At night, the Crimson Mage Tower.

Li De, who had just finished socializing, was in a good mood. He originally thought that the relationship with Roma tonight would be a tough battle. It would be difficult to win the trust of a noble with just a few words.

But things went more smoothly than expected. Li De gave him some attention to the aristocratic young man who was in love, and the two had another drink.

This noble child with a good character has drawn a lot closer under his flickering, a conversation between nobles that has no surprises.

There was no turbulence in the whole process, which made him feel good.

Call Laurent, the steward of the Golden Wheat Chamber of Commerce is now about to become his errand.

But there is no way. There are too few people who can use it in Green City. Most of the apprentices in the Mage Tower are teenagers who have never been beaten by society.

Li De, a person in the Jinmai Chamber of Commerce, is also not familiar with it, and only Laurent can use it easily.

Laurent, starting tomorrow, we will purchase a batch of cotton, cloth, and farm tools. The number will be prepared according to 8,000 people.


Laurent took a deep breath after hearing this.

Eight thousand people's supplies, is Master Li De planning to go to war?

Lord Li De, because of those goddamn orcs, the price of supplies has risen sharply during this period. If we can wait for the spring of next year, after the orcs recede...

Li De interrupted Laurent with a wave of his hand, his tone unquestionable.

No, Laurent, you just have to go and get the job done

His eyes were thunderous, with irrefutable domineering.

whatever it takes

Four words are enough to say everything.

Laurent was shocked, and looked at Li De with a sense of fear in his heart. He felt a little strange inexplicably. During this time, Li De's good words made him almost forget that this is the high-ranking Master Mage.

The other party controls his fate, and life and death are all within a word.

The cold sweat on the back quietly wet the clothes, Laurent, who is Laurent who gave you the courage to question Lord Li De at will? !

He spoke hastily.

Yes, Mr. Li De, your order is the direction of the Jinmai Chamber of Commerce. No matter what it is, even if you want a soldier's weapon, I will buy it.

Li De took a deep look at Laurent.

Laurent, do it well, don't let me down

After speaking, his tone softened, Is your daughter fifteen years old? If you do well this time, you can send her to the Mage Tower to learn magic next year.

Laurent was full of surprises and looked at Li De in disbelief,

Lord Li De, I, the priest of the Temple of Life, said that my daughter is not talented enough to be a mage...

Li De smiled lightly.

Don't play these tricks, the Mage Tower has recently developed a new magic potion that can make people break through to become a full-fledged Mage.

Wina and Karoo believe you have seen them.

As long as you make enough credit, your daughter will also have a chance to get the magic potion worth 300 kipuk.

Laurent suddenly smiled.

Lord Li De, you really can see the truth better than the goddess. I swear like the goddess of life that I will definitely complete all the tasks you have given me.

Go down, contact the seller first, and then come back to get Kim Puck


If you encounter difficulties, you can find Roma from the Alex Chamber of Commerce, he will help

Li De said casually, and Laurent's body froze, and the look in Li De's eyes became more and more respectful.

Rom would help, and his tone was understatement, but Laurent knew the weight of those words. He was the son of the Marquis. He didn't expect that the relationship between the two would develop to such an extent after just meeting each other once.

Li De's handsome face became more and more mysterious in his heart and made him respect it.

Seeing Laurent leave energetically, Li De smiled slightly.

Hit a stick to a sweet date, although this method is old-fashioned, it has to be said that it is still very useful.

People are lazy, and although Laurent has been working hard during this time, it gives him a feeling of being more conservative and less open.

Now that he has the obsession that his daughter can become a full-fledged mage, I believe that this guy will definitely work hard to help him.

All he has to pay is a cup of magical blood, and it is still far in the future.

For him, the cost is close to nothing.

The capitalist Li De is very satisfied with this.

But the lack of manpower once again made him feel constrained.

Whether it's Dawn City or the Crimson Mage Tower, too few people can use it now.

Dawn City doesn't need to be concerned for the time being. When there are more humans, the number of blood clans can be expanded in the spring of next year.

However, the Scarlet Mage Tower is different from the blood clan. The cultivation of human beings requires a lot of time and resources. It is not like the blood clan to obtain the talents of the upper race just by becoming a blood clan.

It's time for a fresh batch of blood at the Crimson Mage Tower. UU Reading

Looking at the dark night sky outside the window, Li De was thoughtful.

the next day.

A news broke out that excited the area around the Crimson Mage Tower.

The Crimson Mage Tower intends to recruit a group of wizard apprentices and a group of merchant apprentices.

Of course, the previous news was the main point that excited them, and the merchant apprentice was selectively ignored.

The goddess is on top, that is the scarlet mage tower. There are less than 10 mage towers in the entire Green City. Apart from the three archmage, only 5 senior mage can have their own mage tower.

And the area where they are located, the Crimson Mage Tower is one of them.

Become a Master Mage.

What a tempting thing to do.

I don't know how many people are boiling that day when I think that I can also become a high-ranking Master Master one day.

This is especially true for families with children between the ages of ten and twenty.

The small square outside the gate of the Scarlet Mage Tower, which was usually deserted, was crowded with people, and several mage apprentices who were responsible for releasing news were surrounded by a crowd of people.

Master Mage, my daughter is only thirty-two years old. She has a talent for magic. Can you make her your apprentice too?

Only recruits between the ages of 10 and 20? My son is only 3 years old, but his magical talent will definitely make the goddess of magic admire. This Master Mage, let my son try it, please.. …”

I, this lord, see if I can? I definitely have the talent of a mage, lord...

My lord, here are 5 gold pucks, as long as you send my daughter to the mage tower, it will be yours...

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