment cannot be fatal to the opponent, and only intensive bombing can kill those extraordinary.

And because the gates of space are too scattered, the army of the United States cannot be mobilized in time, causing a large number of old monsters to erode the surrounding cities.

After just a few hours, the situation felt like it was going to get out of control.

For a time, the entire United States began to fall into fear.

In the Great Eagle Empire, the former empire on which the sun never sets was even more tragic. Because of the weakening of its national strength, the number of troops had already dropped to freezing point.

When the gate of space was broken, the whole country had to rely on ordinary security personnel to go to the battlefield with guns.

Even the bombardment of heavy artillery was delayed until the next day... But at this time, the old monsters had reached one million, and it had become a terrifying disaster.

If you want to annihilate them all, I am afraid that you will have to pay an extremely tragic price.

The most violent response to the old monsters is the furry bear in the north, UU reading www. uukanshu.com This underdeveloped country with exaggerated military strength launched the craziest attack in a very short period of time.

Those old monsters that just appeared were not left with the scum that was directly bombarded.

Even their supreme leader signed an order to use nuclear bombs at any time.

Called domineering.

And among these few countries with space gaps, the most tragic is the neon country of the plaster flag.

The space gap appeared directly in their most prosperous Tokyo, and the old monsters went out of control after seeing the crowd.

In just seven or eight hours, half of Tokyo fell, and millions of people died. The scene was tragic.

By the time their Self-Defense Forces arrived, the monsters of the past had already spread, and there was no way to destroy them with a simple artillery bombardment.

Because the monsters of the old days are also mixed with a large number of humans, if this is shelling, I am afraid that the number of dead humans is several times that of the monsters of the old days.

Neon Country was unable to cope with the crisis, and began to ask for help... but unfortunately, at this point in time, no one paid any attention to him.

Even his father, the United States Federation, did not respond. Instead, they dispatched an aircraft carrier formation to return to the mainland. At this point in time, they could no longer care about this son.

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